Successor to The Free Lance, Established 1887 VOL. 38—No. 109 7 Lions Break Into EIWA Semi-Finals Krouse Awarded Collegian Penn Considered Despite Outstanding Senior Trophy State Advantage By ROSS LEHMAN The Nittany Lion roared de fiance and threw a scare into the pre-tournament grappling favor,- ites, Penn, Navy, and Army, when she placed seven men, two more than Penn or Army, in the semi final matches which will be held inßec Hall at 2 o'clock this after noon. • Blasting their •way through' the' quarter finals, the Penn State wrestlers were uncongenial 'hosts rs they also tallied three points in fall victories to lead the nine competing squads. The hinge of the EIWA chant : - ,"Krouse, _president of, his- Cla*.si;: , pionships, despite the Nittany •. . - will " : become the ' fifth to receive' , success, seemed to swing upon the the trophy; a 15-inCh statuette of Penn strong men, Sparke, Laggan, Victory. •-He 'will* accept- it at: 'the: Levering, Di Battista, and Med final bouts' of' the- Eastern' wrest. • craft. These Blue and' Red War- • _ lirig chathpionships , in: Bee. •Hall riors have enmassed an astonish- % _— g UuR--Captain Glen tonight: _ ing record of 37 victories and only Alexander upset favored , Penn In choosing - .fcrbuse,. - the: board one defeat. • , star Andy •Melgard in the Nittany investigated not only his athletic. An uphill battle to displace Lion's hottest bout of the quarter laurels, but also-his services '.to H. LEONARD KROUSE '42' Penn was foreseen, with Navy, sessions. He downed the Quaker the - • student body - and to 'the - Col:.• lege,, itself. There Were - Several trophy is: "Penn State's Outstand- . .. . - shoving' their fighting corps for- .- .,, , . , Seniors who :could ordinarily .iiave. ing: Senior, ,-19414.2." It mill be ward, according to- mat 'experts..lit won 'the amird; but his .activities presented - to Krouse : tonight iby• ad' The %surprise entrance ••of seven 4 ue Baud . Opens decisively outshovim ,everyone official. - .representative:. - -or the stu- Penn State grapplers . into" the *ar.,,,i ;: , N4:4„ , , , .: else. 7 - '7 '. . • . '' ' • dent ... falai:Egg - IS '" - WhO7"'C'hoose• him. semi finals - appears .to give ,;`the . VII-- •' _Other. ,:winners .. Of. - the : . :trophy: ' Mords-: - WhiCh !Perhaps ;express-' Lions: an edge, • it• was ,said. , ' ' ~ "11, _. - , • _ lig - ' oncers— were,- li/l Soliehoff. in :1938, Joseph led the exact attitude of the jun- Bunched - together, Army and The • Blue Band will lead off A,- Peel in 1939, H. Cliiton. ,Mc- .ior : board were spoken by Coach Penn pushed 'five men into .the With , the first of • five annual .: Williams. in >1940,.. and . Jack -W. • Bob Higgins n when. he- said of his semi-final round, followed .by Spring • ~. , . • compumentaty concerts . Brand:lin 1941. ' : • '. '.- -• - protege: mkrouse is a fine leader Navy 4, 'Princeton 4, Cornell 3; sponsored by the music depart :' - inscribed . on• the- Collegian and••a -gentleman." • Lehigh 2, .and. Syracuse and. Col- . 4 . . Schwab Auditorium at unibia with one each.. The- team men' in • • 3:30 p. m. • tomorrow.. ' score, accounted for by _fall. vie- .. • Mtisical specialties and novel ••- • •,. '.-..--,• .' •'-... • • .• , • . - • • . • : tories, - was Tenn State 3, Army 2, S • ..--- -•...-1 •ii: --.1 • re , :- • • V": ~ .I. 1. . ,_ • . . •.- • , 4 , . • , , arrangements will ,be, featured by. unlinaffet fi s ted 'Tor Testeratisys‘ - - Penn 2, Pri nceton 2 Cornell 2 the and in. its irst, appearance ' - ' - and Lehigh; Syracuse, and Colum- . since the football season closed. • - ' fa — 1-. - Are iminanes:: . - . '.% uarter... Ina s.- bia with. one . each: Navy men ' failed to pin: their :OPPorients; . 2. . One :.of the .best numbers •in -the . conceri • Wis pointed out by HUM . -, - • '- ' -' . . - . ,' . ..- -.. . • Three falls were scored-yester- mel Fishburn, 'leader, as "Salute 1..- Thirty-two ,grapplers - have earn- .. • ... . . day 'afternoon • with -11 • men pin- .to State," a number composed by - ed.• positions in. this • afternoon's' i • •'' • • ' ' ' ' " important Collegtan • -semi-finals , to .begin .p. .m: in-- ned to the mat last night. Seven 'Raymond IW. Swift,' College pro preliminary' * outs were wrestled • bouts were . •lessor of aniffial nutrition. • - Rec Halt - us la result of yesterday;• ' d . Four of last yeatr's . individual . • ' Another of the unusual num :: afternoon's, preliminixies- and .last Meeting On -Mon ay - - - - - . champions proved that they were .b . ers will be a special piano accom -, night's „quarter-finals. • Results It's not_too late to gain valuable still "the cream of the grappling panun' ent with the band. Paul N. editorial- experience by - trying out crop" by scoring easy triumphs' Teare, Jr. '43 will play the piano .. -PRELIMINARIES • - for The 'Daily Collegian.: All can- - - over • their adversaries. The de-' number which' is entitled "The •..121-pounds:. Van Sant •Brewer, didates; - whether -they have been •fending titlists are Charley Ride- Child Prodigy" by Morton - Gould. • Princeton, threw Jim. Huddleston, to . previous meetings 'or not are nour, Penn State, 121-pounds; , A drum duet, with nothing but Army, with a crotch and half nel- asked to attend . a meeting in 9 . Warren Taylor, Princeton, 136- drums in the number will be •,- son .in 6.:55v ,' : - , -," . ' - , Carnegie' Balt at 7 f:t'...rri. Monday.- pounds; ..Mickey Bennett, Navy, played by Mowry E. Goetz, Jr. '43 ) 136-pounds: - Allen ..Crabtree, Louis H. Bell, faculty advisor, 155-pounds; and Dick Di Battista, and Ross S. Rumbaugh '44. The Will Receive Honor In Rec Hall Tonight Last night..}l..,Leonard r:Krouse was just a !`good bitt_ to night he will'be ',dubbed inost: - outstindifig . senior for 1941 : , , 0.'hy _the jUnior editorial' bOaro • of . ."'the ' Daily ,Collegian. . . • Having . considered ten ~ til ent seors.:for‘this Year; including' two women; for' •the• . award;' the board reached an unariiinous,lie J ' cision last night in ' fr.,vor •of • 'thee captain '.of last , 'year's- ~--fOofhafr Penn State,. defeated Earl Buck-. will giVe valuable tips to the can- Penn, 175-pounds. • , Walter, Navy, 7-0. '• • didates Monday, night. (Continued on. • Page Four) • 145-pounds: Joe Mount, Cornell, threw Ignatius Stein, Columbia, with- a double grapevine in 8:14. • 155-pounds: Glenn Ingwerson, Army, defeated Warren Tischler, Penn, 8-4. 165-pounds: ..Bill .Carmichael, Navy, defeated Victor Zaro, Co-• • lumbia 9-1. •- - • • - 175-Pounds: Bob- Morgan.; Penn 'State, ,•defeated Frank . IVfazjeko, :1,2-4. • • . Heavy*eight: - George • Snyder, I ! ehigkii.threw lierbst, Prince ton,. with a ,crotch and arm Vick' in . .QUARTER-FINALS 121=pound class: Charlie Ride- tioar, Penn - State, .defeated dan Bannon, Lehigh, 6-2; Van Sant 'Brewer, Princeton, threw Don Xuntze, Columbia, with a cradle hold in 8:13; Carl, Sparke, Penn, . In high school, it was a story of how two wrest defeated Joe Littleton, Cornell, lers continually switched weights in order to avoid 10-5; Nelson Samson, Syracuse, • threw Dick Ploss, Navy, with • meeting each other. Both boys went on to win body press .in.5:34. Pennsylvania state ehainpionships in their respect ,..,l28 -pound, class: Jim .Laggan, ive classes and then one went to Penn State and one Penn threw' •Fay .Howlett, Syra to..Lehigh. .Lrost "night, "Little Dynamite" Charlie .ease,. With• a body press in 2:29; . Jim .Changaris, Army, 'defeated 'Ridenour .added a climactic chapter to the story • -. Pagfr:FourY • • '43yl: cle . o tonifig Slieritlan , l3t . tihnOti;'. •: . •': o.l l r 'ANI * *. * 'Off The Mats' At EIWA CARMICHAEL, Navy OF THE PENNSYLV SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, STATE COLLEGE, PA •• Diminutive 121-pOunder, Van Sant Brewer, Princeton, broke