PAGE SIX Cabinet Approves Revised College Elections Code (Continued from page one) on a single petition to Student Union by noon March 9. The pe tition must be signed by the chairman of th eclique and score• tau. Article VI Organization o f School Councils School Councils shall hold elec tions in the manner prescribed by the respective councils. All School. Councils elections shall be sub ject to the approval of the elec tions committee. Article Vll—Organisation of Additional Cliques Any group may form itself into a political clique providing it fol lows the requirements for, organ ization in Article IV of this code and other regulations set forth. A group desiring to organize into a political clique must arrive at a name and specify 'that name upon submitting the membership list March 10. A clique must have an official clique chairman and. sec retary. In order to. submit candi dates for general elections the clique must submit candidates for at least a majority of the se mesters invoved in that particu lar election:. One clique may not organize as a temporary body to support candidates for less than a majority of the semesters. Article Vlll—Methods of Campainging An amount not exceeding $l5 may be spent by each clique for publicity purposes (purchase of signs, handbills, .cards, and pub lic announcements). The fund designated for public ity purposes. shall be collected by the clique and will not be allo cated from 4ny college fund. Borough. permissions for the. use of the Public Address system must be delivered -to the Elections Com mittee Chairman at least one day before the system will be used. An additional $5 will be given to each clique by the 'Elections Committee to compensate for the former use of printed Elections Committee Posters. This $5 must be used to cover the cost of print— ed posters and the cost of purchas ing additional photographs or prints. One poster will be sub- mitted to the election's committee for use at the polls. The committee will meet with candidates at '8 P.M. Monday, March 13 in 309 Old Main to an swer any questions, clarify the el ections code, or hear any com plaints of code violations. The committee will meet again with candidates after the closing of the polls and before the counting of votes, March 15 in 305 Old Main when further complaints will be heard. Only clique chairman and eled Article Xll—Violations tions .Committee members may Penalties of not more than 28 witness the vote counting. Two or less than 14 votes shall be in itemized expense accounts must flitted upon the entire clique be utrned in to Student Union by found guilty of any of the follow noon Wednesday, March 15 for ing violations. Violation by any the approval of the Elections Coni- one candidate will result in the mittee. Donations must be includ- penalty being inflicted upon every ed in this budget. Budget I must other candidate of that clique. state the method of colleotion and 1. Electioneering in any part of the amount originally received, Old Main by clique members together with all clique expendi- while voting is in progress. tures. To be considered valid this 2. Candidates in any part of , 46 efir e .W/11E=ART/GEES TO .O! OUR CAREFUL METHODS protect your colored clothes. Let us do your laundry this week. You'll be more than pleased with the results. PENN STATE LAUNDRY 320 West Beaver Ave. Dial 3261 budget must be signed by the clique chairman and secretary. A separate budget must be sub mitted designating the use which has been made of the additional $5 in an itemized form. To be con sidered valid budget II must be signed by -the clique chairman and secretary. This amount Must n•ot be used in any way for per sonal compensation. The Elections Committee re serves the right to penalize any clique for over expenditure or use of the designated amount for purposes other than those stated in this code. Article IX—Method of Election The candidate receiving a plur ality of votes cast . for a particular semester office shall be elected. Penalties will be levied by the Elections Committee. at a closed session after the hearings. This session will follow the open meet ing with candidates after the clos ing of the polls. Artilce X—Eligibilily to vote . An official voting registration will take place March 3 and 4 at the college registration for the Spring semester. Each student shall fill out a form which will be Tiled by the Elections Committee and used to check off each voter. • This registration list shall be 'of ficial together with the registrar's records. Any student registering late or who for other reasons has not filled out an official registra tion card must withhold his vote until his name and semester rank has been checked in the registrar's office by a member of the