Successor To The Free Lance, Established 1837 _ P§ ®ltf Satlg 0 (EoUpgiatt to VOL. 40—No. 40- 43 (hem Students .{* / Make Honor list In Fall Semester 5 Earn Straight 3's, Whitmore Announces Forty-thred students made an State Aristocrats had their..begin- this year. Almost the whole library organization. Charles H. Welker has been ap avpraoo nf at lojut 9 rtiii-mu tiip nin S when Les Stine, trombone consists of special arrangements The new group will be known as pointed Cadet Colonel and Bri aveiage or ax least z.o aurmg xne man and arranger, saw the possi- with tunes done by Jimmy Ley- “Masquerettes,” taken from the gade Commander of the Penn Fall semester in the School of bility.of offering Penn State dan- den, Don Smith, Les Stine, and Vic word “masquer” meaning actor State ROTC unit, according to a Chemistry and Physics, Dean F. C. cers something new in bands. Dimeo along with others by boys Purpose of the Thespian Masquer- dispatch issued by the ROTC de- Whitmore announced yesterday. The band played for the'Thes- in the band. Such novelty, num- ettes is to foster cooperation and partment last night. Five students received 3 aver- P 1 ® 1 ), fal l review “What’s Cornin' bers as “Joltin’ Joe,” “Amen ” coordination between the Thespian other new officers of the Bri bes They are- Seniors, Margaret “ d fol owed Jt wlth fOUr M !‘ JT u hy F ! Ve ’ and Take , ll Club and its subordinate organiza- gade stafr are Cadet Lieut Colon _ ages, inej are. oeniors, margarex All-College dances and many pn- and Git” have been very popular tion, to lighten , the duties of the el Fdwarri T rl k J. Blackburn and Herman M. Pan- yate ones. with the audiences. Thespian Club, and to provide an 0 £ the Engineer Regiment- Cadet zer;; Sophomore, Roscoe O. Brady; The Aristocrats were in the pit Entire proceeds from the dance incentive for more complete par- Lieut Colonel Allen B Crabtree and! Freshmen,' Bruce F. Chandler for the spring Thespian show, will be used to send the Daily Col- ticipation of those women engaged Commander of the Infantrv Reeii * and! Robert D. Gleichert. ‘ f ‘ Hid f le f n t 0 Pen " Sta t? m p e "j n tke in Thespian productions. ment , and Cadet Major Daffiel M. Seniors ' ' ' ' - for the. Victory Weekend Review, service, according to Phillip P. Until last fall, this plan had al- Kreider, Commander of the Sig .T , T , Last summer the band was booked Mitchell ’44„ business manager. ways met with opposition. At that nal Battalion. Margaret J. Blackburn, Charles mto Kishacoquillas Park at Lewis- Mitchell stressed the value of rollpoe Thesnian Club . Catenzaro, William H. Cramer,, town-with a half hour broadcast buying the dance tickets early so to Wea 2 James E. Husted, Herman M. Pan- over NBC’s local station, WMRF, that the .service men may receive and Dol .; s M Disney ’42 and - Midge Engineer Re Shment ■ zer, George W. Rusler,. Joseph C. every Saturday night. their subscriptions as eai-ly as pos- on a „ on _ Cadet Major, C. 0., Ist Battali- ■ Rutcofskie, Donald O. Schissler, The band from that time bn was sible. stitution. Thev were graduated, on — John F - Melzer, Sidney Semler, and Richard W. really a combination of two bands, Tickets for the dance are on sale ] lowever and further work on the Cadet Major, C. 0., 2nd Bat- Watts.. the popular Walt James orchestra at Student Union, the Collegian . dea wa g. postponed, until this se- talion —-Edward J. -Kleckner, Juniors and the Aristocrats. The mei-ging office in Carnegie Hall, and from mester ’ Cadet Captain, (Regimental Wallace E.- Almquist,. Isadore D. of the two libraries gave the band- solicitors. Price-to Collegian sub- Helen L Schme i z ’43 was elect- Adjutant—Harry j. - Hofmeister, Bolef,. Joseph •L. Boscov, Fred such fine Jimm y Leyden arrange- scribers. is 55-cents, .while general ed president; Elaine H.Weller ’45. Jr - , „ t . .... Fischl,James-.LV.Kline, George. C-. me . nt . s - as “ Dee P River,” “Pretty admission will be $l.lO. vice-president; » and Miriam L. Cadet Captam, Segimental- S-3 Mosch; Ruth L. Popp, and William f " . .. . • Zatftman ’45, secretary^tveasiirer,' Leonard J. Qitschier. *, Hicks Warns sSS&SSft : Roscoe O. Brady, Benjamin J. .