PAGE FOTJB Women Urged Elections Mass WSGA To Present Officer Nominees WSGA elections will begin with women's mass meeting in the auditorium from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. stated Jean Babcock '42, WSGA president, at a WSGA :ienate meeting last night. All coeds are urged to be pres ent to make floor nominations, following presentation of candi dates, tr be selected by senior WSGA members this week. 'VVRA candidates will also be announced. Preliminaries will be held in tine first floor lounge, Old Main, from 10 a. m. to 8 p. in. Thursday, March 12, and finals from 8 a. in. to 8 p. rn. Tuesday, March 17. It was suggested that WSGA present second-semester freshmaln women with PSCA handbooks at the Junicr Service Board tea Sat- . tirday, s, that freshman regula tionS may be clarified for them.. Margaret K. Sherman '43, WSGA vice-president, moved that WSGA appropriate $25 for a sling pong table in one, of the Ath erton Hall lounges. This will be used by coeds and their dates on weekends:. Grant, Painter To Lead Talks • First i:t a series of four PSCA Lenten study groups will be held En the Presbyterian Church at 4 o'clock today. Christine R. Grant 9 43' and Clifford M. Painter '44 will leads discussion on "The Life .pf Jesus." Organ music will 'be 'played during the service. • Leaders of later study groups include TK. Elizabeth Howe '42, J. Howard Mendenhall. '42, Agnes Peebles, graduate student, Ken neth F. tYloist '43, Harriet G. Van niper '44,. and Ralph W. Harris '45. CLASSIFIED SECTION PENN STATE'S famous Dry Dock night club will be open this Saturday, March 7. Make your reservation at Student Un 4tpd , 3,4, 5, 6 A.P.ARTMENT Completely=- ilished, • first floor, near Campus, available now, responsible men o^ couple, Phone 2665 3tpd 3- 4, 5. )TOR RENT—Quiet double room with board. Near campus. Rea- Ponable rates. Call 2472, 220 1 / 2 S. Frazier St. 3tpd 4. 5, 6 M. WANTED Several students to learn bow to get more enjoy ment out of Penn State's big weekends. Apply at Armory, 7 p. m. Friday. 3tch 4. 5, 6 0. MEALS—for students, $6.00 per . week, $5.50 without breakfast. At Ingloside Club, 317 E. Beaver Ave., phone 3880. 3tch 5,6, 7Z. WANTED—Roommate for co-op apartment, fifty feet from earn pus. Delicious meals. Miller, 106 V,. College, Apt. 23. . LOST— hie Parker pen; initials L. M. Finder call Lois, 2632. 2tch 5, 6 C. Rides Wanted R,W (2)—New York City. Leave Friday Return Sunday. Call Batkin cr Hein. 4939. 3tpd 3,4, 5 0. 'W—Washington, D. C. Leave Fri day afternoon. Return Sunday. Call Chuck. 3422. 2tpd 4,5, G. RW (3.—Clarion, Friday after 2 p. m. Call 17 Ath Hall. 2tpd 5, 6 W. RW—Scranton or vicinity. Leave anytime after 2 p. m. today. Re turn Sunday. Call 4839, Freed. RW—Pittsburgh. Leave Friday afternoon. Return Sunday after- Loon. Ca!! 2827, ask for Melvin. pW--sHarrisburg. Leave Saturday noon. return Sunday. Call Kell, To Attend Meeting To Coeds Who Want To Keep 'Em Flying The I , l , llowing letter was recent ly receiv"d at the dean of women's office: "Dean: "We 'have been elected to organi•ie a Soldier-Coed Club. Its purpose is to correspond with coeds. At the present, our Coed Club includes coeds from Southern Caaifornia, Michigan, Pitt, Minnesota, Columbia, NYU, William and Mary, and we hope your fine school is included. "Have coeds interested write to: Pvt. E. Balchun, or Pvt. R. Pesavento, 446th Ord nance Co. (Aviation Bomb), Langley Field, Va. "P. S. Help Keep 'Em Fly ing?, . anhellenic Organization ' (Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of articles discussing organization and du ties of Panhellenic Council.) Panhellenic Council transacts most of its business through four standing or special committhes for prriects such as the Panhel Sing and Booklet. Consisting of three delegates, the committee on rushing formu lates a tentative code, which must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Council. Main duty of the committee on eligibility for initia tion is to aidvise sororities con cerning scholarship of prospective Members and to secure official grades from the dean of women's office fcr coeds about to be initiat ed. Three delegates comprise a com mittee to regulate social policies of the Council; fourth standing• com mittee is the executive, of which officers are members. Any chpter breaking regula tions on rushing or pledging is reported to the grand president of the offending chapter and to the National Panhellenic Congress. A • Judiciary- Board, composed of three women from City Panhell enic who represent sororities with out local chapters, acts upon rush- ,, ing 'violations. - . Pledges automatically expire S at. the end of a year but a coed may be re-pledged. All cases of brok en or expired pledges are an nounced at the first meeting of Panhel, following such action. Any pledge leaving College be fore she is initiated is still con sidered a pledge for one calendar year, Wiether or not she attends another college. No coed is eli gible for re-pledging for another calendar year from the time her pledge was released or "broken." An All-College average of "1" is required for initiation. AOPI Cops 32-22 Win From Phi Mu Alpha. Omicron Pi defeated Phi Mu basketballers, 32 to 22, yes terday. At the half AOPi held a 12-point lead over the losers. AOPi's Betty Widger, Florence Gregory, Jean Fox, Ann Drivas, Ginny Bloom, and Laila Dunkle berger stood Phi Mu's Olive Van Houton, Betty Wiley, Mary Werts, Bea White, lone Cramer, and Ju lia Adams. Betty Widger scored high with 16 points for AOPi, while Mary Werts came through with 19. They're Co ling Soon! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Flash-Back Shows IM Cup Travelled During Its Time With teams competing for cli matic points for the- WRA intra mural cup. a glance into past con tests shows champs from '34 until now representing nearly every campus sorority and independent group. Back in '34 Resident Women walked off with sports honors, while McAllister Hall won the cup in '35. Philotes and Kappa Kappa Gamma were winners in '36 and '37 respectively. Chi Omega was '3B champion. The following year, an unusual sports twist occurred when three teams t;ed for the cup. Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Gamma, and Ather ton West chalked up an equal WANTS OPINIONS—Frances E. Haley '43, Panhellenic Council number of points for the award. president, urges interested per- In 1940, Chi Omega won again. sons, to attend an open meeting In another flashback into his- in 305 Old Main at 7 o'clock to toric sporting events, the WRA night to consider revision _of the handbook tells that Kappa Alpha rushing code Theta Avon archery laurels for two consecutive years, '39 and '4O. In 1939, intramural table tennis was tied up betWeeti Atherton West and Alpha Epsilon Phi. Kappa Alpha Theta leads this year's intramural rating with 'lB points toward the cup. Alpha Omicron Pi trails five points be hind. Less than 24 points remain between '42 victors and the cup, 18 Will Attend Pocono Confab Thirteen students and five College representatives will attend the annual Pocono Confprence of the Student Christian Movement at Buckh ill Fall Inn this week end. Leaving Friday are Harry W. Seamans, general PSCA secretary; Miss Agnes ' E. Highsmith, asso ciate PSCA secretary; Miss Gilma M. Olson, instructor of home economics;' Miss lone V. Sikes, associate director of the Westmin ster Foundation; Hubert Snyder, alumnus. J. Howard Mendenhall '42, Jan..* ette Parker '43, Gerald E. BarlS.:. baugh '44, • Herbert K.' Kraybill '44, Clifford M. Painter '44, Har riet G. Vanßiper '44, Phyllis R: Watkins '44, Lois H. Weaver , '44, Laßue Casey '45, Frank P. Gra hairn 'Jr. '45, Edward D. Lenker '45, Lois C. Lohrke '45, and Claire L. Weaver '45. • Phi Mu pledges .entertained ac tives at a party in honor of Foun ders' Day last night. The taste-good, feel-good refreshment of ice-cold Coca-Cola is exerything your thirst could ask for. It's all you want and you want it all. Nothing ever equals the quality and goodnes of the real thing. - BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE CODA•COLA.COMPANY BY Coca Cob Bottling Company of Altoona Y ®u trust itsquality ln State College Call .3919 ....7he .Wonten Any. Ideas Today? . Voice Them Tonight Probably most criticized of. all women's regulations is Panhellenic Council's rushing code. Each year, rushees, sorority women, indepen dents, and faculty women•express opinions—seldom favorable. Each year, Panhel formulates a new code, hoping to remedy some of the faults. The code is invar iably picked apart the following rushing season. This is , not defense of the rush ing code. -We, too, think that changes, modifications, and clar ification are badly needed. It is, however, a partial defense of Pan hellenic Council—a defense based on the fact that its members strive constantly to better the code. •-• Tonight in 305 Old Main, • the Council has called an open. meet ing. Any interested person is urged by executives to attend, asic-ques tions, and express opinions. Spe cific suggestions for changes in the new code will be welcomed. To hope that Panhel could for= mulate -a rushing code which would please everybody would be ideal istic. To believe that the code could: be improved if fault-finders would attend the ° meeting and express opinions is logical. Theta Phi Alpha will entertain its patronesses' at - a coffee h`d,lif at 7:30 tonight.., ; . BUY DEFENSE STAMPS THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1942 Juniors~ To Revise Coed Orientation To initiate second •"Semester orientaton, WSGA Junior' Serv ice Board will entertainfreahman and transfer women at a tea in Women's Building lobby frdm. 2 to 3 p. m. Saturday. Cwens, sophomore women's honorary, will assist as hostesses, Guests include Miss CharliAte E. Ray, dean of women; Miss Mary Jane Stevenson, Miss Nina M. Bentley, and Miss Ruth Zang, as sistants to the dean of women; and Women's Building freshmen. In charge of arrangements are Martha N. Albert, entertainment; Anne C. Dorworth, Ann Drivas, Gladys E. Fitting, and Janet V. Holmes. 'clean-dp; and Jean A. Kelly, Lorraine E. Thomas, and Marjorie R. Zint, refreshments. Club Initiates •50 Fifty coeds were initiated into Home Economics Club at a candle light ser vice in the Home Econ omics Auditorium last night. Of this number, 29 were freshmen, 14 sophomores, and 7 juniors. Margaret E. Middleton '42, presi dent; presided.- . •..- •
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