Political Platforms Page 5 • No. 29 Lion, Key Announce Candidates Frosh Cabin Party, Elections, Mixer On PSCA Calendar Frosh To View Films Al Armory-Mixer-Sing .Freshman cabin party, council elections, and mixer have been planned by the FSCA for the com ing week. An . overnight. perty at Ralph •Watt's., Lodge will be held to morrow and Sunday for, first and second ..• semester: freshmen. -AU men interested. 11*. modiately at, the PSCA. offiCe and Pay the 35 • , , cont food fee. The. group will leave'the rear Of ~,•. • nd - Old Main at 2:45 Saturday a . . willreturn Sunday. Mierning. A sheet and a blanliet, to be trans ported to the cabin by car, will be necessary. Omar Lerman, chair, Man of the committee, expects a capacity . crowd of. 40. men. . . Freshman Men's Council and Women's Forum will meet in 401 and 304 Old Main respectively at •7 p. rn. on Tuesday. Council will, elect officers for-the,,,summer, st mestee7dlndidate.s•• nominated are: Frank ! Fryberg, president; Andy McCreight, vice president; Alan Bentz,. secretary-treasurer. Fresh man women will nominate candi dates and elections will be held at •the meeting on July 25. John . • Cook, 'Roland Grimsley, Rex Searson, Carolyn Currier, Phyllis Schelzle, and Maria Ran zlelle .make up the arrangements committee.• • , . After the short Forum-Council meetings, the Freshman men and women will meet in the Armory. (Continued on page eight) Fraternity Pledge Lis' Totals 65 Complete fraternity pledge lists: have been announced by Fred IFC president. So far, 65 men have been . pledged. The fraternity lists are as fol lows: Alpha Chi, Sigma: Jimmy Fess ler, Fred Hess, Charles Horn, and Bob - Mulligan. Delta Chi: Bob Von..Storch. •Phi Kappa Sigma: Dave Binns. Phi Kappa Tau: Allan Ruth and Lloyd White: . Phi Sigma Kappa: Constantine Glarrow, C. B. Jones, and RuS sel C. 'Marker. Pi :Kappa Alpha: David Briner, Fred Cole , Russel Collins, Charles Cyphers, John Curry, Jim Dietz; Fred Huehnergarth, Bob Jones, Warner Kerwin, Rocco Leonardi, Bob McCoy, Bill Nagorny, Tom Reynolds, and Dick Toler. Pi Kappa Phi: Charles Barson, Jerald Eberly, Dick Guhl, Jack McCarthy, and Ray Strohm. Sigma dhi: Jack Latshaw, and Dave Hendershaw. • Sigma Phi Epsilon: Ross John- Ston„ Stan Lourimore, Don Von .Lunen, Bob Kirchensteiner, Bob Morris, John Schoening, Fred France, and Ray Bryson: Sigma Pi: Louis Gresh. Theta Chi: Frank Chipak and Arnold Leonard. It was not possible to reach Phi Delta Theta before Collegian went to press. Therefore, its list has ' not been announced. Phi Sigma:Delta and Beta Sigma' Rho announced their lists in .last weOes, Collegiau. The Colleg Five Sororities To Be Inactive Thisr Summer -According to an announcement made today by Helen Martin, pre sident of . Panhellenic Council, the following sororities will be inac tive, during the summer semester: Alpha "Chi" Omega; Chi Omega, Kappa 'Alpha Theta,.Kappa Delta, and . Kappa' Kappa Gamma. The above sororities will con tinue tok have two representatives on Panhellenic Council and may iush second semester freshmen and upperclassmen, However, the • inactive sorori ties may not pledge until,they,l3e ;come". active chaPteis 0 0 4 0 #11 : 1k ) ter'~freSkirrien`: may?'. not 'iddfed until -the L :serilestetr. $. GSO Presents Dance Series in Armory First in a series of GSO spon sored dances will be held in the Armory 8:30 p.m. tomorrow. Newly-trained and veteran..GSia hoste.sses will . be.preserit-thropigh ont the evenini , to . sersie .a& danc ing partners: • . All' servicemen on campus are invited to attend the dance.. They m 4 . .: come ,for the entire, evening or drop, in for just a •few 'dances. Hostesses must present. their. GSO membership ,cardS at the dance before 8:30 p.m. Any host esSes who have not received their cards may get thein at the Service Center from •to 2:30 Saturday afternoon. • , Though girls can not be admit ted to the dance without a GSO card, summer session students who have done USO work before are invited to attend. They will be admitted upon presentation of their USQ membership cards. Those girls who do not have cards here at school may Obtain an ad mission slip at the . Service Center. Varsity Debate Club To Choose Members; Candidates Select Issue Preliminary debate tryouts brought, out eleven freshmen and three juniors. Members of Var sity debate squad will be' chosen at tryntits "Proper in 316 "Sparks, 7 