Cabinet Approves Revised College Elections Code Code Stipulates Voters Must Have Identification Approval of the revised All- College Elections Code for the Spring Semester was given by Cabinet at its meeting Wednes day night after the new code was submitted by Margaret. L. Good, Elections Committee chairman. The 'new provisions include! Article I—Time of Voting Voting will be conducted (from 9 A.M. March 14 until 5 P.M. March 15. The polls will be open . contmuously from 9 A.M. until 5 P.M. ,on these two dates. Article ll—Place of Voting Elections will be held in the first floor lounge of Old Main. Article for Office ., Every canlidate shall: be re quired to ,'have 'ave a "1' average for his entire -college; The reg- Jstrar'sAist shall be official in de-• lermining the candidate's aver- age: • • • , . Any student is eligible , to run for president or treasurer of , the semester ; . in Which his college credits. Plaee him. The registrar's• office shall be 'Official cieterm 7 ming . a student!s . semester rank. I, 2, .'3, 5,8.) Article: llVHClique Organization- • ' A, clique, must: file a... eomplete theinbership list with the Elections Committee.. This list must desig irate the official. clique chairman and other clique officers together ivith' the names and semester of every . clique, member. •; This . list must ,lie'ttirned into' Student . Un-' ion by, ,4 P.M. Friday, March • 10.' Additional names of cliquei'mern, IY..erA . 'MaY:::be: filedonly; with the, permiSsiOn of - the' Eletticins' Cern.- ittee Chairman: Article. V.—Method of Nomination Any regular student • meeting the . above requirements of . schol arship and semester rank..will be eligible for nomination •of,: presi= dent or. treasurer „of. his .respective semester,', , To be .nominated a. candidate. Must .receive a, plurality VOte,...i.e: more votes for that paritcular of- tice than any, .lother• Ondidate.. election will be - carried Withlri the cliques: Clique .niern 7 hers ;will. participate in this pre liminary election:.The. ,clique will submit the names JJ all, clique,. members tabublied . (Continued on . page iiliin Sets Customs; Warns Erring Frosh ' `Against Dating, Smoking "Starting Saturday . ..all freshman 'men will beheld liable if they are caught without their customs,'! Howard . Mi Tribunal chair 4nah, andauneed.. • Freshinen Must. wear customs day except Sunday unless it • • . :is otherwise . Millikin,emphasized. Handbook laws will,he.enfOreed , !'musts" for all frosh trouble-mak-. „ers, Disks, black bow'. ties i white : 'socks, and, name cards complete :the \ well .dreSsecl frosh's Wearing apparel, while matches and frash bibles form . the ,, acces'SorSr • anent. Millikin reminds the'newcornerS 'that they must learn College songs. in the handbook 'as well as' the' utriaes and locations• of alb build-' ;lugs on .eaMnu§. A' brief - history" of ' he Lion Shrine, Most r:ecent'•adcli= . ti on to the by-laws :Of entering classes, Is just another of ,the irn portant • items a .frosli :is. expected -o.reel off, it approacjied„, a .com; 'Ocieritions 'upperclassmen,., , Ibliilikin • warned :that men ;are' t tectriO: date; smoke on 'should be handed 'in: to Student "Union by upperclassinen,'lncluding second semeste,freshnen.: • PSCA will hold a freshman mass peeling, in 304 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. ii\doncht..\ . T e Colleg VOL. 4‘=MM Five Colleges Enter EIBA Boxing Tourney Political Cliques Beg Virginia Loses Chance To Take Eastern Title By REM ROBINSON Sports Writer ' Eastern intercollegiate' boxing bows out of the garbled 1944 sporting scene in Rec . Hall 'tomor row afternoon, when at}, array,of neatly 30 .boxers'from five insti tutions square •off in the ;21st an nual EIBA fistic • jamboree. Only - •einnants 'of -the : natioif . s',eidest and . most ,colorful:boxing,-toniney will be. seen, for wartime. draft• and armed . force -transfers have scalped. every. entry :bin West . and• : :has even forced the •. once 7 strong,,l943 §yracuse•champs to: seneL but three men into ,the tourney.' • •- , With only 24. hours remaining • before weighing-in - time, .Virgin= hopes of • winning • the team title were shattered, •for ..Navy transfers' cleaned . - an but two then. 'from their once-detdated. team, and' a mad scramble iS,being:inade for:, fhe other' • titles;' - 13 Y full-tea m entrants • • Sr_ 4rinY, - toast . arid Penn State, ••iW• addi tion the pan' 'of boicers• frOM Virginia, and the - trio from Syra cuse. LION HOPEFUL LOST Host of the meet; Leo Houck, has, received -perhaps the strong est blow, for • Navy transfers last week • - swept - undefeat:ed • Cochran •to :a new .station,- after the V-12 mitt ace had. Whipped .and • drew with! the best. the East had to offer pounds.' With CAieh , rari :guppy. however, •, Virginia ',Was • confident that : their :ao-cap-' 7 taint Jinuny . .• IViiraglietta had clinched. the • crown, for, it .was the Penn •ta•te hopeful .in his weight class that had fought him on, eVen the Virginia struggle earlier in' the• season. •„,• . Peggecliby:.inan Perin,Statp's: hei''f . nr . • j':o44.- title .i's• tough Irish "Marine named :Pvt: , Mike ' who • is-Undefeated in - the' Eastern . (Coartroied, on Page.. Twn ) Learner, Becker To Head Collegian Collegian • staff abpiintments • announced at .the Collegian ban eumit . the end of last semester, •inuncd Lee. H. Learner as editor in-chief and Rosalind Becker as 'business manager, for this •semes ter. Serene F. Rosenberg and ~Herbert HaSsen were 'apPonited to • the' positions. of managing editor 'and 'advertiSing manager,' -respec tively. 'Kubek was elected to the ' . POstlion Of editorall assistant, joining Helen V. Hatton, Arthur P. 'Miller - and Rembrant C. Rob . inson, who have heen serving in , that; capacity since - list semester.. •• 'Junior .advertising board now consists of Betty' Federman, Her- . 'nice, : Eineburg, .Blaine Miller, and Kitty Vogel; and editorial-report ,•elrS ' ire:, NAney Carestro, Bernie :Putter, Betsy :Merlde and .Reggy Weaver. ' • •...Lalliceandidatet New candidates for the LaVie meet . in 305 Old .Main tit 7;30 Wednesday',, according tO Fred Dc4z., editor. Published Weekly by Tin. Daily Collegian Sia: FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1944-STATE COLLEGE PENN.A. Players Tee Off With'Janie' And Hei 30 Lonely Soldiers For their first presentation this semester, on April 14 and 15, Play ors. will-produce `!Janie," a comedy of adolescence by Josephine Ber them- and Herchel Williams that recently closed on Broadway after a 51.1cdp.sful two,year. run, Prof. A. C. Cloetingh, director of the show ; announced today. . . The play. centers about a high school girl who thinks it 'is her Patriotic ditty to entertain soldiers froth: a nearby Army camp. Three soldiers , are . invited, thirty. or , forty shOw The casting for ,these parts has not been completed, All memberS of the armed forces at Penn State• are invited to, try out. '• The, title role of Janie' will be played by Palma Wakefield. Janet Dayton, president of Players, will portray her mother, Mrs. Coleburn. Grace Clayton, :an ;assistant on the theplaticifactikty, will play the part Thelnia , .LintrenCe, a southern belle. New Amendments Pass Cabinet • Several amendments to the All: College Constitution were voted on and approved by Cabinet at its last meeting at last semester. The amendments, 'which were propos ed 'by a, ,Constitution committee appointed by . . Cabinet, under the phairrnanship — Of Peggy Lou Jolla son, are, as -follows: • .Article I Section 2: The All tolle6.:daOinet shall „consist of the eight*.semester presidents, the W : SOA..kesjdent,. the Interclass Vihanee'Cliairinan and the Chair- : niari •thi:tclehl Tribunal. • Article• I Zection, 2i The' All- College. Cabinet: shall consist of the eight . Semester 'preSidents, the WSdA president, the .Interclass FinanCe7Chairinan and the Chair- Man of Student TribUnal. Section . 3: The Deans of 'Alen and Women; the Alumni Associa- Con Secretary, a representative of each. specialized servcie 'group on the campus but not regularly en relied Undergraduates of the Col lege, and the Presidents of Inter- . fraternity Council , 'Panhellenic Council . and Independent Student Council, shall be members ex-of ficio of .the Cabinet. Section 5: The terms of office of each member of the Cabinet shall 'Commence with the first (Continued on page five) Red. Cross Solicitors Plan Personal Contacts Red Cross solicitors will contact each Penn. State student person-. ally sometime during this month, according to Miss Mary V. Brown, head of .the' College campaign. Although no definite goal .has been ... set' It. is hoped that the $2850 Contributed lat, year will he sur passed, Miss. Braun stated. All contributions - will he gladly matter 'what the size;. she pointed 'out. Owens mid Mortar Board coeds will help by' keeping a booth open in Old Main lobby. Boxes have also Been pined in the dortnitorie.,..; inal Election in F Sigma Xi Taps 16 Members In recognition of their work in scientific research, 15 men and one woman have been elected to Sigma Xi, national scientific research society, J.. S. Doolittle, secretary of the College chapter, announced today: Those elected to full member ship include Dr. Arthur A.. BUri, former. graduate assistant fn phys-, ics and now employed by the Arm strong Cork Co.; Dr. John R. Clop ton, former assistant, in agrictil-, tural and biological • chemiStry, now .with Armor Research •Foun dation; Dr. Darrell D. Deane, for mer- graduate -student In .bacteri-,' Ology, now Military service; Walter J.' : }larkitid,- former grad- . uate _assistant . 'Chemistry, now with Rohm and Haus Co.; and Dr. Daniel F. Herman,., former grad uate assistant in chemistry, now with Panel Chemical Corp. • • -Dr. Donald V.. Josephson, in structor in dairy Manufacture; Earl. R.:•Klinge; assistant profeSSor of „mechanical engineering; Ever ett. R. McLaughlin, . instructor.. in engineering research; Dr. Wilbur H. Pearlkn, instructor in chemis try; Dr. Howard L. Ritter, former graduate assistant in cherhistry, now with Socony-Vacuum Co.; Dr. Malcolm S. Sagenkahn, former re search assistant in cheinistiy, now with Shell Development Co,; Lloyd G. Unger, graduate assistant in chemistry; and Alexander G. Yor giadis, former research assistant at the engineering experimental sta tion, now with. Scientific Equip ment Corp. , • Those promoted 2rom associate to full membership include Dr. Myers F. Gnibbens,. former grad uateeassistant in agricultural bio logical chemistry, now with Du- Pont-Co.; Dr. Roslyn L. Schuman, former graduate assistant in bac teriology, now with Kellogg Co.; and Dr— Mitchell G. Vavich, re search assistant in agricultural biological chemistry. DuPont Awards them Fellowships Announcement tuat the College is cne of 22 receiving postgraduate fellowships for research in the•field of chemistry was, made recently by E. I. du Pont de •Nemours Comrany, donor of the awards. Appointments •to these fellow ships, which amount to •$750 each, are for the academic year 1944-45,, and will be made by the heads of the chemistry departments of the colleges •to which grants have been given. Women are admitted •to candidacy on the same basis. as men. . , • .DuPont fellowships, which have been maintained since 1916, differ from many • industrial fellowships in that the selection of the .bene tlciary and the subject of research is left to••the discretion of the uni-; versify. Holders of These fellow ships are not restricted in any way in their selection of a permanent position when' the 'fellowship ex p ires. Becauso of 'the, shortage of in, structors •in many colleges, holders of du Pont. fellowships are:.per mitted this year to:devote a .por, tion of. their time to teaching to nortv.>lieve thi s situation. lan PRICE FIVE CENTS Drive Lion, Key Parties Name Semester Candidates Lion and Key politicians round out another intensive campaign for the two .campus parties when student voters cast ballots in the Sandwich Shop, Old Main, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednes day. Urging all students to vote, Margaret L. Good, All College El ections Committee.. chairman, stat ed that students must present °some means .of identification at the' polls before .being. permitted to cast ballots. Any student who registered late or-who for other reasOns has not, filled out .an of ficial registration card, must with hold his' 'vote until hiS name' and Semester rank: have been-checked in the 'registrar's office .by . her 'at:the ElectiOn's Committee. The student if .found. eligible 'to vote will then fill out his•registra-, tion card .at the polls; and - have' it signed by a member of the elec tions committee.. As in the past a student may .voe a split„ticket. The elections committee will meet With • canili tithes in .309 Old' Main, 8 'p.m Monday 'to; answer any.. questions; clarify the election's code, Or hear any complaints of Code violations. The committee will meet. again wi'h candidates after the •closing of the polls and before the count.: ing of votes in 305 Old Main, Wednesday, when further comma plaints will be heard.' Cliques are reminded of the • (Continued on, Page Three). Air Corps Exam Open To Youths Captain Herbert R. Smith, Air Corps, of the Aviation Cadet Ex amining .Board, Harrisburg, :is in State College today for the pur pose of conducting mental exami nations for boys 17 years of age or older who are desirous of becom, ing aviation cadets .in the Army Air Corps when they enter the military service. • . The examination will - be . held in 401 Old iMain,, 9 .a.m. - today. Robert E. Galbraith, FAWS; 'urges all interested to take the examina tion even though they, are• taking the V-12. There are no particular educa-. tional requirements necessary, and any boy who is interested in be coming an aviation cadet , and-who has reached his seventeenth birth .day .is eligible to take the mental test at the above time. Boys who have reached The age of 17, but have not yet attained their eighteenth birthday, may ap ply for enlistment in the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve. If qualified men tally and physically, they will be enlisted in the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve, but 'will remain in school until the end of the school seines ter following their eighteenth birthday. At that time they will be called into active service and sent to a classification center, - where they will take further tests to deter to. pursue the training . for 'born this • training, This procedure of bardiers, navigators, and:pilots. • If they qualify,. they. will •be sent to college for five moUths,•:during which time they will take, courses especially designed to lit them for aviation cadet training. and to in - - sure their successful completion •crg (Continued on page eight)
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