Penn State Christian Asscciation lip-Off Rally Begins Student Finance Drive Finance Canvass Leaders, Workers Receive Final Instructions Al Rally ; Students Are Divided into SectionS, Divisions Section chairmen, division lead .ers, and solicitors who will receive ! their final instructions for the finance drive at the "Tip-Off" rally -tomorrow afternoon were an nounced last night by Ralph Harris :and Betty Jane Drouse, co-chair men of the canvass. • Students have been divided into 'sections, which in turn have been ;broken down to divisions. Each section has a chairman while serv ing under him are a number of division leaders. The solicitors comprise the last group, serving under the division leaders. The co-chairmen have split the 'drive workers into two separate • teams. Ralph Harris, an Advanced 2ROTC• student, has charge of the boys while Betty Jane Drouse, a junior home economics major, is director of the girls' gl•oup. The two teams will compete to see. who finishes its goal first. A display in the Athletic Store win dow will keep account of the daily Contributions. Nancy Sherriff, Susan Haas, and Ruth Winterstein are . on the. committee. which will adjust the display accordingly. Section leaders for the girls' squad are Jane Cromis, nominee Porter, and Betty Shenk. The men Section • chairmen are William Morris, Richard Gillespie, and Harvey Marcy. • The student. goal has . been set at $2,000. Servicemen also . come under this • heading. Civilians are being asked to . contribute . $1,500 of the :share. The remaining $5OO has beeh fixed as the servicemen's quota. . 4. For names of~all section chair men, division leaders, and solici toi's see story on page eight. Chapel In Woods Proves Important • Possibly the. most important direct' contribution to the Penn State campus by the Christian Association has - been the-construc tion of an outdoor chapel-in Hort Woods. Hundreds of students have taken advantage of the opportunity it.of fera ~f or .undistpbed thought and meditation: .The chapel's cedar cross. which - . stands on, a small clearing, in- the heart of the woods acts as.. a symbol of religious thought for those students. . . The -idea, of .having a place where people could-he . alone 'with their thoughts:had .linig.'oCcupied the minds of Penn State students. The .first solution .to this problem was thought .to be a room in Old Main reserved for this PurpOSe. . Crowded - conditions. doomed' the plan and nothing was done until the winter of 1940, when the ad-. vent of . the summer session- made it - feasible to build an outdoor chapel. PSCA. lost little time in organ izing a committee under. 'the do, chairmanship of Charles . HOge.and Norman C. Howells to work in conjunction with: the grounds and buildings . department and Prof; John H. - Frizzell in the - completion of .the -project.' In' July 'of .that year the outdoor chapel 'was *Ai and' ever'since• then .it. has 'been the center of religious activities of all 'types. SCA Supplement SCM Cdhference Scheduled By CA Penn State will play host to six Pennsylvania colleges at an Area 5 conference of the Middle Atlantic region of the Student Christian Movement March 24 to 26. Representatives from all six schools will take part in the dis cussion entitled "Religion Off the Shelf." Claire Weaver, PSCA cab inet member, is- chairman in charge of arrangements. Assisting her are Betty Funkhouser and Lois McCool. The conference .is an inspira tional leader Ship training meeting for college students interested in church and Christian association work. Roy McCorkle, a member of the national staff of American 'Friends Service Committee, 'will be the main speaker at the gathering. Also present at the conference will be important Christian leaders from the East:— • The colleges which, will send representatives to the conference are Bucknell ; • Juniata, Bloomsburg State Teachers, Lock Haven State Teachers, Susquehanna, and Mans field State Teachers. A similar :p9nference was held at Wooster College recently. Claire Weaver attended and represented Area 5. . -• Picture Pamphlet Planned By Christian• Association . A six-page; . - -three-color picture pamphlet .deaeribing the PSCA in action. during wartime will be printed •in the near future, Miss Virginia .Thompsoh, publication chairman, stated this morning. The pamphlet • will be colored red, white,..and black. It will in clude pictures . of „students singing, students hairig, a conference with the eXecutii*:.secretary, worship services, serVieernen dancing, cab inet. memberand a number of other subjects.. All PictureS in- the little booklet were taken by Henry Forrest. The written matter" was handled 'by Mrs. Thompspri_ ;and James T. Smith, executive. secretary. PSCA f finance Canvass Co-Chairmen Ask Students, Servicemen To Supporf Drive Ralph Harr4 FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1944 Guest Speaker Dr. Martin H. Bickham Dr. Martin H. Bickham, noted Illinois sociologist, will be the guest speaker at the PSCA Finance Canvass "Tip-Off" Rally in the State College Hotel banquet room at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow. CA Welcomes Each New Frosh (lass The Penn State Christian Asso ciation welcomes each incoming freshnian class. Plans for' fresh men activities are constantly be ing formed to acquaint the new students with Penn State. •In the past the association has presented welcome parties for freshmen in order to acquaint the new students with the school and all the things it stands for. Cabin parties provide recreation for the outdoor lovers of the new class. A special issue of the PSCA News appears with each new green bow class. It gives an explanation as to what the freshmen should ex pect of Penn State, and what the Christian Association does as its part in fulfilling that expectation. The association provides each new freshman with the well known "freshman bible." In it is anything and everything about Penn State. Worship services also are held for each new freshman class dur ing Freshman- Week. After that services are held in the college auditorium every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. "It is the duty of every Penn State student and serviceman to support the PSCA finance cam paign, Ralph Harris and MarY Jane Drouse, co-chairmen of the drive, stated 'yesterday. when in terviewed. Harris pointed out that if the Christian . Association is to carry out its proposed — plans for 1944, it is absolutely necessary that the finance drive turns out to be a success. "The Pehn State Christian As sociation is the oldest student or ganization ganization on the campus. It de serves to receive your fullest co operation in, the campaign which begins Saturday," asserted co chairman Drouse. "Although the drive figures may seem• staggering, the amount is small in . comparison to the service the PSCA offers to students and serVidemen," 'concluded Harris. Dr. Marlin Bickham Speaks Al Rally; CA Officials Outline Student Canvass PSCA To Sponsor Movies On Sunday Sunday motion pictures will be shown free of charge to service men every Sunday afternoon in 121 Sparks, James T. Smith, ex ecutive secretary of the PSCA, stated today. "The Immortal Sergeant," a sound film starring Henry Fonda, will be shown. on the screen this Sunday afternoon. There will be two showings, the first at 2 o'clock and the second at 4 o'clock. Because of borough laws which cannot be repealed at the present time, the local theater manage ment was unable to open a theater for use by military personnel on Sunday. As a result the, PSCA ob tained 121 Sparks for the showing of the movies. A USO ruling per mits only men in uniform to see the movie. In connection with its Open House program in Old Main the PSCA plans to .sponsor films every Sunday. Future motion pictures include "A Yank in the RAF," Jan. 30; "The Palm• Beach Story," Feb. 6; and "Ox-Bow Incident," Feb. 13. Music and reading also are . available each Sunday afternoon in the Hugh Beaver room, 304 Old Main. Ping-pong, checkers, and other recreational games may be found in 401 Old Main. Special Committee Sends Literature to Servicemen One of the new features of the Penn State Christian Association is the servicemen's mailing com mittee. Mary Davis is chairman of the group. The committee sends letters, books, pamphlets, and other -types of literature to all former Penn State students who are now in the armed forces'and desire the serv ice.. The material is sent out to the men every two weeks. Also on the committee are Evelyn Singer, Kathryn Arbogast, Ann Berkhimer, and Adele Good. Everyone is urged to turn in at the PSCA office all names of serv icemen who would like the service. Betty Jane Drouse Penn State Christian Association. Servicemen $2OOO Goal vilians, rive for The Penn State Christian Asso• ciation will begin its annual finance drive with a "Tip-Off'? rally at the State College Hotel banquet room, 3:15 p.m. tomorrow, James T. Smith, executive secretary of the association, announced today. A goal of $2OOO has been set for students and servicemen stationed on the campus. Canvass plans will be explained by PSCA officials at the rally. Dr. Martin H. Bickham, chair man on Christian Missions in training camps, Chicago, 111., will be guest speaker at the rally. He is known throughout America as one of the country's outstanding sociologists. For years Dr. Bickham has been. actively. studying social problems of city life under the stimulation of social scientists like Dr. Simon Nelson Patten, Dr. Charles R. Hen derson, and Dr. Albion W. Small. Lately he has been investigating social conditions in universities and colleges. Miriam Zartman, secretary of the PSCA, will serve as mistress of ceremonies. Harriet Van Riper, president of the organization, is in charge of arrangements. The drive, which opens with the rally, will last until January 29. The faculty canvass was held re cently and the college faculty members are near their goal of $lOOO. All section leaders, division lead ers, and solicitors will receive their last instructions at the rally, Ralph Harris and Betty Jane Drouse, co chairmen of the drive, stated to day. Among those present at the rally will be a number of honored guests. Refreshments will be serv ed by the committee in charge. Cabin Party Slated For Next Weekend The Penn State Christian Asso ciation will hold its next all-col lege cabin party at the CA cabin January • 29, Jean Swartz, PSCA secretary, announced today. It will be an overnight hike to the cabin. All students interested in attending the party are asked to bring' blankets. Supper and breakfast • will be served at the cabin. The students will leave Sat urday afternoon and return the following morning. At the present time the- camp maintenance committee is refur nishing cabin equipment, painting the walls, and making new cur-i tains. PSCA officials hope to have the work completed in time for the cabin party. The CA cabin is on the side of Mt. Tussey overlooking Nittany Valley. It is a four-mile hike from the college. The cabin is above Shingletown Gap. All summer the cabin was book ed to capacity each weekend. The cabin's main feature is that it of fers complete relaxation for those who want to take it easy for a day or so. It has facilities for feeding 65 and lodging 40 persons. On each cabin party goes a cook who pre pares the meals. A small fee is charged of each student making the trip so that the food may be paid for upon return.
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