D. m. Wednesday. • Prc'positions for Wednesday's trials 'are: (1) Should the United States adopt 'a' permanent policy requiring one year of-military ser vice from all able bodie4 male youths 17• to 18 • years of age or upon graduation from:. high school, whichever comes first? • (2) Should the Federal govern ment subsidize the . higher educa tion of superior, high school. stu dents whose parents lack suffici ent funds to- finance such an ed_ ucation? • ' (3) *Should the *legal voting age be lowered to 18 years? Candidates may select either the rnigative or affirmative side of the topics. All persons who are interested in trying out, but who found . It•hripOssible to attend the preiiminary.meeting may compete' by, preparing . either side ihe selected issues. , ' f ~ f ~~ !-f FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1944-STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Admission: . K. J9hnstone, Della. S, 'Brurilier;': John , Hof pk . Al4 6 i 6 , M.:5 . 9.64 and A: SUtheylanii.: `AlbletiCS‘:: Bp9tleir, '149.;. 'A. , E. Maitin; 'olpvikiiie., .6M:l...Edward Calendar: Tanger, chairman; Julian Anderson, student repre sentative; J. J. Bedenk, E. W. Cal lenbach, Ruth E. Graham, W. S. Hoffman and Doris M. Stack, stu dent representative. . Committees: M. A. Farrell, chairman; D. C. Duncan, H. A. Everett, A. E. Martin, D. F. Mc- Farland, B. V. Moore and C. P. College Appoints New Committees The College Committee on Com mittees presented the report of nominations for committees for the next academic year. The re port has previously received the approval of the president and was, on motion, adopted by the Senate. The committees appointed for the next calendar year are as follows: Academic Standards: C. E. Mar quardt, ex officio chairman; V. A. Beede; Laura W. Drummond, Ev an Johnson and F. T. Mavis. • .• Tkein.•;eseniati'ves on Council of Reseai•ch: W. P. Davey and H. A. Everett. (Continued on page eight) New Members Join Choir . The. following new members have been selected to join. the *Chapel ,choir,. Mrs. Willa C: Tay-. lor, directcr,. announced. . Undergraduate students: sopra no: .Carol Broberg, Jo Broberg, Barbara Cooper, Betty Decker, Kathryn Diamond, Rachael Eme_ rick, Grace Hoover, Sally Knapp, Julia Nageotte, Virginia Pierson. Alto: 'Carolyn Currier, Maria Hanzlick, Lou Ann Laßoche, Mar jorie Rex, Laurel Wagner. Summer session students: sopra no: Martha Harbough, . Dorothy Johnson, Eileen , Lawhead, Hazel Long, Edna Miller, M. J. Morden, M. J. Sharpless, Dorothy Snyder, Grace Thomas. Alto: Martha Albert, Anita Knecht, Rtith Natt, Elizabeth Rex. . Undergraduate students: tenor: John Boltz, Andrew McCreight, Homer Savige, Joseph Schonberg, James' Thompson. Baritone: Russel Collins; Ken neth Gould, / Lewis Gresh,. Donald Myers, John Schoening, Rex-Sear scin. Bass: John Becker, David Brin es, Gerald,Gilnian, Ed Matrejek, David Norris, Thomas Reynolds, Carl Robinson. Attention, Frosh .:All freshmen men are oom pelled fo attend a mass meeting in Schwab Auditorium, 1:30 p. m., Monday, if was decided at Tribunal's meeting Wednesday. Steve Herbert, Tribunal head, advises each and every fresh man to be present at roll call. Absentees. will be brought up before Tribunal .at it's .next meeting ..Members of Tribunal, Driuds, and cheerleaders will be pre sent. The latter ,will lead the first year group in the College • .cheers. Hummel Fishburn will direct the singing. ian Bower, Herbert To Compete For Eighth Semester President National politics this week shares the spotlight with campus cliqueS as Penn State's civilian students go to the polls to cast their votes ia the college's summer semester elections. Officers for seven different semesters will be chosen from the Key and Lion parties. Balloting will take place in the Old Main first floor loynge between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Tuesday and Wednesday, ac cording to Paul Galvanek, chairman of the Elections Committee. Candidates for the various offices were , announced yesterday by the respective clique chairmen, James Hugo of the Key , party and Tucker Announces Cast for New Players' Show, 'Ladies In Retirement' Final cast for,: Players'' .produc don Retirenient," to be preSerited' August 'll. and 12, 'has been' selected by: Prof. 