SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1942 'f ~V- * Following is the complete text within thirty days thereafter. class functions, the appointment of the of <the Penn- Investigation which shall rest in the harids of sylvania State College Student Section 11. The Cabinet shall tbe res P ect jv e class presidents. Government Association as passed have power to summon before it ,°^® r „ _ 1939, revised March 26, 1942. any student and conduct such in- . Section The All-College res- PREAMBLE vestigation as it may deem just sball bav ® P°wer to veto any We, the students of the Pennsyl- and proper. . iegis at.on passing by Cabinet ac ' vania State»C6llege, in order to Bequest cordmg to Article I, Section 6. form 'representative union, Section 12. The Cabinet shall Official Representative to. promote ' the welfare-of the have power -to regulate and sup- Section 9. The All-College Pres- 4 student body aiid the. College as a ervise all-College student activi- ident shall be the official repre- Whole and to insure the democra- ties, except that any power not sentative of the student body on tic: right of self-government do specifically delegated to the All- any matter pertaining to the wel hereby ordain and establish this College Cabinet shall be reserved are of the student body. Constitution of the. Pennsylvania to the governmental organs speci- , Meetings State-College Student Government fied under Article 1, Section 2. Section 10. The All-College Association.' - • General Supervision President shall have sole power - ARTICLE I Section 13. The Cabinet shall to call special meetings of the Cab- Legislative Powers reserve power to regulate and j net at any time for any reason .Section IV’All .legislative powers supervise ail student activities. whatsoever, of the Student Government Asso- . Elections Parliamentary Powers elation herein granted shall be Section 14. The Cabinet shall Section 11. The All-College Vested iri the All-College Cabinet. ave Power to regulate all elec- President shall have full parlia . tions of the student government mentary powers over all meetings _ All-College Cabinet organizations. of the Cabinet. ..Section 2. A student activity Recognition Presidential Vacancy , shall be d f ned as^ at \ actlvlty Section 1 5 '. The Cabinet shall Section 12. In the event of the . whose members , are studen. s-an have power to reco gnize arid grant resignation or the disqualification whose funds are derived all or charters to any undergraduate or- of the All-College President, the in part from student sources. Ail ganization subject to the approval All-College Vice-President shall members of Cabinet shall repre- Qf the Coll Senate committee assume the duties of All-College sent student activities. All + stu- on student Welfare . The Cabinet President . ' dent activities shall have then- a)go shgU have r tQ recom . Temporary Absence funds audited through the Asso- mend lQ the Senate Commit tee Section 13. In the event-of the ciated Student Activities office. on student We lfare the withdraw- absence of the All-College Presi- The All-College Cabinet shall jng of charters from existing un . dent) lhe All . College vfce-Presi consis o e . ■ ? e - . dergraduate organizations after dent shall assume the chairman dent the All-College Vice-Presi- due consideration and inves ti ga . ship of the Cabinet and all rela dent, the presidents of the Senior, + . _ T ~ u c T .* . ’ tion. tive powers. In the absence of J um°r, Sophomore and Freshman Meetings. . . the All-College President and c asses, e presi en o ® C ‘ IC Section 16. The Cabinet shall Vice-President, a president pro- School' Counmlr the president of meet t least once in two tem shall be s^lected , by the Cab- Women-s - Recreation Association; weeks excluding vacations . The inet . ■ the ..president of Men’s Athletic An . College p resident shall have' Succession . socia ion, e presi en o' ® power, however, to call special- Section 14. In the event of the . a " “ ° f -J . ’ meetings at his discretion. All disqualification or resignation of the chairman of the Board of Pub; meetings of the Cabinet> except both the All-College President and bc£d ‘ ons ; * be chairman of the executive session shall be - open Vice-President, an election for . „ . to the entire student body. All-College President shall be held the chairman of .the Interclass nu-rn-Tf tt ...... , ... , - ~ ~ ■, . • ARTICLE II within four weeks of the regular n 1)" Onimi-n- nrpsi- Executive Powers College session after the disquali , .. p' ... . U ?.. Section 1. The executive powers fication or resignations of the old Coupcj a vestedrltf’the officers go into effect. . of the non-frater-. „ .. . ' . Pity men and a representative of ARTICLE 111 • -Section 2. Pres- The fudTcial, powers “'".Section 3. The Deans of .Men ldent sbclU be elected by the en- relative to men students shall be and Women and the Alumni Asso- tlre stude nt body to a term of two vested in the Student Tribunal, elation secretary shall serve as consecutlve semesters at a time to . student Tribunal ex-officio members of the Cabinet. be specified by the Elections Com- Section 2. The Student Tribunal Eligibility mittee and approved by the Cab- shall be composed of seven male Section 4. No person shall be inet _.. T members, appointed by the All .eligible for membership in the „ , Inau 9 u * ail ° n College President by and with Cabinet -who is not a registered : Sectlon 3. Before he can exer- the advice and consent of the student of the College and who ‘r. lse apy tbe P°wers of his-pf- cabinet, five of whom must be has not aittained an' All-College flce ’ tble b . Al l.T