. . . , ....., • '''''' )::''',•:' : ..".i.- ' • r..' Ti l l it totan ..... T i Eittit ...,4'4,'!';', •I: I P Au -f. A ,• L -' W eather LEGE VOL. 39—No. 42 Late News Flushes . . . WASHINGTON Senator In Opening V-Weekend Ceremony George (Dem.-Ga.) voiced his pro- tests against the administration's labor policy. He said that unless the policy were changed disastrous inflation would result. Fred Waring, famous College alumnus, will be conferred with honorary membership in the Penn State chapter of Scabbard and Blade in a radio ceremony that will officially open Victory Week end, Edward R. Garbacz '43, 'head of the honorary military society, announced last night. Garbacz, representing Scabbard FOSTERS FIESTA—Miss Marie and Blade, will travel to New York July 31 to .present Waring with Haidt, associate professor of phy sical education, heads the corn the society's official scroll, signed mittee in charge of the Latin-Am by all active members of the Penn erican fiesta in Recreation Hall State chapter. from 8 o'clock to midnight tonight. Presentation of the scroll will be broadcast during Waring's Fri day, July 31, radio broadcast as the ii soundoff note to 'Penn State's Tribunal Punishes Army Relief festival. Waring is the first person in three years to be conferred with Seven Freshmen honorary membership by Penn State's chapter. The honorary .ti- Continuing its effort to build tle, granted only .with the sane- Penn State spirit in the freshman tion of the organization's national class, Student Tribunal penalized executive committee, is recogni seven custom violators, Charles tion of outstanding service to Am erica's military forces. H. Ridenour '43, chairman, an- Penn State's chapter. of Scab- nounced last night. bard and Blade, feeling that Vic- -Hearing a total of 12 violation LONDON—American' and Brit- - *. * * . tory Weekend was an unusually cases, Tribunal punished more ish officials continued their talks appropriate occasion for adding an freshmen this week than in any concerning a sebbnd front. How- il honorary • member, selected War- previous week, Ridenour added. ever, General Wilbur Curtii, - head Broadcast Will . ing because - of hiS "work in mor- The seven freshmen who will of Al) Canadinn Air . Force in Eng-. , ale-building and his constant wear Penalties this week are land, hinted'that the second limit -" ,' ':..''''';''.--' :'''' - --..--- - ' willfriknessto bring entertainment -John ..Moyer,, George Earnshaw, Would not be opened but that Al- Anno u nce . ueen to our armed forces." . John Whitaker, James Seitzer, lied Air Forces would continue to Waring's, sendoff broadcast will Louis West, Richard Bonsall, and bomb Germany at the rate of more be transmitted by loud speaker in Joseph Knight. Name of the coed chosen queen than 1,000 planes a night. Schwab. Auditorium, according to Earnshaw, appearing for the of Harvest 'Ball will be .revealed the V, -Weekend executive commit- second time before Tribunal for between 7 and 7:15 p. m. tonight, • tee. it will-be followed immedi- a no-custom 'offense is to wear a when Fred Waring pays her .tri -Bomb Bute on his "Pleasure Time" radio ately by the TheSpian-Glee Club "dunce cap," shoe boxes over his Incendiary Revue. shoes, and signs stating "Second - broadcast. • offense—Gosh I'm dense!" and Leading lady of the 'first Sum- Explodes - In Town M mertime Harvest 'Ball is either arjorie R. Chambers , '43, Elsie EE Honorary Fraternity "Date for Defense-Victory Week end." Moyer and Seitzer will ' -M. Longenecker '44, or Jean B.ss. carry wooden planks and signs as By MICHAEL A.• BLATZ Ogden '45, all of whom were nom- i n iti ates s 5 New Members a result of their falure to carry An incendiary bomb went off in mated Wednesday by vote of all matches. State College last night. College coeds.' • Eta Kappa Nu, electrical en- Entering the side door, of - the , There was little 'to be feared "Unusual interest was shown in gineering society, inducted five Sparks Building as well as a total isregard for cus seem to still be from invading Nazi planes or sa- yesterday's election," the .com- students at its customary first se- the chief reason s Tr boteurs, however, because it was .mittee reported, "and absolute mester initiation recently, accord- tomibunalis a demonstration given before a fairness prevailed." At least one