SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1942 Wittity Boxers, Gymnastic Squad To Ploy Host In double Feature Tonight Captain Baird, Cenci In Varsity Lineup Coach Mike - Ronman's North Carolina 'team, minus the services of two - varsity starters, ar rived 'On odintius . yesterday with high hopes of utiSetting, a, rejuve 7 hdtedLiOri,s4tiad they'tengle in f fie seeend half of a sports dou 7 tileheader iri Rec Hall at 8:30 ,• 4111 give 1 6 enn State an edge' in tonight's eut§, ' Reitman stted • . yesterday-Afternoon. he ex-Lion pugilist said the loss of 120-Pourid Die*.-tioundy to the arity' and tie talfer Williams ; Massive varsity naVyiveight con tender, ..who won two bouts by knockout's this season, WOUId seriously handicap the team's ehancea tonight. Lion coach L 6 Houck released a probAhle lineup yesterday which WOnld pit Mat; Cenci, varsity. foot:. 411 player,, dgain:st- stibstitute' dgiolfiar' Mare b 4 i`igfi't `their . first coYlegia tiouf ek kurti, rePlaei4 itiO,draft 6'd n*i Jack Grey in Life i 2 Y- his first tilt. sedTha At6idikler of Ivtat33-latia &S'xing weeps .ttie tar Reel thentOi. cited tap .ithlity as a 427 ~-pounci.. flaying. ':l l #e is one at the SiticiiiiigS4l3oxers .7.;ye cOachici in a niilifbei ol'years." 'Ass tariiglti will probably be the thin Chbiee to maize in stop ffie, ireleran froth gaining his ;fourth.straight lkiti .61 414 4.450 n. ilehhOr , a - titeillpt to ii'rei6:ire his unblerrtished" record niegi a—skrong COntailder, Milton Harris, in the •1 5-pound diVision. Hoffman TX.O'6I his Western Maryland foe irj ., short order but should receive more c'ompetiti'on froth the Caro lina niitmen. . . „ The return of Oaptain Bob Baird to the roster iii 'tonight's battle makes•chaUces . of victory more op timistic. Baird is in top form and should defeat Earle Bruton who made his first varsity . aPpearance last week when 'he was. TKO'ed, with little trouble. Bill 'Richards, who fought to a draw in the 'opening meet of the year, will meet Leon McCaskill. The Carolinian is a clever boxer, .nd Richards, although improved greatly since the Western Mary land match, drill have his hands full. Probable line-ups: 120-pound class: Grey, PS, ver sus Kurtz. 127,pound class: Fardella, PS., versus, Johnston. 135-pound: Hoffman, PS, versus Harris. 14-pound class: Baird, PS, ver sus Bruton. 155-pound class: Richards, PS, versus McCaskill. 165-pound class: McCormick, PS, versus Higdon. 175-pound clasi: Ranieri or Calvert, PS, versus White. Unlimited class: Cenci, PS, ver uus Parker. IM Mal fidgithalion Ends At Noon Today Deadline for registration in the intramural wrestling and basket ball tournaments, which are ex pected to start next week, is noon today. Entries in the wrestling tourna ment are to appear for weigh-ins in :the dressing room of Rec Hall at 4:,30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. They should have their physical fitness cards with'them, according Eugen C. Bischoff, ht charge of State's intramural program. * -* * RETURNING CAPTAIN—Nittan3 boxboxing , captain Bob .11aird. will en ter the ring, for tonight bout of the tonikhi N'Ariieii he meets Forth ,Carolina's„Earle Bruton in the 14540 . 11 AV Baird will start -his:kuest for the Intercbliediiite 4,hdi divi sion in which he - - was defeated fast' year IR the (lagers Will (*Ole Seven-Game Road Trip fa pilisburgh TOW Playing the final-encounter of their month-long, , seven-game road tour, Penn State's -varsity basket eers invade—Pittsburgh to night to clash -with Carnegie Tech's Skibos. Although the Smoky CRY' cot rt men have wtiti Only two garnes in six starts this year, they May al ways be counted upon to give the Nittunymen plenty of trouble. In the final genie Ofi - the Li& sche dule ladt season, Carnegie Tech was still looking for its firdt vic tory. Despite their.... 42-32 loss, the, Skibos held the_Liona in close range all the way, _acrid several time: it appeared as though the Pittsburghers were going to claim their first-victory. • • Penn State will probably start off with Elmer Gfaris and Larry Gent at forwards, - Herk Baltimore at .center, and Diek--Grirnes and Bob Ramin at guards. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS Nittans Tricksters Start Indoor Season. AtMilltd§e Gaiiiii .Tonight Barney Ewell and 'Don Dolbin, ing partnei• fOr - NYU's interabliegi- Nittany sprint • stars, and Norm artt ate c plon Les, Mae Mitchell, h ' Gordon, varsity cross-country cap- will pr . bvide the main collegiate .tain, will inaugurate Penn State's opposition for Gordon. 'Winter track scheditle. in the Mil- Additional attractions liSted for rose Garties tonight. tile 1060-yard event are Jim Xehoe, The 60-yard event will find both . fCirrrier Maryland UniVerSity star, Ev,Vell and - Dolbiii — plited against now serving with Uncle , Sam's such outstanding - Splint stars as "Bullet Bill' Carter and Hap Stic- aimed torces, and a fieWcomer to kel of Pitt, Leo Tarrant of AlabaMa American running circles from State, and Rommy East, East Chen- Chile. ey (Pa.) State Teachers' speedster. Another distance event on the East defeated Barney in a spe- program which promises 'to hold cial 60-yard dash event at the Penn headline mention at the meet is A. C. meet in Philadelphia , last the two-mile battle between Greg February, while Stickel and Carter Rice, former Notre Dame great and provided the Penn - State Negro holder of the world's two and three - mile records, and Fred Wilt, Indi with the • most competition in last year's indoor IC4A sprints. ana veteran, who won the 1941 Gordon will wear the Blue and NCAA cross country crown. White in the grttelling 1000-yard Mac Mitchell and Culp, Xavier event against some of the country's Negro, who trailed the NYU star at outstanding distance men. Indi- the National AAU meet will dom ana's Mitchell and Bill Hulse, run- irate the mile run. . THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Senff Tops - Pieo's Rope Climb Record Captain Charlie Senft will lead his gym teammates in quest of their first Eastern collegiate vic tory when the Lion's play host to Princeton in Rea Hall at 7 O'cldck tonight. . ARMUgh Princeton has one of the best teams in its history, Coach Gene Wettstone believes his own team is better balanced and should come out on top. Thb Tigers boast of two individual stars, Cap tain Bigelow and BlaCkadar. Bige low performs on the side horse, flying rings, and parallel bars while Blackadar has scored im pressive" wins in the horizontal bar this season. • Captain Senn surpassed the re cord held b y leSt Year's ace rope • Cliinher, Boinen Pieo, by three sec tWds practice Thursday when tie hit tour secoAcis ri6 once and seconds twice: WettitOne hopes the senior Will cop the event tonight. The Penn Stdte lineup Horitontal Barr—Rudman, bolt, Bordo and Trybaia. . Side Hotte=Wartington, Bush; Teti and Smalh Rings = Rudrria'n and Small'. Parallel Bars—Small, Teti; Bor do and Zimmerman. Rope Climb—Gothman, Lebaw; and Tumbling— T Hordo; Tr - kbala, An derson and Zimmerman. Sophomore! well Squad As Fencers Make Debut Meetirig kavy with a squad composed largely of sophomores, Coach Harry Itrilii6t's swords men open their schedule at Anna- polis this afternoon. Only two seniors and two juniors will be in the lineup. Fail: Captain Bob Harder, Tom Reed Wallace Riley. SUbstititte, George Gimber. Epee: Captain Harder, John Du Bois, Bob Swope. Substitute, John McCreary. Sabre: Gimber., Bernard Hank in, Jim Montgomery. Substitute, Harder. Since Bob Higgins has been coaching at Penn State, the foot ball team has had a record of 48 wins, 43- defeats, and 7 ties, an average of .489. The record of the team sinde its beginning is 266 wins, 156 defeats, and 31 ties, an average of .587. 1 CAROLINA CONTENDER Mil ton Bari is, North Carolina 135- 400-yard relay--Ctitnegie, 1; Penn State, 2. Tithe, 4.16. pound battler, is one of the brighi 30(1-Yard medley relay--Penn in the visitor's effort to utiSet the Nittany. mittnien in e.e. 1-fall State, 1; Carnegie Tech, 2. Tithe, tonight.. rte Will opiise ilother 3.2/ ' Hoffman, 'Lion 135-pound contend- 200-yard free style-tieWd, it., , . Carnegie, 1; t ertram; Penn State, , . . 