FOUR Zang 'Takes Personnel Job Wltiti Brewster Corporation Assistant Dean Ends three Years" Work Miss Ruth H. Zang, assistant to clean of women. will leave e.o.npu7, December 17 to accept a position in per - sonnet work in the engineering department of the 13rews r. Aeronautics Corpora- • Miss Zang's resignation brings • in an end three and one-half years • of. work with Penn State coeds. A fitate graduate, the assistant dean '41). - cam:l affiliated with the dean of women's staff in September 1939. In 1941 she was promoted to • the office of assistant dean in cliarge of freshman women. Concerning her work with Fenn ;i:ate women, Miss Zang said, "My ~ssociation with coeds at the Col , liege has been one of the finest ex , periences anyone could have had. an experience I shall never for get. Nor will I forget the many women. I have known here.. "My work has been very chal ; :longing and very interesting. The ;:pirit of cooperation among coeds is splendid; I doubt if I shall find yimilar spirit anywhere." Besides being graduated from :`date with a bachelor of science degree in agricultural biological chemistry, Miss Zang has begun graduate work here in industrial psychology. She explained that Seer position with Bre*ster's will viable her to combine her techni ca training with personnel ex perience. The assistrint dean said she ex oects to be stationed in Philadel- Alia for a period of three months rind then to transfer to another )ranch of the corporation in Long ;;Land. ' • .i...-...., • . .... .. N.• . . ~,,, , " 4"....C.• :,.... :. , . \. . 1 I ,:. ti • . 4 41 ; 4 ;'; ' " - - it : 7 ~. .; ; - 4 4. •.,.; ..,,,nOP .: -•-: \ , ,A • : 1,0 , ; .-,, ... 14111 111 — N s) -.- ~,,,,..,01•ftr• . . . . . - EViCIRIIIIIMOVIVAIR ... Morningstar. - Bread- is fine for every purpose.•lt makes,. sandwiches that . ere -pleas- • ing in taste and at the same time nourishing.- - And if -you Want crisp toast that fairly: melts in your mouth this is the ).oaf for. you. MORNKNC.: cvntka, TRU wx-y.EAT - PURITY BREAD and Tnoviiy , WINDIER .- CAE:2, The • .• First National "'tank of State College Member of Federal Deposit-Insurance Corporation. CORPORATION OFFERS lENGINEERING COURSE Because of the increased de mand for trained engineers and the simultaneous decrease in the number of men able to com plete their college technical training, Curtiss-Wright Corpo ration, one of the •three largest aeronautical concerns in the country. is planning to offer basic courses in engineering to women students. The program is not an at tempt to replace engineers, the corporation stresses, but is rather designed to prepare co eds to perform specific primary jobs so that the few available graduate engineers may be free for work on more complicated processes. The program, of a year's dur ation, will be carried out in col lege engineering schools. Wo men selected will be stationed at colleges where they will re ceive tuition, room, and board free, as well as a salary from Curtis-Wright. At least two years - of college education, in cluding elementary mathemat ics, are required of applicants. A Curtis-Wright representa tive will visit the College De cember 15 and 16 to interview interested coeds. Later notice will be given concerning time for scheduling interviews. NA Will Hold Informal Victrola Dance Tonight Because of popular demand for a dance similar to the informal victrola dance held by IWA Penn weekend, members of IWA will hold another in Grange playroom from 9 until 12 o'clock tonight, ac cording to President :Marjorie A. Magargel '44. Admission is 10 cents per person, and stags will be admitted, Miss •Magargel stated..- . - ." .* • . HoStesses .appointed for :•: the .dance Harriette . i Black si '44, Mildred CobkerlY. 44; ~ Gertrilde -I'. • Cohen - .',45; June' R.' White '45, Helen L. Schmidle '46, and Norma F. Schwab '46. The committee in charge caats• prises' general chairman Norma R. • Stern '44 and Sydney H. Riven burg '44, Miss. White, and Florence A. Porter. Lakonides Installs Grace'L. Judge '44, and Vivian I. Martin '45, were installed - as president and vise-preSident, re spectively, of Lakonides, women's physical, education honorary, at a meeting Wednesday night. Ruth Ernst also took office as treasurer. Next meeting of the group will be held jointly with Phi Epsilon Kappa, men's . physical education honorary, to discuss "Co-recre action on Campus." THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Coed Surprised With $5O Bond Manna from heaven —in the form of a $5O war bond—dropped into the lap of Betty Ann Griffiths '45 this week when she discovered she had won fourth prize in- the Pittsburgh Penn State Alumni As sociation raffle. It was all pure gravy as far as Betty Ann was concerned. As a matter of fact she didn't even know that such a thing as the Pittsburgh A 1 trm n i Association raffle existed. Her