ing to Theodore Taylor '43, pres- carrying on its "crack down" group of 25 townspeople by an of, member of the ident. dance committee campaign Ridenour stated. - ficer of the U. S. Army , chemical was present in Old Main between NeWly-initiated members are Freshman men interested in the warfare division, in a field near 8' a. m. and 4p. m. yesterday to Benjamin R. Gardner '43, Charles sophomore - freshmen tug-o-war the Autoport. - supervise the - balloting. R. Ammerman '44, Warren E. Hay- Victory Weekend should sign up First sergeant Walton Lord, a A' Rec' Hall transformed into a pin '43, John H. Gerth '44, and at Student Union as soon as pos. member of the class of '39, was farm-in-the-moonlight will be the Raymond R. Tressler '44. sible, Tribunal members stressed. passing• through town yesterday, on setting for Saturday's Harvest his way home from a lecturetour' Hall, according to Glen W. Stev- 1 i ,in Alaska and Utah 'when he de- ens '43 and_'Wayne Cronk '43, co-, Critic Raves Over 'Litt letl Foxes• cided to ston_ off and show some chairmen of the decorations corn- / • friends just how incendiary bombs mittee. Decorations planned for Cab s It r r% s work. the 1341, according to Stevens, in- • ychological Horror Tale Sergeant Lord, in demonstrating. dude a special arrangement of , the effect •of the bomb, pointed colored lights, bales of hay, a pen through No Frankensteinian monsters son in the "New York Times"— out the fact that fires started by of baby lambs, and "whatever stomp the Scenes, no "Out of the greed in a malignant the thermite mixture can be hand- farm implements wartime short- . blood-sucking Draculas bare their led as ordinary fires if taken care ages will allow."fangs, and no Haitian zombies Southern family, she (Lillian Hell of immediately. However, theyman, author) •has put together a ' perform acts of black magic, yet • can be the cause of blazes that do{. let To Clarify according to Richard Watts, Jr,, vibrant play that works and that thousands of dollars worth of dam- Pamp drama critic of the "New York bestows viable parts on all mem age, an enormous amount when Tribune," "The Little bers of the cast." you consider that the original bomb that Reserve Situation Foxes" is a horror story. How universal a theme is stress source of the fire was a Or to 'put it in the reviewers ed in the play may be illuminated WASHINGTON The FBI ar rested 27 persons charging them with conspiracy to obstruct the nation's war effort. Among those arrested were Rev. Gerald Winrod and William Dudley Pelley, head of the Silver Shirts. MOSCOW The Soviet high command stated tonight that Rus sian troops are fighting savage •defense battles to stem the Ger mans before Rostov. The Red Air""Force, aided by American made bombers, continued to blast German columns advancing to ward--that city. Meanwhile Rus sian advances in the Voronezh sector continue. Russian officials admit that the situation is'grow ing more desperate by the hour. CAlRO—British forces under ary membership in Scabbard and General Auchinleck, supported by Blade July 31, in a radio, ceremony the RAF, have continued to push that will officially open Penn their lines forward in spite of stiff State's V-Weekend. The noted resistance. British officials ad- band leader will also announce mit that the operations now going Harvest Ball's Queen on his "Plea on are of a limited nature. sure Time" radio broadcast to niiht. is worth roughly $2.50. To clarify the Army . Enlisted own words, " 'The Foxes' might by a speech that Ben Hubbard In case of an incendiary attack, Reserve situation on campus, a well be called a psychological hor- makes when he realizes that "the Lord advised the group to use pamphlet explaining the War De- ror story, so virulent is its con- jig is up" as far as he is concern long-handled shovels in covering partment's new plan will be issued templation of a hateful and rape- ed—" One loses today and wins to them with sand and to make use sometime next week along with cious Southern family at the turn morrow. I say to myself, years of some kind of a shield because application blanks, according to of the century. Through its of planning and I get what I want. every fifth fire bomb that is drop- Adrian 0. Morse, assistant to the thoughtful indignation, it becomes Then "I don't get it. But I'm not ped contains a charge of black president in charge of resident in- a scornful 'and heartfelt parable discouraged. pbwder which explodes a few stxuction. of the rise of the industrial South "The century's turning, the seconds after the firing pin has Pamphlets will be distributed in all its ruthlessness." world is open. Open for people been set off. through the various schools of the Reviewed by six critics when it like you and me. There are hun "Drafted in November 1940, Lord College after a meeting of the opened in New York- for the 1940 dreds of Hubbards sitting in rooms Was assigned to the chemical war- Council of Administration. It is season, the Players' next show re- like this throughout the country. fare division because of the train- expected that enlistments for the ceived nothing but pave notices. All their names aren't Hubbard, ing he had received in chemistry program will start soon, accord- A mild sample' of the reports but they are Hubbards. We'll get and physics while at State. ing to Mr.' Morse. was expressed by Brooks Atkin- along." Fred Waring To Be Made Honorary Member Of Scabbard And Blade EMI= ISSMEI DOUBLE PLUGGER—Fred War- ing will be conferred with honor- ." • 9 FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 24, STATE COLLEGE, PA Society To Grant First Title In Three Years PRICE THREE CENTS Latin Mural Sets Suitable Scene For First Fiesta By JANE H. MURPHY With a huge South American mural as background, Penn State's first Latin-American fiesta will become a reality at 8 o'clock to night. Festivities will be set in Recreation Hall, where a capa city crowd is expected -to mix in the "South American way," Miss Marie Haidt, committee chairman, said last night. in arranging such a program, the College administration and Summer session are cooperating with a nation-wide project to fur ther Pan-Americanism. Appointed a national center, Penn State was assigned its job by the Inter-Am erican Education Demonstration Center project and will use this first in a series to encourage sim ilar programs in other sections. Program for the fiesta, which will be spasmodic throughout the evening, will include orchestral selections by Phi Mu Alpha, men's music honorary; South American folk songs by 'the music depart ment and the Louise Homer Club, women's music honorary; Span ish songs, accompanied on the gui tar by Henry Sanz; dancing; sound motion pictures; and exhibits. Climaxing • the program will be a rhumba exhibition by Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Quinones of State College. Following that, instruc tion will be offered to the couple judged best in a rhumba contest that will close the evening's en tertainment. Miss' Haidt announ ced that regular ballroom dancing will 'continue until midnight. Exhibits to be arranged along the left side of the Hall will in clude local displays and works that have been received from dis tant places. Eleven town and faculty mem bers will offer South American products for display along with prints, paintings, and textiles re ceived from International Art (Continued on Page Two) Campus Cop's Tip Leads To Capture Of Two Convicts Following a lead given to him by William Buchenhorst who was returning from his night-shift duties with the Campus patrol, Officer Donald Hay of the State College police force captured the two escaped inmates of Rockview State' penitentiary, missing since Tuesday evening, as they walked over the corner of S. Allen street and Fairmount avenue at about 7 a. m. yesterday morning. The two men, Salvatore DeSi mone and Angelo Carrieri, one of whom carried a 38-caliber serv ice revolver, were first spotted by Buchenhorst in the vicinity of the West Penn Power Company sub station. With further informa tion, Officer Hay traced. the men to the S. Allen street sector where he apprehended them. They surrendered without resist ance and Hay ordered them into his police ear, searched them, re moved the revolver and then commandeered a passing Naval ensign to drive the car to the bor ough lock-up. Later the convicts were taken to the Centre County jail to await hearings on the escape charges. Both of the prisoners were con sidered trusties by prison offi cials and both were nearing the conclusion of their minimum terms of sentence.
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