err ► • ....., Zriirr Batty i 0.: -~, , il44'• Tultragtatt .1 111710- 7M\ • L. Al OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Weather • VOL. I9—No. 40 vir el Al len • An an ficio me c _ Cabinet .4, let the stud( e: the highl . . Read fo t . he amen( atc f men, t of 'legated itE '.-student lei lization rths vc 11 • )inet sh ; of Ca' shall ;e ame as a con sentat. :',a • the a will nation rt L. nz Ples al ams ittee v( of I Cat sor • ias lc ?.rat rop t; tat( • sp ccl nc a. • ;g it oth ds trt in the to Cam! ay I his ash.l 11' p e Le zed Lid test ,rt sio r - o ' .Ol KEY 1, OIL FIELDS , IRS* , PIPE LINE FLOW • REFINING CENTER /11.111.111MINNII 3 • „ ) r • Nat • a 1 1 404 00 : , r fgoff .. I • . New . Amendment . Summer Symphony . Rexach To Direct • Army Reserve Enlistment . . " . To Present Second Defines Ex-Officio Concert Tomorrow Rhumba Contests- - • • • • w i ll. • 'P ermit Graduation The symphony orchestra of the • • Membership Summe r session band orchestra Al Latin , a and chorus school will present the Festival e, e a . second in its series of Summer • • Morse Asks Students • An amendment defining ex-of- , concerts in Schwab Auditorium at Hans Rexach '43, Puerto Rican ficio membership on All-College 6:30 p: in: tomorrow. student, will direct rhumba con-. To Contact Deans Cabinet and Cabinet's taking over • • Program for the 'concert, which tests and instruction at the All the student book exchange were College Latin-American By .in By RICHARD B. McNAUL the highlights of its meeting last ,will be under the direction of Recreation Hall from 8 p, m. to "A student facing imminent in night. 'Pierre Henrotte of the Summer midnight . Friday, Miss Marie duction by his local draft board •Read for the first time last night session faculty; will feature a cor ,Haidt, committee chairman, an- should report to the dean of his the amendment stated, "The dean net and a bassoon solo along with nounced last . night . • . school immediately," Adrian 0. of men, the dean of women, and - its symphonic program similar to delegated representatives of any the one presented Sunday after- A prize will be awarded the. Morse, assistant to the president in charge of resident instruction, all-student , or .student-faculty or- noon, July 12. couple chosen the best • Latin stated in advising students who ganization - approved by three- . The first number will be Saint dancers by. the judges. Exhibi- wish to finish college before serv fourths vote of all members of Saens"princess Juane OVerture," tions of the typical South Ameri dance will be. given hy Mrs. ing with the armed forces. Cabinet shall be ex-officio mem- It will be followed by the cornet can hers of Cabinet. E x effi e ie mem- solo by Franklin Siege, director of Victor L. Quinones of State Col- Mr. Morse, who has just re hers shall have no vote." music at Northumberland High lege. turned from conferences in Phil- The amendment arose from the School. His solo Will be "The De- Participating in a musical pro- adelphia, Baltimore, and Wash ington, • D. C., reports that stti recent controversy over PSCA's butante'.' by Clark. gram will be 20 students under the representation on Cabinet. If and The second section of the pro- direction of Mrs. Willa W. Taylor, dents 'before to complete their icitication being drafted when the amendment is adopted, gram' will be. made up •of " e Sieg- instructor of music education. should investigate the Army En action will be taken to make that fried's Rhine Journey" and "Over- Costumed in native Latin-Ameri organization an ex-officio mein- ture to Rienzi," both by Wagner. can countries, the students will listed Reserve plan. Penn Stake has been given a quota of 2,140 by ber. These will be followed by the bas- present a group•of folk songs from .the the War Department, Robert L. Mawhinney '43, Ber- soon solo by Edward IGobrecht, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, ENLISTMENT EXPERT—Adrian Although the machinery has not nard A. Plesser '43, and George C. Hanover, Pa. The name of his se- Argentina, and others. 0. Morse, assistant to the presi- IVlCWilliams '44 were appointed as lection- will be announced at the Students in the gr6up are Edith dent in charge of resident instruc- yet been set up to make enlist- . a committee to investigate . ' the . concert. ,Burrage, graduate, Ruth Davey, non, 'has just returned from con- men b , it will be possible under problem of starting the book ex- Numbers in the third part of Frances A. Brown, Muriel Hass- ferences with 'War Departrrient of- the new plan to gain deferment through the deans 'of the various .change. Cabinet took over the the program will be "El Relicario" ler, Sarah K. .Richards, Virginia ficials in Washington, D. C. It schools until actual signing up can by. exchange some time' ago, but un- Padilla, and "Bacchanale” from E. Manley, Eleanor V. Crawley, will be his job to clarify the re- completed, according to - til now has done nothing about "Samson and Delilah" by Saint- Martha N. Albert, Rita J. Jenkins, serve situation on campus. be se. Mr. actual operation. Saens: , Francis Wood,. James W. Beach, 'Basis for the selections of stu- In his proposal of: the plan Ma- . , Thomas W. Mason, 'Leonard P. Di- dents will be • scholastic ability whinney stated that the Library • leanis, 'Henry Sans, and Ivalclare N y A . m has offered space in which to con- • Air ,Raid Test S. Howland, assistant professor of ay Resume - and certain physical requirements. The enlistment is voluntary. duct the' exchange. He stressed , . - physical education. Purpose of the new plan is to the iriiportance of starting before SoloiskS include Miss Davey, the beginning of- next semester, a . Miss Albert, Mrs. Wood, Mr. program In Fall insure a future source of quali the . . . ~ -• .