Satty |§| (EoUrgian Hi OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Weather VOL. 38—No. 143 Two-Dollar Prizes Will Be Awarded For Lion Coats ' Two dollars in cash will be awarded to the seniors wearing the Lion Coats that are voted the best at the Senior Hot Dog Party on the Jordon Fertility Plots at 5 p. m. Sunday, it was announced by William O. Meyers ’42, head of the committee in charge of •choosing the Lion Coat awards. Awards will be made to the co ed and senior man, who, in the opinion of the seniors present, are wearing the best decorated Lion Coats. Meyers stressed, however, that seniors must wear their .coats to the roast to be eligible for the prizes. . The “dark horse” in the race for the hot dog king of the class of 1942 will not be revealed until Sunday afternoon, Max S. Peters ’42, general chairman of the par ty, said last night. The other four “smoothies” in the running for the crown are Thomas J. L. | n# l„ r f f Mamkorf Last night’s attendance at .Tun-'seven high schools to the cam- be run off in the afternoon, and Henson, Laszlo J. Hetenyi, Ray- |||Uilllj I ? IvIIImvI J . pus. The tournament is being the other three in the evening, mond F. Leffler, and Jack E. Mor- M sponsored by the division of dra- All visitors will be admitted to gan. “.The one good thing that , has cording to Neil M. Fleming, grad- the plEys free of charge) and the “King Hot Dog” will be elected come out of the war so far is the 77® theafftor Aom-ox’ pub,ic is invited to attend any of by the seniors present at the recognition of . the various peoples +„ ken in PP the performances, Professor Neus nartv of the world as individuals,” stat- lately $4600 was taken in. ■ |\ A I W baum stressed. . ’ , . ... ed Dr. Norman Hamilton Stewart, Junior Prom, the last big dance |||ACn[A|lC |JA|V Three judges, who will rate and doi r n S d ?o e H drTris C L n rte Jacked. 'lTthough ?h°lreTa’s u“ " # tic £ e plays are Raymond gram which is entirely free .to all the Pennsylvania Lambda chap- tie room for dancing couples stood TfafljjjAn-ftl Djß||l Seakkig° John E Miller gradto entertainment committee, ireveal-■ .■ . v ,, ""'“The Sentimental Gentleman of In spite of the traditional big- ™ ole ’ Yale University, and son of ed that several members of the , W ® ®? e C °!7 f ln T ® S =nrfVi,rnr,P Swin g” was quite enough to suf- week-end rain during the earlier Deatl . Fran k c - Whitmore. The Blue Band will have a “jam ses- ■ 1 ,° f ™ fice for the lack of room - Part of the evenin g- Thespians’ winning high school is awarded a sion” as part of the entertainment. c? war 14 in musical comedy ’ “ Hide ’ n Peek ” t xence, Dr. Stewait told the 14 m- ___ h P fm-p a lamp number of In addition to granting the “ 8 * 68 ftn at *7 b * ahqU6t ROTC HOfiOf “Snighters” in Schwab Audi- ratings of “superior,” Monday at the same time. the 60 chapter members and t torium yesterday. “good,” or “fair,” the judges will ... ~,• . _ 77“ gU ! S , tS 7, To Receive Awards Unusual for most musical com- se ‘ ect an ° Uts ! anding actor and 198 To Add Iv For Air v Tha 14 aelected _ - edies, “Hide ’n Peek” has a fast a . ct "*s. , M ' SS Pe SS y Glenn.Har -IJV IV MU bership into the honorary scholas- QradliatlOll Parade moving plot which keeps the aud- « sbur & last year’s winner of the rnflK AffPnlfinfA * lc Maternity wbo were nutated . ' ’ ience interested mainly because best actress award” will appeal- VUipj AliCpldlllC are: Mary B. Anderson, Jean Bab- Department of military science the unexpected usua lly happens ln the Pkiy, “Smokescreen,” at A total of 198 students have re- ?° ck ’ J ° kn M ’ Capozzola, Margaret and tactics’ annual graduation pa- Additional interest is cl , eat ed by 7:30 p. m. ceived application blanksfor en- EmbUry ' H l an J, Fnedn 7 n ’ ™de will take place Monday on havi lot center about cam- The Conference will get under iTstment in the Corps Enlisted Abram H ° deS ’ % pUS life at Penn State ‘ ?i a ‘ ”7 'f en / ekea - als Reserve, Prof. Robert E. Gal- R Mari e H E Lelfm Barbara J Me- ® 13 P ' Rho Rho Rho fraternity has the hl ® b !f h ° o 1 aptors take the braith, faculty advisor for the pro- Elizibeth’C Rose Marion Features of the parade - whlch hopes of pledging the two con- slight. Campus tours conduct gram, announced last night. M Tavlor is lo ° ked forward