\ j * - i • t PAGE FOUR. WSGA Dance To Be Formal Tails arid evening gowns will replace last year’s informal ajttire at the annual WSGA dance in Recreation Hall on April 11, it was announced at WSGA Sen ate meeting last night. The Campus Owls will play from 9 p. m. to midnight for co eds and their dates who will be admitted without charge. Eighty invitations have been issued to faculty and administration mem bers. Headed by E. Louise Hack ’42, committees include Claire H. Hil dinger '42 and Elizabeth E. Mun l'oe ’43, invitations; Janet M. Hartz ’42, chairman, M. Elizabeth Shelly ’42, and E. Elizabeth Esh ieman ‘43, publicity. Jeanne, C. Stiles ’42, former WSGA Judicial Committee chair man, reported that she and Ray mond F. Leffler '42, former Tribu nal head, plan to secure coordina tion between men and women’s freshmen regulations. Upon, suggestion of Marjorie L. Gvkes ’43, present Judicial Com mittee head, WSGA Senate decid ed to send letters clarifying wom en's regulations to all hostesses in an attempt to secure more uni- formity. Ruth M. Storer ’44, junior sen utor, in charge of the point sys tem, urges coeds who have added activities since the survey to con tact 'her. Invited to attend next week’s ■Senate meeting are Dorothy J. Frank ’43, Marjorie L. McNolcfy '43, Marjorie I. Zint ’43, Harri ette Block ’44, Ruth E. Conrad ’44, ‘Carolyn K. Champlin ’45, Alice R. : Fox ’45, Betty Heacock ’45, Vivien I. Martin '45, and Jean B. Ogden *145. .!Red Cross Project ’Nets 72 Garments Seventy-two garments made by coeds and faculty wom'en in the Red Cross sewing project are on display in the Home Economics lobby. They include 37 hospital gowns, 5 paii-s men’s pajamas, and 20 children’s gowns. Projects' were started January 6. Project committee members in clude Bertha K. Barclay ’42 and Jane M. Roush ’42, co-chairmen, Edna L. Harrison ’42, Margery E. Gorman '43, Marian H. Hugus ’44, M. Jean Little,’44, June K. Smith ’44, Eleanor M. Storter ’44, Ruth E. Thomas ’44, and Miss N. Anor mallee Martin, home economics instructor. DELTA GAMMA’S ENTERTAIN Delta Gamma pledges entertain ed two pledges from each campus sorority at tea yesterday. ALPHA XI PLEDGES Alpha Xi Delta pledged June Baily ’44, and Marie E. Weiss ’44. A special coed bi’eakfast is be ing featured at a store near the University of Minnesota for 15 cents, consisting of orange juice, coffee, and two cigarettes. Hides Wanted RW—Detroit, Mich., or vicinity. Leave Thursday or Friday. Call iMdrgiotti, 2579. RW—Pittsburgh. Leave Friday noon. Call Samuels at Colle gian office. 2tcomp 2, 3 PW—Mt. Joy or vicinity. Leave Saturday noon. Call Jay, 2974. 2tpd 2, 3 S. RW—Pittsburgh. Leave Friday. Return Sunday. Call Bob, 2431, in evening. 2tpd 2, 3 M. PW—Pittsburgh. Leave Friday. Call 3602 between 6 and 7 p. m. Ask for Roscoe. . 2tpd 2, 3 D. RW—Franlin, Sharon, or vicinity. Leave Friday noon. Call Beck. 4770. 2tpd 2, 3 RW—Philadelphia. Leave Thurs day, Friday or Saturday. Return {Sunday. Call Ernie, 2544. c- q -v| to -Q 5 r z-n Z *' I - ( 1 7 | I ( { i ] r r - I 1 I .. ; i 1 ' 1 i 1 I •' -■ = ; i --iii Randolph ’43 Named HE Club President Helen L. Randolph ’43 was elected president of the Home Ec onomics Club last night to suc ceed Margaret E. Middletori ’42. Other officers are Mildred Fried man ’43, vice-president; Clara E. House ’43, secretary; and Mar garet L. Campsey ’44, treasurer. Elected to sei’ve on the Club executive council were Cheryl Charlson and Mary Lou Goyne, juniors; Edith D. Dengler and M. Jane Head, sophomores; Betty Lou Hornick and Ola Marie Ro kos, freshmen. WSGA To Poll Play Facilities To plan coed recreation for the Summer semester, a WSGA House of Representatives committee was appointed yesterday by Dorothy K. Brunner ’44, WSGA vice-pres ident, to investigate available College facilities. Committee members are Ann ette M. Ingaldi ’43, Helen H. Wolf ’43, Martha J. Haverstick’’44, and. F. Doris Stevenson ’44. The com mittees will cooperate with thd women’s physical education de-, partment. Ushers announced for the Col-. legte Glee Club concert, a Red Crass benefit, in Schwab Auditor ium at 8 p. m. tomorrow are Jean Babcock ’42, Sylvia P. iSchmidle" ’42, Lois M. Gardner ’43, Miss In galdi, Miss Brunner, Miss Steven-, son, Ruth M. Storer ’44, Patricia .1 Diener ’45, and Kathleen M. Os-' good ’45. Steiiifurtli Strikes To Win Bowling Title A strike in the final frame of four games copped the All-College bowling championship for June : Steinfurth ’43 last night, Trailing by only seven points, ■ 'Betty Widger ’42 finished second ? . with a score of -581. Barbara j Cooper ’44 placed third with 541 i and Elaine Hunter • ’43 followed; with 536. Eighteen women parti- ' cipated in the tournament which ’ began Monday. Alpha Clii’s Initiate Alpha Chi Omega celebrated the tenth anniversary of its founding on campus last night with the initiation of 22 pledges. Initia tion was held at the Friends’ Meeting House at's:3o p. m. An initiation banquet was held in the banquet room of The Corner Room at 7:30 p. m. All alumni were invited. The speaker was Anna Pauline Locklin. 250 Attend Reception Approximately 250 faculty and administration members, their wives, and junior and senior wo men attended the formal recep tion in Old Main lounge from 8 to 10 p. m. last night. Anita M. Knecht ’42 and Ja'ne G. Ludwig ’44 played background music and the varsity quartet sang. Officers Named Third semester officers elected by Allen Street Dormitory include Doris E. Porter ’44, president; Neva M. Peterson ’44, vice-presi dent; and Helen R. Cigoi ’43, sec retary. Marian A. Whitcomb ’44 i sacting as president in the ab sence of Louise E. Carter ’42. STEVENSON TO SPEAK Miss Mary Jane Stevenson, as sistant to the dean of women, will speak on “Women in a War Emergency” at a PSCA fireside session at Phi Mu sorority at 7:30 o’clock tonight. DOUGHERTY ELECTED Marion C. Dougherty ’44 was elected WSGA Judicial Committee secretary yesterday. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL DIRECTBR¥S THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Please Clip and Save for Future Reference THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942
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