The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, July 14, 1944, Image 6

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Post-War Jobs For Wives
Will Boost Divorce Rates
Servicemen's wives with war
time jobs were advised today by
Dr. Macklin E. John, professor of
rural sociology at the College to
consider homemaking a fulltime
job when their husbands return
.—or face the prospect of a bro
ken home.
"Fulltime interests outside the
home," he said, "unquestionably
lessen interest in the home. Wo
men who work destroy the sat
isfaction to be gained from home
making both for their husbands
and for themselves," the sociol
ogist added.
Because no woman can do two
jobs as well as one, many chil
dren—and husbands, too—will
show the effects of wartime ne
glect, he said. Divorce rates, he
warned, are higher in marriages
where the woman is employed
outside the home.
While women should consider
homes and families their primary
responsibility, they should not
completely abandon outside in-
IWA, IMA Combine Forces;
Sponsor Dungaree Dance
IWA and IMA are combining
their forces to sponsor the "Dun
garee Dance" in the Armory, 8:30
p. m. Saturday July 29. Slacks,
dungarees, fatigue clothes, and
cotton dresses will be the prefer
red costume for the barn dance.
For the admission fee of $.25
per person, students may dance
both square and round dances to
suitable tunes played on a juke
box. Men and women may come
either stag or with dates.
Social chairman, Robert Bare_
foot and Virginia Biernes, are ar
ranging for the music and decora
ti"ns. The group is planning •do
nuts and cokes as refreshments.
Remember the servicemen with a subscription to the COLLEGIAN. No matter where
he is hell want to keep in touch with Penn State, and there is no better way than
through the COLLEGIAN. Stop at Student Union or'the COLLEGIAN office today and
zet his subscription.
The Collegian
terests, Dr. John advised.
Supplementing family life with
participation in community af
fairs, he continued, will make
the wife a better marriage part
ner, because she will be more
understanding of her husband's
problems, a better conversation
alist, and more broad-minded.
Community and social .organi
zaticms must prepare now, Dr.
John added, to meet the tremend
ous problem of postwar social
readjustment. He suggests estab
lishment of counseling centers,
where returning veterans may
discuss their vocational and per
sonal problems.
Frosh - Coeds To Return
Pop-In Night Sunday
To, return the visits of upper
class women last Sunday evening,
freshmen coeds will "pop_in" on
the women in' Grange and Ather
ton Halls this Sunday from 7:30
to 9:00 p. m. These Pop-In nights
are held each semester accord
ing to an old tradition of the Col
lege. The purpose of the visits is
to better acquaint new freshmen
with upperclass women.
All upperclass coeds should re
main in their rooms Sunday night
to greet the freshmen.
Hillel To Give Concert
In place of its usual music con
cert on Sunday afternoon, Hillel is
offering a new Pops Concert to be
given at the foundation Sunday
evening at 6:30.
Donald Fine is in charge of the
program of records. Isobel Levine
is supervising hostesses and re
freshments. All are welcome.
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Remember' The Servicemen
Send Him A Subscription of
Delta Gamma
As the first of its summer acti
vities, Delta Gamma sorority will
go on a cabin party at Whipple's
Dam Saturday. Twenty members
are expected to make the trip.
Sigma Delta Tau
Sigma Delta Tau sorority re
cently purchased two heavy bom
bers and an ambulance through
the purchase of War Bonds. The
bombers are to be named "The
Spirit of SDT" and "Torch of Sig
ma Delta Tau."
Theta Phi Alpha
Theta Phi Alpha will hold a
party for members of the V-12
Unit at the sorority house Wed
nesday evening from 7 until 10
IWA Installs Officers
At Candlelight Service
IWA will hold its candlelight
installation service for newly
elected council members in 401
Old Main 7 p. m. on Monday. All
independent women are urged to
attend. Any interested coed may
become a council member by at
tending four consecutive weekly
council meetings.
Temporary officers appointed
to carry on the duties of the re
gular officers who have not re
turned for the summer semester
are: Rose Schulman, preOdent;
Kathryn Arbogast, corresponding
secretary; Betty Luchtemeyer, re
cording secretary; and Mildred
Gross, treasurer.
Women In Sports
• It has become a tradition in
many colleges and universities
throughout the country to award
an honor cup to outstanding wom
en groups in. athletics.
Ten years ago, the Point Cup of
Penn State was first awarded to
Chi Omega Sorority for obtaining
the greatest achievements in wom
en's sport's for one complete col
lege year. The cup was retained
for one year, when it was awarded
to the new winning group.
At a special WRA meeting Wed
nesday evening, Mary Gundel, In
tramural chairman, again awarded
this trophy to Chi Omega's repre
sentative, June Thomas, for amass
ing a total of 28 points in the past
summer, winter, and spring semes
Atherton East rated-second place
last year with -13 points, with
Kappa Alpha Theta standing third,
accumulating 10 points.
Club activities will get under
way this week, ac girding to Har
riett Miller, club — ctivities chair
man. The follow : . .g. schedule for
initial meetings e .lias been an
nounced by Mis.tMiller:
Modern Dancie Club, Rhythm
Room, 7:30 p.m. Monday; Fay
Young, vice-president; Mrs. Lucey
Hohenberger, adviser, in charge.
Tennis Club at the, courts, 6:45
p.m. Tuesday; Marjorie Mattern,
president, in charge. In case of
rain, the group will meet in White
Golfers will meet in front of
WSGA Announces Four
Summer Replacements
At the first meeting of summer
semester WSGA announced 'the
repreientatives • who will „er
for the summer - those members of
,WSGA who have not returned for
this semester. They include °jun
ior senators Floy Robinson and
Sarah Masourovsky,.. sophomore
senator Ann Berkheimer, and
town senator Joan Huber.
WSGA presidents Gertrude Ros
en recommended. that the women
of the College offer their services
in the dining rooms to help the
acute shortage of help: She added
that the students of . Wellesley and
Vassar have inaugurated a system
whereby all work - in the dormi
tories and the dining rooms is
being undertaken by the students.
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nIDAY, JULY 14, 1
White Hall, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday,and
Wednesday; Dorothy Stewatt in
Archery Club will 'fneet on the
court, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. '
Swimmers will gather "at the
pool, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday; Betty
Wolfram, president.
Purpose of clubs active during
the summer is to offer instruction
'and practice in the various skills
for anyone interested. In addition,
intramural, interclass, and All-Col
lege tournaments are•planried;and
social affairs are sponsored,-b' the
The second in a summer,series
of Play Nights at White . liztll,,will
be held tomorrow night frgm . 7:30
to 9 o'clock with Doris Huck; as
sistant intramural chaiii4l;• in
charge. Swimming, bridge; ping
pong, badminton will highlight the
evening, and refreshments will be
Betsy McGee, WRA :president,
announced yesterday the - following
replacements for summer - vacan
cies on the executive board:'soph
omore representative, Nan' Black;
publicity chairman, - Ferne.. Knas
Classlotontkiio •
Surgical dressings class -'Oll . . be
continued this semesterievery
Wednesday in 112 .Home
mg from 7 to 0:30 ' KErs•
Henry Brunner, .13.1rectpr+r,;an
nounced. The class is., 'spplisured
by the local. Red Cro.ssoliatiter.
All coeds are urged -to-'-attend.
They are provided with:eoeralls
and head dresses 'and tare i tg,tVen
the necessary rriaterialsl,Ntfth
which to work.
The • dressings, acdoplitic• to
Mrs. Brunner, are 4 b3is . 4. sponges
used for wounds,. : gbdpmlnal
sponges, and tempprary . ;: drains.
The local chapter has a . .allota'.to
meet and when that_ quota fill
ed, the dressings are sent • to . a
forwarding address to god over
seas. Although the clressiiigs • are
sterilized before they are' used,
great care is taken here fi.) keep
the work as clean as 'possible in
the event that the' sterilization,
center is wiped
'aid :the
sponges would tO be used
immediately without • further
cleansing. ' •- •