PAGE FOriFf. Second 'Rush Day' rawhides 6 Parties Sororities are swinging into see t-id day of intensive rushing, with ix houSes planning informal par ieL, for tonight. Limited association will continue ~ s usual, with no dating during the day, except for 15 minutes before and after meals. Informal parties will be the only other contact be tween rushees and sorority women. Rushees are again urged by :Frances E. Haley '43, Panhellenic rushing chairman,. to answer invi tations by telephone immediately. flushing chairmen are unable to o:omplete party plans without the number of guests. Itemized expenditures for Wed nesday parties are due at Student Union today, and other expendi- I Lives the day after each Party. Sat urday party accounts should be left ;t Student Union Monday. Formal }inner expenditures must be hand (:d to Miss Haley not later than )i.oon Tuesday, February 10. PSCA Cabin Pa rtie Aid Coed Fitness Coeds are - invited to increase physical fitness at the PSCA cabin each Weekend from 2 p, m. Sat urday until 9 a. m. Sunday. Chopping wood, cooking out door breakfasts, and hiking will be part of the physical fitness program. Campus problems will be discussed around campfires. Interested women may sign at the PSCA office by 5 o'clock Fri day, according to Robert J. Kray vick '44, cabin committee chair malt A fifty cent fee will pay for meals. That i•or Valentines Day He reoommend the butt he famous leattioler $l.BO-47.50 . delight h alitlMl, DOPUltilly gtaan . . . other al assortments. VII love any one or tem! And remember -- only Heart Boxes with . Whitnion'e NAME oontain Whitman'' famous UALITY eandyi Fresh train the theherel 111)%1 N0W1,... : ..,_ . , I Bee & Deficit Next to the Bank Clock omen Students To Elect Queen For Senior Ball Economy Forbids Class Attendants To replace the May Queen, co eds will elect a "Senior Queen" who will be announced at Senior Ball in Recreation Hall on Fri.' day, February 27, it was decided by WSGA Senate last night_ H. Leonard Krouse, senior class pres ident, will be asked to crown her. WSGA senators- decided the queen will be unattended, in keeping with their decision to limit expenditures during the new Mother's Day weekend, April 17 and 18. Senim: members of WSGA Sen- ate will meet Saturday to choose candidates. Additional nomina tions will be made at a mass meet ing tentatively scheduled for Schwab Auditorium on Tuesday, February 17. Preliminary elec tions will probably be Thursday, February 19, and choice of one of three finalists on Tuesday, Feb ruary 24, in Old Main lobby. Anne M. Borton, senior senator, reported that the music depart-' ment has agreed to help plan en tertainment for Mother's Day weekend. Miss Borton, working with Patricia Mac Kinney '43 and A. Jane Minnich '44, co-chairmen, will name coed committees this week. Importance of filing petitions to indicate interest in WSGA Wor was stressed by Jean Bab cock '42, WSGA president. Peti tions including information about Ali-College averages, other activi ties, and experiences may be giv en t) hall or dormitory presidents, WSGA Senate members, or the dean of women's office by Friday, February 20. In an attempt to secure more representative voting, two 'plans for naming six senior honor wo men were discussed. Miss Bab cock suggested that WSGA send postcards to senior coeds contain ing three nominations for each office, made by a representative committee. Jeanne C. Stiles '42, WSGA Judicial Committee chair man, said that election of honor women might be conducted during regular WSGA elections. Action will probably be taken next week. Junior and senior women will hold their annual reception . for faculty members in Old Main lounges from 7:30 .to 10 p. m. on Wednesday, April 8, it was de cided after a report from Miss Borton and a motion by I. Jacque line Shaffer, junior senator. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN LEAVES POST—Betty L. Zeigler '42, WRA president and repre sentative on All-College Cabinet, will be replaced by 'Patricia Mac- Kinney '43 while Miss Zeigler is student teaching. Chambers, Chiappy To Edit Co-Edition Recently elected Co-Edition co editors are Marjorie R. Chambers '43 and Helen J. Chiappy '43, suc ceeding Margaret R. Roberts '42, present editor. ' Also elected to the senior board were Marjorie E. McFarland '43, sports editor; Elizabeth E. Mun roe '43, feature editor; and Mary Anastas '43, managing editor. Sophomores elected to the jun ior editorial board are Ruth L. Baker, Dorothy G. Clymer, Bar bara J. Cooper, Marion R. Rabin owitz, Beatrice M. White, and Lois J. Yost. Freshman editorial candidates will be called in March. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS CLASSIFIED SECTION JOB WANTED Student with Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturdays free. Can type, operate office machines, care for children, or do clerical work. Write P. 0. Colleg ian Box 261. 3tcomp 3,4,5 M PENN STATE'S famous Dry Dock Night Club will be open this Saturday, February 7. Make your reservation now at Student Union. Dry Dock will not be open again until March 7 and 14. 4tch 4,5, 6, 7 G. FIRST CLASS ROOM available in men's dorm $4O for rest of sem ester. Call treasurer, Phi Sigma Kappa 3331. Feb. 5-12 Etch RDS FOR RENT Desirable. room for remainder of seinester. $25. Call 2571. 3tpd 5,6,7-JDO PERSON can be identified who took camel hair coat from second floor New 'Physics Wednesday morning. No charges made if re turned to place from which it was taken. ltchßE FOR RENT—Single room back of campus. Faculty home. Adja cent bathroom shared with one student. Telephone 3193. TWO ROOMS with bath for two students or three room furnished apartment for three students. Meals if desired, Phone 2887. itch HZ SELECT ROOMS, running water, good study facilities, agreeable surroundings. Call 4850. FOR RENT—Room in Watts Hall Call Ken, 4939. • Rides Wanted RW—Butler, Kittaning or Pitts . burgh. L. Fri. 3 C. L. Jaffe, 4927. R'W—Philadelphia or vicinity—L. Sat. after 10 a. m. C. Ed. Beck man, 2011. ltmpd RE PW—Reading or vicinity—L. Fri `Unlucky Day' Proves Lucky Some couple will have good luck Friday the thirteenth when a number is drawn to choose "sweethearts"' of WRA's formal Sweetheart Dunce in. White Hall. Coeds buying tickets for the dance will find numbers on the lower left-hand corner. Corres ponding numbers .will .be placed in a box and kept for drawing at the dance. Tickets may be bought for $l.lO at Student Union. or from any of the following women: Bernice M. Maurer '42, Pauline Crossman '43, Ann Drivas '43, Patricia Mac Ki nney '43, Florence I. Jaffy '44, Grace L. Judge '44, Mary Louise Keith '44, Adele J. Levin '44, Margaret K. Ramaley _'44, and Lu cille D. Weinstein '44, designer of _tke tickets. • Others include H. Elizabeth Furst '45, Julia a. McFarland '45, Kathleen M. Osgood '45, and Elizabeth M. Robinson '45. The Campus Owls will play for the dance, which has been given every year since the building 'of White Hall in 1938. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS • CRITICS CHEER - ..; Read What the New York •• • Reviewers Sag! A Perfectly Scanda- —Au Kraal and pi lons story—and a quant comedy . • delightful one. .. —World Telegram . . —NY Times Full of earthiness -A moral - Satiric - Truth and poetic and irreverently de- beauty . Brooklyn lightful too. NY Post . Daily Eagle. • ", A Rich, dramatic co- Delightfully impish - " rnedy naughty at .- Mama plays superbly . ; times. —NY - Sun . . —NY Daily News and critics agree. • • - is incomparable in the . .. • - BAKER'S WIFE • (Le Femme du Boulanger) • • The droll amusing story of a village baker who had . • • wife trouble. - . • • • . <•• STARTS • TODAY- • Shows at 1:30, • BUY DEFERSE, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30 - • " • ; SATURDAY -"HELLZAPOPPIN" 2 tpd HZ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY '6; 19421 Shows at 1:30, 3:00, MIL 8:30 • NOW PLAYING •
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