Successor 'o Tne 'ree dance, ...atablishei w o w . 1 1 • ~...,,. r., .......,... A I ' ' Tottrgi•att . . . 4 r ;.... . 1 ---..... s_.• 14411'141V ' ' - 7ilA '` VOL. 39—No. 100 CA Finance Drive Collegian Urges Return Of Faculty Survey • Goes Over Quota , 1 Questionnaire On Final D ay Faculty and members cooperating in The Daily Collegian Attitudes Poll Men - Give $2,750 are requested to return their Champion milkmaid of Penn checked questionnaires to the - Of $3 752 Collected r publication office in Carnegie sylvania State College will be chosen at the 21st annual Dairy Hall as soon as possible "Penn State's Christian Associa- Science Exposition's final day of 'Lion went over the top in its an- As in most surveys, the person nual Finance Canvass," Clifford M. answering the poll is asked to in- essay writing, milk testing, and Painter '44, CA treasurer, reported terpret the meaning of the ques- judging contests this afternoon in last night. tions and the definition of some the Stock Judging Pavilion on Although all solicitors' reports terms in his own mind. Usual Ag Hill Howard Merrill '43, show were not in at 10:30 last night, meaning is • that of the commonly chairman, said last night. when the statement was released, accepted +definition Questions on Five coeds will pit their more than $3,752 had either been current problems are worked im- strength and skill against five pledged or contributed by men and partially so that responses may cows from the Penn State herds women students of the College. range from "strongly disappove" immediately pre9eding the show- ing of all breeds for Grand Cham ' i Men Pass Quota to "strongly approve." The incomplete reports showed Separate opinions will not be rronship honors. th Miriam L Zartman 45, co-chair- Contestants are Margaret Bu m at men students had given $2,750 disclosed and no reference will Bu man of the PSCA Financial Can- ganich, Mollie Pickering, Hilda which is $350 over and beyond the . . be made to individual answers in -ass, last night said that coeds Heydt, Verna Rothermel and Re s $2,400 quota set for men. were still short of the $1,200 quota the poll. The survey is not a becca Way Coeds had yet to reach their a set for them, although complete .referendum, it is merely an ef- Fitting and Judging show will $1,200 reports had not been turned in at goal when the report was fort to determine bends in facul bc. held this afternoon, climaxing released last 'night. .Co-chairmen 10:30 last night. ty thinking as they affect stu- six weeks' work by Ag students , of the Drive,. Gerald B. Maxwell Stein '44, and Miriam L. Zartman Some statements are so worded Science Exposifion will be the a entrants, trimming hooves, wash '4s, 'both expressed the confidence 22 that the checker may imply ref- Dairy Industries banquet to be in g animals, and softening hides, that complete reports would show Music Majors erences as •applying to "all" or held at 630 tonight ita the , were pre-contest duties that both divisions had met theirs faculty members, depend- Methodist Church, Chairman is a Last night animals were given , quotas. mg on his individual reasoning. David J. Woods '43 who has just a light washing and final touch- Not Too Late for Contributions 111 Service Bands Such wording is designed to re- released the guest list and ban- mg-up, brushings and groomings. suit in a higher validity for the duet details. Many solicitors have not had the Banquet Follows Contest Twenty-two graduates from . time to contact everyone on -their entire survey. Penn State who majored in music , Contest winners will be an list. D. Ned Linegar, associate sec- arenow playing with service Cooperating members of the Lounced at the banquet at 6:30 -' retary pf the Association, said last . bands or singing in e , tonight, in the Methodist Church. night. Students wighing to contri according to Prof. Hummel Fish- return questionnaires through Campus 'Selects Paients and friends of the con - b urn, the support of the CA, and t* head of the departs the. inter-offi& mail or leave a who haven't been contacted by a t t . . ,'. them in The Daily Collegian of- 'w o iege Slate testants are invited to attend. . , „,5 12. 1 , 4t. ,t t 0r , A nay,d o - 0 0,..by_eoming-to , _ ~..,._ , , f. _ ~.,. ._ , , ......... t .„_,,-, - 1 . fi te .,,,,,,,,<„..., _..... , 4 ., ~..,,, -- ~..,..„....., -,....„„,,, r , t ,„ . „ ... . T .,, ,.. __ . _ .‘ .. 4...tm1.., ~. _ 1„, ..,..,„,1.1,, L Als e o Lo r.....,, b7 ,, an ‘ neun___ced .. are „ vv . in .,. - rtneUit'S -office, 304 'Old Main `Compiled'-fr'o'm,... from corregP6ndenee ners in tne Amateur and rrores jack R. Grey and Ben3amm F• with graduates of classes since - - - ' signal Dairy Cattle and Dairy COmmitteemen in ,charge of ' the Drive expressed their thanks to music' the - r 1936 who were majors, so coup es end Leaman were teamed as prelim -1 Alt of the -Campus Products Judging Contests'as well 'sb.ulents who were,resPonsible for list includes members of bands, 47 na ry winners of the Clean Milk ' ti r asue'cess of the Canvass' plus, some band masters and men Party for All-College president Contest which entailed bacterio • Type , in charge of camp music. . ROTC Department's Ind and. vice-president last night. logical and sediment testing. An sik -• Of, the, members of the class of ut %ri g nsti M i l R a n, Beat •i n g their Independent essay on "Clean Milk Produc '' vebate Squad Opens '42. Lt. James McAdam, is in 111 " 1 " 11111 V` I ' M gin " . clique opponents to the gun in ton" which, was judged by a A ' " ' I . charge of music at Camp Cr o ft , "Nu Symposium Against Penn State's war-time aVlilitary the announcing of their prelim- committee of Agriculture School ,• S C • -First Class Seaman Walt - inary the Campus '44 faculty members, was included. Ball found 550 couples dancing . slates , - Lock ilaveir Tuesday James conducts a dance band in a . morale division at Norfolk, a„, • ghat,Et last night in in y prove to be politicos chose Robert M. Faloon Several 'hundred dollars' worth and William Briner •as opponents of merchandise as well as cash the last social function for the ‘ + •- - ' .... . 'and Aviation Cadet Jimmy'Ley- for the clique's nomination for and defense bonds, will be dis- Penn , 'State's varsity debate club before senior cadet officers whil , e on the den sang in a glee senior class president. tributed to winning contestants ~,, `squad?: will ,ppen forensic activi- . . . campus. , , z leaving for a Naval Aviation• Re- I,.,arry Ghent is unopposed as by organizations and individlials --., Ilea ley ithe current season with a With. Blue Barron laying for serve Base in Texas. . 7- Symposium on - a4. Problems . the occasion, Rec Hall p was d ec Z. tbe party' preliminary nominee in . terested . in the dairy industry,, 4 - for class vice-president, while Merrill, said. agaiiist, the - c.ebaters from Lock prated with flags and ROTC pen . 0 bands include Pvt. Marne Bu- Anne M. Serocca and Shirley J Woods Plans 'Dinner .... ,- vi'llaven"-starting here at\ 4 p. m. n. ,"v- -- •• -4- 1 . . . ~ . beck, Camp Lee, , Va.; •Pvt. Eugene Th e annual affair featured a Tetley will do battle for the _David Woods' 43, Banquet Tuesuay, including a cunner. t . :4: - . 8r0.07p . ." rro.' and concluding with Lederer, Camp , Lee, Va.; Sgt. special ceremony, in which seniors nomination for .secretary. chairman released names of another Symp • osium at 7:15 p. m Russ Myers, Edgewood, Md.; and pinned their ROTC insignia upon Carroll P. Blackwood and guests in dairy industries who - " Pvt. Al Zimmer, Monroe, La, dates after a march, through an Harry F. Kern were'chosen by will attend thedinnerd an pro - announced Robert S. MacNabb • . ' debatemanager: ' 43 , Men s Candidate Joe Gavenonis is a music student at the. Army Ad- archway provided for the occa- Campus '44 to vie for the treasur sion. ' er nomination. gram to follow. Guests are John Stay, repre- J .:IC Dinner,, at an, as yet unannounc ministration School, Fargo, N. D. The junior class clique is the sentative of Supplee-Wills-Jones eibplate,will be for both after- All three enlisted music grads _ second student political group to co , Philadelphia;. h • B H W p ia, B. H. Welty, I:oPir, and evening speakers and`' J h D' W o n iscusses ar ?4-. . . ... from the class of 143, Summer, announce its preliminary slates ' ..,,rpresicang 'pincers. president of Interstate Milk Pr0;..,,' ;..,,' -,... .. are singing in glee clubs. The , _ for the November 17, 18, and , " '-- • - trio, includes Cadet Bill Minsha A , . 11, , I 4 II Club 'Meeting All-College elect' ons 19i . Final ducer s Cooperative; William H. Juzi freedman for the American .-4 r , OCCOC , a e _ Pensacola, Fla, Pvt. Jack Oyler, - - v nominations for all parties are - ' al-,R I 1 ,! ~ ' - • unernsey Cattle Club; Prof. A. fßic i r l e 44 A. A A r " , di Camp Swift, Tex., and Pvt. Paul That education will help the scheduled for November 8, ac- ABorland, of depart : A. ea o e 7 * 0 glean At; VIRIPCI .Teare, Keesler Field, Miss. community and the individual ,cording to the official. Elections .. , ,i "" l' t" , Warrant Officer. Lindsey Ari- after the war was •the theme of bode. • (Continuen on page • two) 4 111111111111111 ~- ' ', , i.f Dr.' Halford Edward Luccock, son '4l is bandmaster of the 357th Dr. M. B-John's speech to the 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111110 -of Yale University Divimity -Infantry, Camp Barkeley, Tex., 4-H Club this week. 'Di. John, •. Ag Honorary Initiates; LATE NEWS . School, will 'discuss ''Restoring while Lt. Robert Saunders is in -assistant 'professor, rural-sociol- , :ilthe,‘ Past or. Creating the Future" charge of camp ,music at Camp ogy, spoke on "Preparing for . Dr Nolan Will Speak , IternorroW morning at chapel. Adair, Ore. What?" FLASHES ''''',lBefore Dr. Luccocx took his 'Representing the '4O music John Graff '43, was appointed Alpha Tau Alpha, professional I . present pOsition at Yale Um- (Continued on Page Three) chairman of the booth committee society in agricultural education, veasity in 1028, he held pastorates for Ag Frolic, November 6. held its annual initiation and 11111111110111111111111iliiiIiIiiiiiIIMIManiantaiiiillin .14 Windsor, Conn., and New Hay , PSCA Plans Banquet Assisting Graff are Robert Cowan dinner last night. Dr. AW. Nolan, WASHINGTON-Secretary of , - en, , , Conn. He has also taught at , "44 Ilah Dennis '43, and fresh- national president of the society, the Navy Knox announced last ' flartford Theological Seminary, For Independent Men amen Ruth Anders, William Riss- and professor of- agricultural edu- night that the Japanese fleet has ' liattford, Qonn. and Drew,. Theo- er, and Mary Jane Mickey. cation at the University of MI-. been forced to retire in the Guad- Igical Seminary Madison N. J. Independent freshman men will Square dancing will be the tea= nois, spoke. alcanal zone,, in the first major - ' ' have a banquet in their. honor The following students were battle in this South Pacific area. . • given by the PSCA at the Nittany tine of the next 4-H Club meet recently elected and initiated Military observers interpreted this ~ phi Kappa Names Officers ing on Novembe 2 Lion Inn, 5:45 p. m., Sunday, No- - r . • last night Lee E. Aumiller to mean that the first •round of i ' , [ The newly elected officers for -ember 8, Kehl Markley '44, chair- e 42, Byron A.Hughes '42, William this action was won by the Allied .the ''':Phi': Kappa fraternity have maxi of the banquet, announced K I El u p ected C. Patterson '42, Herbert C. Stev- forces. been announced. They are Ed- last night. • At, recent elections Delta Sigma ens '42, Kay P Hagenbuch '43, WASHINGTON-A one -ha 1 f Nyarld•• W. Green '44, president, Members of the committee Phi voted' Donald- A. KulP '44, Junior D. Hess '43, .1 . Kenneth cent increase in the tax on cigar 4attrick F, Mooney '44, vice-press- working with Markley include - prebident; James A. Romberger Kinney '43, Clifford M. Painter ettes, effective after November 1, :cierA Milan X. Krebs '44, tress- Donald R, Rarlernan '44, Wilbur '44, vice president; Paul J. Wine- '43, James A. Romberger '43, was announced by the Office of 'tirer, Robert . V. Gilder '45, seam_ E . Eb y 44, Th omas E Wilco7s- brenner '44, •secretary; James A. Lawrence V. Ruin ight '43, Charles Price Administration. Dealers.anay ,:tary, Carlo Colombo '45, publicity '44, Richard S.Kurtz '43, Charles Hewitt '44, treasurer; and Cleve- A. Sevanson ' 4 3, Reno H. Thomas charge an'extra cent per pack to el/ain't - lan. and William J Hughes Thompson '43, Daniel C . Gilles- land G. Bassett '44, house manager '43, J. Lawrence Wilson '43, and obtain the tax on single packs sold o , ..' , 46, social channian. pie '44. for the coming year. J Emil Withrow '43. the Office •stated. .......ii,....s- Coeds Short Tr• The PI OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1942, STATE COLLEGE, PA d 1887 Large, Este list Annual Dairy Science Exposition To Choose Champion Coed Milkmaid Dairy Banquet Head PRICE THREE CENTS Livestock Champions Will Also Be Judged
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