Successor To The Free Lance, Established 1887 r ... tt Tuttle votio t• VOL.. 39—No. 78 Ist Pep Rally Set For Friday Night Al Lion Shrine Ridenour Tells Frosh To Wear Bucknell Signs The Lion Shrine will perform its first, official 'service to . the students Friday night when it serves as meeting place for a pep rally for the Bucknell-Penn State football game Saturday. Students will meet at the lion at 15, p: m. Friday,, Allen Moses '43, fodtball manager, • an nounced .yesterday. After . sing ing 'several songs there, they will follow the. Blue Band to. Jordah Fertility Plots. There, before a large bon-fire, Jerome H. Blakeslee '43, All-Col lege president, acting as master of ceremonies, will introduce Football Coach Bob Higgins. mernbers of the team, and cheer leaders who will lead songs and cheers. In connection with the rally at which all freshmen Must be pres ent,_ according. to Charles H. Ridendur '43; Tritmnal chalyman,. freshman Men must get . signs be4ring the words "Beat' Buck 7 ne,]ii" at the Athletic Store before noon today. The signs .must, be .worn customs, fastened to. the _ . bottom_ tirrialtie' - ' - egid§rfor the' teat of 'the week and at. the -gathe .§atUrdaY.• Failure' to . wear signs con sidered; hy . Tl 4 ilntial as a Vida*Cif of 'custorns - .regulations and 'the violator .will be subject to trial by the body. . Ridenour asked that hat mere cooperate with. Tribunal in re, porting . -violators to :Student Union or to a Tribunal member. :Officials of the rally asked that students remain . off the newly sodded ground around the shrine. They said - ruining the grass there - how would impair the chance of having pep ~ rallies or. other: Col lege activities there in the-future. . . . , . . 110110.11anjesikiaculltiMembers iii:::10101.0ie Accelerated Program Police Department Warns Cycliits "Cyclists must obey the; same laws.that apply to motor vehicle operators: • -- "If they. violate the laws they Will be sObject to the , samepun ishment that a motorist would," was. the warning issued by the State ,College police department last night. ,The warning was issued in re spOnse to numerous complaints re ceived by the police force. Cyclists were reminded that they are breaking the law when they ride: On sidewalks. Two on a bicycle. . On the wrong side of the road. Through stoplights and fail to obey. signals. Without using lights and horns at proper times. Eligineering Lecture ".Historic Backgrounds of World War. II" 4111 be the subject of .a le*ture, by;. PrOf. :Asa E.. Martin, head'oLthe department of .history, zt:•:the senior engineering lecture In . 121 'Sparks at 4:10 .p. m. . TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, STATE COLLEGE, PA Fraternities Asked To Reserve Booths . By 4 P. M. Tod'ay Fraternities that have not yet made application for IF Ball booth reservations at Student Union are asked to do so before it closes at p. m. today by dance co-chairmen Robert H. P. J. Jordan '43 and David R. Sharp .'43. In issuing the deadline remind 7 er, Jordan and Sharp added that all fraternities reserving booths for the Ball shotild make immedi ate .preparations to have booth furniture at Rec Hall between the heurs of 4 and 9 p. in. Friday. In .keeping. with, the recent recommendation of Cabinet to cut down on decoration expenditures, the dance 6ommittee voted un- . animously to scrap • plans foi' contracted decorations, although several decoration themes had been under consideration, and to limit them to the band shell and fraternity booths. . The move will not affect pro grams, which were • also singled out for elimination by Cabinet, however, since the order had been Rlaced. for IF' Ball programs prior to 'the adoption 'of the. "corner cutting" policy by Cabinet: Commenting on the rumored change in the time of the dance from the traditional 10 p. m.-2 a. m. to 9 p. m.-1 a. m:, Jordan and ~Sharp_, issued: the statement: "At the present no change in the time of the dance is being contemplated, Teddy Powell has . contracted to play from • 10 p. in. to 2 and as far as we are concerned, the original con tract will stand." Block and Bridle Meets Movies will be shown at a meet ing of the Block and Bridle Club in 206 Agriculture Building at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Agriculture stu dents and faculty are invited, ac-' cording to Frank W. Spierling '43, secretary: Refreshments will be' served. Authorized by. - the College Senate, President Ralph . D. Hetzel has appointed a committee of 18 Trom the faculty to appraise the accelerated program up to its present point. The committee will inquire into means. of - improving -the speeded setup, and requests faculty members. to submit any suggestions to them for improve ment of the program. Chairman of the committee is. Adrian O: Morse, assistant to the president in charge of resident in struction. Fellow members are: Col, Edward D. Ardery, Professor of military science and tactics Eugene C. Bischoff, associate pro fessor .of physiCal education, Clarence E. Bullinger, professor of industrial engineering. Grover C. Chandlee, professor of chemistry, Laura W. , Drum mond, professor of home econom ics, R. Adams Dutcher, profesSor of agriculture bio-chemistry, Mi chael A. Farrell, • .professor of bacteriology, John li. Ferguson, :assistant professor of • political science. • • Edward 'C. Henry, assistant professor. of ceramic engineering, William -S. Hoffman, • registrar, Lloyd M. - Jones; professor of (Continued on page three) OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Cabinet Joins '43 Ball, '44 Frosh, Juniors. Pick Political Davis, Grey To Vie Registrar 'Makes; for '44 Presidency Nation's Newspapers Final nominations for five With Cartoon Idea Senior Ball and Junior Prom freshman an dtwo sophomore will be combined as one dahce to class offices last night brought "Local boy made good" in the be held November 20 round one of the Fall semester nation's newspapers yesterday All-College Cabinet, meeting political battle to a close in a when a cartoon suggested by Penn last night at 7p. m. in compliance flurry of surprises. State's versatile- registrar was with the new 8:30 activities cur- Robert B. Davis (1) and Jack featured in the Hearst papers, few rule, voted to join the - two R. Grey (C) will battle it out for "They'll Do .It Every Time." "big dances" on a recommenda the presidency of the junior class Act lof the cartooned yarn de- tion from the special committee ap in the special October 9 elections, • pitted one "Cannon Ball" Mc- pointed to "cut corners" in Col with Jack Berlin (C) and Joseph Slug, "the great football star of lege extra-curricular activities and Colone (1) vieing fOr the posi- -1920," built like one of the tough- social events. • tion of freshman 'class president. er supermen, asking a smiling Col- William S. Ivans, chairman, cited Running mates of the class of '44 lege registrar to take good care of the following reasons for • the party standard bearers will be his son when he entered. college. change: Robert M. Faloon (C) and Wil- Finale to -the two-act drama 1. The proposed Junior Prom on Liam Shoemaker (1). comes when an anemic-looking December 11 falls at the end of the Completing the frosh political four-footer creeps into the regis- semester in the. midst of final ex slates, are Robert Cowell (C) and trar's office, introduces himself as amination period • and within 'six John Grimes (1), vice president; Cannon Ball's son, and asks to en- days of graduation and Christmas . Ray Joiner. (1) and Lorrie Van roll in clinical psychology. vacation. - Deusen (C), treasurer; Betty Above the picture of a disillu- 2. This date is also only three FUnkhouser (1) and Betty Shenk sioned registrar are the credit weeks removed from the proposed (C), secretary; and Eleanor Ben- rues, i"Thanx to Wm. S. Hoffman, Senior Ball date. State College, Pa." '3. The suggestion to have Jun net (1) and Evie Williams • (C) t • for Prom change dates with Mili histonian. - tary Ball on October 30 .is unsound - preliminary nominations - • 1. , of both junior class parties the pera Tickets : because it would permit three big dances, Interfraternity Ball, Sen closely guarded secrets of special for Ball and Junior Prom, within nominating committees, 1a s tOll ' _ ,I SS • 4. Authorities report that the e Today a period of seven weeks. r night's final slate-naming was ap- . _parently -planned :as a - cOrriplete".l.' :. rs -4 :- ':''-. ' - - • combination of the two dancei is surprise to the remainder of the • Student' ifketS - " fOr' - Artists' financially practical. class .of '44. ' Course: . preseritation of Puccini's opera,."La Boheme," will be on 5. Cutting out one. big weekend In• the freshman ranks, the In- sale at the Athletic Association is in line with the Cabinet policy dependent politicos juggled their to cut down in social events. ticket 'Windows during regular entire preliminary nomination College hours today. FaCulty and' 6. War Department officials are list before making their final townspersons may purchase their asking Colleges to prove their.War choice of party candidates. tickets tomorrow. , time worth. Curtailing social Colone, the party's presidential Tickets will be sold on the single .events is in line with this request. nominee, was never suggested as number basis, and no more than 7. November 20th is 'a logical a possible contender at previous six seats will be sold to each ap- date for the dance as it coincides clique meetings. Grimes, the plicant. •As for former Artists' with the Pittsburgh football game vicepresidential candidate, was Course productions, the Auditor- •at New Beaver Field that week on the preliminary slate as a pos- ium will be divided equally among end. , sible presidential nominee, while students and faculty. 8. The switching of Junior Prom Joiner was first considered vice- The presentation will be the first into next semester as was origin president material. Miss Bennet, full-fledged opera to appear on - ally suggested would be unwise like Colone, was nowhere on the the campus and will feature because of the uncertainty of Col preliminarythe Performance of a company slate. lege enrollment after December. change would crowd Campus '46 choose its candi- of 70 made up almost completely of . Also this next year's social calendar since dates from. the - preliMinary list Metropolitan Opera Company per- two Junior. Proms would be neces .of 24 freshmen suggested at last sonnet sary. Week's cliqtie meetings. Dr. Carl E. Marquardt, Course - -Harry C. Coleman '44, chairman Petitions approving of the can- committee chairman, said this of the Prom committee stated that didacies of all nominees, signed would probably be the last chance his group is heartily in -favor of by at least 25 coeds and 75 male during the war that a-large corn-- theh c ange. He explained that ac students, must be filed with the pariY will be able to appear on the . (Continued on Page ,Three) chairman of the ,Elect r ons corn- campus beCause of the - difficulties - mittee'by 5 p. m. today. in transportation. Party platforms and glossy The performance of the opera Late - News prints of the candidates should will be in English which, accord- __ accompany the petitions, accord- o - 4 ing to Laszl. Hetenyi '43, who Fl has just completed a book on op- ashes . 111 I ' ing to the official elections code. 'era appreciation, will improve it MOSCOW The situation is _for the layman who doesn't know grave in Stalingrad as midnight Riding Club TO-Begin . ihe story of the opera. • communiques tell of a Nazi break . In leading roles will be Hilda through in the northern part of the Series Of Lectures. r Burke and Armand Tokatyan, city. Field dispatches say the 4 both with long experience at the situation was never more serious New Ring Is Added Met. for the Nazi spearhead has pene- The orchestra of 30 pieces -will sateddeep into the city. Russian • The first of a series of weekly be 'directed by Guiseppe Bambos- • military authorities report that theory lectures of the Penn State chek, former Metropolitan conduc- the Germans 'are using more than Riding Club will be given in the for and present accompanist to 1,000,000 troops in the attack, Stock Judging. Pavilion at 7 p. m. Miss Jeannette MacDonald. 45,000 in Stalingrad alone, land tomorrow, Eugene S. Stull'--AR , Hetenyi stated yesterday that ing them by troop planes. They. .president, announced. this is a good chance for students claim, however, that the Germans - Students, faculty members, and to see one of the greatest operas have paid heavily for their gains. College employees may. make ap- performed in such a way that they WASHINGTON President plication for Club membership at can understand and appreciate it. Roosevelt will ask Congress for an Student Union. An initiation fee it. additional three billion dollars, for a membership card entitles Washington sources report. The each new.member to membership money will be used to build planes in the club as long as he is con- Mark Calls Patrol. Meeting for the Navy. nected with the College. There will be a meeting of the • WASHINGTON Chairman of • Ari additional fee for a learner Campus Patrol in 318 Old Main at the War Manpower Commission, card entitles .him to twenty per- 7 p; m. tomorrow, announced Cap- Paul B. McNutt, will soon submit iods of instruction. The learner lain Phillip A. Mark. Students in- to Congress a bill to enable the card is exchanged for a rider card terested in participating in Cam- Commission to draft .and _harness when a member successfully passes pus Patrol work are urged by . Cap- manpower wherever and when the club riding test. thin Mark to attend the meeting. ever it is needed. Weathel PRICE: THREE CENTS Prom; Slates Both Class Dances Combined November 20
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers