.093.1 70,011, tccros.semen Tackle Navy, • ;Thhns Hopkins in Away Tilts l'enn. State's lacrosse team 'e:: tomorrow morning on a ',wing through Maryland with tive:; of avenging the setback eldeC by Johns Hopkin's experi een,•ed ten last Saturday on New );; , :iver. Field. Nittany stickwieldei - s meet 11) Johns Hopkins squid in Haiti oil i e tomorrow afternoon, then 'lb a train for Annapolis where fly (ace off against the Mid vlnpmen Saturday afternoon. )3oth teams are strong this year. .:I(i)ins Hopkins took the Penn “i;ite forces to camp on their re er!nt visit here to the tune of 11-7. )\ l .tvy pulled. an upset last week when they bounced the Baltimore toom out of the unbeaten ranks with. a 7-4 triumph. On the rebound from the de fc•rlil at the hands of the Middies, ..1 . 01 ms Hopkins will again put four All-Americans on the turf. Cap t:on George Riepe and Buddy Y;testner, on defense, and Tom 9iuk and Henley Guild, in mid tiold positions, form the nucleus .If the team. Zink and Guild ac counted personally for nine of illc! 11 Hopkins tallies in the first wonting of the squads. 18 men will make the trip, ac cording to Nick Thiel, Lion coach. The starting ten will remain the ',Lone with the exception of Larry 3c . ;tires who will start in midfield ill place of George Pittenger. On attack will be Sammy Flen )Jor, Tom Mitchell, and Bill Piper. Wiitchell- and Piper both scored two goals in the first fray along with Captain Jim Gotwals to lead tho Lions in that division. center field Bert Sessler, Jim i,wals and Larry Faires will be iu there at the face-off while ()Wing back • line positions for the Nittany team will be regu- Mrs Bill Briner, Howie Hausner :m(1 Rock Kern. "Wild Bill" Hol -I.())back starts his second varsity the nets. Rounding out the 18-man squad aye Mike Milliken, defense; Dale )I;imilton, Wayne Bitner, Camp bell, ' Dick Ross; and Pittenger, midfield; - and Jim Walker and fete `johnsoni attack. ' Wets 'May= Schedule Calisthenics Course Calisthenics, a Codet course in siructeg by- Miss Haidt, physical cdtication department, will be of .f(J.ed to students during the sum- Jler semester.- • Lieutenant Smith of the Wom en's Marine Corps stated that the calisthenics and drill courses of f(;red are invaluable to -persons in tirested in enlisting in the Ma rines. The purpose of the calisthenics course is to teach - the physical I , enefits derived from exercise, and to instruct students in the methods of organizing calisthenics pro grams. Pre-Med Society Meets Dr. E. V. Moore, department of ywychology, spoke on "Psychiatry" :it a meeting of the Pre-Medical Society in 110 Home Economics at 7 o'clock. Change Interview Dates Ensign - Esther Odell of the WAVES will interview intereit ,, (!): coeds April 28 and 29 in gtead of 27 and 28 as was pre :- viously announced. Informa tion concerning the place NA/here interviews will be con ; ducted may be obtained from the dean of women's office af- Wr the Easter vacation. The ensign will arrive about noon .A.pril 28. Penn State Class Rings L. G. Balfour Co. ,S. Allen Street rim Charßes Fellow Staff. Sergeant John Honors of Charlotte, N. C. a clerk at the. Sas. Angelo Tex., bombardier school„ dreams_ of going: into ac.; tion-but continues to do paper c work until a WAAC enlists to , ell his post on Ute pencil. front., 1M Track Registrants Given Time Extension Deadline for entries for the Spring. intramural track meet, to be held on New Beaver Field April 29, was extended until April 28, .according to an an nouncement by the student spons ors yesterday. Physical exams must be obtain ed by entrants before race time. Fraternity and ..independent or ganizations will have a combined meet this 'year instead of the two sepaiate sections, as in previous semesters. CLASSIFIED WANTADS FOR SALE—Selmer alto SAXA- PHONE, with case. Practically new, never been- used. For infor mation, call 4792, ask-for Ivan. 430 West Nittany ave. 3t-20-pd—CAV LOST—Brown alligator. notebook containing , semester notes. Call Dave. 2544. 