PAGE TWO - 1( C I/ • 11 , 111, y thletes To ®r Lions To Meet Bucknell l n Honor 0 PIAA Tourneys Start Today :Pennsylvania's youth-500 strong—swarm down onto the campus this morning,* as the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association opens their 1944 tourneys in , golf, tennis and track. Nearly 500 additional fans, coaches, 'and trainers are expected to ac e3rnpany the State's athletic corps. Colt competition will ge under way at 10 o'clock this morning, with 25 high school golfers teeing oft on their 54 holes of match play. .C.ll, , mpionship playotTs will con tinue this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tomorrow morning the finalists wii Swing down the fairway at 9 'o'clock to decide winners in the individual match competition. Harvey Orth, Lewistown, who last year won the title on the 69- 'par course with a total of 222 strokes is not returning this year to_defend his crown. Tennis. traditionally the smallest field, will bring 15 netmen froiv eleven high schools out onto the varsity courts today at 10 and 2 o'clock today, while champion ships will be played tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Paced by Pittsburgh schools in Class A track competition, 300 crack runners and field men will fight for the Pennsylvania tourney crowns against favored Upper Darby and Altoona entries. While these 300 men battle for Class A glory, another 150 athletes will be lighting for Class B laurels on thel cinderpaths. Only holdovers among individu al champs are Neil Pratt, Erie Str•^ng Vincent miler, and Jack Senor, C►.mnellsville half-miler. All other events are wide open in the 1944 competition. Preliminaries will begin on New Beaver Field tracks at 9 a.m. to morrow morning for the track sters, and finalists will meet for the diadems at 2 o'clock that af ternoon. • State College High School, de fending champ team from District 6, will enter four men in the track tourney. Beaver .House Wins 4 Straight Games Beaver House defeated Nittany Co-op 8-6 Monday to take undis puted possession of first place in the Independent Softball League. :Mattils Lost 6-5 to the Pioneer House this week to drop out of a two-way tie for first place with the Beaver House. In other League games Penn Haven beat the Lutherans 10-5 and the Penn State Club downed Fletchers 6-4. Games slated for today follow: Allen Co-op vs. Penn State Club, Nittany Co-op vs. Penn Haven, Fletcher ; vs. Pioneer House, Mat tils vs. Lutherans, and Beaver House bye. Monday's contests are: Beaver House vs. Penn Haven, Allen Co op P:oneer House, Mattils vs. Nitlimy Co-op, Fietchers vs. Lut:let•ans, and. Penn State Club bye. Hold That Court! Tennis court checkers will be in the booth across from Roc Hall every afternoon, in aiding Sunday, from . 1-5 p.m. AH persons wishing to use the courts must reserve their play ing' time through this checker. 1101 1:111111211r, 41 , , BIG MIRE Wardrop 3 t)- mound Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, as the Nittany Lion team honor exactly. 62 years of intercollegiate competition. In. 1802, the Penn State nine opened their career against the same scliool that comes to Mount Nittany next week. Hurler . Wardrop is un defeated this season, with wins over SWarthmore and Pitt.: In above picture, Dale Bower, right, star batter on the I..ion,nbie. is trying to keep his .400 average intact. Stenger- eyer Tennis Pair Seeks in Continuation Blanking the opposition in their last two starts,, Coach Ray Dick ison's tennis team has high hopes of continuing the string against the Bucknell netmen on the var sity courts tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. After a. one-year lapse tennis has been restored as an active sport on the Bison's intercolleg iate athletic program. One of the stars of this year's team is Frank Haas, HarriSburg, who, along with Ed Meyer and Eob Rossheim of the Nittany squad, earned a high ranking among the Middle Atlantic ama teur scholastic players of last sea son. Bill Hoeveler, whom Blue and White fans will remember as high scorer for the Bisons as they broke the Rec Hall streak of the Lion basketball team last winter, will probably play in the number two singles spot for the visitors. Charle Ogg of Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. is , another player for the Thundering Herd. Haas and Ogg are freshmen, while Hoeveler is a marine private in the Navy V -12 Unit at Bucknell. On The Win Trail After early season losses to Swarthmore and Cornell, the Lion rtetmen picked up a win against Colgate, then blanked Muhlen burg and Pitt in their last two outings. Two members of the squad have personal victory strings to defend. Walt Stenger is unbeaten ia five straight matches, and Ed Meyer boasts four in a row. The line-up for tomorrow's tus s!e with the Bucknellians will probably remain unchanged from the starting six against Pitt. Stenger and Meyer will play one and two respectively, and Bob Tuttle will take on the number three singles player of the Herd. Ed Perry, Bob Rossheim and