father, All- American football player and a Penn State graduate in '2l, who was recently elected to Congress from Ohio, bought several of the raffle tickets and signed her name to one of them. That one turned out to be a winner. The raffle I'vas held last Satur day at the Bellevue-Stratford Ho tel, Pittsburgh. Williams to Discuss 'Women and the War' "College Women and the War" will be discussed by Mrs. John H. Williams, state AAUW president at a tea given by the local chap ter in southeast lounge, Atherton Hall at 3 o'clock this afternoon. After the tea, Dean of Women, Charlotte E. Ray will present sen ior women to Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Hummel Fishburn is chair man of the tea. Her "committee in cludes Mrs. F. Joseph Bedenk, Mrs. • Michael Farrell, and Mrs. Joseph F. O'Brien. Mrs. Edward M. Friear, ~•nd 'Mrs. Carroll D. Champlin will pour. • Kappa Alpha Theta pledged velyn L. Wasson..'46 Thursday. CLASSIFIED SECTION FQR RENT—One lard& double room with separate stue.y. One large single room. New house. desirable location, coal, heat. Call 4339. 2tpd4.5,8M FOR RDNT—Two rooms, one dou ,ble, one single. Close to Campus. Call Kimmel, 3332, 243 South Pugh street. • comp , it Dec. 12 FOR '- SALE—Complete outfit. 'size 37; new style, arrow pleated shirt. 15 1 / 2 ; shoes, 8; black socks; maroon tie. Call Mitchell 841. - 3tc0mp3,4,5,M LOST—One physics • lab: looseleaf notebook. Has name on front. Reward four times value. Call Norm, 3216. Thanks I NEED CASH—WiII part with Kodak Bantam Special f 4.5, camera .and also• case, for $l7. I would exchange an enlarger, tri pod. filters. etc.. for a few filthy dollars. Call 3433. 2tpdc Rides Wanted— RW—To Allentown Friday any t-me after 3 p. m. Call 27 Ath. ,• 2tpdPM WARNER BROTHERS sTAT , E , 4esi. WY WAR BONDS AND STAMPDHERIP Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:45, 8:45 TODAY MON TUES „„,„„„,„„„„„„„w„,„„„„inni,„„„„„„„,„„„1,, Civil Service Men Women In Sports' o Interview Coeds 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111611 Eight games remain to be play ed in WRA IM basketball between the eight teams still in the run ning for the championship. Scheduled to play in the White Hall gymnasium at 4 p. m. Mon day are Phi Mu vs. Ath East and Gamma Phi vs. Theta. Swimming, bowling, bridge, bad minton, ping pong, fencing, and volley ball will be available to coeds at White Hall from 7 to 10 o'clock tonight. • WRA Swimming Club will be in charge of the Open House, and will serve refreshments at 8:45, according to Phyllis R. Watkins '44,. Club president. A pantomine of "Murder of dice" by Edna 'St. Vincent Millay will be presented by the modern dance concert group in Schwab auditorium at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Members of WRA Dance Club wi,ll take part in the presentation with Marion A. Hora '43, as the leading dancer. Coeds who will dance are Harriette Block '44, Har riet G. Vanßiper '44, Shirley V. Hadley '45, Madeline L. Mahu ran '45, Anna E. Radle '45, and JdEllen Loop '46. Assisting in the production .will be Jean E. Hershberger '45, Jo anneM. Palmer '43, H. lone Cra mer '44, H. Elizabeth Furst '45, and Mary 8.. Port '45. Lines from the poem "Murder of Lidice" will be read during the dance. Sarah A. Thompson '45 is in charge of properges.. Annual Christmas. • SMOKER Sigma Delta. Chi - Professional Journalism Fraternity Mohday y Pecembef'-‘7 : . : • .7:M) P. M. ‘ • •-, • , TEKE HOUSE. • Corner Progpect & Garner CHET SMITH-Guest. Speaker -- Pittsburgh Press- Sports -Editor 3tpd3,4,5MKH 12== liM= ENGINEER'S HO * FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 RR HALL-9 to 12 P. M. Music By George and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1942 War Work Offered Graduating Women Civil S e r v ice representatives will visit campus Monday and- Tuesday, December • 7 and 8, to conduct personal interviews with woman students graduating in De cember, who are interested •in doing war work after graduation. Lieutenant McNally of the Naval Aircraft Factory will address the coeds in room 315 Sparks at 7:30 p. m. Monday. Positions open to coeds are in spectors of engineering and aero nautical materials. Salaries range from $l6OO to $2OOO. Opportuni ties for work iii • naval factories_ are also offered. All woman students graduating, regardless of their curricula, are eligible. A six-months training course will be given during which time candidates will receive -a sal -6r-Y. A detailed letter explaining the types of work offered is posted . in the dean of women's office. Eight ensigns helped coeds • at their . Christmas tree . decoration 'party Thursday night. RefreShments were served. ~at .he f/ov«e STATE—"For Me and. My Gal." . • 'CATHAUM—"Road to Moroceo." : • NITTANY—"That Other Woirian." -Earnshaw Nittany Lions INFORMAL
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