- , . -■ - _ ' - EleCteO 10 IFC • “ thre | shows f or hava Sar J ad Leaman, Jr., Paul.. H. Magnus; -Cohn, Edwin Dorfman, Gershon M: f HclaiMC WiAlbilaW* «-« ’ > ’ ... elther property or advertising RobeTt q Mitchell Robert R Goldberg, Robert ,C. Hastedt, tUSIOniS VIOI3IOri .Judiciary Committee committees to he eligible for elec- £ ick ey. Henry; S.. Myers, and;.Robert W. . . . * . tion into the Masquerettes. So far, Cadet Ist Lieutenant Adiutant. j-Ritzmann^i-i^ii-:.itAny/Jitresb:^^Vlembers;;of .;.tl\e -Faculty Uud.i- : there., are,lsjrpembers,. ;; Ist Bn Goldber-■ •- Freshinesi ' wearing his hame : '<‘ard v irisidW’ his ciary v Committee' of lnte- ' ..Mrs!. J, Ewing Kennedy, wife of Cadet Lieutenant Adiutant 2nd Jreshmen . . coat will be treated as a customs Fraternity Council elected last “Sock” Kennedy who sponsors the Bn M C rriP D Witmer ’ - .^°l ge + P ; S' violator and subject to. the juris- night are J. Paul Selsam, M; Nel- Thespian; Club, will sponsor the Wallace &SF.^hSer,-Carol ”lasi nSS ***! HUS ‘ Masquerettes. - ' M. Riley, Kendrick.C. Taylor, Linn ijSngle, Joseph M. Garfunkel, Rob-. Shal melting' n ght S ‘ The new faculty adviser, Burice ' r * .Jolm-F.-Provost, _ ert D. Gleichert, Margaret L. John- meexing... .. :. ' . M - Hermann; briefly discUssed DiHiltfl rillhfirailfafl' Harold A. Bryson, Israel M. son, Roger’B;;Knowles, Stanley J. • Hicks, chairman of Student : ...geribusness •Of Time to -KIOIhQ UUQ.UiaIIICQ Krauss, Lawrence D. Gent, James Krugerj William E.'McTurk, Nancy Tribunal, also, warned-late regis : . cdl^e ,-, : tQ beg in the program for ||«a-a| ffAfk -PavHiOlt 'A. Hewitt, A. Peck, Donald L.-Rose, Barrett I. trants .to wear customs, and .ad- th e.. even ing and .-was followed by; M*® raflllUll Clifford M. Brown, Lawrence Rubin,' Leonard Sattel, Thomas B’ vised upperclassmen to.ton.m De£m Warnbck, who p enn • « t ate Ridina Club has G- McEyoy, John M. Zabkar.-Rar- Scott; atttt. t . '» = ** Sf 3 Sf ct ooi £ i ‘ Threi vlolotors were .brought fumfehcTb/fband’'™ 1 ' povUton four tfghts a . eorbman,Scverino I before board, in the..first President'Henry Keller ’44 an-"'- McC^;; War ' DancerAleh-Leaf ■ i m. • • '-V I. ■■■ . official. Tribunal meeting of .the novmced. nominations to fill the' '" -,i,w vw * en ' ' Ga ' - a >' Bernard-, .ankm. Uses race end Hsnds spring -semester.. Those tried were vacancy of . secretary-treasurer: f _flT^? r ,Edward Steidle; Jr.-, Christy Hal- Y Henry Potkanowicz, .Larry Pres- Larry Faries ’44, Theodore Mater of b lien > Thomas F. Egan, 111. • In Presenlina Dances tone, and; Don. Barnes..,- , • ’44, Alton H. Letzer. ’44, and Rob- P unched off th ! * t!lcl P ts - •: - ' Infantry Regiment Jn M* All'three ..were found guilty of e rt. F. Savard-Jr. ’44. Keller also Wednesday, evening lectures Cadet Major, C. 0., Ist Battalion s r By ROBERT'T. r KIMiMEL v hot wearing customs, and as a-re- stated that- anyone wishing to -will be given to beginners. Mon- —Boyd M. AVitherow, ' •nanems most effectively wM- will pfean War- m ake additional nominations -day* Tuesday, and Thursday act- Cadet Major, ..C. 0., 2nd Bat- Z'--- 8 ,<• . .. v hock’s history of Penn State, as should, contact' 7 him. • • \ ual. instruction -is offered. talion^Henry.. A. Hotter,. Jr., her, face. and.hands, Noami Ale - W gu as o 'n. College songs* at next Letzler announced that the Fra- , r? : —Cadet Major, C. O: 3rd Battal- Leaf..presented a group of modern week’s. Tribunal meeting. . temity Stamp Drive would :get nsi|{jc)fU ScholdTShiOS ion—Ralph L. Schmidt, dances in the Little Theatre..-last • Prestbrie,' the most-serious .of- underway next, and that all fra- w 1 • * • 1 . . Cadet . -Captain,... .Regimental night to a capacity crowd. Keep- feridei-; of thie group,-neglected to ternities should.. record their, Scholarships .; in : dentistry-are .Adjutant,. Rudolph Bloom, Jr:, : w hnHv motions to a mini- wear his dink arid lhariie'card." . quotas with him not later than .available at. Temple. Universit y-for Cadet Captain,-Regimental S-3 B . * - ■ ’ .' • Tribunal members present in ad- this week. capable and deserving young men, —Clifford M. Painter. 5?W®». Miss.Aleh-Leaf. created with to "Hicks were Charles F. Next week’s meeting of the'lFC through the W. K. Kellog Founda- . Cadet. Captain, Company Com ber hands and the expression of Hall ’45, Dudley D. - Gallup ’45, Treasury Association will be held tion, President Johnson of Temple pany Commanders: .-Herschel D. .her face the moo'd for each of her Robert E. Dierkin ’43, and Frank Phi-Kappa Sigma house, at University informed the College Baltimore, Saul Hanin,- John E. Seven dances.' - R. McKain ,’44. - 7 p. m. Wednesday. yesterday. « v~- - Harney, Jr., Wm.- T.. Richards, , i . , . : : —: : ; = .-.