PAGE EIGHT WAVE Officer Outlines V-9 Program "Waves of the Navy, There's a ship sailing down the bay And she won't slip into port again Until that victory day. Carry on for that gallant ship And for every hero brave Who will find ashore His man-size chore Was done by a Navy Wave." "At Smith College, Northamp- P)n, Mass. platoons of women as piring to be officers in the United States Navy, march daily singing ihese words, composed by a WAVE to a tune that harmonizes with 'Anchors Aweigh'." As part cf a nation-wire WAVE recruiting program, Ensign Miriam Waite ).:leyer spoke to coeds interested in the Navy program for college Svomen, opening her talk with the official WAVE song. ' In speaknig of the requirements :for commissions in the WAVES, the WAVE recruiting officer stat ed that officer candidates must meet the same requirements as enlisted women except 'in three :t•espects: The candidate must have a. de gree from an accredited college. ):n certain cases she may qualify with 2 years of college work plus at least two years of acceptable business or professional experi ence. She must haAre completed two years of mathematics in high Nchool or college and make a sat isfactory score in the Officer's Qualification Test. All WAVES, enlisted or officer candidates must be between the ages of 20-49, and must pass a • routine physical.examination. The minimum vision qualification is 12/20 in each eye correctable to 20/20. Waves may be married but they are not permitted to be mar ried to a commissioned officer in the Navy. Ensign Waltemeyeespoke speci fically of the indoctrination which 'all WAVE officers experience on the campus of Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Officer can didates join the WAVES as Ap prentice Seamen and continue in this status for the first month of their indoctrination. They then qualify as Reserve Midshipmen and continue at Smith for a sec ond month. Upon the successful completion of the course, they re ceive their commissions and are ordered either to a duty station in supervisory, technical or -admin istrative posts or to advanced training. Training at Sinith College is ex tensive, she stated, but all candi dates are on an equal footing and even the most experienced in ci vilian life are in the Navy "as green as a high school freshman." A WAVE doesn't lose her sense of humor while engrossed in the job of qualifying as an officer, Ensign Waltemeyer went on, as she re lated,, with a reminiscent smile, the story of a recently initiated WAVE leading her company down the middle of a Southampton street. She sternly commanded her company to "Right Oblique," and was amazed at their unmili- Evenings at 7.00 . 4 9:00 Matinee Saturday at . . . . 1:30 FRIDAY Humphrey Bogart in "SAHARA" SATURDAY Don fßed) Barry in "DAYS OF OLD CHEYENNE" MONDAY TUESDAY Margaret O'Brien in "LOST ANGEL" WEDNESDAY James Cagney in "JOHNNY COME LATELY" THURSDAY Noel Coward in "IN WHICH WE SERVE" COLOR ADDS! Your photograph • For Women tinted in oils. Satisfaction assur ed. Call Mary Kay, 201 Ath Hall. tary-like objections, until she no- LOST-1 log-log deci-trig slide ticed that directly right oblique rule in light brown case. Name lay an obviously dead skunk. printed on case and slide rule. Re- Of particular interest to college, turn to A/S Ed Hull, Barracks 30. women is the new V-9 unit for Phone 3905. Reward. ' college seniors. The Women's Re serve of the U. S. Naval Reserve FOR SALE—One Penn State class ' requires annually a limited num- ring. 43. - Size 10 1 / 2 . Numer ber of candidates for its Officer als never worn. Sold cheap, one Training Classes. To provide for pair of navy white buck white these needs, a 'few college seniors spectators size 5 1 / 2 B new. Too will be selected for enlistment in small. Call 3166, ask for Martha. the U. S. Naval Rserve, Class V-9. WANTED Student to care for Only those seniors will be sel- lawn and shrubbery during ected for enlistment under this spring semester in exchange for program whose potential officer- room at 417 Hillcrest ave. Ag stu like qualities, mental aptitude, and dent or one with experience pre physical condition indicated that .erred. See Dr. Stephens at dis upon completion of their college • pensary or phone 4443 after dis work they will qualify as officer pensary hours. candidates. They must also re ceive the endorsement of a spe- LOST—GoId pin with diamond set cially appointed faculty commit- lost between Grange and Atherton tee of the college as outstanding If found please call 426 Atherton =-;.- -- members of the senior class. LOST Alpha Chi Omega phi In addition she must submit a , between Atherton and the dairy. statement from the Registrar or ,-Return to Eleanor Strode, 323 Dean of the school which. she is Atherton Hall. Reward. attending, certifying that upon •' graduation at a specified date, she LOST World .War II veterans will have the educational qualifi- button. Small round plaque cations required. Candidates ac- with eagle mounted on top, gold cepted for enlistment will be ex- plated. Finder please call Jack, pected to continue - their college 4180. Kindly return as it cannot courses through - graduation before be replaced. • . • being called. .to active ...duty.. A - Green wallet containing transcript of. college .records• must money, schedule, driver's be furnished by each enlisted can tense. Lost in Enginering A. Finddidate promptly upon graduation. er return--to Student Union. Dispensary Lists 3067 Sick. Calls Dispensary calls for February totaled 3067. ASTP sick call were 849; Navy and Marine calls were 645; Ensign calls were 127; and regular students' •calls were 1446, Dr. J. P. Ritenour announced. Students spent 517 bed days in the infirmary. The out-patient de partment treated 844 patients, 374 Army Air Force students, 228 Navy V-12 students, 129 ASTP students, and 113 regular college students. According to the results of the physical examinations, the incom ing freshman class is - one of the healthiest ever to enroll at the College. It may be true that he never told a lie, but George didn't haVe to make out an income tax report. PENN STATE CLASS RINGS L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY LOCATED IN THE ATHLETIC STORE THE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION LOST Glasses,•white frames in brown leather case. call 2926. WANTED' TO BUY A public address system. Phone 2300. Ask for "Mickey.!' WANTED—Musicians to play for new campus (band now forming. Phone 2300. Ask for Mickey, Ed, dill, or Don. LOST Gruen watch, two dia monds near Cathaum theater. Re ward. Call Kathy .Osgood Beech er House. IMA Holds Smoker At the first IMA smoker of the new semester, held last Tuesday night, plans were made in co operation with ISC to put over the Red Cross drive scheduled for next month. Movies of the North Carolina- Penn State game were shown, un der the sponsorship of Chairman Ray Hensler. • C • Functional fashions to team smartly fot: class or sports. Yours to mix or match. Checks, plaids . and solids. Smart Shop Smith Sets Air Corps Exam (Continued from page one) air crew training is eligible to np- , fers the privilege of choice of serv- ply for ground crew training and ice, limited; however, to young will retain his assignment in the men who are physically and oth erwise qualified to meet the Army!high Air Forces, gh . . • • standards required for aviation This method of joining the cadet training. Army Air Corps offers a wonder- This training gives young men ful opportunity to the yOuth of to the opportunity of becoming pilots, clay, . not .only because, it. gives navigators, and bombardiers, who them their choice of their part in may be commissioned second lieu- the fight, but the training which tenants or who may be appointed they. will receive now will un flight officers in the Army ' Air doubtedly prove of benefit to Corps. them after they return to civil An aviation cadet eliminated for life. • 1 . LAST TIMES. TODAY JAMES CAGNEY in "FRISCO- KID" PLAYING SATURDAY - This Is a Picture.with• the Same Stirring Quality of CASABLANCA . . . this romorkable supporting,cal STANGE RAINS. MICIIETE MORGAN. PH IIIP RORIVSIONEY OREENSTRE(IIIIMIT AA PETER LORRE. GEO. TOBIAS • A RAI. B. WAIN PRONSTION • INO[ONOMISNAEL CU* WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY .:_=r:RlD4wk: FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1944
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