Join the March of Dimes VOL. : No. 10 .American-Born 'F ive Coeds Compete For Winter Ball's Princess To Tell Loveliest 1 The Duck Pond, age-old ren- Of Polish Life As All-College Cabinet's pro- dezvous for campus skaters, ap jected "Winter Ball" swings into. peared to be bowing out of pop second gear with the approach of ularity today, as Dean Carl P. • the designated February 5 date, Schott released final plans- for •. Matrix Dinner Guests • chairman Steve Herbert issued opening 'Beaver Field's new hock- Hear Princess Sapieha several announcements which ey mink to students, college em should. aid in the success of this ployees, and servicemen. , Princess Paul Sapieha, speaker strictly formal dance. Uneer legislation enacted by :at the annual Matrix Dinner of Topping the, new items is th' the Physical' Education ' School, 'Theta. Sigma Phi, will draw from listing of five coeds, candidates . students with matriculation cards, a wide range of experience in this for the post of snow Queen. These men in uniform, together with tOuntry and' abroad when she ad- glamourites—Tawney Hill, Sally professors and other . employees dresses the members of the hon- Duffy, Kassie Kocher, Joan Har- who present proper identification, .orary. 'journalism sorority and its rington, and twin sister Nancy, will be admitted to the rink free •BWOC guests in the Corner Room will Compete for the title. of charge. ,7 p..rn. Wednesday. According to Herbert, tickets Immediately__ after tomorrow's Princess Sapieha was born Vir. - . will be priced at $3.85 fo'r civil- hockey game with Hershey, how eginia Peterson in New York City, ians, and $2.75 for servicemen, ever, the rink will be open to ev the daughter of Dr. Frederick Pet- both prices including tax: Sched- eryone, including children, who 7eison,...former.head of the Ameri_ uled to, go on% sale at the. Athletic :will be barred. in the future. Dean • :can Neurdlogical'Association. She Office window, February. 4, .each Schott added that an admission ,was' educated at the .WestoVer ticket bill entitle its, possessor to of 15 cents for servicemen, and School intOnnecticut, Vassar Coles a vote on the. ballot_ deciding Snow 25 cents for civilianS Will be.;ask:- iege,. and: the University of Glen:: Queep... .' • .• . : • - • ed for tomorrow's.' ofieriing • hock 2 oble in •France. • . : •.. Bobby Sherwood . and :his Or- eY jilt. • . . . .-, • . . • It :Was at 'the •• University ,•':Of chestra, • who ;are , preparing . ...for • .Beginning next 'week, the' legal Grenoblethat She met and fell in. this; forrnal. dance by:- tuning up Penn State 'family will be able to Itiver with Prince• Sapieha ..whorn with one night, standsAhroughout skate on • the ring every Wed she . ...later `Married. She returned :the East, promise to give ! out....with nesday,•night from .7. to 9. Work 'to- New York ' and begafi'd writ-`their inimitable style s of . jazz • and men„ will construct 2an ,- :: . 'oirtdoor , . :Mg career,: Which. ;included: a. hunt- sweet. The,. band : beasts of an• all: lighting 'system this week.ln ad, ~ tier. .Of. articles -, for 'the PD-und..' bunch :of :rimsicianS,..none..dition: . to• the • mid-week date,. er:. and Forum, book” reviews fOr too well. known, -. but each...::one Skaters...will ,be admitted on Sat th&-NeW YOrk . 'Herald' •Tribtine, sounding *trough • with ". a .. swell :: Urday. • afteinoens 'irbm ': 3 • to . ' ek se r and!'short "stories:. for .Seribrior's part to.give the band, net.the in-, and. on• Saturday - nights from,. 7 ' ancL:Harper's.. dividual, the reputatiOn... • - . to 9:30. When-the varsity squad • -•...-- , -.. • : is- t Seven'years..after-leaving•Gren, . Sher Wood, whose.versatility. ex- • , not. seriiiimaging...on, Sunday oble; .she met :..tire'Priricel,•again. ,trunipet, • guitar,' .and a afternoon, the -ice .arena. may be .I . 