PAGE TWO Time table changes as released by WilliaM S. Hoffman, registrar, are as follows: ABCh 438.00 MT Corn Ch MWFII 105 FL Anderson TWI-4 115 FL ArtEd 14.11 A To be taken by spe- cial group of HE freshman and no one else .ArtEd 12.11 Elective TTH 1-4 221 HE Emerson CE 61.148 Jr. Me MWF 1 101 Eng A O'Donnell CE 11.14 Combine with CEIII MF 1-5, 302 MEng; MF 1, 214 IVIEng Kistler CE• 444.14 Ml, 201, Eng A; M 2-5 Fl-4 105 Eng A Minshall and Kaulfuss • Cer 420 WS 10 M 9-12 room 121 ED 1.25 So 11 MF 10 208 BB Wil- liams 25.25 A Jr ED MWF 8-10 208 BB Moyer-Wyland I'D 70:25 Elective TTHS 8-10 208 BB Butler ED 450.25 A Jr Ed 2nd sem Jr MWF 8-10 208 BB Butler ED 450.258 Jr Ed TTHS 8-10 208 BB Butler :1 - 2,F, 6 MWF 1 207 EE lEE 11 MW 1 200 EE lEE 432 Th 9-12 instead of F 205 room 306 EE fEng 1.31 D M 4 107 MEng, Ham mond; T 2-5 301 Engß, Ville- rnonte ralgComp 8 MWF 1 9 CH from 5 Lib !Engrcolnp 23.32 A Sr Cer Mng Jr PNG MF4 227 Sparks Hoffman ElLab 9A TE Sr, M 2-5 109 EE Bice ElLab 9B Jr Mng Tues 1-4 109 EE Crossley 'slLab 9C Sr ChE and AgEng T 2-5 109 EE Powell Brill Announces New Aquatic Code! course for Coeds Students to Receive Hour of Military Drill Co'det courses incorporating types of training listed by the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps as desirable for . women entering the service Will again be available for all toedg; Miss Julia' A. Brill, vo caiitinal counselor of the School of Liberal Arts, announced. ' A new course, Codet 9, will deal with the fundamental aquatic skills with useful variations and appli cation of skills to possible service tbriditiOns and situations; personal safety, rescue, and resuscitation. This course is an extension of the :Red Cross course required of all members of WAAC. Codet 1 dealing with the prepa ration for emergencies will include - the standard twenty-hour course in first, aid, air raid precautions, and defense against gas. , Codet 2 explains the theory and practice of calisthenics, formulat ing of fundamental exercises with consideration for physiological im plications, giving . of commands, setting up progressive lesson plans, voice control and diction. Codet 3 will be a course in in forniation techniques. It will cover aerial photograph reading, map reading, stereoscopic vision, air craft recognition and spotting. • Cede! 8 is a course in the organi i.ation, supervision, and kitchen :Management of mess. Discussion of record forms, sanitation of mess, care of cooking utensils and equip ment, storage and refrigeration of food, management problems of various rations, and adaptations of the master menu. 1 hr. lecture recitation. Prerequisite: HE 440, 408, 426. Parallel or preceding, HE 410. The Codet courses are all one credit courses. Codet 1,2, 3, and 9 have two hours of class a week and one hdur of military drill either Thursday or Tuesday at 4 •in the Arrhory: Further information may be obtained. from school advisors, MiSs stated. . • • r Watkins Issues Time Table Changes ElLab 9D Sr ChEng W 8-11 109 EE Salzman • ElLab 20C S 9-12 instead of Thurs 12 9-12 2 EE ElLab 4 Th 2-5 instead of M 2-5 room 109 EE Geol 32.39 Fr MI 2nd Sem MWII 225 MI S 9-12 104 MI Swartz ' Ger 2.40 D Elective TTHS 9 129 Sparks Ger 3.40 C Scientific MWF 9 207 EE Ger 3.40 D Scientific TTHS 9 11 203 EngA History' 18.44 Elective TTHS 233 Sparks GillesPie' History 21.448 Elective MWF 1 203 EE Gray History 5041.44 Elective • MWF 9 114 Sparks Martin HE 110.42 C Elective MWF 1 207 HET 3-5 104 HE Patterson HE 210.42 v Soph HE Op 1 T 1 118 HE . HE 307.42 ME 1-4 221 HE Emer son HE 308.42 F 3 14 HE Chubb HE 309.42 M 7-9 PM Padgett -224 HE HE 410.424 Sr HE Op 2 Gr LM F 11 19 HE M 2-7 Sprague HE 419.428 Sr HE Op 2 Gr 2 MF 11 19 HET 2-7 Sprague • HE 410.42 C Sr HE OP 2 Gr 3 MF 11 L 9 HEW 2-7 Sprague HE 410.42 D Sr HE Op 2 Gr-4 MF 11 19 HE Th 2-7 Sprague HE 442.42 Sr HE Op 1&2 Jr HE Op 