vv>':. ~ ,-Successdr -t» The'E'jtee; Lance, Established 1987 VOL. 38—No. 120 Present Juniors who will handle the affairs of The Daily Collegian during then- senior year, are pic- ? nce °* Waring in order to ex P edite graduation, tured above as follows: Standing, left to right, Frances A. Leiby, Sarah L. Miller, Marjorie L. Sykes, Rabinowitz co 1 j d ? ine S .° College has adopt- Katherine E. Schott. Phillip D. Mte, Jack'E. MeCool, 'Eobert _E. Edgerly, Roy E. Barclay, Leonard E. Bach, v and Herbert J. Zukauskas,. Seated are Katherine M. Popp, Donald W. Davis, Jr., Edith L. Smith, to Uncle Sam > s for ces. . grams or of sacrificing their qual- Louise M. Fuoss, Jdmes D. Olkein, Dominick L. Golab, Robert E. Schooley, David Samuels, Richard S.- Waring’s presence was made » Stebbins, Gordon L. Coy, and Emily L. Funk. known when Clauss and Rabin- is recognized, however, by _ _ __ _ ■ _ pwitz spotted him from the stage the Council of Administration that ' XWAUftaH KfAStfC ( and called him up before the aud- ctertaiin students whose religious A _ L|__ J- JllUVf IuSI UICCIIIj fence where he made fun of the be lie±s require them to observe Voy, Dacl)/ rUOSS namea / \S ncaus lun-makers. He joked with the holy days should be permitted to k , _ - - „ All TIBMM DaaaVil stars to the, delight of the onlook- be absent either from the College Of New Dailv Coeaian Starrs Alrllfllu KCCOiu f s for ( about f j ftean mh ; utes be « r from classes during certain I krany ViWIICgiOII fore returning to his seat. days of the- present week. In Gordon L. Coy was named editor of The Daily Collegian at the Bad weather over a big week- The other Outstanding feature view of this the Council adopted annual senior board elections banquet in the Hotel State College end at Penn. State is traditional! of the show came as a climax, the following motion at its meet 7 ■ , ._ . «• i. »ii i. it, -u • . , , • However students feel that OV when, after the last curtain, Clauss j nß - of Mamh IQ49* Sunday.night. E. Bach wiU be,the new-business and adver- Ld! d himSel i this came out and announced that-his ‘‘All win he held as .hsing.manager.andXouise M Fuoss, womens editpr, it was am pagt w BaU weekend as he piled feU ow star had been ordered to usual on Thursday, Friday and nounced by Ross B. Lehman 42, retiring editor. Additional editorial up 305 incbes 0 f .snow in a belated report ,to an. army induction cen- Saturday of this week Students 'board; appointments were Herbert J. Ztfcausk@s r .>ni9iiagji>g • .editor* outburst to establish a new ter April 1. Rabinowitz left State who, for religious reasons and for '. Donald W 7 Davis, sports editor; Dominick L.-Golab, assistant manage- record for the amount of snowfall College immediately after, the those reasons only, desire'to be ,iiig editor; David Samuels, feature editor;. Jatties' D. Olkfein,' news for' the month of March in State show. ' excused from attending classes in editor; Robert E. Sehooley, assistant-news editor; and Richard S. College. : order to observe holy days may Other members of the women’s * i f weekend snowfall the new record written request presented to and In Red Cross TSrSJFXZS « m Canfeen Work Tomorrow -» . Smith will divide the term of as- •, they were'becoming adjusted to In response to requests from stu- . . sistant women’s editor. Miss Funk Lauritz Melchior,- greatest living Spring weather and had donned dents and townspeople, a new class MSWllinflfiV Slldfffir i was .named-women’s feature edit- Wagnerian tenor, will present the their new wardrobes, had to send in Red Cross canteen work will be ' IM,,V .?. or. .' '. ' third program of the 194L42 Ar- home for some. Winter clothes, offered by the STCD beginning to- Hfifld PfORI fflffllllHlAA • " New credit manager of The tists’ Course Series in Schwab They also had to wade through morrow, according to Miss Phyllis MVHU r, * /m VUIIimillCC “Daily'Collegian business staff will Auditorium at 8 o’clock tonight. slush, and all in all, were very ir- k. Sprague, instructor of the Robert L. Mawhinney and •be Philip ' Jdffe, while Robert E. Originally scheduled to appear ritable. course. Wayne C. Shaffer were named last • Edgerly will sterve as circulation February 5, the converted baritone : Students and townspeople who night by Jerome H. Blakeslee, manager; Roy E. Barclay, classi- was forced to cancel his perform- . . . .. . i have previously completed the Red junior class president, as Junior •fled advertising manager; and ance-for that date because of-ill- fln vflllfify UpCflllly Cross standard nutrition course or Prom committee co-chairmen to John -E. . McCool, promotion man- ness, but will be in “fine voice” for a two-credit course in nutrition, lead a group of ten who will plan : a g er tonight’s concert. POlinATlfid Bv SflOW may enroll in the canteen course in the May 1 dance. ’ ■ Frances Leiby was elected sen- Beginning his musical career as rujipwm#« vy 19 Home Economics at 7p. m. to- Other Junior class members ior secretary; Sara L. Millter, wo- a baritone, Melchior had already Because of the heavy snowfall morrow. named to the dance committee in men’s advertising manager; and sun S 35 baritone ro.es before he over the wee h en d, the formal op- Each person satisfactorily com- elude David H. Goldsmith, Charles Marjorie L. Sykes, women’s Assist- was given a chance to play some- e ning of the New Mineral Indus- pleting this course will be award- B. Elder, Elizabeth V. Paine, ant advertising manager. thlng else basldes the vlllam rol , es tries Art Galley, originally sched- ed an American Red Cross certi- Cheryl Charlston, Robert R. Ly- Members of the new editorial ln °P era -, The canons of operatic uled for last nighti has been post _ fi ca te. Two class sessions will be man, Orville C. Everitt, William and business staffs will not as- composition invariably set up the poned until a later date, Dean held each week for five weeks. A. Thompson, and Frank J. Perna. sume their duties until next Tues- beavy roles for baritones, wi e e ste j d 2 e announced' yesterday. He ’day’s issue, after which old staff W “ P ” 6 also stated _that this will necessi- Nominee Collection T n T\TcvTX7C* members will swerve in an advisory first tenor role was tate delaying the general openmg . JLICLTO IN OWS capacity until the close of the sec- « ” and hi rendition of for the students ’ faculty - and - Jesse J. Cohen ’43, one of the __ nnrl semester Tannnausei, and hu r a townspeople. ■ nominees for secretary-treasurer of K—" I *** nl>\ /sr« • tins opera has since become t e jj. . g p j anned change the date the Athletic Association, was listed A XvXOXXwO ■> • . i- model for heroic tenors the wor to Apr jj but this is subject to incorrectly .as Sidney Cohen ’44 in ■ .• 17 Inn I Art i ° ver ; . c ,n.„ a , oven „ confirmation. Saturday’s Collegian. LONDON The death struggle XL juniors, 4 jopnomorei Garden in 1919 the tenor has sung • ■ .for control of the North Atlantic Tannail Ru flmll AnH 200 Siegfrieds, 5 legmun s, , sea lanes has apparently begun . Tapped By jKUIi And Tannhausers, 60 Parsifals,,79 Loh- All C r%\\aCH> with the British admission of the » ll eng r s a!.r3tal|. r3taI | S ’ t 3 #\ll” V.OIICQC opeecn contest 2oss of one cruiser in a battle with Bones Hal Society in 32 years continual trouping. . , _ . . German naval units. Two German Skull and Bones, upperclass hat hono Tof Tein^named 'kammey FeatUrCS $75 111 PriZC Mdiey amiu” S Sf Court—'^ ac- Pelln State’s Demosthinians will day evening by registering before shipping roide. ing last night, it was announced claimed “greatest of Tristans,” have a chance to show thelr art m they leave - C lay t°n H. Schug, MOSCOW Russian sources by Charles F. Mattern ’42, presi- Melchior is also the official leader the coming All-College Extempor- chairman