the tape of the 38th annual Eastern Intercollegiate :Wrestling Association tournament when he pinned James Huddle ston, Army, after catching' the Cadet in sev eral pinning holds. • What: may be termed a "heart-breaker" occurred to Gerald Forlenzo,, Columbia 128- pounder, when he failed to make the weight for the preliminary • bouts yesterday' after noon. , Columbia was not docked five' points because the Lions h4d brought a •full team to the Nittany • hills. A STATE COLLEGE By GORDON .COY Tops among the surprise showings of the eve ning Was the upset victory that Penn State's Ralph Sayre registered over John Stockbridge of Lehigh. The Lion 165-pounder took a 11-5 decision, and has earned the right to battle Bill Carmichael of Navy in today's .semi-finals. Midshipman Carmichael is undefeated in , dual meet competition this season :-t . (Cortiinueti on; Four) !MEM Evian selection is "Connectitcut Half (Continued on Page Two) BREWER, Princeton Weather Snow Flurries and Colder PRICE: THREE CENTS Alexander Takes Penn's Melgarde In Hard Baffle By HERB ZUKAUSKAS Muscling, twisting, and riding their way through punishing quar ter finals last night, seven title hungry Nittany Lions fought their way through the first day of a gruelling two-day battle to enter the ,largest representation in the EIWA semi-finals starting at 2 p. m. today. . Andrew Turnbull, Princeton 155-pound standout, proved to be the Penn State jinx when he man aged to edge out John Henry, 11- 10. The decisive point which pre vents the • Nittany men • from en tering a full team this . afternoon was 'gained -on time advantage. • Captain Glen aiexander pro vided the outstanding bout for Lion fans . when he completely Man 7 handled Penn's Andrew Mel gard for a 10-4 victory in a bat tle marked by Penn . State aggres siveness. Although both men were evenly. matched in strong-arming, Alexander's furious drives led to scoring positions 'as the crowd backed him as the favorite in the match. Alexander will. ineet Jim HOI -lo Way of Navy in the 145.-pound -.division: this afternoon ,anthif- vic-. torious • will be paired off with Cornell's Joe Mount or Arthur. Marston..of Army in' the finals' to-' night. Penn State's only defending' chainpion,• 121-pound Charlie' Ridenour, exhibited h'_43 usual dom inance when matched with .Sheri-, dan Bannon .of Lehigh and car ried off a 6-2 victory. Bannon,. however, • finished, •the match . with a fury as he reversed and made his only• attempt - for- a' pinning hold- just •as • the gong' stopped '.the bout. Van Sant. Brewer, peppery Princeton 'lightweight; :who threw• Kuntze of Columbia, will be Ride nour's next opponent prior to the, finals when he will meet the win- . ner of the Sparke-Samson bout. • In the 128-pound .claSh, Sam Harry scored the first fall for the . Lions. as he 'pushed Robert Kener son of Cornell all over the mats. After working for an entire period' without scoring a takedown Harry succeeded in pulling a lightning fast arm-drag in the second period: and worked into a pin which he (Continued on Page Four) 16' Semi-Final Bouts On Wrestling Card This Afternoon .121-pound: Ridenour, Penn State, vs. .Brewer, Princeton; Burke, Penn, • vs. Samson, Syra cuse. 128-pound: Laggan, Penn, vs. Changaris, Army; .Zackey,' Lehigh vs. Harry, Penn State. 136-pound: Levering, Penn, vs. Crabtree, Penn State;• Taylor, Princeton, vs. Miller, Cornell. 145-pound: Marston, Army, vs. Mount, Cornell; Alexander, Penn Slate, vs. Holloway, Navy. 155-pound: Turbull, Princeton, vs. Ingwerson, Army; Bennet, Navy, vs. Pallecci, Columbia. 165-pound: Sayre, Penn State, vs. Carmichael, Navy; James, Princeon, vs. Buckner, Army. ..175-pound:.Dißattista, Penn, vs. Morgan, Penn State; Brown, Cor nell, vs. Brenneman, Lehigh. Heavywieght: Hennessee, Ar my, vs.' Swift,' Navy; Meckraft,• Penn, vs. 'Kerns,' Penn State. •
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