FRIDA'•Y; MARCH 24; 1944 WRA Holds Skating Party For Students, Servicemen In line with its newly planned recreational activities program, W;I:tA will hold its annual skating party for coeds, servicemen, and citilians at the Coliseum rink frbm 2 to 5 p:M. tomorrow, an nriunced Elizabeth M c Kin 1e y, WttA president and ,chairman in cilarge of the party. 'Pickets will be' sold by WRA egecutive council metribera Mary Ahn Jennings, Alice ItoOper, Bar bara Smith, Mary Graed Longe nircker, Julia Gilbert, and tMiss M l cKinley. The charge will be 25 cents per ticket, pltis tax. Tickets mhy also be olitainta the-dcror. !Music for the skating 'adCOM iment will be provided / by the McCorkel Speaks Al Chapel Service hit-. - Roy McCorkel, American Filiends Servke 'Committee, Phila ddlphia, Will'speak at the Sunday mbrning chapel service. Dr. Mc- Cclirkal's subject is "Learning To DO Justly." Bizet's "Agnus Dei" will be presented. by Ruth Hill. After getting his B.D. from Yale Divinity School, Dr. McCorkel trav - eled 'eXtensively throiighout Europe and the Far East. At the present time he is national secre tary of the "Interseminary Move ment"; editor, "Interseminarian" and th¢ "Voices from the Younger Churches." Lbr. McCorkel is also chairman of- the peace'section of the Swarth more Service Committee and president of the Swarthmore Co operative Association. Through his work in the Interseminary .Move meat, he comes in contact- with college students. T me T e Dance We kend Schwab Auditorium *ADELE YABLON *BETTY WISER Servicemen . . $l.lO Civilians . . . $1.65 Tax included Coliseum records. Cokes and candy may be bought at the rink. Posters adVertising the skating party were made by Betty Shenk, June Daniels, and 'Mary YC.ny Hets, it was announced. • WRA's weekly Playnite will be held in White Hall from 7 to 9 tomorrow. Janet Fleming .and Barbara Smith are to be in charge of a'ctiviti'es for this week. The executive council of WRA has choen Jane Sehltrsger to fill the position of Treshtrian repre- Sentative, it was disclosed. Miss Schlosser was selected on-the basis of activities, personality, and in terest in 'sports. • Miss Schlosser's duties as fresh man representative to WRA coun cil include taking charge of equip ment for intramural and inter class sports activities,.. attending board meetings, and.officially rep resenting the freshman class, ac cording to the WRA handboek, just released. 29 Win (bit Pieces Following recent tryouts, 29 rrew members have been selected for the Chapel Choir, Mrs. Willa Tay lor, director, announced. _New sopranos are Martha Den nis, 'Carolyn betz, 3eanne Eisen berg, Frances Hartung, Joan Hut ber, Annabelle Leininger, Mary Lewis, Harriet Mayes, Dorothy Robinson, and Gloria Wharry. Altos are Elouise Black, Janet Fehnel, Rita Flagg; Helen Gra ham, Isabel Myers, E. Speare, Janet Taylor, and E. Vinson. Tenors. are Raymond Farwell, Frank Franco, Maurice Lehman, K. Sorvick, Guy Straub, and 'Ro land Walter. Basses are Frank Fair, M. Rosenberger, John - Rudy,- Richard Schlegel, and Francis Warner. HOTELALTAMONT ORCHESTRA Seven Colleges Meet at CA Conference, Discuss ligityn Off the Shelf' (Contin'ued from bage one) Westminster Foundation at 8:45 o'clock tonight.,, Students who will participate in the discussion are Batty Aim Condron, PSCA cabinet member; Raymond bay, ..Tuniata College student who is president of the Pennsylvania State • Christian Youth Council; Sarah Fae Metz ger, Mansfield State Teachers 'College president of the YWCA; .and Nancy Ireland, 13 - ucknell Uni versity 'Christian Association cab inet member, Various informal discussions will also be held on Saturday. They will be presided over by Miss lone Sikes, of the Presby terian Board of Christian Educa tion; 'br. 'George Menke, regicinal 'secretary of the SCM; .the - Rev. Fdwerth E. Korte, student pastor !of the Grace EVangelical Luther an Church; and Mrs. Virginia D. Thompson, associate Secretary of the OSOA. The conference will end Sun day at noon. Dr Menke has di rettion of ,proceedings in 'the morning when *le 'conference Will be evaluat:•ed by the delegates at 9:30 a.m. in 304 'Old Main. A closing worship and chapel will bring the conference to a close. General planning committee Tor the conference includes Claire Weaver, Lois McCool, Elizabeth Funkhouser,. Mr. James T. Smith, arid Mrs. Virginia D Thompson. Chairmen of different groups are as follows: Patricia Enright, registration; Dorothy Hoke, Fri day worship; Mary Lou Hansen, Friday recreation; Alice Drumm, Saturday morning worship; Mary M, Dunlap, afternoon sing; -Rob ert Worthington, Saturday din ner; Florence Porter, Saturday Peon Stote.•Thespli ns * SHOW * 7:30 Math 25 featuring JIMMY aumN THESP/AN ORCHESTRA * DANCE * Music By ART WENDELL and his THE ( ADLTJEGIAN present Republicans Award Bond Mrs. Clyde Corbin, chairman of the Young Republican National Federation, announced an essay contest, with an all-expense trip to the Republican national con vention or a $lOO War fond as firit prize, through the March issue of The Republican, the national party magazine. The subject of the contest, which is open to all who will cast their first vote for President in 1944, is "A First Voter Looks at the Republican Party." Essays must be limited to 1,500 words and must reach the offices of the Young Republican National Fed 'eration, 1337 Connecticut avenue, Washington, D. C., on or before May 1. The winner himself may choose whether he will take the $lOO War Bond or an all-expense trip to (JIM 'cago with 'a ticket Of admission to sessions of the convention, starting -June 26. The winning 'essay will be printed in the June issue of The Republican. There will be a second prize of 'a $5O War Bond, and a third prize 'of a $25 War Bond. Entries will be judged on the basis of (1). value of appraisal; (2) soundness and forcefulness of rea soning; (3) interest. Judges will be Mrs. Clyde Corbin, national chair man of the Young Republican Na tional Federation, one governor, 'one senator, one representative, •and two members of the Repub liean National Committee, and 'the editors of. T,he Republicari. The opinion of the judges will be final. evening worship; Barbara Struck, Saturday recreation; Dorothy Funkhouser, closing worship; and Louise • Ebert, rooming arrange ments. ®PETE JOHNSON • THESKAN CHORUS ADMISSION: Servicemen . . . 9-12 Rec Hall Donald K. Sorber was advanced to the position of first assistant 'basketball manager, Charles Al corn,' present manager, has an nounced. '5lOlll l 5 T, iSE" is sure Bad Company Winter weather brings hail& treintnent to lenitive BO: But with a tube of Boger & Gullet Ordiginal Lip Poitirile itr your pocket, you can laughat "Sloppy Sleet". list smooth on Lip Pottradis's invisible, soothing filth WA defy the climate. There's no safer, surer protection against painful chapping and cracking. Stop at arty . drug store and ask for the handy pocket tube. — Nal V#llllol ROGER & GALLET; 500 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK 18, N.Y, Civilians Tax Included PAGE SEVTSI 25 0 4 4. afgh r:iez tkrp 41///: *- 0 di////hi
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