of the committee an- claim tne complete deteaj of the dent nf Hip Danes in the United States aneous Speaking Contest which is nounced. The new registration greatest Nazi ottensive ot Hitler s Juniors tapped are Leonard E. A limited numb er of tickets can lo start tomorrow April 1 with hours are 8:30 a. m. to 12 noon avowed annihilating spring cam- Bach, Jerome H. Blakeslee, Gordon be obtained for tonight’s per- registration and end Saturday, and 1:30 p. m. to sp. m. tomorrow paign 50,000 mechanized troops L. Coy, Donald W. Davis, Jr., Jess finance at Schwab Auditorium A Prb H- a » d Thursday in 300 Sparks. The were routed, it was said. V. Fardeila Thomas R. Heidecker, ,■ . " Winner of first place will be contestants are to submit their WASHINGTON Double pay A. Edward Leitzinger, William C. ° l '' ' 1 awarded The Pennsylvania State topics when they register. for U. S. Army buck privates Mazzoceo, David Allan -i v College Prize of $5O, while the Eliminations'and semi-finals will seemed a step nearer reality today J. Moses, Richard S. Peifly and LA Council To Elect runner-up will receive the Foren- take place Monday evening. Five with the passage by the Senate, Robert Z.' Torrence. Officers for the coming year in sic Council Prize .of $25. minutes is the time allowed for without dissent, of a bill calling Four sophomores were also the Liberal Arts Council will be All undergraduate students who each' speaker. In the finals which for monthly pay of $42 for U. S. tapped. They are Lawrence D. elected at a meeting in 305 Old wish to enter the contest should do are to follow on April 11, eight to privates. Gent, Jack R. Grey, Samuel C. Main at sp. m. today. Donald W. so by selecting a topic of current ten minutes will be allowed each AUSTRALIA—CompIete United Harry and Harold L. Zimmerman. Davis Jr. ’43, Charles W. Elder ’43, interest and submitting it when contestant. Nations’ domination of the air over No definite plans for formal tap- and Bertram S. Green ’43, are the they register. Students who will The committee in charge of ar- all Australia and adjoining seas ping or initiation were announced nominees for the persidency. Larry be absent from school Wednesday rangements for the contest consists was indicated by an Australian air by Mattern. Parmi Nous, the other nominees for the presidency. Larry afternoon and Thursday can enter of Professors Clayton H. Schug, official as piesaging the start of upperclass hat society will prob- McNaul ’44 are the nominees for the contest even though they miss chairman,.Raymond W. Tyson, and the long awaited Allied Pacific of ablv tap sometime this week. secretary-treasurer. the preliminary meeting on Thurs- Harriet. D. Nesbitt. fensive. ¥ ¥ ¥ ilft laiUj IWt ¥ ¥ ¥ OF THE PENNSY: TUESDAYMORNING, MARCH 31, STATE COLLEGE, PA, ’ATE COLLEGE Council Of Administration Clarifies Easter Ruling After pointing out why it is impossible that the College follow its wartime accelerated calendar, which does not allow an Easter recess, the Council of Administration yesterday. announced that students will be excused from classes this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday only for religious reasons. Written requests for excuses must be pre sented to and approved by the dean of the school concerned. The following statement was is . . . . , I sued by Council in response to YVQ.fLn.QS WLSeCraCkS student petitions asking for an _ _» •cl Easter holiday: S top IhespLan bhow “The College has adopted an accelerated plan of operation in Two unusual events set off the or( j ei . t, O participate to the fullest closing performance of the Spring extent in the nation’s wgr effort; Thespian show Saturday night. a p ar t 0 f that plan vacations They were the unexpected appear- have been curtailed or eliminated Weather Light Snow Flurries PRICE: THREE CENTS
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