PAGE PO.Oll ,i)e Total Reaches 179 Three freshmen, two juniors, and one senior acoepted sorority Inds yesterday, making a total of 379 acceptances compared to last yrar's total of 163. Deadline for formal bids was extended. one day to convenience women out of town for the week ( , ),d. A strict silent period is in Pr feet from yesterday morning un til. 8 o'clock Monday morning, March 2, after which open bidding •» ay be resumed. Women who received ribbons yesterday include: Alpha Chi Omega Doris E. Payton '45. • - Chi Omega Lois C Lohrke '45. Emanon Edith S. Cahen '43 and Norma en to attend the mass meeting in Munroe '43, and Jane G. Ludwig IR. Shakespeare '43. Schwab Auditorium at 7 o'clock '44; altos, Anita M. Knecht '42, Krimcon tonight to meet five Senior Queen Kathryn .S. Walker '43, • Eleanor Marguerite W. Wharton '42 candidates: Additional ones may V, Crawley '44, and Reta J. Jenk- Kappa Delta • be nominated.. ins '44. , . Elma R. Wharton '45. • - • . . 'Zeta Tau Alpha held formal {sledging. Sunday; Krimcon, Sun- v T„.., tlaly; and Emanon, yesterday. Al- ' • im. Hodge-Podge Changes .. *llia -Chi Omega- will pledge Wed 4+esclay; Chi Omega, Monday; 'Del- May Queen To Winter Lady . 14 - / Gamma, Tuesday; Gamma Phi - 11 eta. SUnday; Kappa Alpha Theta, The international hodge-podge Intyre, Frances Turner, Lticille Wednesday; Kappa Delta, Thurs- has affected coedsi It has dis- Any; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Wed- Giles, and Cecile Metz chalked up placed annual May bay ceremon cesdasy;--Phi Mu, Wednesday; and lesas belles femmes. Josephine Con theta Phi Alpha, Monday. Alpha but the Senior Queen will drin and Jane Romig are remem come into her own regardless of Omicron Pi and Alpha Epsilon . bered by coeds as recent queens. Phi - have not yet chosen dates. the draft and Eastern War Time. For the first time in Penn State Ever since coeds became an irn- May. Day History the queen will portant part of Penn State there not be crowned in the merry, Sky's The Limit has been a May Queen. Back in 1928 Elizabeth J. Hazel reigned merry month of May. Schedule speed-ups, defense projects and • For Coeds Wishma with Anne E: Mellinger, freshman life in general mirror May Day In attendant. A year later on May festivities as shallow. Stewardess Jobs - 11, Anna H. Fernsler was crown- By decree of WSGA, the Ma ed as Muriel E. Bowman attended y For air-minded coeds the United her. Queen will be just Queen and Airlines have published tips on Muriel must have had what it will be coronated Her Ladyship s tie.coming airline stewardesses. took, for in 1932 she was award- at Senior Ball, February 27. Five Coeds' are urged to study diffi- ed the title herself. Helen J..Hine- coeds have been nominated and ' cult subjects such as speech, Eng- bath was her attendant. Anne students may nom tonight women !hal, hygiene, sociology and home Mellinger made the grade, too, Mate other potential monarchs of economics by Donald F. Magar- because she received laurels in beauty and brains. rc4l, director of passenger service. 1931. In days to come the Senior Two years college training will Phyllis Beidler was proclaimed Queen may look back, remember a requisite for potential stew- Queen of the May in '33. The Pearl Harbor, and be proud of :irdesses. Physical _requitiements following years saw Margaret Mc- her par' in national defense. • have not been altered during the , emergency, according to Mr, Mag 4-vre Enthusiasm Plus Grooming All applicants must average be tween five feet two and five feet Fquals Job Says Jordan five inches, not over 120 pounds • j) ) weight, and between 21 and 25 • _ . years of age. "Erithusiasm is what counts in T M Previously required nursing business interviews," said Miss ' 45 Foruin o. Meet certificates have been dispensed Ruby Mae Jordan of the Katherine Claire L. Weaver '45, PSCA with during war-time need for Gibbs Secretarial School, who Freshman Forum president, an i)urses. flounces that Forum will unite Women who want to get in the spoke on problems of women in with Freshman Council in 121 itir are reminded of the school for . business yesterday. Sparks at 7 o'clock tonight to hear :;tewardesses which will open soon MiSs. Jordan's talk for all inter- Roland Elliott, national executive in Chicago. ested students was sponsored by secretary of Student .Christia - n As- Tau Phi Sigma, secretarial honor- sociations. Atherton Coeds To Hear Yarnall Howard E. Yarnell, instructor method of obtaining a job, is the single room, $3.00. Close to of. German, will be the fireside opinion of Miss Jordan. Other ways campus, convenient for ag. stu- Apeaker• in Northeast lounge; Ath- are through college placement dents. Steam heat, Phone 336. 121 .erton Hall, Wednesday night. "My bureaus .or , a good commercial Heister street. 3tpd 16,17,18 M )IKperiences. as a Student in Ger- agency, government :fields, ads in ROOMMATE WANTED First *many" is the subject of Mr. Yar- daily papers, and through influ-_. floor center, Watts Hall. $43 brall's talk. • : . ence of friends:and relatives. . rest of semester. Call Wood or Fireside session, chairman .. is Before 'applying for an inter- Lovell, 3866. .3tpd• 14, 16, 17 G. li:elen M. Zanecosky '43, and Mar- view, Miss Jordan advised future • +ion Learned '44 has charge of a applicants to decide on a particu- FOR SALE-:-New combination coffee hour beginning at .6:30 p. rm lar field and to analyze training radio and victrola, cabinet mod- All Atherton coeds are invited to and interest in special lines. They el. Priced reasonably. Call 338 2.)l3CA's first program. should then look up all companies Atherton. 3tch 17, 18, 19 0 . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . specializing 'in that work in a tele phone directory and write applica- BY POPULAR Demand! Penn Coeds To Help tions.only to those in cities within State's famous Dry Dock Night commuting distance. Club will be open this Saturday, February 21. Make your reser portant in the interview, as well as With Open House "Personal appearance is very im- vations at Student Union today. Patricia Mac Kinney '43, WRA enthusiasm." And Miss Jordan sug- PLEASANT, well-furnished sin icting president, will appoint Bested a good night's sleep in pre- gle room. Quiet section, low WSGA and PSCA hostesses for partition. .She further stated that rate. Call Collegian Office. Open House in Old Main from make-up, 'hair style and clothes itch 17 M. '1:30 to 12:30 p. m. Friday. should be simple but immaculate.. Cards vjnd other games in Hugh Every business woman's wardrobe LOST--:n Sparks last Wednesday, lleaver Room will he supervised should include at least three tail- green and black pen, gold band, try E. E:izabeth Mason '42, PSCA ored dresses. broad point, green ink. Reward. representative. This co-recreation Best hours for interviews are Call Roethke, Eng. Comp. Bldg. program is the first of its type to from 10:30 a. in. to 3:30 p. m. Tues- itch 17, 18, 19 B. 1)e sponsored by campus organi- days, Wednesdays and Thursdays. vations, stated Gercdid B. Stein '44, She stressed that applicants should Rides Wanted vhairman, last night be prepared to undergo any phy- BUY DEFENSE STAMPS First sopranos are Dorothy F. Beam '42, Anne .M. Civitts '42, Carolyn Moorhead '42, Ilse M. Springer '42, Margery N. Plyler '43, Sarah K. Richards '43, Martha J. Tobias '43, Frances A. Brown '44, Doris Glahn '44, Ruth B. Davy '45, and Shirley L. Ives '45. Second sopranos include Doro thy H. Grossman '42, Rachel Mc- CALLS COEDS—Jean Babcock Master '42, Grace M. Seip '42, '42, WSCiA president, urges worn- Martha N. Albert '43, Betsy E. ary, and Mortar Board, senior . _ . women's honbrary. • CLASSIFIED SECTION Direct appliCation followed by an • • interview is • the most effectilie ONE double room, $2.50. One ical or psychological tests or to fill .13W—Philadelphia. Leave Feb out any records. ruary 20. Call Porsch, 2561. TEE DAILY COLLEGIAN 21 Coeds To Sing At Spring - Fete A vocal ensemble of 21 coeds, sponsored 'by Louise Homer, Wo men's music honorary, has been chosen to participate in a Spring music, concert and May Day exer cise. Members were chosen by Mrs. Willa Taylor, associate pro fessor of music and advisor. Debate Team Wins Honors Debating against six teams, wo men's d.e.bate team tied for Second place in the ShippenSburg State Teachers•' College contest at Ship pensburg, Saturday. Teams from 25 colleges participated. Florence I. Jaffy '44, construc tive, ana C. Betty Freidman '44, cross-examination, for the affirm ative; and' R. Helen Gordon '42, constructive, and Sara M. Bailey '43, cross-examination, negative, debated the question—Resolved: That the federal government should regulate all unions within the linked States. The affirmative team defeated men's teams from Atherican Uni versity and, Kutztown, and Bridge water women. Losing to Bridge water and Houghton men, the neg ative team won from Dickinson College coaches • were . judges. Claorton H. Schug, associate pro fessor ,:f . public speaking. and