3 *ii . irsed'..froni . 3. to 6:30:' If . the iearn They: were,niarried. - hT.London in Well-I . i.ked blues voice,....lias is using the courts hoWeVer, plea -4 933', - -1 and: Went: - . , t0 liVe - :•Oir.:.4,he ,s/4 11 44/7-'!..C... 1 . -11 :e0 . # 1 ._g .i:jis,:yOun.g: h t*d. Prinee's•-elarge . ;Ppliiii...,e . stnte ,:Ra.i ,p(OrliritY7-:_lieiglit. 'snre-+Skiaters-4nustf"..wait,.until-4-- :".:a., ',Steep:. - ..---e'-:-.:;'-'-":',Shairing,,th&-;VOtai'.sf)Oilight-A:41:14i6i-.o•Wek• -'!"•: :.',').:,• :!,! •.,1 , ...".••. . • ,_ :wa • Ruska. : - . . :' „ Gait Bailey, .whose voice' - arid- ; • Deari - SeliOtt explained 'lli `f . .ti . - a le Life.- on 'the . -great -fetidal estate .. • - _. ' . appeal, though 'new, has 'proved reason' for tomorrow afternoon's :with its boar hurits:and ballS, was * pleasing. ' - r .• '. • • . (Continued 'on 'page six). ' entirely • different froth life- as. a.. . ' In preyious years, "the dance, as — Vassar student or as a New York -. • a part 'of a big , weekend, always . jburnallst.. Princess. Sapieha . was • took, place.. on a -Friday evening. • 65.. . g - P e . ' - • es :Set , . balle&rupan --to supervise• a •huge • .. • IloWever - "Winter- Ball" 'Will - be househOld • staff; to ;preside... over held - '. ' a • .. on Saturday night so that - • , the Inanyypirties - and faintly gatii-• theCollege's' ' -- ' ... .. : nuinerous . service- • S a - . . eringS- which iriadetrer :life rather • men will. have .the Opportunity - to . 1 oronly Recurd• •• like one of . 'a . inedieVal . ehatelaine attend • the dance; AA. large re- • . .to ... . ... . in - the ancient. , Southeastern-Pol- . • - .bsailors, ponse - y . the . soldiers, '"Surpassing •even . • last year's 'ish Castle.' Her-dirties;•for example will .help greatly in boom : pledging, sororities. pinned i and marineS'• • • included -buying -300 . Christmas putting:"Winter Ball" over the the. ribbons on 265 coeds last Sun gifts • and presenting thern....indi- t o p. : - - • - • day. Alpha Omicron Pi heads the .viduallY .to . the . members of the The dance, to last from 8:30, list • with -33 acceptances; two less . . ... family . and retainer.. ' until 12:00 p.m., should prove to than the all-time'•high of 35. r Not all.of her life inPolandWas be' the gala affair of the semester. - Sororities' pledges and ' colors . . spent on ' the estate,- visiting. and . Recreation Hall again will at-. are listed below: being': . viSited by the other. titled tempt ; . to keep 'its .roof on an- Alpha Chi Omega: Colors, red . (Continued On .Page Three) . (Continued on. Page Three) ' and green; pledges—Anna Mae —. 7 Baird, Margaret Campbell, Mari lyn Feistel, RoSe Mary • Genetti, ' Joan Harrington, Nancy Harring ton, Jeanne Henry. Doris Jenkins, Sally Rittenhouse, Elaine. Simp son, Jane S. Watson, Betty Wiser. (12). _ Campus March Of Dimes Aims At $5OO Goal For '44 , . ••• If a dime would help to save a Concerning the organization life, .would you •be • willing ;to, in . - . President . Roosevelt .stated, "My . iest, a dime to save someone's own personal 'experiences in. the •.; life? • • •- • • work 'being done at the Georgia Yes, a dime from, you, and you, Warm . Spring. • Foundation has. and you . .could: easily be-the: cliff- 'proven to .me that the fight -to . erence . between lifer:and .to _eradicate this disease must be na-. some infantile., paralysis . victim. ..tion-wide." . . • For dirneS. amount -to..dollars and The •money is sent directly to . dollars pUrehase -both :preventive county headquarters, then to state end curative medicine for victims headquaters and ultimately and• would-be victims of the dis- reacheS •the National Foundation ease. in New York, where it is dispersed. In conjunction with the nation- throughout the 