SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1942 Fraternity Dating Code Passes Senate Committee IFC Commended For Ejght Con(est W j nners Start Regional Talks Assuming Dufies The Senate Committee on Stu dent Welfare passed-Interf rater- One of the eight negative win nity Council's revised dating code ners chosen from entrants of 184 yesterday after rehashing the en- colleges and universities through th-e question of the right of ai fra- ■. coufttry , t . Cherven temity to entertain, unchaperon- , .... ed women guests at all. ak 44 > wlu 8° 11110 regional compe • In passing the code, the commit- tition itl the National Radio Dehate ■tee “took notice of the accompany- Contest at Pittsburgh, next month, ing resolution with an expression Chervenak will discuss further of : commendation for the efforts the official contest topic, “Does of IFC in applying the principles y oath Have A Fajr opportunity of self government in handling American System of their activities and accepting the responsibilities thereby involved.” Competitive Enterprise? . The “accompanying resolution” - referred to was the one that pro voked the discussion at the last IFC meeting.. The Council voted to limit its jurisdiction to unchap eroned affairs, and followed that With a resolution that disapproved all mixed drinking at any time. Dr. Joseph P. Ritenour raised the question of the right of a fra ternity to entertain unchaperoned guests at all, disregarding the drinking problem.. Dean Char lotte E. Ray explained to Dr. Rite nour that this is not the most sat- - is factory arrangement,, tout It had to stand since at present there are -no other suitable means to enter tain dates. v In discussing the recent con troversy of the Council’s jurisdic tion over chaperoned mixed drink . ing, Prof. Marsh W. White criti cized the stand taken by The Daily Collegian. . Dr. White said the newspaper . . shouldn’t have asked IFC to change its code so that it wouldn’t control chaperoned affairs, since this policy is .directly against a policy of student government. IFC should toe commended, he said, for its brave step.' The way the new code now readfe, Prof. ; Mac Lean M. Babcock, chairman of the committee, ex- : plained, it is very similar to" the old code. However, he added, IFC now has a'policy regarding -chap eroned mixed drinking. The College has no rule regard ing drinking,'A. R. Warnock stat ed, hut implies that disorderly conduct is not tolerated. In' asking that the fraternities help make the code successful, Warnock said he “wouldn.’t trade the honest cooperation on the part of fraternities for 50 police men patrolling the fraternities to enforce the code.” Thomas J. L. Henson ’42, IFC president, sa'id the code would be printed and distributed to all fra ternity presidents as soon as an appropriation is made. Henson explained that IFC has adopted a chaperon system that would assist Dean Ray’s office in approving chaperqpes. Student Activities Defined In Article II Clarification of what constitutes a student activity is included in <the revised constitution to be vot ed on next week. In Article 11, Section 1, a student activity is de fined as any activity whose mem bers are students' and whose funds aire derived all or in part from student sources. ■ : The section continues that all members of Cabinet shall repre-n sept student activities and all student activities shall have their funds audited through the Asso ciated Activities office. This rul ing makes it definite that all stu dent funds except those from such sources as class dances shall be audited through the Associated Activities office. It also determines that all stu dent activities are to be under the Associated f Activities office rather than some there and some under Interclass finance as has • been the case before. VOU RE inUITED TO HITEHD . . . STATE COLLEGE’S FINEST You ore invited to attend the grand opening of this beau- tiful new Gulf Service Station .where you will see a new note In the service picture here in State College. We have the most modern equipment to give your car .» j . the best service. in our community, famous Gulf quality j products that keep .cars running better, longer, and im- \ maculate rest rooms-for your complete convenience. Be sure to stop in Saturday—see how much more you can get for your car dollar at. Gulf—and ask for your souvenir of our opening* - ECKERT’S GULF STATION Greyhound Post House N. ATHERTON & RAILROAD STREET STATE COLLEGE, PA. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN PSCA Forum-Council To Have Cabin Parly Starting the Spring season with .a' cabin''party will be' the' PSCA Freshman Forum and Council. Both groups will combine for a mixed party at the Ralph Watts Lodge, Shingletown Gap. ■Cars .will leave for, the cabin from the tear of Old Main at 2 o’clock this afternoon. The fresh men will eat supper at the lodge, hold . a campfire program in the evening, and Sleep overnight, re turning t Sunday morning after breakfast. Dr. Dengler Spooks Dr! Robert E. Dengler, profes sor of classical. languages, . ad dressed a founders’" day gathering at Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity re cently. .Dr. Dengler 6poke on ■‘The Fraternity. System.” Jtllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Church School, 9:30 a. m, Wesley CAMPUS CALENDAR Fellowship in League Joint Meel« 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 l , wi . th Westminster League at Presbyterian Church, 6:30 p. m., TODAY Friendly Hour, 8:30 p. m. \ IMA Sweater Dance, Armory, Tryouts Sunday night, Little 9 p. m. Theatre, next Players’ show, “The Forum-Council ' Cabin Party Beautiful People,” by William leaves from back of Old Main at Saroyan. 2 p. m. Chapel, Rev. Edgar F. Romig, Woodycrest Rural Service, 304 west End Collegiate Church, New Old Main, 9:30 a. m. y o rk city. Pre-Med Society invites public Evangelical Students, 318 Old to hear Dr. Carpenter in 110 Home Mam ( 2 p. m. Economics building, 7 p. m. MONDAY Important bowling club busi- Pershing Rifles meeting to ** ness meeting, Vrtute Hall alleys, at Ar at 7:00 . Impo rtant that 1p m. Novelty two-man team aU me^bers be present , bowling meet, 1.30 to 4.30 p. m. important meeting of all fresb- Anyone may participate. man women Collegian editorial Meeting of Alpha Delta Sigma, canc jjdates, 9 Carnegie Hall, sp. mi. 9 Carnegie Hall, 1 p. h*. Freshman Handbook Business *43 Independent Party to. meet, st(Cff meets 304 old Main 7 p . ra . Room 318 Old Main 7 p. m. Im- „„„„ _ . nortant MISCELLANEOUS P SUNDAY IF Ball Booth money due at .Wesley Foundation Services: Student Union, sp. m. Wednesday. RtGISTER^u CAR Washing _ D • jjtllVEß’f CAVE- FOR'* w BATTERIES ACCESSORIES Qulfpuck OIL PAGE THREE
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