Elec tions Committee. The student if found eligible to vote will-then fill out his registration card at the polls, signed by a member of the elections committee. Only undergraduate students will be eligible to vote i. e. those students who pay their own fees. All students must present some means of identification at the polls before being permitted to cast his ballot. Artcile XI- 1 -Party Affiliations Party affiliations of every can didate will be placed upon the bal lots. It is necessary for every candidate to have a party affilia tion. Typed lists of all voters will be given to the clique chairman or secretary, providing neither of these officers is a candidate for a semester office. If one or both of ficers are •candidates - a member of the clique will be,given the list of voters upon presentation of a note from the clique chairman to a member of the elections commit -tee stating he is a clique member. This list will be prepared every% hour during the two day voting period. THE COLLEGIAN Fishburn Discovers Hope For Hepcats In Classical Music Does Junior sneak away from his piano practice to join the jam session at the corner juke box? Don't worry. A suggestion that the younger generation's love of hepcat music be utilized to. arouse •a better ap preciation of classical music was advanced today by Prof. Hummel Fishburn, head of the music de partment at the College. "Rhythm," the professor ex plained, "appeals to everyone— even babies and savages respond to it. Music educators would do well to recognize this, and en- deavor to interest jitterbugs in classical music by stressing its rhythmic appeal." ' Pointing out that many fine art critics enjoy cartoons and comic strips and that many classical mu sicians likewise enjoy popular music, Professor Fishburn -con tends teen-age hepcats can be taught to appreciate other types of music. It is possible for a young-. ster to like both Barry James and Beethoven., he said. Old Main other than the time ne cessary for them to cast their own ballots. 3. Buying of votes, either with the promise of money or other form of bribery. 4. Campaign posters in any part, of Old Main other than those approved by the Elections Com mittee for use at the.polls. 5. Destruction or defacing of property on any public or private buildings. Voters violating voting ethics such as voting twice, 'allowing votes to be bought, voting under false pretenses, etc., shall be dealt with by Student Tribunal: Article Xlll—Emergency Changes The _Elections Committee re serves the right to alter this code in case of emergency. 'Submitted by: Chairman Elections Committee Margaret L . 4 . 21 .41 )d New members of the izaections Committee were also approved by Cabinet. They are Sam Gerhardt, Eurastus Griffin r -Helen Hatton; Howard Hurd and Ruth Kaufman. Old members who still remain on the committee are Patricia Deiner, Margaret Good, Charles Hall, gd murid Koval, Elizabeth McKinley, Charles Reeder, Michael Wardrop and Miriam .Zartrnan. The Tokoyo radio calls. Amer icans yellow. After .a few more experiences with our fleet, the Japs will be blue. , . . -ENGINEERS:ant- ENGINEERESSES • Join the staff of the Penn State Engineer and let your technical knowledge benefit others! To Room 1, Armory, at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 13 • - • • • All students in the Schools of Engineering, Mineral Industries, and Chemistry & Physics are eligible. G.I. Shows Prof How To Prof: Robert Galbraith's question for a definition of camou flage, one trainee enclosed a blank space between two lines and wrote above it, "Below is a definition of camouflage, but you can't see it." :,i,.,....: olto. osto , e i5k....., -w,,,,,. A DURATION DO! Your shirts arc valuable items these days and appreciate special handling. . Turn . up - your shirt, collar • liefore sending it to the laUndry. A collar. washed . flat doCsA fraP. so , easily at the crease. Have your shirts- laundered frequently. A too soiled shirt requires more scrubbing and conse quently wears out more quickly. Go easy on the starch. Starching stiffens fabric, so that it breaks instead of bending,. When buy Arrow. Arrow shirts .are longer-lasting,. better-fitting, .and carry the San forized label - , (fabric shrinkage -less - than 1%), ARRO fr SHIRTS • TIES • HANDKERCHIEFS • UNDERWEAR • SPORT SHIRTS * BUY . WAR lONDS AND - STAMPS .* EXCLUSIVE AGENCY ARROW SHIRTS CHARLES SHOP FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1944 IFC Discusses Dating Dating privileges for active rr ternity houses will be discussed' the next Interfraternity Counc meeting in 318 Old Main at 6:4 p.m. Monday, Charles Reeder, IF president, stated today. He urge all members to attend the meetin!
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