SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1942 Cwens. Sell Over 200 Tickets For Semi-Formal Tonight Carnations Replace Ordinary Corsages Over 200 dance tickets have been sold to date, and the last chance to buy will be at noon to dEar when Cwens sell them in Mc- Allister Hall lobby after lunch, ac cording to Mary Grace Longeneck er '45, president of the sophomore women's honorary. First semi formal of the year, the. annual Cwens dance will be held in White Hall from 9• o'clock to midnight tonight. George Wash ko's Campus. Owls will plgy at the affair, the theme of which will• be medieval, Jean.E. Ogden '45, gen eral chairmon,' announced. In an effort to be 'all out" for defense, .Cwens have decided to sell carnations at the door EiS a substitute „for .corsages. Flower sale returns , 'Will;:golto the WSSF, a ;fundtfor VWOrldi-Student Service used for;stUdents tin stricken war Dance ~ : proceeds,- according to customovilL•go:toward the Cwens scholarship Iftancl, Which gives an nual $5::1 awards to deserving sophomore - - coeds, according to Miss Mary Jane Stevenson, assis tant to the dean of women and Cwens advisor. . Dance committees and freshman chairmen are program, Florinne E. Olson, chairman, Wand " Barbara Painter; cheCking, R. Christine Yohe, chairman, and Ruth Stein er; invitations, Miriam L. ,Zart man, chairman, and Vivian I. Mar-. tin; publicity, Ruth Clyde, 'chair men, Carolyn Emerick, and Alice. E. Drumm; and decorations, Pa tricia Diener, chairman, Ruth A. Embury, Julia H. McFarland, and Kathleen M. OsgoOd. ' Miss Longenecker urges _fresh men to use their one o'clocks for the &ince tonight. "Even though it's not leap year; coeds should , ask their;men,”. she said, ' • - Persons 7 atteriding the dance are asr.ed - to use the center front en trance of• White Hall. Two: Coeds 'Enter Golf Tournament Janet L. Fleming -?40, who did not .return for' the Summer semes ter,- and , Marge King- '42 participat ed - in. the two-day Cambridge Springs invitation golf tourna ment -in PittSburgh Wednesday . . and . Thursday. - :Next -year's -coeds.- at .Albrighl ' WRA :Golf Club will hold regu- College ~-v irill- -- most_ fortunate, lar practices at the "Caddy: House ''They' will , their -dean - a Tuesdays and" Thursdays -at 3 .p.' who m.,. Adele J. - Levin '44, acting - possesses'both -un s derstanding and president- announced. ' All coeds' a- sense , i:rf , humor. are invited •by Miss Levin; to at- They-will , - be. guided by a wom.- tend. , . lan who • has .ddne much for Penn ViviEn 'l'. Martin '45 , ,w RA State coeds personally, as well as Bowling. Club vice-president, Will •in .a :professional capacity. - - act %as president sinceqhe;resigna- tWe have been.. talking about tion Of •Olartha' J;'Haverstick '43, Miss Wary Jane Stevenson, , as former Cluto head. sistant: to 'lVliss' Ray, 'who- will be come, dean of A women- at Albright. . \ in•Septeinber. , Summer Session - • Students • For students why are not fraternity-minded but de sire the comforts of home like appointments. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stitser -AT PENN STATE :o,ortta 123 W. NITTANY AVENUE ALL ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER ' Homelike! , pit„ Jr Comfortable! Moderate Rates HANN'S WATCH SHOP Watch.and Jewelry . . . Watch Attachments Located , in lioy,":Drug-`dtore . :LE.I College-Ave. Coed. Models Display Sports, Dress, Formal Clothes For Campus 'With the Land• Grant Mural as a background, the fashion show, featured ae• part:of OldllVlain Open House, :in Main lobby last night despite the weath er man's effOrts• to disuade" plans. Clothes modeled included ac tive sports, spectator-sports, dress, and evening,„aprrarelsuitable for campus wear. ' Most practical, yet decorative, sports ensemble was modeled by E. 'Jane 'Windell .44. She -wore' a White sharkskin tennis suit - with a plain .tailored• top graced by a pleated skirt. Other coeds who modeled active sports clothes were Pauline E. Keller '43,' Mary E. Gilbert '45, Kathleen M. Osgood. '45, -Barbara C. Painter '45, and Yvette Bermak '46. Kathryn K. Metzger '45 featur ed the classic seeisucker two-piece suit so popular with coeds through out the country. Her jacket was tailored with a slit back. A white dickey completed the outfit. Bet ty J. Lyman '45 .wore a light blue checked -gingham dirndl trimmed with ;white- pique, an ideal spec tator-sports outfit. Additional girls who modeled spectator sporty clothes were Nancy J. •Zartmen Ruth A. Embury '45, ._Betty J. Lyman '45, Miriam L. , Zartman !45, Miss Bar mak,, -Miss Painter, and Miss Schautz. .Nancy Zaitman,modeled a white waffle pique classic with heavy 'lace :at the neckin a yoke effect as a date dress. Gowns were mod eled by Miss Keller, Margaret M. Lams 'L43, Nancy Vir g,inia E. Manley, 'and Miss_ Metz ger. Included in' thei finale were , .pa triotic• bathing• suits Of-red, white, and blue .colors, 'worm by. Ly man, .Miss Manley. and 'Miriam L. Zartrnan.' We, the Women Alfiright Coeds Are Getting The Best ft ' IV .What ihappetW to freshman -men When - Senior . .Sponsors call meetings?'".4qumerous times with in the past two , ^weeks, an upper class woman .lias,•-contacted ;ber, group, prepared „orientation ma-' terial—all for nothing, because' the frosh never showed up. No Senior Spolisor pretends to know all the answers, but each of them knows a few which would prove of value to frosh. They know them because they have spent three years on this campus and because. they- have taken' spe cial training in. orientation work. All freshmen are not guilty of such definite discourtesy. It's time that those . .who are "wise up." BUY DEFENSE' STAMPS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN College Presents WSGA `Bars Far Tars' Bring Wartime Courses Ma il From To meet wartime community needs and to consider the services WSGA has been receiving fen dictatorships on their knees before which the College should offer mail from the U. S. Navy for their those boys learn which end of a women students in connection performances in the Bars for Tars rifle the bullet comes from. with the war, a faculty committee Day, sponsored by WSGA House of Okay, okay Take it easy !So appointed for this purpose has or- Representatives last Spring, and your boyfriend's in the army. I'm ganized courses in home econ- for W,SGA's •Army-Navy Dance sorry I sold anything about your omits; Red Cross work, - and health staged in Rec ;Hall Ica month, little graf tee. You can bet your education. last Artie Shaw record •' that I Candy bars collected as admis- Home Economics 308.42 Is ahim. sion to the dance and those col- would trade places with one-credit course• in family health. lected on. Bars for Tars Day, which 'While we're kicking the "heil" out Under the direction of Miss' Alicewere sent to men in service, were of the axis, 'they're kicking up . M. Chubb, superintendent of thesplinters .to the tune of Benny deeply appreciated' if 'the letter infirmary, ' the class .will meet in written ,bv Cavford 'Holt, of 'the Goodman. Room 17 , Hcmie Economics at 4:10 USS Atlanta, is any indication. I'll it's pretty back ' there Monday and at 3:10 Thursday. A this time year. I'd give a lot' to Following is• Holt's letter as sent Red Cross' Home Nursing course to WSGA: see Spring in the East. leading to a Red Cross 'certificate .Who, 'me? I'm free, white, and Atanat l will meet in the same room from USS' 23. Five feet, nine and a half 3:10 to 5 o'clock Tuesday . and c-d• Postmaster inches 'of muscle 'and brawn (un- Friday. San Francisco, Calif. Dear' Coeds: der the fat). I like swing music, Health Education 403.43, a, guns, photography, - drawing, deer three-credit course, 'including first. We got your candy all in one hunting, Thorne Smith books, and aid, athletic ' conditioning and piece (that was candy, wasn't it?), swimming. -Born in Maine, I was training, will be given daily from ond enjoyed it very much—what weaned on a radio station in Con- July 20 to August '7 by - Mr. 'John we could scrape off the paper. I necticut where I held the glamor- W. Hulme, instructor in physical wish, though, that the mailman ous position of control-room oper education. would quit standing on packages ator. Joined the Navy to see the to hang pictures of Jane ,Russell. world—gee, I never knew there Seriously tho, the cavity meat was that much water! was strictly on the beam. My sweet I hope that between these not tooth is still Etching. We have a toe-well written lines you have mascot, a real chow hound, who been Able to gather that we are managed to make himself miser- deeply grateful for your thought able on your contribution. fulness. As long as we live, you Women In Sports By M. J. WINTER '44 Students are often inclined to be His name is 'Lucky" and, so far, blase, or at least they, appear to he has been just that. He is the be. However, another side of their ship's pet and we even have a; life personalities was shown Thurs- jacket and a liberty-card for him. day night when they let . their hair He has a battle station and an down at the folk dancing session abandoned ship stztion, and some in Recreation Hall. Everyone times I think, he is the best sailor seemed to enjoy it. we have. Like most mutts, tho, he WRA should be commended for hates, to take abath--Eind that dog bringing an informal evening a can . get • into more paint! relaxation to students, , faculty, and •We. are whipping the pants off townspeople. With more than 400 the Saps. •so , don't worry about Alpha Omicron Pi will entertain present, there can be no `doubt that boyfriend of yours who cuts the ensigns at an informal supper that people enjoy square, dancing. a mean rug at 'the U. S. 0.. We next Tuesday evening, Albert E. - Haynes, caller at the don't need 1.. n army. All those guys affair, was only here for a •week, are good. for is to• furnish - material teaching a concentrated interses- for cartoons. • We'll . have 'all - the sion course in Early American dancing. IHe had the qualities needed by a caller—personality,' timing, and an easily understood voice, Physical education instructors are in. favor of having more such` dances this Summer. 'But, unless a suitable caller is available, re petitions of last • night's • perform..." ance will probably not be forth coming. Certainly there is someone on camiaus or In State College who could qualify as a . caller to lead square dancing. Weekly or bi weekly dances this Summer would add a great deal to recreational enjoyment, not only Of townspeo ple- and regular College students, but of Summer Session students who will appreciate a means of meeting people in an informal at mosphere. Alpha Epsilon Phi will entertain Phi Etisilon Pi members at a wein er roast at the home of Mrs. Charles Schlow from 6 to 8 p. m. tomorrow. Yetta Fromison '44 is in charge. •• ../1717101111C1fig .• .. . • . ---..-, :• ----. • „...---n (.. r , 4 :A\ • BREAKFAST • • . , . ... -- - - -.... .- --- - - • -•••• .. -- • -..-. --. ( 4 -----. —. '• 1 • LUNCH si,.. - --,,,..,- - ____ ;.! .c(.\ • V fy /....' -- --- c :11 .. „t .- .P . , ' • ' ~ ; , i t v .C .. ---.N - '''') a , • DINNER \ 1 - ~,, ~„A.„l_,\__c_6--,i0R,...4c3E• • l sy...i. , \ (---- 4 . r ,"--------,--/-,_ -,---------=-2---,--ry1 , _.„ , ,. , _,•, ..• , ,„\ (/ I -; 1. 1 tz , 1) 7, - -- , , , / 1 . , / ._ 7 ( ( r. / .it I A 11 ~) , 1 " , r"... 1 ) -- r... ,. k-:“ " ------2 ' \ 'ZL__. : ••Wi I \ \ , 1 1, :li i' . (.. I ...... \f ' . . --..._ ;7_l - 1 , _7 . :c t r±i-' __ i • i \, • _________-. i• '-'-.--"---'".---. . 2K I . I Anchorage . 4 7 , -\_____.... ~._____,T . ................- 1, ,07 ---- V ' ''f . 4( 4f i '/, ' t $ o• '..-0.'?"- -Coffeelhop m . ,_,,,„ , :A ., • :., „ . 2-10.1 V.: College 'Ave. 4.t STATE COLLEGE, PA.. , I . . • . You'll find it wise to patronize the SMART SHOP have our promise that the good old U. S. A. will never be a battle field. If you feel inclined to drop us a line, mail means a lot to us arid we will answer all letters ES promptly as. possible. Thanks again for everything. Sincerely, Cayford E. Holt, RM2C "C" Division BU'r-•-rDETENSE 'STAMPS Welcome Summer Students All through your stay here we can supply you with a choice of • SLACK SUITS • PLAY SUITS o BATHING SUITS • DRESSES • ACCESSORIES S. Allen St. PAGE , SEVEN AND rBONDS
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