-. John. A. Rush, Stanley C. Poitz . Done after.the.modern school of . . man - "Marc/i Of Dimes 7 Continues . iiight presentations on campus. • f . « Lebow, McClain B. Smith, Jr., 'Miss Aleh-Leaf credited on ' “The sixty coeds who are collec- ing done at the Georgia Warm data for public health and educa- Adhifcmt the program with the costumes tors ;the < March of Dimes - cam - Springs Foundation has proven to tional measures in this field. {Continued on Page Two) and choreography. Her robes were 'me that the fight to eradicate this The National branch, in order bright and many-colored, suggest- Paign have never fa! ed to appear diseage natkm . wide „, to support research, has made ing the theme of the program, for duty, according to Mildred B. Every research department in eighteen grants and. an appropria- I iltraru krrantt dances of-Palestine and the Near. Rubin 146, chairman of the cam- the couritry must be adequately tion to universities and hospitals. VvllClJC LIU I alj ALlCyll East- paign. , financed to carry on investigations Universities in Minnesota, lowa, r/v||n/>j| MoitlhoPthin S The dancer used the jewelry she : Very few social fraternities have into the cause of infantile paral-' Massachusetts, Chicago, California, LUUIILII rfCIUUUI jUip wore to contribute to the rhythmic acknowledged their letters contain- ysis, according to the president. Wisconsin, Maryland, and Toronto . beat, of her interpretation, espe- ing information of the drive, how- More than 2,000 community are concentrating on various. , A^ ce P tln S j n . V ® xten sT cially the bracelets she wore on ever, Miss Rubin stated.. chapters are conducting local phases, contraction,, infection and the PhuadelphmMetropon her arms, .and the anklets of bells,. Students and townspeople are drives, thus providing orthopedic recovery. *an Ll hrary Council, the College leaving her hands free. Miss Aleh- urged to contribute before 11 p.m. equipment, training, and financial The money collected in counties Library recently attained mem* Leaf, with'her wonderful sense of Saturday, at which time the booth assistance for payment of hospital is .divided between local hospitals hership m the group, rhythm, kept the beat of the tam- w ni be closed for the year. expenses, for patients in need of and research projects. Only seven • This Council is responsible for bourine and bells, on the off-beat ■ The National Foundation for In- that care. ■ per cent of the total amount raised furthering the development of ef throughout. , , fantile Paralysis, organized Janu- Immediate care for the Individ- has been needed for collection -ficient library policies in Phila* j Miming one number, and sing- ary 3, 1938, under4he laws of the ual victim of poliomyelitis is pro- costs. delphia. . 'jng in several, 'she -concluded .her State of New York, is a non-profit vided for by the chapter. When The drive for State College sup- The College Library became the •program with “A Flower Vendor,” membership corporation. stricken, he is urged to appeal to port is in conjunction with the first library outside of the Phila which drew most applause from Of the organization, President the county organization for help, national campaign which began delphia district to contribute to the audience. Miss Aleh-Leaf was Roosevelt stated, “My own per- Another duty of the local chap- January 1 and will' terminate the the union catalog when it donated presented by Hillel Foundation. sonal experience in the work be- ter is to provide carefully chosen 31.- cards for its holdings. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1943, STATE COLLEGE, PA. Penn State Aristocrats Will Play Women Organize ( fj. Welker Heads At "Lincoln’s Birthday Ball" S Maie Thespilns Brigade Command . The Penn State Aristocrats will Eyes,” “Nobody Knows the, Trou- * « g, j gft u ■ be one of the two dance orches- ble I’ve Seen,” “The Loneliest For many years, coeds at the A# I 9 AbARIAI tras featured at' “Lincoln’s Birth- Man in Town,’’ and other campus College who have taken part in VUUvI %»VlVllvl day Ball,” the Daily Collegian’s favorites; Tip Lyford, formerly Thespian shows have desired to annual dance to be held in Rec- lead alto for Walt James, joined form a sister organization to the Cr3bfT66 KfCidfif reation Hall Friday night, Febru- the band and is still with it. Penn State Thespian Club. Last ' ' ary 12. • The band intends to give the night a group of enthusiastic coeds (3IOCK LIGUi.-CoIOIIGIS Back in ' October ’4l, the Penn dancers plenty of musical variety met to compose plans for such an OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE PRICE: THREE CENTS
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