Col i e I ® e Preslde "J seniors, and two of whom must be average of “1” or better. shall take the following oath. I juniors. The senior members will " ' ' Term of Office do hereby solemnly-swear that I elect one of the two juniors as Section 5. The term of office of w . lll . : !f dhfany execute the office chairman for the following year. -. each ;riiember of the Cabinet shall ° f All-College President of the Eligibility . be two consecutive semesters. Pennsylvania State College Stu- Section 3. No person shall be a de . nt Government Association, and mem ber of the Student Tribunal Qoctinn fi All lptficintinn in wil1 ’ to best ° f my ability ’ who has not attained an all-Col- Section 6. All legislation, in serve promote the welfare of w e average of “1” nr better anH order to become effective, must student -body and the College w ho does not otherwise aualifv -be passed by a plurality vote of . ds a w hole ” The oath shall be ',? 065.o 65 .. 1 t r ,° , I ? VISe . d . U f l fy ... t - s a wnoie. ine oatn snan rje un der Section 2of this Article. • the Cabinet approved by the sworn or affirmed to before the Customs All-College President at the same chairman of Student Tribunal at Section 4 The stuitent Tribll meeting. If the All-College Pres. an a ii. co i lee e inauguration within v. student Tlbu J ohnuiri fail tn afhi= an 311 college inauguration witnin na i shall have power to establish ident should fail to approve this one mon th following the election. snd en f orce College customs measure at this meeting, it shall Eliaihiliiv a e _ n c f. '-onege customs. automatically go into effect. If Section 4 No Derson shall be o nves i 9 a lon ' übpo ® na - -Vtio ' All Pnllpffo Prasirfpnt shnuirt • bectlon 4 ’ Wo P erson s naU be Section 5. The Student Tribu the All. College Piesident should e ]j g i b ] e to hold the office of All- na i ohaii havp nmvpr tn qummnn veto the legislation, Cabinet can college President who is not au l * ?to summon itip lpo-idatinn ihi.c imirt college ir'iesiaent wno is not a. be tore it any student and conduct repass the legislation, thus void- regls tered senior at the College q U ch investigation-? as it miv deem n ? y et°> by a, two-thirds vote an * d who h£<s not attained an all . J ™ of the members present. College average 0 f “1” or better. . Punishment ewtion 7 members Additional qualifications may be Sect ; o n 6. The Student Tribu shfll constitufe f a ouOTuJr b s P ecified by the Elections Commit- nal sha n have power, after a fair shail - trial> to affix such punishment as Section- R The Cabinet shall met ‘ . .. it may deem justifiable upon any ha« control over all student class s=ctlo| , fSTSSSSIw Pi-es- J” 10 "'' “f conduc ! luhds, Vricluding the establishment s»™“ oS™ j“t of class dues, the recommendation the cabinet and shall be Drivileg- m3y comm ® nd ' when necessary, of oinfiiritipc fpp= the an ne aDmel an " snall 06 pllvueg penalties up to and including ex of student activities fees, the ap- ed to vo { e to ma jj e or brea k a tie. n ui<jinn from 'College proval of specific budgets, the ap-’ Appointment Power PUlSl ° n THal Procedure proval of expenditures, and the • Section 6 . The All-College Pres- section 7 The Student Tribu supervision of the auditing of ; den t shall have full nower to an- option 7. ine Student liiDU thrice 'evr.ertriHure= 10 . snall nav y lull power to ap na i s h a n have power to establish ' • p - ■ '. - - point all committees hfe may deem its own trial procedure, except that ... Interclass Treasurer necessary to carry out the work any hearing mus t be open if the Section .9. The Cabinet shall of the Cabinet, but the number of defendant so desires, baye Rower, to appoint every two • any committee shall -be set by the Appeal consecutive semesters, with the Cabinet. This provision shall in- Section 8. Any student may-ap approval of the President of the elude the establishment of an pea i f ro m a decision of the Stu- College, an Interclass Treasurer, Elections Committee herein men- dent Tribunal to the Cabinet, who shqll be a competent account- tioned. which shall have final jurisdiction ant and al non-student. Special Committees over the matter. Right of Initiative Section 7. The All-College Presi- Minor Judiciary Section, 10.-. Any member of the dent shall have power to appoint, Section 9. The judicial powers faculty, .administration, or student by and with the advice and con- relative to women students shall body may-attend arid present to sent of -the Cabinet, any special be vested in the Judicial Commit- Cabinet-any'blatters which con- committees he may deem neces- tee, as shall be specified in the cern : student- welfare- . .Cabinet sary, except committees charged constitution of the Women’s Stu- J»ust tak»raotion r wjtji,tke adiyujiistration of, purely dent Government y. Revised Text Of Student Government Constitution THE DAILY COLLEGIAN ARTICLE IV Class Officers Section 1. Each class shall elect a president, vice-president, secre tary and treasurer at a time speci fied by the Elections Committee and approved by the Cabinet. The Freshman Class shall be organized as soon as advisable after the op ening of the first semester under the direction of the Elections Com mittee; Presidential Succession Section 2. The class vice-presi dent shall succeed to the office of president upon the resignation or disqualification of the president. Eligibility Section 3. No person shall hold a class office who is not a regis tered student in that class and who does not possess an all-College av erage of “1” or better. Additional qualifications may be established by the Elections Committee with the approval