2t-20-pd—PPM FOR SALE—One set of boxing gloves. Call Paul, 2538. RW—To Syracuse or upper New York State over Easter. Call Art, 761. . 3t-20-comp—APM• R. W.—Harrisburg, Fork, „or Waihington, D. C. LeQve Wed nesdajt afternoon. Call Den, 2938. 2,t pd.-CAV . . . . LOST—Kappa key. Finder please call Phyllis Scherr, third floor Jordan, or the Kappa house. Re ward. It-21 pd—PW NOTICE—We will be able to ac commodate male students next semester with room and board , at minimum cost. If interested call 851 and ask. for a member of the Executive Board. 2t-21-chg—REM LOST—Small pair gold wings. Re ward. Finder please call 3710 and ask for Barbara, or come to Room 310 Sparks. • 2 t-2 I -pd—RM PW—Kane, Warren, Union City. Leave Thursday . 3:00, return Monday. Call Weed 2090. lt-21-pd—RLF rECE DA.EL7:: COLLEGIAN 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 r11111111111111111111111111111 Women in Sports 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 The National Intercollegiate Archery Tournament will be held during the week of April 23 to 30, according to WRA Archery President Florence Rothman. Coeds who wish to participate should plan to shoot during that week and turn in their best scores to Miss Rothman. The tournament will take the form of a Columbia Round. Four ends, each constituting six arrows, will be shot from 30, 40, and 50 yards. Coeds who qualify will re ceive certificates of A, B, and C ratings. • Shooting will be held in the afternoon at four o'clock and in the evening at seven o'clock; Miss Rothman stated. Curtiss-Wright Cadettes are invited to participate. Although all students are in vited• to attend our Co-Rec week end on Saturday and Sunday after noons, May 1 and 2, special invita tions have been issued to all the Curtiss-Wright Cadettes and the Air Corps Cadets, Adele Levin an nounced last night. Softball, volleyball, and archery will highlight the activities to be held in front of White Hall and Holmes Field Saturday which will last from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Other games wilt be ping pong, table tennis, badminton and fist ball. There will.,be square dancing on the parking lot. Refreshments will be sold. Fun seekers will hike to the WRA cabin on Sunday afternoon, leaving White Hall at 2 p.m., and will stay for a picnic supper. They will return by 7:30, p.m. Tickets for the supper are 25 cents and may be obtained from the Student Union in Old Main or any of the club presidents after vacation. Air Corps men may get their tickets at the Service Center. Lakonides to fled Secretary April 28 Originally scheduled for tonight, the' Lakonides meeting has been cancelled, according. to President Grace Judge.. The next meeting will be held Wednesday night, April 28. At That time a new sec fetary• will be elected. Those nomi nated 'to 'replace Secretary Mary. Grace Longenecker. are Marilyn Globisch, Mary Ann' Jennings, Marjorie Brihkman, and Cynthia Geffen. Mortar Board Elects Mortar Board, senior women's honor society, elected- two new of ficers yesterday, Florence I. Jaffy. succeeds Dorothy K. • Brunner as treasurer, and Dorothy M. .Boring takes F. Doris Stevenson's place as editor. no.iwA t tr , is III» M. ID} S Lions May, feet Mules Today In First Home Game of Year Bedenk Doubtful! . . • •c: A • • i• • ••• • •• • •• • • , ::::::::::.::: • . • ............... •""" " • • ........ . . .......... • " ••••"" •• • " " •••• """ •••-••• " •• • • •• • • • ••••••• • ji~ **i••• • ••:•,• • • 0 • , ••*<:*::•••1. • • • , •••:•:•:-. , •••••::v. v.. • ,:•,:•:••••:•• .:••••,•• • • ••• • ••••• •• • ~~»~`>. ...