PAGE EIGHT 5 Chemistry Lectures To Start Monday The 18th annual series of Priest ley Lectures will be presented at the College the week of April 24, with Dr. Herman A. Bruson of the Resinous Products and Chemical 41'ompany and Associated Corn 7.)anies of Philadelphia as speaker. Theme of the five lectures, which will be given in 119 New Physics Building April 24 through April 28, will be "Recent Develop ments in Practical Organic Chem istry." All lectures will begin at 7:30 p.m., with the exception of the one on Thursday, April 27. Thurs day's will begin at 6:30 p.m. Inaugurated in 1926, through the initiative of Dr. Wheeler P. Davey, research professor of phys ics and chemistry, the series will he sponsored by Phi Lambda Up .9ilon, honorary chemical society, and the department of chemistry, cooperating with related depart ments in the Schools of Agricul ture and Mineral Industries. The lecture topics and presiding chairmen follow: Monday "The • Chemistry of Acrylonitrile;" Dr. Frank C. Whitmore, dean of the School.. of Chemistry and Physics. Tuesday "New Developments in Phenolic-Formaldehyde Con densations;" Dr. G. C. Chandlee, head of the department of 'chem istry. • Wednesday "Calcium Carbide as a Reagent for Organic Syn thesis;" Dr. D. F. McFarland, head of the department of metallurgy. Thursday="The Chemistry of Organic Thiocyanates;" Dr. R. A. Dutcher, head of the department of agricultural and biological chem istry. CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR SALE—One Deitzgen draw ing set. Good condition. Tele phone 3105 after 5 p.m. LOST—In Old Main coke lounge, • a G.I. raincoat and a girl's black Chesterfield coat. Return to Stu dent Union. LOST—Brown alligator wallet. Valuable papers needed. Re ward. Return to Student Union. EXCHANGED COATS Campus coat for alligator raincoat. Phone 20174 LOST—Beta Sigma Rho fraternity pin. If found please call 2647 and ask for Dot. LOST, STRAYED, OR STOLEN— Four and one-half pairs of Sad dle shoes from the Corner Room• window. Owners need desperately! Please return to dramatics office. LOST—Grayish Eversharp pen, last Thursday 8 a.m., between Ath and Theta House. Call room 66 Ath. FOR RENT—Single and double rooms. Close to campus. All con veniences. Call 3332. 243 South Pugh street. RENT FREE—Man and wife to care for home. Call 3470. LOST—Log-log slide rule with name R. E. Black. I need it bad ly. Call 2376. Reward. For Rent: Nicely furnished 3- room apartment. Cross ventilation. Responsible men or couple. A vailable May 15. Dial 2665. PRINTING See Us For *ALL * YOUR *PRINTING *NEEDS Nittany Printing Publishing Co. 119 S, Frazier St. Dial 4868 Penn Stale Club Holds Tournament An All-College ping-pong tour nament consisting of men's and women's singles is •being sponsored by the Penn State Club, under the direction of Edward Harley, ath letic chairman. Everyone associated with the College is eligible to join; frater nity and independent men, soror ity and independent women, pro fessors and College officials. There will be a fee of 25 cents for each contestant entering the matches. Part of this fee will be used to buy equipment, mainly balls that .are difficult to replace. The rest of the amount collected will cover prizes to be awarded to the win ners and the runner-ups in both groups. Everyone interested in joining the tournament should sign up at the Student Union desk in Old Main before April 28. Starts Thursday * April 27 -A- ~,_ .' . . ~ SLEEPY 1 :;v: oe::::Vi??A ..,: :..:.f.N::*:•::•.:: =.•••• iiiiit.WokUvmew, .. ...:VaN leA::',l4A.3`.' * .' , ...eN:::::,4 , 4.4....: ~,:.W.*.4e4...;.,i . .1. iWOM:OW: i?.fosii,W.4 vA IAnA-cass ,, z l o . ni *. -- k em,: : ..", ,, , , ....::: : ws , sz • INIWRANii 4igi§ir ~...: 45:e 40: i *?:i:ika •,'::•-••:,: titeNtWg:Vjg •00MM0,..W . aOW :ii:::, I:ex IsAt: A .:,.....,.:, • • •01,*:. , ;Z:4 , 2 1: * ),i,::• : •:i',::• W* :,::::.. THE „COLLEGIAN New Australian Literature Course instituted At College Among the wartime studies in stituted at the College is a course in Australian literature, believed by .its originator, Dr. A. Eruce Sutherland, to be the only one of its kind in the country. Although the course is primar ily concerned with discussion of Australian books, Dr. Sutherland has found it necessary to include geographical and historical ma terial. Books included in the course, Dr. Sutherland said, are -uusally ones totally unfamiliar to Amer icans, The Australians themselves, he added, read mostly American and English novels. Dr. Sutherland, who is a mem ber of the Australian English As- PENN STATE (LASS RINGS L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY LOCATED IN THE ATHLETIC STORE ... The stkiiiN.thrill of . your lifetime, . ringing, with • glorious tunes ~ . r esplend ent ',with. gorg,eous. color .. , ioyous , , - ! and exciting, wikrotnrcejun 1‘ :1: 1, -'k'- - '' ' . ' ''' ' . 9 . '-. • • First Length .Featur e -Production 'a. sociation, has received many let ters from Australian writers and professors commending th e course. Several hundred books, nu cleus of an Australian collection, are available in the College Li brary, but a great need exists for books furnishing background ma terial, Dr. Sutherland said. Faiths To Be Discussed Hebrew, Catholic, and Lutheran religions will be discussed by the Student Interfaith Council in 305 Old Main at 8 p.m. Monday. This is the first of a series of four meetings on "The Growth of Re ligion." WARNER BROTHERS • , m;:*;t4:,4,v 3 l :;i4.' ? !i:t. .....,,,,AITSMASX.SS4,.**.t.V .. ,,,,::::,.Mo.oft;o4. W f* S:iki , k4 : ::::::::kj:,% , UMNMKNP*Z;Z:ai.:Mk•VqiigiM, ,§:iiii%Vi'ifti?,'i'jiW:iiii,Mi:Viaiiiligi;Vißp.,,... gniMiV.,*i:s:::::i4jii:ji:iWn,irjj::in,.?„iS:Mf4s§l:Vi, ~!fli :Mnknirt it. W iEi .i. iii r f: . .:i i i.M,.t. i ..o), : k . S A '1 . i: j, 4. ~ ,"S i.:::.., .;:x. :. .:. ....0:$:::%.::::.:::::::..:::::.:::::::::.,:kftwst.:*..i.,:i. ~ . '',. ::,:ie:i....:•:::.:*.:,si,:::omsgwiAirvlvk:?..-.:•:::::i .. ,...‹:,:•:.;:.:i:ii:*: : ::: : * .• , •::: : ?: 3 iww , ::;::i:i:::::*m::::?::::ju i .. i .,: wi ,..p .k . : ,,, b , oisi..., :•::::.:::::.5.:3: : : : : : . : : : : :.: : :::: ., ::: . :i::::x::: ,, ::::m.,,30,:w. ivz0wv .,.., Aw ......... ..':',.:';:'''-.4'",:-.:14::'.'.::.*.ai..:aaza:4,...,...... FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1944 Forum Sponsors Dance Square dancing in the Armory Monday night will be sponsored by Freshman Girls' Forum. Danc ing will be from 7:30 to 9 o'clock. All freshmen men are invited. fORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Three-Year Day Course Four-Year Evening Course CO-EDUCATIONAL Member Assn. of, American Law Schools Under Accelerated Plan, Day Course may be completed in two years; Evening Course in two years and eight months. DAY and EVENING CLASSES FIRST YEAR CLASSES BEGIN On June 12th and Sept. 25th, 1944, and February sth, 1945. For further information address. Registrar, Ferdham University School of Law 302 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. MEE MEI :~-~ . ~H'; 'fits. `~.N.
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