2,000 community al "March of Dimes" campaign, chapters. The actual preventive . Penn Staters will be allowed the work is carried 'on in these corn , privilege .of. contributing to _the. munity chapters. campaign which begins - Tuesday Last year State exceeded the and continues ,for a Week.. • $2OO. goal. The goal this year is Mildred Rubin, .'46, herself a $5OO. Miss Rubin urged everyone • cured victim of Infantile Paraly- to join the campaign to achieve is in. charge .of_ the campaign goal. •. on .thecamptis. Impressed .by New Of the total • amount collected, .York's system •for supporting the only .seven per cent is needed for •• campaign; . Miss Rubin .. plans to collection costs. 'The money col lise - the , same system'outskle .the lected in counties. is . divided be ••: • corner Room; : •.; . .tWeen.local - .hospitals , and research • six.•..bottles,labele&,"Students,"•• •projects.. • . . . • t.the.' . .PresicleUt , ",Eogingersx,;.alicb Mivilians!!•)-wilLricFy•researeti,dePartinent-• in :.the *."*3/44*C1e:c#14*,,4 #rioeity..to7;o4tiy: : : on :i.diviOtiOttpiii. 44p,,tliis;,:lvirozieh*11 , yeeetve-..into.tbes.:cause:: , Offtitantile ; ..• • -• • , Tottrgiatt Published Weekly by The Daily Collegian Ste FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 214 1944.-STATE COLLEGE, PA Schott Opens New Ice Rink Alphia Epsilon Phi:. Colors, green and white; pledges—Sylvia Berger, Phyllis. .Berney, Jean Bretkin, Mary . Davidson, Audrey" Federman,. Ella Fiering, Joyce Frankel, Bernice Gilinsky, Ben , nice„Greenes;. Esther Greenes, Arleen Green,. 'Ruth Hanstein, Doris Kalman, Rosalyn . Knapp, Joyce . Lagunoff, Sophia . Mogul, Lois Jeanne Popky, Jeanne Rich, Hildreth. Rdse, .Ruth Rosenbaum, Joyce Rosoff, Estelle 'Siegal, Dorothy Swartz, and Phyl lis Schweitzer: (25) Alphia 'Omicran PI: Color; car dinal retl;' pledges—Mary Eloric! Andersen, Elnora Benton, Ann (Continued on page six.) Recruits Woman • Lieutenant Ferrell, United 'tates Marine Corps Women's ReserVe, will be on the Campus. .February 1' to - .confer with, and . 'rOimit.•interested•Women.sttid 'ents. Ftirther.. - infoimation may he ..Obtained - Ifoin Miss Julia rangements.; :for ` ,interviews -IS•'o4 r- Old'Mdin;“ • Szigeti, Artists' Visiting Artist JOSEPH SZIGETI 'George Washington Slept Here' Set for.. W Winter Ball ,Weekend . "George, • Washington • Slept ay, Hungarian violinist% and teach:. .• Here," Players newest offering, er, and Joachitn, • who • has .• beeri is scheduled .for February 5 and called• the greatest violiniSt. the, - : 6, .as "part .of .the. "big. weekend'! 'l9th century. In • the 16.11• of 1925;, 'which is featuring Winter 80. Szigeti • appeared, in America• i with: The •show,. under the direction of Leopold.',Stokoivski • and the •liaw - rence - Tuelter; - "agSistant • pro-• • haelphig prchestra: • fessor., of draniaties i „ has been The. new 'Beethoven fehearsal : for' • - and....siigeti.- • will. present:- . The cast includes Raymond Boyle and Janet payton, prev iously seen .in "LoVe 'Rides The Rails" and . "Arsenic . and Old Lace;" Alice Geyer and • Jack Shull: of "Quality Street;" Ann Radle, veteran of Players, most recently remembered as Patty in "Quality Street;" and Henry Si Mon also in "Quality Street" and "Arsenic and Old Lace." Newcomers in the cast are: William Eshelman, .Nancy Har rington, Frank Palmer Jr., Carol Dickmann, Harold Gittlen, Flor ence Prushinski, Walter Ames, Arthur Goldberg, Herbert Lin senberg, Audrey Kreeger, and Jeanne . Barinott. Technical crew consists of George Rowe, head of construc tion. and stage manager: paint tap: And Gown Fee crew, Eleanor Ream and Virgin- Schrader; properties, Aillene • • Due Al Student Union Babbitt and Ruth Anders; lights, John Zubler and Earl Riker; • Graduating .seniors may leave Sound,. Melvin .Widrow and Sid- orders for commencement 'invite ney Freedman; costumes, Caroline tions, commencement announce- Smith.. and Catherine • McGee; ad- ments, and caps and.gowns . at Stu- Vertising, Lee. Freedman; make- dent Union from Monday, January up, Shirley Levine; house man- 31 to Saturday, February 5, Neil ager, Gloria Whyel; costume head, C. Fleming, graduate manager of Caroline Smith; sound head; 'Mel- athletics announced today. vin "Pete"• . Widrow;• property - Students may order an -unlimit heads, Ruth Anders, Aillene Bab- ed number of engraved announce bitt; prompter, EVelyn Erieg; ments and invitations at 7 cents and assistant director, Betty Jane each, that will be dsitributed urion . Reed. arrival at Student Union upon presentation of a receipt. No tic- Winler k Sports Program ts will be necessary in order to attend e the . graduation exercises. In Full Swing Tomorrow Cap and. gown orders will be taken at the same time at Student Penn State's winter sports calen- Union. A deposit of 5 dollars will dar goes into action full blast to- be required with each order. The morrow afternoon, when John gowns will be distributed at the La wther's basketballers return Athletic Store and must be return home after a month on the road, ed there on graduation day. At and the ice hockey and wrestling this time a refund of $3.75 will be squads open their. schedules with made. A fine of $1 will be levied Hershey and Colgate. for late returns. ;, Cap and gown Coach Paul Campbell's mat receipts must be retained since team, full of inexperienced- grap- no .duplicate will be issued with piers, starts the day with. the Red out the payment of a $.25 fee. Raiders of Colgate at• 2 p.m., while the liockey, squad •will...begin • their .• • • Air •Corps .Idental Today xeturn.. match „with-- 1110 Hershey • :. Army. Air • Corps, Mental Ex ,Junior lears 4111nediately-follow- . : ..amination.. will •be •conducted ingt-thelast • •wrestlhig : bout: •.: •• .. 401 • Old Main Tor..': fu . tll. '.*Ports.: .ciepartnient•on‘.page two.. • .• will again •be • in -charge. Final Artist Array Series Finale in the current Artists' Course Series will be combined performances of Joseph Szigeti, violinist, and Claudio Arrau, Chi lean pianist, in Schwab Auditor ium at 8 p. m. Tuesday. Arran, who was born 39. yearS ago in Southern Chile, started his concert career at the age of five with a recital in Santiago. Im pressed by his talents, the Chi lean government sent him to Eu 'rope for ten year's study under Martin Krause, a pupil of Liszt. Between 1924 and 1940 he ap peared in both Europe and South America, and made his American debut at Carnegie Hall three years -ago. Hungarian-born Joseph Szigeti .has attempted to dispel the' -pop- • ,ular notion that. a. great artist: is . 'high-brow;" He enjoys night clubs where gocd swing music: is featured..and 'became so enthu— siastic when playing .with• Benny Goodman' that his. violin • string .• broke. He 'likes good -food and. wine, ' winter :sports, old Pictures; and books. He haS studied with .Teno:Hub... . three of the 'greatest and - roost% popular Beethoven . • •sonatas— • Minor Sonata, • opus - . 30,' No.; 1;. "Spring'' , Sonata, • opus :24; and:: Kreuter Sonata, • A •: Major-for their,. State-, College audietice esday night. Following this appearance, theyn are booked for concerts •in• - New York anti Washington and are pected -to be a feature of the . •ni- , • tion's 1944-45 season. Single tickets for the concert' in Schwab Auditorium will be . plan- • ed on sale at' the Athletic Ass p -' ciation window from 9 a. m. - to • 5 p. m. Tuesday. The cost•is $1.75' plus tax,. except for service .men whose tickets . will be $1 plus .tax:' Course at Schwab PRICE FIVE CENTS Bring To End
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