~~a Joe Bedenk, Lion coach 'of base ball, was doubtful as to whether his team would meet Muhlenberg this afternoon in the season's opener on New Beaver Field. In clement weather conditions last night may force the cancellation of their fourth straight game, but he is going to wait until 4 p.m. to make sure. Annual Student Art Exhibit Displays Painting, Design, And Drawing Creations Paintings, drawings and cos tumes created the last two semes ters by over one hundred students are being displayed at the annual Student Art Exhibit in Mineral In dustries building until April 30. Studehts in drawing, painting, and design courses of the Division of Fine Arts have contributed their work to the event. Climaxing the Showing, John Y. Roy, assistant professor of fine arts and chairman of the committee, will discuss "The Young Artist in America" in the gallery the Thurs day preceding the final day of the exhibition: The gallery will be open today and also Tuesday until Friday from 8:S0 a.m. to 10 p.m. after vacation. Other members of • the commit tee in charge of the event are A. W. Case, assistant professor of fine arts; Helen M. Savard, assistant professor of applied arts; Dorothy B. Scott, , assistant in dramatics; and Eleanor Z. Willis, assistant in fine arts. •• Mortar Board will begin the sale of defense stamps in the Curtiss- Wright dining commons after din ner on Thursday. - Sales will. con= tinue as previously in Mac Allister and Atherton. • • ONLY INDIVIDUAL FLAT RACE VICTORY IN THE 1.928 OLYMPIC GAMES! WEDNESDAY. APRIL 21, 1943, "4- After wading through six inches of snow, sleet, and rain for the past week, Joe Bedenk's baseball• ers will at last get an opportunity to shed their overshoes and don a set of spikes for the first home game of the season, when they meet Muhlenberg here at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Pitt was scheduled to play in State College on Monday, but in clement weather forced its cancel lation. The week before, snow and rain were the causes of calling off contests at Annapolis against Navy, and against Temple on the New Beaver diamond. Bedenk will start his ace hurler, Johnny Stover, •in today's contest, to match the throwing ,arm of the Muhlenberg pitcher, Jakowlinski. On the other end of the battery, Oggie Martell& will do - the receiir ing. This duo is the combination that took the season's opener from Villanova on April 10. t.'!': . :•:"::-:::]::":4.!';'.. The only change in the lineup will be in the center field spot, where the Lion mentor is sliding Ken Yount into Jack. Burford's position. Yount shoulders plenty of power with the bat, and should give the squad a little extra punch on the firing. line. Jake Flowers, in the right field gardens, will be the leadoff man for the Nittany aggregation. The other outfielder slated to •.get the nod. is Dale Bower, regular left fielder. Captain Whitey ThomaleadS the infield at short, and is assisted by Ray Sutherland in the hot cor ner, Eddie Sebastianelli at second, and -Chuck McFarland on first base. It was MdFarland who scor ed the winning run at Villanova in the twelfth inning, when Oggie Martella lined a double to center to break a five-inning tie. Mike Wardrop• and Matt McKiri. ney may see action on the mound Tin addition to Stover, depending on the style batters the Muhlen berg team uses. The Mules have played but one game this year, losing to Lehigh in the opener two weeks ago. Since then, all their games have been cancelled due'to weather, so they meet the•Bedenk men on an even status.. BUY •WAN - •BONDS .. AND STAMPS'' • D. . .... ~-. wil • , • ~.: Can IBe - Purchased ,•• , , at .. . /11 sk• rik r ork 3 Pt/ REA:4V (Knit rNc: . . .. .. ALLEN' STREET...: Next to the Bank Clock • New under-arm 40 Cream Deodorant safely ' Stops Perspiration 1. Does not rot dresses or ments shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to iffy. Can be used tight after shaving. 3. Instantly Stops perspiration for I co 3 days. Prevents odor. 4. A pure, white, greaseless, , stainless vanishing cream.. 5. Awarded Approval Seal of American Institute of Launder. for being ha- Ile,
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