FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1942 • llnimminiffilinimmummiumiiiiimilimininnith • 1 • . Between . , , . F irehouse Clinches All-ColiegeSoftbaliCrown The Lions n . - r . - WithoN DAVIS John Patrick Joins Top Phi Delta Theta For Second T ime r 14-4. Frosh Diamond Squad iimmiiiiiiiimillimillminimmuimnimmilimmin l ' d' es Borsa Allows Five . Hits, Strikes Out Seven Smaltz- On Neyn aTo Meet Phys- Elders Speidel Hangover By PETE SCOTT The New York Daily News re- Army Football Squad Art Borsa, the howitzer that y • f n Fifth Game Tuesday walks like a man, and his cohorts fate II Boofers cently devoted a full page to action Johnny Patrick yesterday be- from the Canal St. Firehouse can Coach Leo Houck's freshman shots of Air Corns cadets going now devote themselves to putting came the second ex-Lion football baseball team will try to make a through their paces at the tough out fires. start to join forces with Colonel comeback, after losing three Chapel Hill obstacle course. And - For in another one sided contest, Top Team Males featured in the pictures were 'two Bob Neyland and his Eastern All- .. straight games, when they meet a the Canal St. Firehouse whipped former State boys—Ralph Sayre Army grid squad at their New phi Delta Theta, the fraternity In an infra-squad game which nine made up of students from the and John Henry, varsity wrestlers Haven, Ccinn., 'training site. champions, 14-4, to clinch the featured play close to mid-season School of Physical Education on under Charlie Speidel. Sayre and form and which included all the Patrick, star quarterback on Bob Penn State all-College softball New Beaver Field diamond at Henry were selected for the pic- title and prove to everyone's sat- thrills of a regular intercollegiate . Higgins' 1940 squad, joined pass-., . contest, the "State" candidates for 5.30 o'clock next Tuesday evening. tures for having scored remark- isfaction that they are without ably fast times on the course. in tossing Bill Smaltz, who is fight- peer on the campus. the 1942 soccer team defeated their Lack of judgment of where to ' addition to such obstacle course ing it out for the starting fullback "Out-of-State" team mates, 3-0; throw the ball during a crucial John Quailey, Phi Delt manag last evening on the golf course play and inability to stop hard hit work, the cadets must learn to spot with Norm Standlee, former er, summed the series up very well difficul climb a rope out of water with wet soccer field. balls have been the main Stanford Indian and Chicago Bear when he commented, "They sim clothes on as well as swim half a ties the yearlings have met in their ply outclassed us. I don't see how Bob Schuler, 2-year All-Ameri- mile and then tread water for 45 can and now a graduate student last three hard-fought matches. star. they ever lose." Firehouse man minutes. Winner of the Maxwell Trophy, at the College, scored two of the . • Coach Houck is, at present, trying • ager Silan had nothing but praise That "Zippo" Ball - and All-State quarterback during for his boys when interviewed. "State" goals on unassisted plays. to strengthen these weaknesses hopes to see his team on the win his undergraduate days, Patrick "All the fellows played a fine The other was made by Frank Sidelights on last • night "Little * nincr side at the end of Tuesday Klase during a rush. All scoring World Series" at which . the Fire- spent last season at the blocking game. All the credit in the world evening's game. took place in the first half. 'house gang came through in de- back post of the Pittsburgh Steel- to Art." Starting lineup for the Phys cisive fashion to sew up the All- The story of the game can be This is the first real scrimmage ers. Elders will find Freeman behind College mushball title . . . Phi Delt read in the box score—the opening that Bob Jeffries has held for his A member of the advanced the plate, Silan pitching, Van Len batters again failed to find the inning ' was even, in the second booters, and hopes to . have his ROTC Corps at Penn State, Pat- Borsa on second,Che ten on first, . range of Borsa's "Zippo" ball. Any Canal St. scored two and from charges in fine fettle for their no_ with on third, Quailey at short, rick did not go, into the service advantage of experience with the there on in kept applying the Ares- first match, when he hopes to Perugini in left, Gales' in center, immediately after graduation, but sure until the dam gave way in start another winning streak, sin•p• speed ball which the fraternity and Ebersole in right. • is now a lieutenant. Patrick also boys had gained over the previous the fifth and eight Canal St. runs ilar to the one broken last year made the boxing team while in .poured over the plate. when Army defeated Penn State. 