G) FOUR klawY Wilni /4-2 Et Lag Game /Annual Series Navy hockey team won the Ar• aA.y.../41ny series with a 4-2 vie-. toi y over Army on Holmes Field night. Navy totaled two wins, 5-1 and 4-0; Army won one 5-0: and a fnurth resulted in a 4-4 iie. . liigh s , 2.or'.•ir in yesterday's game Niavy's Betsy Robinson, in cid:. right, with 3 goals: Anna /riffle., center forward, tallied the other Navy point. Joan Finn, Ar tily center forward, and Lou Ccblichtc-.‘r, Army left wing, ac counted for Army's two tallies. Army T...eacis at Half hi the Opening of the first half /\rivy attempted three• goals, but 'W-G; stopped by Eleanor Wills, Army center half, and Mary Ann Jennings. Army left back. On a ~, , tss..froni Wills, Joan Finn scor ed the fist goal of the game. Ar iny's- other . score. and. the first Mtvy toliy came with three min-. tiles re'll - ,aining in the first half. Betsy Robinson, Navy inside ► ight, opened the second period with one of her three goals tall ied for Navy. Army goalie Skip flrrivanieh stopped. Navy scor ing attempts by Betsy McGee, imide lett, but Robinson rushed ty,i3 more goals in to give Navy thc, game and series. Navy Left wing, Helen Hooper, was absent from the line-up for the entir-a game. ockey Lineups Playing for Navy were Pat A- Poe, right wing; :Betty Robinson, inside right; Anna Radle, center forward: Betsy McGee, inside )oft, )Vlary Weldy, right half; Mot tie Haverstick, center half; Mar (;c• Lyons, /left half; Mary Lou El der, right back; Sal Hostetter, left• back; and A.nn• Sheffield, goalie. Army line-up included Peggy Quick, right wing; Dorcas New comer, inside right;. Joan Finn, center forward; Betty Pike, in- Fide left; Lou Schlichter, left wing, Annette Keefer, right half; El nor Wills, center half; Olive Wyatt, left half; Marge Raines, ►tight back; Mary Ann Jennings, kft , back; Skip Scrivanich, goalie. Referee for Army-Navy hockey games, was Miss Mildred A. Lu ccy, instructor in physical edu cation, All-College Tennis Mottle Haverstick became 1942 All-College tennis champion by defeating Betty Spang on the courts Saturday, Set scores were 6-3, 6-0. A new practice system has been adopted by WRA Badminton Club, according to Beatrice L. White '43. Practice periods will be conducted with adequate in iustruction Mondays, Wednesdays, :mid Thursdays at 4 p. m. and Tuesdays, WedneWays, an d Thursdays at 6:30 p. m. Regular Club business meetings have not yet been scheduled. "Mayan Ruins" is the subject of CATHAUM— the monthly meeting of the AAUW • "The Glass Key" cheduleil for the Hillel Founda- NITTANIZ -I.ic») at 7 p. m. Thursday Tor)24J• \YEDNE:spAv Tx-xuasD2-I.Y It TikIIENIMAr /Who? s: Most Temptlaig Mystery!! CI iliS 4 ll; ... a • , tilt THE _IF 0/411111EWS 7 11 799 Kt, ,rr...! starring ' MEAN DONLEVY /1 ; . .;N1 fIER.DNICA LAKE ALAN LAllli ALSO Merrio Molodie Cartoon--"THE SQUAVVIKIN" HAWK" Women Name Five Honor Coeds 6 Elections Meeting Hazel E. Gassmann '43, presi dent of IWA, will be replaced by the newly-elected president fol lowing the election's meeting this evening. Miss Gassmami urges all representatives to attend the meet ing. A Elections Sep For Tonighl IWA reresentatives will meet in 412 Old Main at 7 o'clock today to elect officers, Hazel E. Gassmann '43, president, announced last night. Freshman coeds recently elected as representatives from all wom en's dormitory units should attend or send alternates, Miss Gassmaim stated. Nominees include president Mar jorie Magargel '44,. and Harriet Block '45; recording secretary, Mildred Cookerly '44; correspond ing secretary,• Sydney H. Riven berg '44 and Norma R. Stern '44. Treaiurer, Mary L. Cassanave '45; social chairman, Lois Mae Mil ler '45 and 'June R. White '45; and athletic • manager, Martha J. Hay erstick '43 and Barbara Kaiser '44: Scholastic Honorary Taps 3 Sophomores Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women's scholastic honorary, tap ped Sophomores Ruth E. Clyde, Patricia Diener, and Marjorie Ren ner, Joan E. Piollet '45, announced yesterday. Second semester freshmen wom en will receive invitations to join Alpha Lambda Delta as soon as Summer semester averages have been computed. Requirements for the honorary are a 2.5 average at the end of first freshman semes ter, or an All-College average of 2.5 for the freshman year. STATE-- WARPIERIIROTkIEI3S. (MT 1111/Alt 130INIDS AND STAMPS-NEU Calls Independents I=Wil ..41 54, Tiloe/lad "Big Street" `The Spoilers" Shows at 1;30, 3100 6:45, 6:45 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Sherman Will Be Bow Girl; Fuoss Fan Girl Nomination and election of five senior honor women in south east lounge, Atherton Hall, last night started the ball rolling on one phase of commencement plans. Selected the most promi nent '43 coed, Margaret K. Sher man will be Bow Girl, while Louise M. Fuoss and Ann Drivas will be Fan Girl and Slipper girl respectively. As Class Donor, Pauline Cross man will present Miss Sherman, Miss Fuoss, and Miss Drivas. Co eds present at the meeting chose Edith L. Smith to write the class poem. All nominations were made from the floor. Election and counting of ballots followed each nomina, tion. • . Although Nancy E. Gosser '43, chairman of last night's meeting, urged all senior coeds to attend and vote for women they consi dered most outstanding, only 50 participated in balloting. The five women were elected on the basis of personal honor, integrity, sincerity, service to women students and the College, versatility in activities, and devo tion to work, according to Miss Gosser. Originally, WSGA planned to night will be Jean . Butz '46, and elect five honor women, then de- Vera Owens '46. Peggy Lou tided to add a sixth, Mirror Girl., Chapman '46, will lead the songs, A last minute change resulted in while Jean Grimm '46,. and Mu removal of Mirror Girl from the riel Bogardus '46 will take charge slate. of the worship. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 Read Daily Collegian Clasifieds 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111111181111111111111111111111111111111811111111 LOST—Blue and black Schaeffer 'THE NEWS you've been waiting fountain pen between Mac Hall for All kinds of collars and and Atherton. Finder call 48 Ath dickeys in variety of colors. 35c to Hall. 2tpdWß $l.OO at Mitten's. LOST—Convert cloth top-coat. RW—To Philly 'Friday afternoon. Ground floor Sparks building • Call Kimmel 3332. 3tcompK Wed. Afternoon. Call Jack 3115. 2tpd9,1008 PW—Penn game, Lv. Sat., return Sun. Call Ralph 2011. ltpdfOß FOR SALE—LaSalle Bicycle. Ex cellent condition. Good tires. $2O. RW—Phila. to,Penn game. Leave Call 2571. Ask for Ed. 3tcompß any time Friday, return Sunday. Call Dave 4636 2tpdlo,llß WANTED= - Brass, reed, and bass men for new campus dance band. Tryouts Thursday, November 12, 8:30 p. m. Carnegie Hall. LOST—A basketball in Rec Hall Sunday afternoon. Finder please call 2581. 3tpd10,11,12 LOST Diamond Bracelet between Rec Hall and Campus Restaurant Friday midnight and 1 a. m. Sthall reward. Call Ann Re, 3rd floor, Jordan Hall. ltpdlOGC LOST—K&E log log decitrig slide rule. Sparks or New Physics Fri day, Nov., 6. Reward. Call Ennis 2581. 3tpdlO,ll,l2PPM FOR SALE 1938 Ford deluxe coupe. Black. Radio and heater. RW (2)—Penn. game. Leave Friday Good shape, must sell. Call. Bill 4p. m. Return Sunday. Call Paul Gotherman 756. ItJN 4431. 2tpd GET SET- Coming, KUR lEW KAPERS JR. PROM-St BALL WEEKEND Stevenson Calls Coeds For /M s Team members for WRA intra mural basketball should be sub- Mitted by IM managers today, F. Doris Stevenson '44, WRA pub licity chairman, announced last night. IM basketball will begin next week. Interclass soccer series starts this week with the first' game scheduled for Holmes Field at 4 o'clock today. Juniors will play sophomores. Games will also be played tomorrow and Thursday. Coeds interested in soccer playing should attend tonight or contact Miss Stevenson. 'ldeal Coed' Is Theme Of BMOC Discussion Al Forum Tonight "My Ideal Coed" or what the College BMOCs really think, will highlight the weekly PSCA Fresh man Forum in 304 Old Main at 6:45 tonight: Jerome H. Blakeslee '43; All College president, Paul I. Wood- land '43, Daily Collegian editor, and Eugene R. Yeager '43, cheer leader, will lead the discussion which conies as an answer to last week's topic on the leadership qualities of coed leaders. The presiding chairmen to- RW—To Phila. Lv. Friday 4 p. m. Return Sunday. Call Chas. 851. ltpdREY 3tpd10,11,12 RW—Shenandoah, Hazleton, or vicinity. Leave . Friday. Call Marty Kutler, 4933 or 4862; 2t RW—West on 322 as far as Clar- ion or vicinity. Leave Friday Return Sunday. Call Vic Wein 4933 or -4862. RAW—To Phila.. or Trenton. Leave Friday. Round trip. Call Stine or Ivory, 3141. 3tchlo,ll,l2SS RW—To Scranton or vicinity. Lv. Friday noon. Retirn anytime. Call Milt, 3446, or Collegian office. 3tc,10,11,12M8D TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1942 Phys Edders Hold Play Symposium A play symposium for all physi cal education majors will be held in White Hall from 7 to 9 p.m, tomorrow, Helen F. Hooper '44, general chairman, announced last night. An annual co-educational get together, sponsored by Lakonides, women's physical education honor ary, to promote a feeling of unity' among members of the Physical Education School, includes games, contests, movies, square dancing, and refreshments. Committees include Publicity, G. Alice Burwell '43, chairman; Grace L. Judge '44, and Vivian L Martin '45; entertainment, Frances M. Angle '43, chairman, Prances M. Burk '44, Mary Grace Longe necker '45, and Martha J. Haven:. stilck '43; Food, Neva M. Peterson, chairman, Doris E. Porter, .and Anna E. Radle '45; clean up, H. lone Cramer '44, chairman, Mil dred L. ,Cookerly '44, and H. Eliza beth Furst '45. IFC Candidates (Continued from Page One) ta; Larry D. Ghent, Theta Kappa Phi; and Theodore Maier, Lambda Chi Alpha. Election of the officers will be held during IFC meeting Monday with each house having one vote for the presidency. Second place for president will be made vice president. 25c POCKET BOOKS Hunger Fighters You Can't 'Do Business With Hitler . Douglas Miller Damon Runyon favorites Long Remember The Story of Mankind Siamese Twin Mystery ElLery Queen • Pocket Book of Etiquette Marg6ry Wilson Without Armour James Hilton and over 100 other titles for pleasure or assigned class reading. HER & DERICK, Inc. Allen St. Next to Bank Clock • ARM!) . Can Be Purchased at 'REA & DERICK INC. t , ALLEN STREET Next - to the Rank Clock New under-arm • Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 1. Does not rot dresses or men's 1 , shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2.;i40 waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3. Instantly stops perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Prevents odor. 4. A pure, white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. 5. 'Awarded Approval Seal of American Institute of Launder ', for be' -h; Paul de Kruij Kantor Van Loon
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