PAGE FOUR Miller Announces Hom<e Eccers Will Welcome 5 Sororities Plan Frosh Debate Swim Club Meet Hospitality Day Participants formal initiations Teams Meet - Svfnfmee P t°te J J £_ For 43 Women Fifth annual Freshman:Debaters the a whlte Half pool Thursday, Events Include WSGA To Sponsor Forty-three women will trade April 23, announced Joan K. Miller 1 pledge pins-for sorority pins as nignt witn lepiesenta lives irom six •45, club president, last night. Any r i :LU Free Formal Dance i'we sororities hold formal initia- and J. Let undergraduate woinan studont is UXlllDltS, 1 OUI S and formal f(jr aR women tion this weekend . The convention , theme is . (What eligible to entei. Entiles are due The home economics depart- stU dents and their dates is the Alpha Epsilon Phi will initiate sor t of peace do we want after this til. the White Hall pool ottice April ment will open its doors to stu . gixth annual W SGA dance in Rec Selma R. Kaplan ’44, Doris S. La- war? » Committees drew up- bills 20. Requirements for divers con- dentg) lacuUy , townspeople, and Hall from 9p.m. to midnight to- vine ’44, Marion R. Rabinovitz on the topics, “Status of Nations” of three compulsory ana two high school seniors at its second night . jimmy McAdam and his ’44, Ruth W. Schwarzman ’44, Vi- and .< World Union,” to be. present optioua i\es. annual Hospitality Day from 9 campus Owls will provide music, vian L. Klein ’45, Aneda Lucker ec j general convention for Postponed initial spring meeting am . to 4p. m. today. Any one Assisting E Louise Hack ’42, Lenore W. Robin ’45, Joan F. consideration this morning. Ad of the Golf Club will be held at ma y attend classes and view ex- gene j, al chairm an are Janet M Rllnkle ’45, a,nd Margaret Stern journment will be at noon. G:3O p. m. Thursday. Eleanor M. hibits, as home economists display Harlz >42 pu u> dcit y chairman, ’ 45 this afternoon. Visiting colleges ana universities Freedman ’44, president, announc- results of a year’s work. with M Elizabeth Shelley ’42 and In celebration of their fifth an- are Bucknell University, Bucknell ed -that practices will be held-at 4 HOSPITALITY DAY PROGRAM E Elizabeth Eshleman ’43; and niversary, the AEPhi’s held a din- Junior College, Juniata College, |>. nu every Tuesday and uirs ay g a tQ l 2 noQn .Elizabeth E. Munroe ’43 ’ and ner dance at the Nittany Lion Inn University of Pittsburgh, and,Un- in Uhvs’cal ed- Registration in lobby daire H. Hildinger ’42, invita- last night. At a banquet in the iversity of Scranton. foid Ji., mstrnctoi m pn. c Departmental tours t; ons . State College Hotel tonight, they Participating freshman debaters ucation and lesiman ° Tours of home management ~,,, . .. .• tI , t m will install three patronesses, include Karl H. Bergey, Eugene V. roach will give instruction at 10 a With invitations extended to so mt , „ T -c+u coai-n, wm houses , , , . Thev are Mrs. Lester - Neiman, Buchanan, Lorene Claney, Ruth. u. m. every Saturday. Hotel administration tours form M^ss ha Charlotte Mrs - charles Samuels, and Mrs. Clyde, C. Grace .Goodlin, Gaylord Tennis club will be liostess to economics lobby as ch **> eron s Mlss Challotta K Frank Schlow , W. Greenlee, Harris, Robert S.' coeds who attend White Hall open m n . ome economic. ioooy Ray, dean of women; Miss Nina flails acniqw. MacNabh William R Pomerantz -■ House from 7to 9:30 p. m. Satm- Classas m session M . Bentley, Miss Mary Jane Stev- Kappa Alpha Theta will initiate Wilham R. ■ day, Mignonette E. Frederick ’43, Subject, Room enson Miss Ruth H. Zang, assist- 16 coeds tomorrow. They include , Marion F Zang • ji resident, announced that the club XncTd ants t 0 the dean ° £ ™ en; MrS ‘ jK»“ * *2* 'f C'p SSL will hold its first Spring meeting clothin - Grace L Hall, Mrs. Neva M. Miller 44, Mariei L Bauer 45, ag h of the convention .. next week. The meeting planned cl:taping ... iu Morris , kiss Jeannette Oswald, Doris F. Campbell ’45, Marcia M. for last night was postponed be- Family food problems ..205 Mrs> Gad B p opPi Mrs. Anne B. Crichton .’45, Ruth B. Davey ’45, cause of inclement weather. 9a - to 2:30 p. m. Searle, dormitory hostesses; Miss Mary Lou Hansen ’45, Evelyn P. Exhibits Room Marie Haidt, associate professor Kohler ’45, Betty Jane Lyman ’45, Home management 14 o£ physical education; and Cor- Virginia E. Manley ’45, Renee U. Ciothmg 112 deHa Beachi secr etary to the dean Marks 745, Alice L. Murbach ’45, Nutrition 209 of-women Marie E. Pennell ’45, and Wini-• Institutional administra- ' fred F. Singer ’45. _. , __ nm i New Kappa Kappa Gamma in 1/1/ j/ 1/1/ itiates .are Ann Halberstadt ’42, l/l/e t ~Jhe l/l/omen Marguerite H. Chambrey ’43, Ger- Same Soilg trade E. Lundbom ’43, Nancy L. I® Hamill ’44, Elaine Merrill ’44, Jane Second Edit I M. Buchanan ’45, and Kathryn . ~ ~. . , K. Metzger ’45. After reading our editorial yes- Theta phi A 1 ha will initiate terday morning we got a couple Gertrude M K ortright >43, Ursula more ideas on the same subject A Frost Mal L Battle >45 In case youdidnt read it Cor if Rita M _ Belfonti .45. . Initia . your paper didn’t come today), we tiQn wiU be followed b a .. big were talkmg about the need for . ->. hl » akfa . t coeds to “slow down.” ■ ■ pM Mu wJU initiate Geraldine We are frankly concerned about B p ark >42, Mary E. Werts ’44, the struggle of present coeds to Margaret H. Hamilton ’45, Geor irtaintain the hierarchy of activi- ganna m. Holt ’45, and Mary Jane, ties built by pre-war coeds. We M , e any ’45, Sunday morning. feel that each campus organiza- tion owes it to its members to ig- • . * nore precedent and attempt to Idea Women eliminate a few business meetings, coffee hours, and teas. Dorothy M. Boring ’44, president To insure that we wont be of Ellen H, Richards Club, junior misunderstood, wte had better say omen s ea “ Ca J t °^ that wp are ndt advocating elimin- ary > a PP omted a committee ot four that we are not advocating eiimm T activities. They are S-'ph ation of a 1 activities. It isn t June K _ Smith chalrman that we don’t like teas and coffee Jone Ruth L Baker , hours It isn’t that we fail to snd Bvdh M. Storer. see the value in fmeside chats. Furthermore, we will admit that groups need business meetings. _ But we think this war is a CLASSIFIED SECTION pretty big project and that coeds, LO ST-Reversible camel hair and as well as draftees owe it to heri . ingbo ne tweed reefer from Uncle Sam (and to themselves) to , Sandwich shop c i oak roo m, March make a few sacrifices. Time, 2Q Call 28 27. 2tpd 10,11 DW money, and energy are resources to be hoarded as carefully as rub- WILL PERSON who took light tan ber and tin. medium length raincoat by mis- It occurred to us that sororities take from Theta Kappa Phi, Wed might arrange to meet every oth- nesday, April 1, call 4937|. er week instead of weekly. We stch 19,11,i4,it>,m think that most coeds would wel- LOST—Parker pen-pencil set in come an opportunity to skip a cof- vicinity of ROTC drill field be fee hour and stay home to study hind Carnegie Hadl. Call 3179, and go to bed. . Schae f e r. We question the advisability of organizations holding special in- GRIS HALL at 427 W. Beaver itiations for convenience of a avenue will tote, open for boys few members. We wonder how after May 9. Come in anytime, many honoraries could justify all 3tpd 11, 14, 15, W. their business meetings. — ___ __TIT Till Coeds’ defense activities, al- GOLD BULOVA watch left m though noteworthy, could be ex- Old Main as ‘ R panded and intensified. ' To sug- mentalvalue. Plealse letuin. R - gest additional ways of “doing ward. Call Gang er, 2461 our part” would be foolish at this p ' point, because everybody already WILL PERSON who got wrong has too much to do. white raincoat at Penn State 1 If coeds had more time and club dance last night call Sam, energy, they could do more de- 4209. Reward. fense work. And if they still had a time to spare, they could get a shows A 1 i :3 o, 3:00, 6:45. 8:45 little sleep Alumna Sings For Defense Returning to Penn State cam pus for her first professional ap pearance since graduation, Bar bara Troxell ’37, coloratura So prano, assisted the Penn Stafte Glee Club in a benefit concert in Schwab Auditorium last night. ' Miss Troxell is now completing advanced vocal studies under Madam Schumann of Curtis In stitute, Philadelphia. She will graduate nexst month. As a Penn State student, Miss 'Troxell was a member of the Col lege choir, Girl’s Quartet, Louise Homer Club, women’s music hon torary, and Pi Lambda Theta, edu cation honorary. Included in the solo numbers were “Pleurez! Pleurez, Mes Yeux,” from Le Cid.' Massanet; ■“Tell Me O Blue, Blue Sky,” Ci annini; “Little Brother’s Lullaby,” Broeck; “Lilacs,” .Rachmaninnoff; and “Song of the Open,” Frank La Forge. Accompanied by the Glee Club she sang “Romany Life” by Victor Herbert. As an encore she sang “Ah, Sweet Mys tery of Life,” Herbert. Proceeds of the concert will t»? added to the American Red Cross War fund. Fifteen per cent of this amount will be used locally for soldier correspondence land transportation. Lion Shrine (Continued on Page Four) of 1940, presentees of the gift. Instructions for preparing the plot, unloading the stone block on its arrival, and placing it on the site which will become the artist’s outdoor studio have been given to Professor Helme, who has start ed work on his part of the plan. Near perfect timing is necessary to cut the cost to a minimum be cause of high wage rates of the quarrymen who will block out the stone. As soon as the mater ia t for the shrine arrives, the full size model, now on display in the mezzanine lobby of Old Main, will be moved to the spot and everything matte ready for be ginning work immediately. The department of grounds and buildings will have charge of pre paring the plot of ground. Action will be started on this first phase of the work as soon as th'e snow lias all gone from the ground. Mrs. Neva M. Morris, Grange Dormitory hostess, will entertain At lilt? MOVIPI? Grange senior coeds at a coffee cathaum hour Thursday night. “ T h e Fleet’s In" Chi Omega will entertain Chi “Larceny, Inc” Phi at a coffee hour from 6:30 to NITTANY 7:30 p. m. Sunday Arts and crafts Child development Improvised equipment for the home care of sick 118 Lunch in Old Main Sandwich Shop 2:30 p. m. Dr. Laura W. Drummond, director of home economics depart ment, will greet guests in 121 Sparks 2:35 p. m. Fashion Show in 121 Spax-ks Psych Profs Say Coeds Still Jump At Sight Of Mice Women will continue to stand on chairs at the sight' of a mouse, ac cording to a recent “Personal Audit” survey conducted by Dr. Clifford R. Adams and Dr. Wil liam M. Lepley, professors of psychology. Given to 520 students from five universities, the personality test evaluated reactions to 50 situations ■that might cause fear. Burglars and prowlers, walking alone at night, and touching rats and lizards frightened coeds. Oth ers on their lists wei-e thunder and lightening stoi-ms and looking at a corpse. Women proved to be con siderably more superstitious than men. Situations feared alike by men and women included dying at a young age, losing a sweetheart, having friends lose confidence in them and having friends learn their worst faults. Twenty-five of the situations were feared more by coeds than men, twenty-four were equally frightening and one, loss of eye sight, was feared more by men. Ath East Wins Badminton Title Ath East captured the intramur al badminton title in the play-offs in White Hall last night. Polly Rugh and Marty Duffman trounc ed Ruth Mooi-e and Pat Dohx-en wend in the doubles tournament. In singles, Hugh lost to Moore, and Dohrenwend lost to Duffman, to give Ath East the lead, 2-1. Intramural baseball games for merly scheduled for last Thurs day are set for Monday afternoon and evening. STATE: “Last of the Duanes” THE DAILY COLLEGIAN 19 220 10 AAUW Elects Hensel Evelyn M. Hensel, catalogue li brarian, was recently elected vice president of AAUW. Mrs. J. F. O’Brien was elected member at large, Mrs. J. J. Gibbons, corre sponding secretary, and Mrs. F. T. Mavis, recording secretary. The next meeting will be at a dinner in the State College Hotel Banquet Room, May 28. .WAiifini '■K^TjCkA, @; j T »ffi*" • NOW THRU TUES. • First Pennsylvania Showing EDWARD G. —in— "LARCENCY JANE WYMAN, BRODERICK CRAWFORD, JACK CARSON SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1942 Zeta Tau Alpha will entertain dates at their annual dance at the University Club’from 7 p. m. un til midnight tomorrow. Dorothy Gibbons, national field secretary,, will be weekend guest. TUESDAY Shows at 1:30. 3:00. 6:45, 8:45 “The Fleets In” It's Ankles Away As the .Boys in Blue Paint the -Town Red! ■ Thousands of Tars and All." These Stars: • I. Dorothy Labour ’ Singing those haunting hits! • 2. William Holden A gob who wants Doltie. as his first male! • 3. Eddie Bracken Wise - crackin' Bracken back in form! • 4. Betty Hutton America's Number One. Jitterbug! • 5. Betty Jane Rhodes Holly wood's, Most Beau tiful Starlet! ' • 6. Leif Erickson A willin' villain ripe for a killin'! : : • 7. Jimmy Dorsey and His Band World's Greatest Saxo phonist! • 8. Bob Eberly America's Favorite Singer! • 9. Helen O’Connell Treat for your eyes— joy for your ears! • 10. Lorraine & Rognan Tripping the Light Fan tastic! • 11. Cass Daley Why Sailors Love the Sea! • 12. Gil Lamb The Big Guy with the Small Harmonica! ROBINSON INC.”
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