'L. E. • Tucker,'. director of the play. Verna Sevast, who starred as the scheming mother in "The Fa ther," has walked off with the lead. She will portray Ellen Creed, young housekeeper for a somber estate in England. The plot is built around the murder by Ellen of her elderly employer to protect her dimwitted sisters. Anna Radle, last semester in "Claudia," will handle ,the role of Leonora. Fiske, wealthy spinster who is living off the "hush" mon ey of previous love affairs. The part of Albert Feather, cockney Apollo with an infallible tecli nique for swindling, was assigned to., erstwhile ,thespian .Bernard Lerner. With theatrical experience as property director of past Play ers' productions, Patricia . McClure will step before the footlights as Louise Creed, one of the wacky sisters of the 'leading character. The other unbalanced Sister will be played by Shirley Silverstein. To complete the cast, Jean Dubnoff will appear as Lucy Gil ham. Director Tucker is waiting until a later date to hand out' the part of Sister Theresa. Audrey Kreeger will assist the director, and Bill Morton . will prompt while rehearsals are in session. Tribunal. Puts Two Misled Frosh In Sandwich Boards Two violators of freshmen cus toms appeared before Tribunal Wednesday night and gave their stories in defense. of the charges brought against them; Louis L. Cohn, an engineering student, 'became a bit arrogant. He didn't * like Tribunal accusations. He expres'sed his 'opinion about the whole affair quite haughtily. Then Tribunal became indignant just to fit in with: the atmosphere, and asked the youth if he had any sub stantial statements to make in his defense. The first semester freshman gave an impressive 'oration, but be couldn't convince' Tribunal. He didn't - button for upperclassmen :and that's all there - was to it. Cohn will wear the usual sandwich sign. He will also' wear his shirt and trousers 'backwards. A crown bear ing the title "King Frosh" will rest upon his head. Before being dismissed, Cohn had something to say about the students Who reported him. "Those boys weren't very nice to me," he complained. . The other freshman, Ernest Brown, decided to haze his own Rock pile lowdown Page 3 h ICE FIVE CENTS William Wintersteen of the Lion party. Running for the eighth semester presidency are Steve Herbert, Lion, and Dale Hower, Key. -Both Of the men are active in College extra-curricular activities. Shir:. ley , Fink, • Key, and"' Edward" Wil liams,.Lion, are candidates for the eighth Semester ' secretary-treas urer's post. ' A complete list•of all the candi dates and their activities for both parties follows: Eighth semester president: Key —Dale toWer: Alpha Gamma Rho president, captain freshman base ball team, honorably discharged from Army, Future Farmers of America, Glee club, varsity base ball squad for three years, and president of Ag Student Council. Lion,Steve Herbert: Interfra ternity Council, Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Tau, All-College Cabinet, Chem 7 Physics Student Council, chairman of Student Tribunal, and Beta Theta Pi president. Eighth semester secretary-treas urer: Key—Shirley Fink: Thes pians, Players, Interclass Finance Committee, and seventh semester secretary. Lion—Edward Wil liams: Alpha Zeta, varsity ice hockey team, president of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, All-College Cabinet, and freshman counselor. Seventh semester president: Key—Stan Speaker: Phi Sigma Kappa president and Interfrater. nity •Council, Lion—Donald Her- , zog: Phi Delta Theta president. Seventh semester secretary- Ireasurer: Key—Sally Duffy: Chi (Continued on page eight) classmen and will also wear •a sandwich sign. Both sign bearers will begin their sentences this morning. Good conduct on their part will entitle them to one week of this punish ment. It was announced at the meeting that second semester freshmen are allowed to haze. This action was necessitated because of the low male enrollment. George Strohm, Bob McCoy, William Whitacre and Charles Cole were exempt from customs. Portfolio On Sale Today In an effort to provide stud.. ents with escape literature which will take their minds off the pain. of paying fees, Portfolio will be sold in the Armory Friday, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. This issue con. tains the prize winning stories written by Bernard J. Cutler and Eleanor E. Bennett. Copies will also be sold at Student Union•and • downtown,
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