- ' Sel•for. Tonig ht ßeach, and Mr. Sans. Accom- - • - fied officer candidates from col . (Continued on Page Two) • ' ■ (Continued on Page Three) Better days for the college's ~ 4. Dann -A-Peppin ' . - When the siren sounds tonight, • • • . • NYA situ a ti o n - were predicted .. . 1- '' , -•'•••' ' - ' , • , ••, State - ., C..e11e,ge...,,, , wi11,..' , underg0. ••:a.,.•, :L. . ~ 1 , . " Announced tands-' hour. All lights :.must be ektin- •, -- guished, except for. airplane bea- Chambers Nominat ed ~ N-- , . , ..C. Whiting; office Manager, that ''" ka - --- -:-..':": Set - . student aid, may .start again in movies For Tonight • cons . and - markers. September. -, . . . Four campus bands have vol- . No definite time. will be an- ' After receipt of a letter' from ', Third in a series of document unteered to, take part in August For Dance Queen -• ary sound movies on "World War nounced for the • air raid . alarm, l's Dantz-a-poppin, the trouble.: the, state office at. Harrisburg II" sponsored by The Daily Col raising cliinaxer ' • to Victory which will 'be the first of a series Nominees for- queen of Harvest . stating that NYA assistance had legian in conjunction with' Hillel Weekend. . planned to give the Civilian De- Ball are Marjorie Ii: chambers '43, fense Workers . "much-needed Elsie M. Longenecker '44, and 'been cut in colleges and univer- FOundation arid the College Book George Washko's. Campus • Owls, . practice in meeting emergency . Jean .B. Ogden '45, according to Store, will be presented in the Tip Lyford's Nittany Lions, and sities because of the relatively George Roy and his Collegians -s. situations. -. , - . Hato V. Walton '43, dance small- appropriation made for the Hillel rooms, 133 W. Beaver ave. During the test tonight, the en- Chairman. haVe offered to clash.. in a battle current year by the government, at, eight o'clock tonight. tire state will be blacked out at Coeds themselves did the nom- , Tonight's program will consist 61 music that - will' proVide the Whiting said the letter is very various times, so that Army planes Mating for the dance's "leading of three short , films concerning backgrOUnd for the We-dare-:you-promising. flying over may' observe the ef- lady," 'Walton stated. An All- the Russian war situation. "Rus tp-dance program, Leon Raloino- fectess of the preparations. College election for the Ball queen cla's - Millions Mobilize," "For Witz -'43, announced, last night. Thesignalwill b flashed toth • will beinMainconfirmation that the financial ' Honor, Freedom and Country," Vic Dimeo's Solid Seven has localethe R 'de held Old from 8 help will be forthcoming in - the• and "The ,Red Army," are the . Councils over e Air al a.m. until sp. m. Thursday. promised '`'.a . jive session that Will Fall, -the letter states that NYA titles Warning system. Dress for the Ag -School's All- / really send" as part of the Dantz- - definitely -• • Control Centers will take over College dance is' very informal cut for , has been July The first film will deal with a-poppin intermission. all. community services, and will Walton stated. "Sport clothes 'and August. 'Apparently since the mobilization of Russia's ci- Possibility. . that a fifth band direct the Civilian , Defense person- are fair, work shirts are good, but there is a smaller number of stu ., vilian and military army, the night also' appear -on the unique nel in meeting mock incidents that overalls are tops in style for the dents in College - during these second concerns the. motives be program was also voiced by Ra- (Continued on Page Three) ' Ball." months, the government may be hind the Red's gallant defense of binowitz. ' ' trying to save money by curtail- their country, and the third de • • ing it now, Whiting added. Picts the Russian army in action Only $60,000,000 has been pro- against the Nazis. Vided by Congress for the 12 months beginning " July 1,. com pared to the $123,000,000 spent for Late Plows all -operations' last year. • This Fund will enable the NYA. to aid, Fl ashes . . . not more than 107,000 college and i high school students this" year, ,as • • against the 282,000 aided last year. ., The agency' has set aside .$B,- MOSCOW Russia is being 000,000 for its school prograrn threatened by invasion on • the 5i 55,000,000 to aid . 40;000 college berian border. Japanese troops students and $3,000,000 for. 67,000 have already been moved to posi in .high schools. tions which greatly endanger the . . • chief Russian cities. WHY WE RATION GASOLINE Axis subs have cut the 'tanker route which formerly brought petroleum east. Now we have to move gas and oil to refineries through pipe lines, auto, and rail. Pipe lines do not cover the coin.. try, other transportation Is congested, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 22, STATE COLLEGE, PA, **4**.4.-vi .14414*-4- .01\ Council. Breaks Custom, Holds Open Meeting . • - . . . ' Breaking precedent, the Liber-. - stronger positions. HoweVer, the al Arts Council will hold an open Russians are counter -attacking heavily on the western wing of meeting in 411 Old Main at 4 p. the German offensive on Voron m. today. ezh. "Until the adoptation of this new plan, the LA council meet- CAIRO British warships ing has always been closed to the pounded the Axis supply base at students that it represents," Mersa Matruh with 400 shells, in- Richard B.- McNaul '44, secretary- Meting considerable damage treasurer of the council, said last throughout that section of the Af night. "Now, students will be rican front. Other activity along able to bring their problems di- the 35-mile front consisted only of .rectly to us for solution." patrol skirmishes. PRICE THREE CENTS BERLIN—The Nazi attack on the Russian front still continues, with the Soviets attempting to burn oil fields in their retreat to
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