'For the frosh, the Lion mentor game was offset by the gray will probably place Jack Berlin on cloudy. weather. Best fielding play College.' Winner of the brass ring among The starting line-ups included The Army team borrowed some the mound,Fred Shaw at first of the game however went to the the unsung heroes was .Hap Free- Bob Seavy, Bud Sempler, Bpb - Yale equipment and started scrim- Don Myers onsecond, Jack Gra- Phi - Delis in the fourth when man, Canal St. catcher, who did a Sempler, Bob Fallwell, Bob Fast, cey on third, Jerry Stern at back - maging the day Patrick arrived. "Red" Steidle came in fast from sterling job behind the bat catch- Max Chenoweth, Bill Pritchard, stop, K Bud Dietz at short, Wayne Col. Neyland plans some practice center to scoop the ball on the fly ing Borsa, in addition to gathering Tom Williams, Jose Lombana, sessions in the near , future with dler in center, Jerry Waxman and peg cleanly to the plate. three hits in five trips to the plate. Remzi Gurcay, La Vida Riviera . rel in left and Jack Landy in right. O'Dell's Yale outfit. Catcher Glenn Smith's collision Howdyßorsa, himself, collected three hits and Coach Bill Jeffrey, for the of Patriek at the with runner Smiley Williams pre- The arrivalwhile Tremarch and Apt each had "Out-of-State" team; and Johnny Yale school Goldsmith Appointed vented .the second put out how- • along with Dave Aller- a perfect day at the plate with Struck, 'Captain Hap Freeman, Bill ever. . dice, former Prinbeton star passer, three for three. 'Philips, Phi Delt Dietrich, Dick Wesner, Sammy 'David H. Goldsmith '43 will re brings the . service squad roster to 'left fielder, again was the only Schnure, Boyd Edwards, Bob Vail, present Interfraternity Council on Outstanding for the Firemen , 63.• member of his team to have any Andy Gaber, Schuler, Klase and the Student Housing Board, M. along with Borsa, who incidentally . . Neyland has announced that he success at the plate when he Charley Lischer for the "State" Williams Lundelius '43, IFC pres forgot pitching long enough to pole still needs plenty of ends, full- rapped out -two safe hits. • booters. ident, announced last night. „ out three hits, was catcher Hap backs; and wingbacks.. ' Borsa struck out seven before Freeman. Always alert behind ' the plate, Freeman also had three - departing to " pitch for Bradford, hits including a triple ... Hardest fraternity squad. It should make Pa. in its quest for the state title. nut for ."Zippo".to crack in both a great 'game. Canal St. abrhoaf games has been Chuck Phillips The Critice.Choice - Freeman, c .... 5 1 3 11 0 •... who marked up. three singles and' It's no wonder Bob :Higgins has Williams, rf.... 3 1 , 0 0 0 a double 'in the two games . . And high hopes for Dave Alston this Borsa, p 4 .1 3 0 1 - then there are those rival manag- fall. Esquire recently picked Dave Silan, ss 3 1 0 3 2 ers—both shortstops, both Johns, among the ten outstanding sopho- MacFarland, sf .. 4 1. 0 0 0 •_ . _. both Phys Ed majors, and both more sensationsof the nation. And Gales, lb • 3 ' 2 1 4 0 among the Wiliest—Silan for the ive have it from. reliable sources Tremarchi, if .. 3 :s 3 0 0 Fireman and Quailey the Phi that Dave will rate high if not first Crego, Burt, cf .4 2 2 1 0 Delis. _ in the forthcoming Satevepost's Apt, 3b 3 2 3 1 2 It appears that no individual list of promising sophomore grid- Rabinowitz, 2b . 4 0 1 0 0 fraternity team is quite good ders. As Arthur Markey, football *Crego, Bill .. 1 0 0 1 0 enough to knock off the ' Canal announcer stated in the Esquire ,Totals 37 14 16 21 6 .Street boys. So we suggest that story, "Alston, Penn State's ne *Batted for Tremarchi in sth. the Greeks gang up and meet Zip- gro sack is the best since Jim ___ _ po . and his 'boys .with an all-star Thorpe." 