coach of women's debate team,.ancl, Paul R. Beall, instructor of public speaking and assistakit coach, ac companied the team. Mr: - Beall was judge. • Friday night the same team en tered an inter-squad debate at Mont Alto Forestry School. Wo men debated with one another. Paul H. Morrill, Mont Alto. in structor .of English composition, chaired the debate. An open for um discussion followed. L. Jeanne Kaiser '43 and Mar garet K. Ramaley '44 will debate affirmatively against William Smith College women at Belle wood, Pa., at 8 p. m. Wednesday. The question used in. weekend competitions will be debated. We, Tliornen Calling All Coeds... For Queen Selections All hail the queen Senio Queen. And when she be elected let the matter be settled. At this stage of the game, all sec ond semester senior women have an eqUal opportunity to be crown ed at Senior Ball. In Schwab Aud itorium at 7 o'clock tonight, all women students will meet to nom inate additional choices for the honor. WSGA has already named five seniors to vie for the title. At the mass meeting, these and new nom inees will be introduced for all women to see. _ Primaries to determine the three finalists will be held Thursday and finals next ,Tuesday. WOrds of advice again , but, nev ertheless, much needel = primarles are as important if not more im-: portant than finals ,in determining who the final choice will be. So' if everyone of you votes iii the pre-. liras and again in the finals there will be no need for post-electiori gripes. Everyone wants the Queen to be the choice of the coeds. It is a high honor and deserves whole-hearted support. Importance .of the , mass meeting can not be stressed enough—that is where candidatei will be stiggested . for voting. These three voting stages need thought, consideration, - plus attend ance. Obviously, it will be impossible to entirely eliminate "politics" from the nominations. However, if politicians' do offer candidates and these candidates are made suc cessful by the entire women's stu dent body, there should be no quib bling about the results. Evidently they nominated the worthy con tender and she was the coeds' choice. Penn State again is on parade. Our queen will be highly publiciz ed. It's up to us to vote for the worthy coed—vote in prelims, in finals, and be satisfied with the choice. Help elect Senior Queen at the mass meeting in Schwab Audi torium tonight. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17,.1942 Sophothoke Edge Out:SeiiiiiiZ, ' Taking a slight lead at the half Sophomore Phys Ed, majors .0110 up points steadily to beat,Senioi, Phys Ed rriajori,..224B,.in .Bask t b.ll last night. The lineups wer,eiSeniorTs 7r Pat Patton, Mary PP.QI#-..:Pijil• .4,1411ey, Dice, forwards; • : *llefhle" Gladys Snyder,: and ;Bek.- , W r ood . ward, guards. •SciphorrApres:AliCe Burv;tell, Friz • * BuriTe7 - "Cha'riStte.: Spanglr, Doris Po .. 9te , ry and Helen': Hooper, forwatr - di; Vtdea White, Jane Cramer, IVlery.A , WelrlY, Levin;-and Fran Angle, guards. High scorers" Pat ;Patton : : with 12 points and' Alice Burwell with 10 I Z. - 7 7 .44 Service 1-11 Opens nurvtli AsSistang Mortar :Soil"rd, women's honorary; to co-oid coed defer;se 7,&,cA Junior Service Bo4r/37,441ect defense project t 5 YP campus orgai t 2. us. week. ' Organizations. WOrkiiir3.47 tory will be asked qtsEactivt; ties in order topietar - fOssibili= ties open to other grciUpg Service Board will submit' que6tionnai; prepares biihe 'dean of women's office to club officers to check group and individual :efforts., . Questionnaires are part of the co-ordinated program .: ririginated by Mortar- Board to eliMiriati.ilii plication and to induce =forger action. Past defense effortdir - ele reviewed and future plans sug gested at the first united meeting presided °vier by Alice M. Mur ray '42, Mortar Board president. Campus honoraries and INSd . A. governing bodies were represent ed. Questions will be asked con= cerning courses including agri : - cultural engineering and eqgirt- 7 , eering, first aid, home economics, home nursing, and physical fit ness. Services. questions are on. blood donation, knitting, sewing, book, and clothing collecting—triT tertainment, teaching courses, speakers, and stories will enumerated. , • _ . - .1 - CA / .., () C; '...' It NF h I! I! 011 I / !I E A, IR I , * STARTS TODAY.* THRU THURSDAY WieCREA VERONICA LAKE in Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 8:30, 8:30 suv offing soups .&SUMPS
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