of the Cabinet. ARTICLE V- School Councils Section 1. Each school shall be permitted to elect its own School Council in any matter whatsoever, subject to the approval of the Elections Committee. Powers Section 2. The School Councils shall have power to discuss prob lems pertaining to their own schools and legislate accordingly. Cabinet Representation Section 3. The chairman of each School Council shall be a member of the All-College Cabinet, but any school which has not organized a Council upon a date to be speci fied by the Elections Committee shall not be given representation in the Cabinet. Eligibility Section 4. No person shall be a member of any'School Council who is not- a registered student in that School and who does-not possess an all-College average of “1” or better. ARTICLE VI Interclass Finance Board SectionT. The Interclass Finance Board shall consist of the present treasurer of each .of the four classes, the three class treasurers of the preceding year, the present treasurer of WSGA, and the WSGA treasurer of the. preceding year. Chairman Section 2. The junior class treasurer shall automatically be come chairman of the Board in his senior, year Budget Powers Section 3. The Board shall draw up all class budgets subject to the approval of the Cabinet and the College Comptroller for the Ad ministration. . Women's Finances Section 4. The finance of Wom en’s Student Government Associa tion arid Women’s Recreation As sociation shall be supplied by the women students and shall be sub ject to the general supervision of the Interclass Finance Board. ARTICLE VII Interclass Treasurer Section 1. The Interclass Treas urer shall handle all student class funds and Associated Student Ac tivities Funds. Accounts Section" 2. The Interclass Treas urer shall keep separate accounts for each class and shall maintain a detailed account and record of all financial transactions involving student finances. Payment of Bills Section 3. The Interclass Treas urer shall pay no bill which has not been first approved by the Cabinet. Expenditures Section 4. The Interclass Treas urer shall approve all agreements involving expenditures of student funds. Audit Section 5. The accounts and rec ords of the Interclass Treasurer shall be audited or published •every two consecutive semesters, the expense of which is to be shar ed equally by the four classes. Section 6. The Interclass Treas urer shall be bonded to the extent of fivethousancl dollars ($8,000). by PAGE FIVE a qualified surety company. Compensation Section 7. The Interclass Treas urer shall receive a certain remu neration for his Work, the amount of which is to be set by .the Cab inet and apportioned equally among the. four classes. . . ARTICLE VIII Board of Publications Section 1. The Board of. Publ ications shall consist of the - editor and women’s editor of The Daily Collegian, editor of Froth, editor and women’s editor of La Vie, ed itor of Co-Edition, and. editor oJt Portfolio. Chairman Section 2. The editor, of Colle gian shall act as chairman of tba Board, ARTICLE IX Dramatics and Forensics The Board of Dramatics and Forensics shall consist of . the 1 men’s debate manager, wom en’s debate manager, president of the Glee Club; president of. tho Blue Band, president of Players and president of the Thespians. ARTICLE X Self-Organization The organization and function ing of all other governmental bod ies specified in Article I, Section 2 shall be left to -their respective) members, but no constitution of any of these bodies shall be incon sistent with the provisions of this Constitution. ARTICLE XI Right to Vote The right of any undergraduate student to vote or hold All-Collego offices shall -not be denied or abridged on account of race, color, age, sex, or scholastic standing, except as otherwise herein pro vided. ARTICLE XII Amendment Section 1. This constitution .may be amended or revised by three fourths vote of the membership of Cabinet. Every amendment must be read at three consecutive meet ings and can be passed after, the the third reading. Ratification Section 2. Any proposal for amendment must be placed before the student body at a general elec tion of a petition requesting such, action is signed by at least 300 students and presented to the Cab inet within two weeks following the published announcement of the proposed amendment. Cabinet Changes ! IFB Membership Membership of the Intercla. ! ':i Finance Board has been changed according to Article VI, section 1 to include the following members: present treasurer of each of the four classes, the three class treas urers of the preceeding year, the present WSGA treasurer and the preceeding WSGA treasurer. " Unde the old constitution the Board was made up of the treasur er of each class plus another stu dent of each class to be appointed by the class president. Also are • presentative of the opposite se;< was included. Under the old constitution the dents who have experience are on the Board. The treasurers of tho preceeding year have naturally had experience on the board and are in a better position to advise on the use of interclass funds than would be students appointed indis ■ criminately by the class presider. fc. Portfolio Represented The only change in Article Vll.C, section 1 concerning the Board of Publications is that the editor at the campus literary magazine, Portfolio is included on the Board of Publications. Revisers of the constitution could see no reason that this editor should not be in - cluded along with editors and women’s editors of The Daily Col legian, Froth, La Vie and editor o{ Co-Edition. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers