'-'•'.''• ' " ' —' - ' ''.'- ' 1 ':'-' .. •' '',' 2' : . '..• . -' Successor To The Free ' Lance, Estabtfshed - 1887 • • ' • " - . .. • ..•••.v.r i. . . . A --- •:'.' :,. . • ' .T 4 11,.• D a/ 1 g ...; t i , _T o il rgiatt . ._ • __./ \ nu ..."M'S" •.-)ICE ~. VI(ICi , W eather '7 )LLEGE VOL. 40—No. 11 Cabinet Sponsors International Student Meeting "Although it came without any - - .warning other than that immedi- Sw an ately preceding the alert, yester- Vice-President; • 15 Offices, Check-Off .. day morning's air raid drill •was 100 per cent effective," George W. Tanner Asks For Leave Important! Proposal At Stake Ebert, chairman of the campus de- • ' Henry Keller '44, was elected . By LARRY CHERVENAK Attempting to show that stu- fense council, announced yesterday president of the Pennsylvania Students going to the polls News Editor dents of different nationalities afternoon. today in the first day of All-Col have been able to live together The first alarm - Sounded, at 10:23 State - College Interfrat ern i t y loge Elections will be asked 'to Penn State's hang-up All harmoniously when needed, an a. m. and by 10:30, exactly: seven Council. Keller succeeds M.• Will mark approval or • disapproval . College political battle enters minutes after the first 'siren sound- . 1942-'43 .by the members of the International Student Day pro - - of the Daily Collegian Check- the - decisive stage at 12:30 gram will be held on nearly every• ed, the only people visiblPon cant- council. Keller succeeds M. Will- Off system which has been out- p. rn. today, with the begin college campus in the - country pus were air raid 'wardens, 'Ebert jun* Lundelius '43, present in- lined yin these columns during ning of the first - of three days stated, The •• all-clear • sounded at dumbent. - socin and on our own today. - • the past several weeks. • . of balloting in Old Main's first 10:49. . • Albert Swan '44, automatically Sponsored by All-College Cab- Paul I. Woodland, Collegian "The efficiency with which the became IFC vice-president when floor lounge. root and sanctioned nationally. editor, asked last night that all alert was .handled"-and .executed is he received the second • highest The College's . entire .under by President Roosevelt, the Mass voters consider the set-up care • most commendable,. and ..students, .• number of votes in the presiden - fully before indicating "yes" or graduate . student .body will - be • meeting - will . be.held .in Schwab • • faculty, and wardens are to be con- .eligible to vote .in balloting Auditorium; .7 o'clock -tonight: tial . balloting: Swan succeeds Ro- "no." He stated that anyone not ' gratulated on• their - splendid co- bent Gammon . .'43. . clear on how. the plan operates which will decide on two All- Co-author of the Czechoslova- • -. • • .. - • - - , Operation,. alertness 'and - cbolness," kiart . - constitution and. - visiting .Ebert eaid . Stuart Burns ' '44, was elected should read the advertisement College . and 13 class - offices, professor of sociology, • Dr.• H. A. •• • . . . . to the secretary-treasurer's post, on page eight and thp editorial and on Collegian's check-off Miller, will speak at the meeting. succeeding Edward Blackburn on page two outlining the work- plan. Balloting will continue until '43• ings of the system. 8 A. m. today. evening t day. . Other . . gueat speakers for the .College ::Has 300' ,Also elected., by the Council If the 15 cent reduction in • evening -are Miss. Kung Pu-Sheng, • - • Only a matriculation card will secretary of the Chinese - YWCA, were Theodore Maier '44 and class assessments proposed by be required for voting in the hectic George Pittenger '44, as general the Interclass Finance Board is and - Dr. Roy MCCorkel, author potential Airmen_ - Council representatives in the IFC approved by All-College Cabin- election that has already seen the and 'world-traveler. birth of a third and fourth party, . executive committee. et, the Check-Off plan, if ap- The meeting, which will last an an intra-clioue brawl that. ended State College now has over . 300 Preceding the elections, Pro- proved by student vote and the in the formation of a new slate of hour, is being held to commemo-College Board of Trustees, will potential 'pilots, - navigators, and ,fessor Sheldon C. Tanner, for candidates, and a no-contest eled rate the day 160 - Czech students . mean only an 85 cent net boost bombardiers in the 'Air Corps Re- fourteen years faculty advisor to tion transformed suddenly iinto a died for expressing their opin- in student fees for next semes serve with the closing of the latest the IFC, announced Mat he had three-way fight. ions in defiance of the Nazis. drive by the Harrisburg Traveling applied for a leave-of-absence, fe n. • As 'battle -we a r y politicians Chairma:n of the meeting is - Aviation Cadet. Beard Friday eve- effective next semester. and that Jerome H. Blakeslee '43, All-Coll- ning. , patched up their skirmish lines in ege president. he would therefore be forced to preparation for the final 72-hour ege Several selections Between NOVember 9 and 13 the give up his position with the in- Lewis To Speak drive, three completely new slate will be sung by the Penn State ..B oa ' r d :enlisted- 127 men in the En- terfraternity grOup. . . . . changes appeared in the mercurial Glee Club:' listed Corps; II S. Engart, Fraternities . were also • remind- ' ._ , _ _ ~..., .. .. . .candidate lineups. - Sponsors of - the meeting are president - of the Board; said yes- ed that a number of rushing de- '• At . • .. ganquel .• Campus - Mixed and Indepen- • All-College Cabinet, Internation- terday. posits were still outstanding at • ' .. • dents mer g e -d, the come-again ' al- Relations Club, Pi Ganima Mu, ' According to Engart, -these men Student Union and that the No- Dr. William M. Lewis, Lafay- gone-again Victory Party staged a and Cosmopolitan Club. Commit- are: being • permitted to continue vember War Stamp sale will get ette College president and form- sudden comeback, and Walter C. tee in charge of the event in- their country. Theoretically, they under way next week. . er head of Selective Service in Price '45 dropped out of the race chidee Robert 'MacNabb '45, Jam- their countyi'. Theoretically, they The Interfraternity Ball co- Pennsylvania, will speak at the for junior -class treasurer, in the '..es• A. McKechnie '4s,nd Gerald: :.deferred until they graduate. chairmen and the retiring officers annual Mineral Industries Stud- . aare newest series of quick-change acts B.: Maxwell Stein '44. In addition to the 127 who en- were compensated for their one- ern-Faculty banquet in the Nit- that have characterized the cur . • listed last week, 75 men have qual- year terms as provided in the IFC tany Lion Inn, 6:30 tonight. rent political scrap - from the time ~ . . Ridenour Proposes . ified - mentally but -'have not yet taken their physicals or appeared -constitution. Sponsored by Mineral Indus- the first volley was fired. tries . Student • Council and Min- The merger between the Inde- NeW, Tribunal Office . • for -enlistment. . .' . . . eral Industries Society, the ban- pendents '45 and their earlier- Scheduled appearance of the LA, g'd Sophomores - quet is held for the- purpose of formed riva 1 s, Campus - Mixed, TO I guard . against the pOssibil- Board at other colleges in this area mainteinirlg goddwill between came after the cliques had endors ity of Student -Tribunal being' left prevented it froni remaining long- . To Take English Tests students and faculty members. It . (Continued on page four) . withotit 'a' - chairman should the er;• but Captain Engart said -that it - -also affords students. an oPPor - 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' , *elected head leaVe school, Charles may return on December 15, 16, 17. In Sparks Today. tunity to . meet . prominent men - H:\Ridenour '43, retiring chair- Engart said that much of the suc- connected with mineral industri- LATE NEWS man,iproposed to All-College Cab- . ceis of the current drive . was due Sophomores 'in Liberal Arts es. ' het last night that the office 'of to the' adept - handling of Reserve and Education Schools who have Lewis, who is nationalP rs -FLASHES! e i- . . Tribunal vice-chairman be crest- . affairs - by Prof. Robert E. sal- passed. English composition 1 and dent of Phi Delta Theta fi•ater •: ed. .. . • . ~. braith, ;Faculty Advisor on'• War 5 are. required, to take English city, will talk on• "What the Min- • • ' . ilidenour - stated that. Under .this 'Service, and his 'assistant, Miss Usage test in Sparks from 1 to 3 eral Industries Can Do to Furth- 111111111181111111111111119111111111911911189911111111111111911 1 - plan the other man who served Lucy A.. Pizzella. . or 3tosp. m. today, according er the War Effort Most Effective- WASHINGTON —A - major vic with- - 1 3 ,-2' . . _ tort' in the Solomon Islands was ' 'was not elected chairman, would besides : Captain Engart were Capt. sor 'of English composition and . President Hetzel .will also de - climaxed last night in what may be -- automatically take - over this of- E. E. Rothgeb; recorder, and First chairman of the committee on liver a speech. Toastmaster for the turning point in the war when -' • •fice. After discussion Cabinet LieUt. T. L. Mercer, medical offi- English usage. the evening is Richard Maize, a total of 30 Japanese ships. were members decided to hold over ac- cer. . Juniors and Seniors who have secretary of Mines in Pennsyl- sunk and a. loss of from 20,000 to tion on this amendment for -the In addition to the 73 men listed failed the test previously are al- vania. . , • 40,000 Japs was suffered. Rear Ad -- 'new 'Cabinet which will take over in The . Daily Collegian Thursi;lay so required to take a re-exami- In keeping with the war effort, miral Callahan, former staff mem ir., several weeks. (Continued on Page -Two nation today. Students must pass a a $25 defense bond will be a- ben of Roosevelt's, was killed in the examination to be admitted to . warded as a door prize. action. ■' . s. • • II the Upper Division of their • leibacher. Dons 'W ig Develops.. Limp sch Exact place and time of each Penn ' s 001. Ski Admiral Nimitz reported that 23 warships were sunk, a complete Valley k Club • transport fleet was wiped out, and ;, ' • • . II • / • / student's examination has been a :',...f0r Role In Players :Show, Ghosts -• shown on a postal card, sent to Will Meet Tomorrow one Jap battleship andsix destroy ers were damaged. all Liberal Arts and Education Penn's Valley Ski Club will hold Only United States losses in the - Editor's Note: This is the third in Negro. servant. • . . • • • . sophomores last week. Students an important meeting in State fierce battle which began ironical a 'series of articles on members Leibacher's Professor Metz in may be excused from conflicting College High School, 7p. m. to- ly enough on Friday, the 13th, in of: the new players' production. "The Man. Who Caine To Dinner" classes at their scheduled time morrow, 'the directing group an- volved two light cruisers and six "Ghosts." was an eccentric soul who spent by, calling at 132 Sparks. row, the direct / ing group an- destroyers. , . Bob Leibacher is 19 years old. several years of his life living in . nounced yesterday. A divided American fleet drew . t'et; in the three Players' pro- a cave with bugs. Metz was the Cheerleaders Give Students interested in skiing the Japanese out from the islands type of individual who had sev- • are urged to be present at the to in which he has appear- to a dark territory where. the Saps ed,.discussion of membership in the . ' to date, he has been cast in eral pages on . his exploits in . Lessons To Candidates were confused to the point of the roles of men each over 50 "Encyclopedia Brittanica." Eastern Amateur ~,Ski Associa- shooting at their own ships and tion and the National Ski 'Patrol years of age..ln addition, he has . Nov,' in "Ghosts" Leibacher System. is Ten easy lessons on "How to men. The Club has. been or worn -a wig in every play. Jacob Engstrand, a • sly, hypocri- Become a Cheerleader" Will be LONDON—British naval author- Now,.. in "Ghosts,"_ Leibacher tical gardner ganized on an informal basis for I , humble in appear- given in Old Main lobby at 7p. fi fes announced last night that several weeks. will again don crepe hair and ance, but in actuality, out for the m. every night this week by head British and Canadian forces bomb . • enact the role of, a man well over furtherance of his own ends. cheerleader Chuck Peck and his ed Genoa yesterday for the sixth . the half-century mark. Engstrand sustained a serious varsity squad of cheerers. J. W. White Scholarships time with a 25-minute raid. Leibacher played his first part foot injury in a drunken brawl. Competition for berths on the Seniors interested in John W. MOSCOW Observers on the ' this Summer when he got a bit- Consequently, Leibacher wi 1 1 cheering squad are now open for White fellowships or senior scho- Volkhov front stated last night that role as a typical valet in "The wear a thick-soled wooden shoe all first . and second semester larsh ins shOuld call at the Coll- after a stiff two-day battle in which Rivals." on his right foot and walk with freshman men who must atteni ege Examiner's office. 108 Old the Russians made marked prod In "The Little Foxes" he play- an exaggerated pigeon-toed ef- these nightly sessions to be ell- Main for questionnaire blanks gross, the prelude to a winter of. .A. . d... Cal, - .an elderly, slow-moving feet. •. , gible. immediately. fensive is in view. Czech Constitution Co-Author To Speak TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1942, STATE COLLEGE, PA Students Desert Campus 7 Minutes After Alarm Sounds OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STA 3-Day Voting Begins At 12:30 Today; IF Council Elects Keller New President E CO PRICE: THREE CENTS
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