to each year victs, who disguise themselves as « d by members of the dramatics Professor Galbraith stressed the Jnd Elhit Volkin. ' be 7 au f its col . orfld college, boys which they figure to necessity for obtaining blanks at Five other students elected to be a . the C °™ f ™Z be the eaaiest t 0 d °' J‘ me tournament 0116 Y students’ earliest convenience. He phi Beta Kappa who graduated at englne , el ', a d ln * antry anrts ’. spent in the jail has given them a said that they would not be able midyear and were, therefore, un- * he P resentatlon of Second Lieu- dissipated look that comes from to get the required information able to be initiated, will be admit- tenant commissions in the Ofti- spending long hours indoors, and __ for acceptance into the reserve t ed by chapters in other colleges cers Reselve Corps of the U. S. even policeman Captain Menace | I*fi within the few days next week and universities. They are: Arm - V to seniors who have coip-■ calls them perfect examples of col- i,VVVkJ before the board arrives for exam- Thomas J. Burke, William Har- Pteted their military training in lege students. t* 1 AG inations on Wednesday. kins, Irene M. Paul, Alfred A. Ros- the advanced course and the. “Corky,” Marce Stringer, hasn’t JT ■■ • Arrangements for examination enbloom Jr., and Jean F. Weaver awe.iding of medals to under- had-a date in so long that even by groups will be published later. (Mrs. J. W. Ranney.) . (Continued on Page Two) Rubberpuss Ryan looks good to - * her. The desperate fight that she . • - puts up to hold her man, the ap- JHk -•» r" JL I AJ. A ± C* I pearance of the governor, who as Prints reatured At Art bhow sirr/srsLt By JANET F. TWICHELL '42 darks and brilliant lights. In the latter group may be not- ai ) d thre ® professors who are The other French prints are ed such prints as “Towers in the slightly love-starved ail ne p One of the most interesting of highly characteristic of the artists. Sun” by William McNulty, the keep things moving rapid y. the year’s exhibits is currently A landscape by Segonzac displays Marseilles dock scene by Henry “Hide ’n Peek” will be given showing in the College Gallery, a freelight touch and a certain Rushbury, “Driftway” by Kerr again tonight by the Thespians’ 303 Main Engineering. It con- lyric quality reminiscent of Corot. Eby, the church in Boston by who are under the direction of J. sists of 40 twentieth century prints Matisse chooses his usual exotic Griggs, Rosenway’s drypoint of Ewing Kennedy. The musical of British, French and American subject in a decorative lithograph some Roman ruins and others by comedy will begin at 7 p. m. origin in various media. The col- somewhat in the tradition of Del- John Taylor Arms, Sir D. Y. Cam- lection, made possible through the generosity of Pi Gamma Aloha, was loaned by Wesleyan Univer sity and will remain in the gallery throuah today. He employs his favorite theme, usually combinations of etching ' , .... ™TonrT m, , . The outstanding group in the the Paris street scene, once again and drypoint or etching and aqua- interested students are tl ipV ,*itb dustrv has stoooed th'eProduction show is the series of 6 French to achieve a striking print which tint and that they treat of similar to attend the sessions of the 11th Y t JI hi] prints. These prints represent ably captures the mood of the city, subjects—landscape, seascape, in- annual meeting of the Pennsylva- , P, c , c .. . ~ some of the leading names in con- Another street scene by Vlaminck terior or architecture. A certain riia-New Jersey section of the Am- p kY t° ~~l •temporary French painting as well uses the lithographic medium to technical brilliance distinguishes erican Student Health Association . .. n o wai 1 e as print-making. get a washy effect similar to water the best of these but others almost 'at the Nittany Lion Inn today, ac- P The self-portrait of Rouault is color. Other prints are a religious fall into the category of tight ar- cording to an announcement from SWITZERLAND — The German perhaps the strongest print in the scene at Lourds by Forain and an chitectural drawing. Dr - J - p - Ri'tenour. radio has announced tonight series and might even be said to be abstraction by Picasso. There are but 4 engravings in Three Penn State faculty mem- through Swiss sources that the one of the finest prints of our time. The remainder of the show may the collection and each is notable, bers, two doctors from the Univer- Luftwaffe will discontinue raids It is a generalized portrait treat- be divided into two groups—those Stanley Anderson’s “Reading sity of Pennsylvania, and two doc- on defenseless British towns if the ed in dramatic terms with a fine prints done by printmakers whose Room’ excells in craftmanship. It tors from Princeton University British will reciprocate. The Brit feeling for the lithographic med- chief interest is painting and those shows an unusual control, is nice- are on thS program to discuss stu- ish high command answered with ium in its contrast of resonant done by professional printmakers. (Continued on Page Four) dent health problems. a decisive NO. K | 'China Aids United Nation s War Effort I SOVCII High Schools EfltCT \By Contributing Toughened Youth' Liu | a i p\ t “Five million Chinese youths, Liu said, “you choose to call it **ollll3l I OUTIICy reared to the crash of bombs, the ‘American way of life,’ But * * * in ii; ArlmiHarl Fran toughened on the actual battle- we Chinese object to that,’’ he rUDIIC AumiliCU IIOC field, willing to die for freedom— added with a smile.that wrinkled this is China’s contribution to his full cheeks. “True, freedom the United Nation’s war effort.” and democracy became the ideals That statement was made by of America two or three hundred Dr. B. A. Liu, former president years ago, but a famous China of the China Training Institute man was preaching the same doc-, near Nanking, China, and now a trine to us about 4000 B. C. His member of the „ Chinese Institute name was Confucius,” the Ameri of America, in an interview at can-schooled Oriental added,, with 121 Sparks after his speech there a still-broader smile. Thursday. China’s aims in the war are “It is a tradition of freedom simple and well-defined, accord and democracy,” Dr. Liu explain- ing to Dr. Liu. “We want,” he e.d, with intense earnestness, “that stated, “to help restore freedom has enabled China to fight on for for everyone and destroy the mil -10 years against Japan’s mighty itarism tha|t endangers ' It' for military juggernaut. It is the everyone.” tradition which the ill-equipped Dr. Liu spoke with full sin- Chinese guerilla and MacArthur’s cerity again as he added, “and we boys share. have 5,000,000 men ready to see “Here in the United States,” Dr. those • aims carried out.” Phi Bela Kappa acroix. The draftsmanship is lan- eron, Muirhead Bone, Burr, Me- 5 Farillfv {nfolf guid yet skilled and completely Bey, Kappel, Landeck, Benson J llOaiß rdv.Uliy JjJvuli .controlled. Remarkable also is a Hoyton, Dodd and Higgins. These - y ■. ■ .5 lithograph by Utrillo. prints are alike in that they are 10 flvCilll! ASSOCIdIIOn Successor To The Free Lance, Established 1887 SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 2, STATE COLLEGE, PA, To One-Ad Play Card Performance of plays by seven high schools entered in the sev enth annual one-act play tourna ment, sponsored by the division of dramatics, will begin in the Little Theatre, Old Main, at 2:30 p. m. today.. High Sdhools entered and the plays they will present are Cone maugh, “All the Rivers”; Philips burg, “Georgie Porgie”; Bedford, “Dark Wind”; Roosevelt Junior, Altoona, “The Perfect Gentle man”; State College, “The Dic tator Visits His Mother”"’Harris fc)urg, “Smokescreen”; and Hunt ingdon, “A Young Man’ Fancy.” Under the general supervision. DIRECTS DRAMA Frank S. of Frank S. Neusbaum, assistant Neusbaum, assistant professor of professor of dramatics, the run dramatics, is in charge of the ning-off of the contest will be di seventh annual one-act ' play vided into two sessions. The tournament which has attracted first four presentations listed will PRICE: THREE CENTS BASEBALL SCORES National League Cincinnati G, Phillies 5 Chicago 13, New York 9 Pittsburgh 7, Brooklyn 6 Boston 7, St. Louis 7 (KHh inn ing) American League Chicago 5, Athletics 2 Detroit 7, New York 2 Cleveland 13, Washington 6 St. Louis 10, Boston 6 AUSTRALIA General Mac- Arthur’s forces have accounted for 33 Japanese planes and the guns on the island fortress of Corregi dor have shot down three heavy bombers.
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