2 W 3-5 pract by appt HE 501.42 by appointment M 4 224 HE Olson HE 504.42 by appointment M 4 224 HE Pike Math 4.58 A Fr ABCh TTHI S 8 12 Sparks Fil 13 Sparks' Math 4.58'8 Fr ChE MWFS 8 20 Sparks Math 4.58 D Fr PM MWFS 8 228 Sparks Math 10.58 A So Ch 3d Sem (A-K). So PM 3d Sein MWF 3 T 9 14 1 Sparks Met 474 Wed 9 T 10-5 121 MI Met 4768 M 9-12 instead of Thurs 9-12 2 EE Met 59 M 10 S 9 S 10-12 Mchs 11C TTH 3 3 EE Mchs 11D MW 11 207 Eng "A" Mchs 159 Mt Th r 10, 201 EngA Benkert Mchs 7.59 M Th F 10, 201 EngA Kapp Mchs 8.59 MWF 9 207 EngA Kapp Mchs 11.59 A MF 8 201 EngA Benkert Mchs 12.598 MWF 8, 219 EE Rhodes Mchs 14.59 A MFII 201 EngA Kapp; Th 8-10 100 EngA Benk eit Mclis . 14.598 MFII 8, 210 EE ithodeS Mchs 14.59'AM MFII 201 EngA, Kapp; Th 8-10 100 EngA, Benk ert Mchs 14.598 MFII 203EngA, Carey; Th 10-12 100 EngA Cassel Mchs 14.59 C MFII 201 EngA Kapp', T 10-12, 100 EngA Cassel Mchs 14.59 D MFII 203 EngA Carey; W 1-3, 100 EngA •Benk ert ME 60.60 Jr ME aero 6th Semi MF 3 Th 9 201 EngD W 205 106 EngD Gildea ME 101.66 TTH 1 202 EngD Fel- THE DAILY COLLEGIAN lows ME 5.61 So ME•TB F 9 802 EngD TTH 2-5 200 EngD Guillet MEDes 6.61 MFS 9 203 EngD Bradford—Jr Me (A-K) Music 157-164.76 Tryouts Mon day 7 um 117 CH July s—Re hearsals every Thursday evening at 7 pm Psv 2B ...fTHS 8 204 BE Psy 2C TTHS 9 204 BE Psy 4TTH T 2-5 204 BB Psy 231 Lectures M 10 M 11 M 2 Psy 217.75 So Ag Ed For . MI PV MF 3 110 NP , Physics 231.75 So Ch 3d Sem (A-K) Soph PM 3d Sem M 10 117 New Phys Physics 232.75 So Ch (A-K) PM 3d Sem TTHIOI.2 203 New .Phys PhysEd 1.76 TTHS 11.30 PhysEd 2.76 TTHS 11.30 PhysEd 376 MWF 11.30 PhysEd 4.76 MWF 11.30 PhysEd 13.76 for HE students by appointinent PhysEd 14.76 When the time list ed in the time table conflicts With another HE course for HE students 'scheduled by appoint:. merit PhysEd 12.768 Fr LD W 92 WH Th 3-5 .Psy 2.788 So Pm IE TTIIS 9 204 BB Psy 2.78 C So PSy TTHII T 2-5 204 BB De Camp Psy 426.78 Elective TTHS 8-10 208 BB Van Ormer Soc 1.85 A. So LD TTH 1 121 Sparks Abramson Soc 1.858 So' LD TTH 1 121 Sparks T 3 235 Sparks Abramson Soc 1.85 C So LD TT.I:I 1 121 Sparks Fll 17 Sparks Abrfifrikon Speech 300.88 Elective MWF 11 312 Sparks Tyson . Speech 410 MWF 10 moved to 312 • Sparks from 6 Lib Soc 3.85 DROPPED Soc 14.85 DROPPED Sec 2 Should be combined with Soc 1 Soc 34 Original number of this course was 33 Soc 428 Should be scheduled the same as 400. The original num ber of this course was 428 and has been changed to 409. Zool 26.93 MF 11:30 105 FL F 2-5 214 FL Eng Lit 484.33 MWF 11 Aud Of fice Thespians Want Dancers, Singer's Dancers, singers,. actors, and technicians are heeded for the TheSpian summer program, ac cording to ...Cadrnus L. G. Goss, production' manager, who is in viting all interested students to try-outs in Schwab ..Auditoritnin at 7 p.m. ThurSdaY..Any . special ty numbers will be auditioned at that same' hour. TheSpians have 'planned a three-fold prograni whiCh will in clude the regular musical show, mobile units to army cainps, and back-;stage canteens for the ser vicemen. MMEMOgI Coeds Play Hottest fo All Servicemen at 'Fun Night' Saturday - . night, July 10, should be an open date on coed calendars because that date is the first Sum mer semester "Fun Night" in Rec Hall. It will be an All-College af fair to welcome servicemen to the campus. H. R. Gilbert, chairman of the Social Saturday Night 'Committee, has extended an invitation to serv icemen of all branches of the Army and. Navy on Campus, 'regular ci vilian students, and faculty mem bers. Coeds will Serve as hos'te'sses for the evening; Mi. Gilbeil stated: Next . Saturday night's affair will function as a., USO' With games, dancing, and Other entertainment. "Fun Night" will begin at p.m. First MI Men Mass Meeting Set The first all-Men's mass meeting in 20 years will be held in Schwab AuditoriUM at 8 p.M. Tuesday for all