113 Men Leave College To Join Armed Services During the • three semesters was made, 75 students left because starting in September, 1941, more of low grades, while 77 were than 1.13 students have dropped forced to discontinue their educa-' 'from College to enter the Armed tion because of illness. Whether Services of the United States.' As or not any of this number have en published in the Faculty Bulletin tered the Armed Services cannot every week, leaving for the Serv- be learned, but there is a strong ice leads 'all other reasons for Dossibility of such an occurrence. dropping out of school. More than 30 students who filed Complete records are not avails notice with the. Registrar of their able, , since many students go with- departure gave no reason. It is out giving a reason. However, of more than likely that a percentage those who have decided to leave of these students also have enter- College, 113 signified their inten- ed the war effort. tion of entering the Army, Navy, Forty two students have gone Marine, or Air Corps. This num- from college to take jobs and posi ber includes draftees as well as tions, most of them, no doubt, in volunteers. • war industries: Add to these 59 The ; drop cards filed with the students that were forced to drop Registrar do - Mot always give the out because of financial difficul reason for the student's departure,. ties. Again; it is almost certain so that only a ,guess may be haz- that a percentage of this number arded at the actual number who is now in the Armed Services also. have gone into the Service since Thirty eight students transferred the war began in 1939. Draft calls to other schools, some of them to were not numerous until after July institutions for specific training 1, 1941, since all College students for work in the tear effort. had received a blanket deferment Of the 515 registered withdraw until that time. als during the past eleven months, Since then, the number of stu- it is safe to assume that anywhere dents dropping to enter the Armed from 30 to 50 perceilt of•these.stu- services has increased, until in a dents have entered the Armed recent period, the men were leav- Services. Add to that number the ' t ing at the rate of seven and eight students who have- dropped from a week. College' without a formal declara- Of the other five major reasons tion, and those who merely did not eltylvu for leaving college, illness and return at the beginning of a new poor grades are in close order for semester, and the number of Penn second place. - During the three Staters in the Armed Services to semesters for which this survey day assumes imposing. proportions. • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Phi Deli Philips, if ... Sheirer, sf Darenport, 3b Steidle, cf Smith, c , Moriarta, p Cook, 2b .. Quailey, ss Sharp, lb Yeagley, rf Griffith *Steidle, E . xßiley Totals Batted for Yeagley /no sth *Batted for Griffith in 7th xßan for E. Steidle in 9th 021 380 000 220 Canal St. Phi Dell IM Tennis Hindered by serious rains, IM tennis competition has been at a standstill due to the condition of the soaked clay courts. Weather permitting, six matches will be played this afternoon. FRATERNITY SINGLES 5 p. m. Jeters vs. Josenh Held vs. Steidle FRATENITY DOUBLES 5 p. m. Parker-Ard vs. Schierer-Yeag ley Scheiner-Weinstein vs. Erwin- Watkins INDEPENDENT 'SINGLES 6:30 p. m. Vargo vs. Yerger Wesner vs. Lovell Gridders Start Scrimmage Calisthenics gave way to a light, first team, composed largely of half-hour scrimmage last night for lettermen, and last season's frosh Bob Higgins and his gridiron war- stars, taking the offensive against riors. a mixed squad of freshmen, jun- Original plans called for light, for varsity squad members, and non-contact workouts during . the varsity reserves. month of August, but with. the :For 'the first squad, it was Van prospect of only three weeks of Lenten and Baierl, ends; Mike practise facing his football sqaud Kerns and Pratt, frosh squad as between the time the Fall semes- pirants, tackles; Jaffurs and Peru ter opens and the first game with gini, guards, and Bob Brooks, cen- Bucknell, October 3, the "Hig" and ter. In the backfield, "Hig" used his staff decided that a little Briner at quarterback, St. Claire tougher sessions would be in or- and Alston at the halfback slots, der. and Sparky Brown at fullback. r .h 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 The change was brought about BecauSe many of the gridders when it was learned that it would plan to leave town for the week be difficult to get the remainder end, practice sessions for today of the squad back to College be and tomorrow have been canceled. fore September 111 . The squad will meet as usual Mon- Last night's scrimmage found a day evening. IF YOU HAVEN'T • ; FOUND IT THE COLLEGIAN WILL If you want to buy, sell, or find something, use the Collegian Classifieds and get quick results. TO PLACE A WANT AD DIAL 711 AND ASK FOR she ,t5.7)a4 Collegian PAGE THREE
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