2; Turrnock, Carnegie, 3. TiMe 2.34.2. Mattel FAVOted sa-yard short dash—Clanss, Penni State, 1; Chase, Penn State, 2; Borifs, Carnegie; 3. Titne,•23.3. ver empie of cliVing—ErWin, Penn State; f; Stnith; Calrriegie; 2; 'Nook tititimlifii was thi keynote as et, Penn State; 3. Cea s i'll triaAie . Sii6idet diul th. 100-yard free style—Clauss, Nittany wrestling t'66n feci irt.s.. Penn State, 1; Burtis, Carnegi.2; terdizy - ±bi• .14illad6itiiiis. *here Chase, Penn stal6, 3. Tiriie, 56.6. they are thipeetted - id ruffle the 150-yard, back stroke—Martin, fealteri Of the Tetitile Owl in a Carnegie, 1; Sarosdy; C6ifiedik.2; diigt meet at 2:30 this afterfitinn. Fruchter, Penn State, 3. Tithe, A Well-taladeect Wird df Lion 2 'o B ' , .. , gi•atpol4M will be Mitchell against 206-yar d breast strok&--iiiiss a ri4dlid Tiintile outfit. bi-. J. man, Penn State, 1; .ralcia, Caine -1,163M &tin announced yesterday ai', 2; Beal, Carnegie, 3. Time, that both • the 145-flotind and 2 9 43 7 1 . • , heaVyWeight diyisions are with- • 446-)Trd free style—Miller, out varsity representatives. Penn Stale, 1; DOwd, Carnegie, 2; Turnock, Carnegie, 3. Time, Al Reiser, who won seven Out of eight matiiies feat, Year, left to 5./7.1. join the Artily Air Corps and his pbsition is open. Saltzmdnri, a 15-116un'der, may break into the lineup if he , can make the weight A complete weight change seems to have been Made as Owl graPplerS have been . announced Fresh 'from a win over the Buck for lower weights than they ori- nell YearlingS, Nick Thiel's '45 Pro ginally primed for. jiie Johnson, teges will take on a tough Kiski who started training as di heavy- Prep team in Rec Hall at 2 o'clock weight, is now . the 175-pound de- this afternoon. Kiski is the only fender. combination which defeated the Coach Charlie Speidel will Lion frosh last season. probably use the same squad that Coach Thiel is expected to start proved so effective against the the same quintet which_ sank the Princetbn Tiger last week. Char- Little Bisons Thursday night. At lie Ridenour is assured of meet- forward 'posts for the opening ing §teVe •Kiwatisky in the 121- whistle will be Jack Weber, who pound class. Sam Harry w i ll. can score from any angle, and Jim probably meet Charles Coakley in Lawther, son of the varsity mentor, the 128-pound division, although who usually directs the Cub of- Coakley has been suggested as a fence. Possible 136-pounder. Big Russ Eckert is expected to Other Lion wrestlers are Clair get the nod to line up at the piVot Hess, 136; Allan Crabtree, 145; post, while Bob Beck and Jack Captain Glen Alexander, 155; Phirman occupy guard positions. RalPh Ba7re, 165; Bob Morgan, Beck suffered a slight cut high on 175; ?hid Mike Kerns, unlimited. his cheek in the Bucknell tilt. Other members of the squad Who Steinberg Will Speak will. probably see action are Will Parkhill, Red Zelich, Dave Hill, At Chapel And Hillel Iry kanengiser, Bill torland, and Leon Sacks. Both. the College Chapel and the Ariel.; today's fray, the Nittany llel FOundation will hear Rabbi CtibS will be idle until Friday, Milton Steinberg on Sunday. Rabbi when they take another crack at Steinberg will speak at the regular the Bueknell frosh on the LeWis chapel service at 11 a. m. on the burg floor. subject "Has Religion Outlived Its Usefulness?" At 2:30 p. m. Sunday the chapel speaker will speak at the Hillel Foundation •in the second of the current Forum series. Steinberg is Rabbi of the Park Avenue Syna gogue in New York City. He has served both as an instructor of classical languages and of Jewish history and religion At The Movies CATHAUM: "Son Of Fury" NIT TANY "Red River Valley" PAGE THREE Lion Merman Nip Carnegie, 39-36; Meet PHI Today iSpeaal to the Collegian) PITTSBURGH, Feb. 6 Cop ping six first places in ninle events, Penn State's mermen•sank the Carnegie Tech tankmen, 39-36, in a close meet at the Tech pool last night. This afternoon the Lion natators will swim against Pitt in the Pennsylvania Athletic Club pbol, Pittsburgh. Ed Clauss, A sophomore who specializes in short distance swims, led the Nittany squamen by winning the 50-yard dash in 26.3 and the 100-yard free style contest in 58.6. John Miller, sophomore, finished first in the 440-yard free style division and helped the Blue and White to vic tory in the 300-yard medley .re lay. Miller's time in the free style event was 5.37.1. Froth Patters Meet KiSki Prep At 1 P. M. 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