Men% students in a civilian status, including freshmen. The relatively small enrollment has made this poSSible. Arthur It. Warwick, dean of men, will disatiss changed condi tion's as they affect the status, ex tra-curricular activities, social life and goVernment of men students. Dean Carl P. Schott, dir - ;ctor of athletics and physical education, will discuss the.,physical fitness program and the prospects of in tercollegiate and intramural ath letics. Mr. A. 0. •Morse, assistant to the President in charge of resi dent instruction, will • give the latest official information about the status of men students with respect to military service,, and will review the various programs of instruction now in operation on the campus. Players Holds Tryouts For Actors, Crew Players tryouts for acting, paint ing scenery, building stage settings, running a lighting switchboard, and work on property and costume crews for summer productions will be held in the Little Theatre at 7 pan. - Wedri&day, according to Lawrence Tucker, professor of drithatiCs. Priindrily for actors; this will determirie the participants in dra inatics sklts . and one-act plays which -will be staged in conjunc tich with such entertainment per fpt2med by service 'men, Curtiss- Wright cadettes and Hamilton Aviation Company students who are stationed on campus. Students having special ability in song and dance novelty acts will also be considered for The series of entertainments planned for the summer. SEX PENN AMERICA'S LEADING TECHNICAL JOURNAL $.40 $.75 $l.OO SUBSCRIBE NOW al STUDENT ulO6ll here to stay =a. and so is STATE ENGINEER . 1 Seitider Semesferi 3 Semested SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1943 Campus Calendar Saturday Ball game, Air Corps vs. Engi neers, High School Stadium, 2 p.m. Parade, College Ave.',6:ls Carnival, Allen St., all night. Sunddi Chapel, Schwab Auditorium. Rev. William E. Kroll 'l4, speaker, and Marilouise Lefty, contralto. Thespian meeting for- all mem bers, Thespian . room, 7 p.m. . . Air Corps Open' H'ouse for Men under 18 interested in . Air Corps service, Air Corps Barrcks, Sat urday afternoon. •Monday . Freshman women will meet in 121-Sparks,. 7:30 p.m... - Chapel Choir tryouts, for men in Room 200 Carnegie Hall, and for women in Room 211, 7 p.m. , Froth call for candidates,' 7:30 p.m., Collegian offices. . Tuesday Freshman . men . will • theet in Schwab. Auditorium, 8 p.m., Mortar tiOard will meet in .Miss Bentley's apartment at 7:15 p.m. *e'dzied'a4. Candidates for Penn State Col legian editorial staff will meet, hi the news room in the basement of Carnegie Hall at 7 p.m. All . fresh then and sophomores welcome, re gardless of curriculum. Movies, ."Our . 121 Sparks, 8 p.m: • Adiiiiision free. Movies .this ,week fediare "Olir Latin 7 Ainerican, Neighbors." L,akonittes will meet in White Hall at 7:15 p.m. Thursday Phi Delta Kappa meeting, Mr. Hobson. Pitifigh; noted AMeriCan , artist, speaker. See posters for time and place. thespian tryouts, SchWab Audi torium,. 7 p.m: Mortar Board, senjor women's honorary, will sell war stamps in the Sandwich Shop and Atherton Hall at mealtimes. Notice, Freshnien All men who have not yet reached, their eighteenth birth day and who are considering enlisting in the Army Air:For tes are invited to .be guests of. the. 330 AAFCTD at a baseball game between the Ali Crew tsudents and Army EngineVrS in the State Cbliege High School stadiuth at 2 tr. in. Sat utday. Men inte'res'ad - shOubc report to Etarraclis le, grim:o% headquart6is, at m. and they Will be escorted to the game. The Air Force Mardi in the July 4 celebration parhde at 6:1.5 tonight, and Will hold open lion's& fot the'Se young mien Sunday. Men Will be able to inspect barracks Where Air CreW students are. Stationed. 4441 0 .1 , 1 V`J • IgNM -. .~~ r~y~}.►
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