PAGE SIX Post-War Jobs For Wives Will Boost Divorce Rates Servicemen's wives with war time jobs were advised today by Dr. Macklin E. John, professor of rural sociology at the College to consider homemaking a fulltime job when their husbands return .—or face the prospect of a bro ken home. "Fulltime interests outside the home," he said, "unquestionably lessen interest in the home. Wo men who work destroy the sat isfaction to be gained from home making both for their husbands and for themselves," the sociol ogist added. Because no woman can do two jobs as well as one, many chil dren—and husbands, too—will show the effects of wartime ne glect, he said. Divorce rates, he warned, are higher in marriages where the woman is employed outside the home. While women should consider homes and families their primary responsibility, they should not completely abandon outside in- IWA, IMA Combine Forces; Sponsor Dungaree Dance IWA and IMA are combining their forces to sponsor the "Dun garee Dance" in the Armory, 8:30 p. m. Saturday July 29. Slacks, dungarees, fatigue clothes, and cotton dresses will be the prefer red costume for the barn dance. For the admission fee of $.25 per person, students may dance both square and round dances to suitable tunes played on a juke box. Men and women may come either stag or with dates. Social chairman, Robert Bare_ foot and Virginia Biernes, are ar ranging for the music and decora ti"ns. The group is planning •do nuts and cokes as refreshments. Remember the servicemen with a subscription to the COLLEGIAN. No matter where he is hell want to keep in touch with Penn State, and there is no better way than through the COLLEGIAN. Stop at Student Union or'the COLLEGIAN office today and zet his subscription. The Collegian terests, Dr. John advised. Supplementing family life with participation in community af fairs, he continued, will make the wife a better marriage part ner, because she will be more understanding of her husband's problems, a better conversation alist, and more broad-minded. Community and social .organi zaticms must prepare now, Dr. John added, to meet the tremend ous problem of postwar social readjustment. He suggests estab lishment of counseling centers, where returning veterans may discuss their vocational and per sonal problems. Frosh - Coeds To Return Pop-In Night Sunday To, return the visits of upper class women last Sunday evening, freshmen coeds will "pop_in" on the women in' Grange and Ather ton Halls this Sunday from 7:30 to 9:00 p. m. These Pop-In nights are held each semester accord ing to an old tradition of the Col lege. The purpose of the visits is to better acquaint new freshmen with upperclass women. All upperclass coeds should re main in their rooms Sunday night to greet the freshmen. Hillel To Give Concert In place of its usual music con cert on Sunday afternoon, Hillel is offering a new Pops Concert to be given at the foundation Sunday evening at 6:30. Donald Fine is in charge of the program of records. Isobel Levine is supervising hostesses and re freshments. All are welcome. ..Ov:~: ,y. 1.1 4 ::.:11,.. g . ':: . : :;.'.....' .: : :: r ,:':.: .:..:.:' r':;?. a < ; c , i