Successor To The FrOa Lance, Established 1887 VOL. 38—No. 84 • A , b •• • • Film Cele rates Visit lma Mater PSCA To Replace By JACK OLKEIN prepared for the lOwdown on the men was that "every picture out presidents Elect I met two screwballs yesterday, glamour center of the world— of Hollywood is good, but when If Julius and Philip Epstein,. class Hollywood it gets on the train for New Yolk E ntire Cabinet of '3l and '32 respectively, were The Epsteins are well qualified it goes stale in the dramatics office when Ito divest said information, since Mentioning New York gave the caught un with them; after several they are Veteians of eight years brothers a chance to mention futile telephone calls. The Holly-in the Cinema City, and have their vacation. Substantiating out Left without a president, the Penn State Christian Association wood script writing brothers were turned out such movies as "No stspicions about their very tan will take first steps Monday to re warned of my approach, and no- Time For Comedy," "The Man complexions, they spent two weeks organize 20 -member cabinet which tilled me •immediately upon 4 Who Came To Dinner," Male in Palm Beach and a httlb time in will elect a head to succeed Co rival to sit tight and that they Animal," "Saturday's Children," the Big City. Asked if they were presidents A. John Currier, Jr.'42, would get to the dirty jokes in a — "Strawberry Blonde the Four • travelling with their wives, they minute.Daughter"series, and The Bride replied in the negative and Sarah P.Searle '42.80th are taking advanced work at other Invited to join the bull session Came C 0 D (Phil requested that This led to a discussion of their schools. with Frank Neusbaum, assistant this last one be printed in small spouses, and after a hasty vote at professor of dramatics, and the caps, but, style limitations prevent the conclusion, it was decided to Jean E.'42 was Het named acting president of the two celebrities, I pulled up aus from complying,) keep the evidence out of print. PSCA by Arlene K. Smith '42, cm chair, took the straw out of my The quality of the production s Since the secretary of the de- responding sect•etaly and M. Jean hair, closed my gaping jaw, and was not discussed. The only com- (Continued on Page Two) Seanor '42, treasurer,who are the only senior members of the cabinet executive committee. Jack F. Gil -8 O'Clocks To Beat STCD I" Will Offer lespie 42 recording secretary,for merly a member of the executive Sol During War Time was called for• military duty Studying with the aid of artifi- M II II Hilary ■Trainin at Fort Bragg . Miss Smith and Miss Seanor will cial light is no novelty to many of announce Monday 12 nominees for Two of Penn State's varsity de- Penn State's extension students, Four mote short courses in pre- election to the cabinet. A petition with 20 signatures for anyone not * * * Inters will 'take the road on Feb but the campus student body will induction taming to 'be •given to a g e l in_ named will also constitute a nom wary 16 for a five da tour whichmale students of military get its fu taste of lectures under Gardening Classes will take them to the y campus of five of the leading colleges and man-made light in its 8 o'clock der the Student Training for Civil- ination.From the entire group, lan Defense Program, were an- ten will be elected to the cabinet on universities in the East classes next week nounced yesterday by Millard T.February 17 and 18 by active The new War Time measure ;Bunnell STCD coordinator PSCA members and persons who Open To Students Gerald F.Doherty '42 and Ber- nard M.Weinberg '43 wil accomp-passed by Congress 'last month and contributed $2 50 or more in the Fourteen courses covering van- ous fields had been organized pre- finance drive. The winning ten any Coach Joseph F.O'Brien on signed by President Franklin D. rhe State College Victory Gar- the which will'make stops in Roosevelt will go into effect in .tourviously and other' courses are be- will in turn elect ten additional mg . arranged rapidly, Mr. Bunnell members, and the new combined den Corrauttee announced last Pennsylvania, New York and New Pennsylvania at 2a:m. on Monday night that the 6-week home gar Jersey according to a declaration by Gov stated, as he indicated that regis group will chose a president demng course which began last On the first day of the trip the Aithm H.James tiation day would probably be an-In order 'lot an undetclass mem nounced next week, ber of the, cabinet now, in office, to week is still open to all interestedgroup willmeet, students Bette' stock up on your dated forensic Courses announced yesterday hold his position, he too must go persons from the Univeisity of Pennsyl- flashlight batteries so you can be . follow: Students who indicated an in- yenta before a student panel, ;its sure of finding yourway throughthrough the nominating procedure Map Reading Meeting twice a 'Election will be conducted by terest• in gardening on their STCD cussing the question "What Is the dark to those 8 o'clocks, if theclosed ballot upplitations - are urged to attend Youth's Part In The Wrr-' -----ne nr - r all-boy , iyteamtaeS te get _u au week, for three weeks, this course this class, Prof Millard T.Bunn-you OIR of lardreargwVo tear ..truen it r i n a ngip. i. jl.ll . lecen_t meeting, cabinet ap- Queen's College in Flushing,New hour early to bounce ell, in charge of non credit York will play host to the local bed. erly. It will include orientation, as advertising manager of the courses, advised He• went on to contingent the morning of FebruFreshman handbook, succeeding 0 say that the course will be the any 17 Here the debaters will also n . \ direction,vertical• and horizontal distances slope, visibility, conven- William Vanderlin ' 42 3 who is only one of its kind to be - offered discuss the war.topic. That after • R e nowned Author tonal symbols, and map coordi studying at Haivaid at the present time noon they will engage Rutgers K nates Lietit William S. Ciumlish The five remaining, clatsses University at New Brunswick, N.J. will be 'the instructor. V which consist of two-hour weekly on the same subject Rifle Marksmanship and Mus Auto Lab ' Overturns lectures, are being held in Room The locals will enjoy a one day To Lecture Here ketry. This course will meet one In 121 Sparks Building from 7:30 to respite from debating on Febtuaiy how• a week for 10 weeks and has ... Slide From Highway 9:30 every Thursday night and 18 but the following day they will As its standout speaker for the as its objective to instruct the in- The Penn State "Auto Lab" was will continue through March 12. meet New York University, argu- year, the Liberal Arts Lecture dividual in the principles of rifle damaged slightly when it turned List •of speakers and their • sub ing the affirmative side of 'the Committee will present Louis marksmanship and In the mulct - over after sliding off an icy high jects released by Elisha M. Rahn, question, `Resolved that the fed- Adamic, internationally famous pies of of idle marksmanship and way into a field between State Col instructor' in vegetable gardening, mai government should control by 'author, traveller and lecturer in marksmanship and in the control lege and Tyrone yesterday, Dr. follows February 12—Professors law all labor unions in the United• Schwab Auditorium, at 7:30 p. m. of the collective fire of a group, , Marsh W. White, in charge of phy C B.Link and J.R.Culbert,de-States; constitutionality conceded." Tuesday night in accordance with the principles sits in the Lab, revealed last night partment of horticulture, will The high spot of the trip will be According to Dr. J Paul Selsam, of musketry The instructor will The damage, Doctor White said, speak on `Flower Kins and Vane a radio debate with Columbia Uni- head of the Lecture Series, a man be Lieut. Charles A. Prossei was all outside the truck which - Mies and Cale of the Home versity on February 20 on the like Louis Adamic, whose name is Scouting PatroLn9 and Extend- houses the laboratory used for lec Grm nds February 19—Prof G question Resolved that a league synonomous with problems of the ed Order Drill. Taught by Major• tune and demonstration in exten- J Stout department of hortcul of nations be set up in the post-foreign -born and immigration,will Francis J.Heiaty this eight ht-hour sion centeis of the College The ture will speak on `Growing war world The - debate will be prove to be an interesting speaker, course is designed to train individ- equipment, valued at about $l,OOO Vegetable Plants for the Home broadcast over station WNYC, New especially at the present time uals and small infant y units in was unharmed despite the severe Garden." Professor Link wi ll York City, at ,1 p. m. Adamic will speak 'on "Plymouth battle field seem Ay reconnais- shock it suffeted sance, and formations, It will in - The truck was returning to State speak on "Growing Flower The Penn State team will uphold, Rock and Ellis Island." 'theory practiceeludeand in con- Plants and Professor Rahn will 'the negative side. Pointing out 'that Ellis Island is College after completing a lecture duct of individual scouts and re- speak on "Garden Plans."Re-The traveling forensics wil con becoming as significant as Ply-tour of the Pittsburgh district n connotteng patrols, function of maindei 'of the schedule will be elude their trip the next day by mouth Rock in American history platoon the accident platoon scouts function of observ- published in ..a later issue of The opposing City College of New York and that our country is an exten was righted by a wrecker crew and ers,'battle formations for small • Daily Collegian' on the labor question sion not only of the British Isles, driven to the College by its force (Continued on Page Two) but of practically every country m none of whom were injured. 1111111((111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 Europe, Adamic holds that we must LATE NEws FLASHES change our conception of Amen carnsm so as to include all groups. Campus Fire Fighters Old Stuff "'" Adamic has stated that many 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111 Negroes,immigrants, and the U,S.- WASHINGTON—The War De- can) and an unidentified British born sons and daughters are or Student Force Organized In 1903 partmert last night announced tanker,yestetdm want to be whole heal tedly Am the foimation of an Anglo Amen ei lean in the best sense of the term. Fire wardens and fighters on cause. This served as the motive He claims that their loyalty to the campus as provided for by the force until borough and campus can war council whose purpose SINGAPORE Increasing Jap- United States is almost beyond ad-fire fighters combined forces in will be to coordinate English and Campus Defense Council at e anesP raids on the Singapme im t 1923. American war efforts for greaterequate statement, and then hatred reallynot new to the College A less showing a desperate attempt power and efficiency. The or-of totalitarianism is even greater Student heroes were to bring the seige to a close yestel ganization will combine chiefs -of- than that of the old stock Am good many years ago, in tact as in those days, too. For valorous day, were repulsed successfully ei leans far back as 1903, students had service to the College's cause,the staff of both countries and will by 'British fighters, Leaving the then own organization and equip- elected student chief and his as submit plans of strategy to troops position of the city as strong as at ment in the basement of a dormi- sist int got thenr rooms in the dm in the field after consultation with the beginning of the seige. Elections List Revised tory which was on Carnegie Hall's rnitory free of chaige other• membeis resent site where The Daily Present campus notables who _ Peter G.Rutan '44 and Raymond p RANGOON BURMA Six w Patks 44 along with Milton J Collegian's business office is now were members of the student fire located WASHINGTON American waves of Japanese planes raided Belgstem are the newly elected company during their college cat military authorities stated yester- the Rangoon district yesterday, first assistants in 'basketball. Their The organization, independent eers are Hummell Fishbutn ass() day that the battle of the Atlantic setting fire to parts of the city names were omitted, while John H. of the borough service,lasted un- ciate pi ofessm• of music; H. B. has definitely started with the in- and causing heavy damage In Jackson and Edward F Jones, td 1920 as a two-cart affair, one Young, assistant professor• of Eng cleased German power of the last the battle put up by American sophomore swimming firsts, were hl6se cart and one chemical cm 'fish composition, and Gilbert L. two weeks ,The announcement and 911lisn planes, at least 11 Jap incorrectly listed in yesterday's Loth hand -operated. The change Crossley, assistant professor of was in, de after the sinking of two planes were downed, possibly Collegian as managers in both came when the Autocar Co donat- 'electrical engineering, the last tankers, the India Arrow (Amen more sports,ed a horseless carriage to the student chief ren" B. lVlack, executive secretary ' of the 'Advisory Victory Garden Committee "of the State Council ■• of Defense, will lecture on garden-D e b a ters Will ing at Philadelphia next Tuesday , in the second of a series of con sumer lectures, sponsored by the Tour 5 Colleges Home Defense division, of that city. • 1 1:1 Nt.iz 100, OF THE PENNSYLV SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, STATE COLLEGE, PA. A STATE COLLEGE 4, rigtatt- Snow, Rain and Warmer WEATHER PRICE: THREE CENTS
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