Herb Beckherd will play the re maining singles matches unless late eliminations during the, prac tice sessions alter the prediction. Coach Dickison has been shift big the doubles combinations of late, seeking the three best poss ible combinations. Indications are THE COLLEGIAN ASTP Ping-Pong Ace Wins Ail-College Title Pvt. Larry Rothstein, ASTP trainee, defeated Dick Booser in flur straight games to win the All=College Table Tennis Tour nament in 401 Old Main, Monday. The victor beat Booser, a grad uate student, 21-13, 21-18, 21-18, and 21-18 to take the champion ship. Pvt. Rothstein, one of New York City's top ranking table ten nis players, faced Louis Pagliaro, national titleholder, a number of tkmes before entering the service. Pvt. Rothstein defeated Pvt. Len Lovitz and Booser overcame Robert Gruver in the semi-finals to enter the final round. AWards will be made' to .the finalists by the Penn State Club, sponsorer 'of the tournament, at the ISC• dance June 10. Pvt. Rothstein will receive a gold key and the runner-up a silver key. The women's championship .wa s decided recently also. Irene Wies enfeld took three games from Bernice Fineberg to win the crown. Miss Wiesenfeld will be given a gold key at the dance also. Former Soccer Manager Dies Aboard IST Craft A. C. Unger, former soccer manager on the Nittany Lion Looting team, has been killed in af!tion aboard an LST in the Pa cific area, it was announced this week by the Navy Department. Unger entered the Navy in 1943, and . served overseas for two months prior to his death. He was rated as a petty officer. While at Penn State, he was a member of Phi Epsition Pi fra ternity, that Stenger and Meyer will team up in the first double s slot, while Tuttle and Perry, and Rossheim. and Beckhard combine in the second and third combination matches. 62 Years On b iamond arks Over Half Century 01 Collegiate Competition Big Mike Wardrop will hurl Penn State's anniversary game here Tuesday afternoon, as the Lions mark their 62nd year of intercollegiate competition by meeting Bucknell, the nine which succumbed to the first Nittany baseball squad in 1882. Since the inaugural date over a half century ago,. the Bi- . sons and Lions have. tangled 42 times, Penn State topping the win record -with 28 tri umphs. Early records show that the Nittany batters were playing organized ball in 1875, but the Bucknell tilt seven years later was the first inter-college game.. It was eleven years later, how ever, before Penn State played a predominate college schedule. In 1912 Walter Manning was named first coach, and served for two years before he was succeeded by Dick Harley.. Hugo Bezdek, one-time mana ger of the Pittsburgh Pirates took over the Nittany team at the start of he '2o's, and was relieved of his duties in' 1931 when assistant coach Joe Bedenk stepped into the' bossing job. • Bedenk had played football and baseball under the tutelage of Bez dek, attaining all-American rating on the gridiron in 1923. Upon graduation he coached both sports at Rice Institute, Texas, ,and the University of Florida t efore com ing back to State College in 1929. Triple Winner? Wardrop will be striving for his own record in. the Memorial Day tilt on New Beaver Field next week, attempting to stretch his win streak to three. An early sea son victory was chalked up over Swarthmore, and the latest nod was edged over Pittsburgh in Pitt Stadium last week. Engineering Obstacle Bedenk will use Joe Golem beske in his pitching role against NAME CARDS . . . for your graduation should be ordered NOW. or paneled cards. GRADUATION Congratulation cards now on display. STATIONERY A new stock of vellum, parchment and grey in note, correspondence and dub Sizes. Keeler's Cathaum Theatre Building Lehigh toworrow to start the weekend hostilities. Golembeske whipped the Engineers in the first home game of the year early this month, as he shut out his oppo nents, 3-0. Pvt. Wee Willie Proctor is slat ed for mound duty Saturday in Allentown. Proctor beat Pitt 16-6 in the free-scoring, error-marked contest several weeks ago, and lost the season's opener to Navy, 5-3. Ed Holler, marking time by the hour as he awaits immediate call to active duty from the Navy, will be behind the plate for all three contests during the next three days. The remainder of the squad will remain the same, according to, Bedenk i . providing no last minute shuffles are encountered frim V-12 headquarters. SPA Goes info Lead In IF Softball Circuit Sigma Phi Alpha has taken the lead in the Interfraternity Soft-- ball League with three wins and one loss, Martin Sadock, league chairman, announced today. Four teams are tied for second place with two victories and one defeat. They are Beta Sigma Rho, Sigma Chi, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Phi Sigma Delta. All the contests scheduled for thi s week were postponed be (Continued on page six) All styles of engraving on plain FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1944
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