,rma: iTotin AAUW Offers Shows,, Food ,Side-show:;, dancing,. and food efuteessionsruponsored. by local or ginizatiOns• will attract students, f.scuity, and. townspeople to A AllArl; iestival for' defense in the State College high school gymnas ium from .8 p. in. until midnight 4 might 'Held in. conjunction with Victory tickets for the two affairs will interchangeable Campus hands playing •for the A 4.11 W benefit are. the Owls, who will play from. 0-to 9:30 p. m. and it:ie Aristocrats who will entertain from. 10:30 p. in. until midnight Al.;) included in tonight's program are Thespian's mobile unit floor ITiow and side shows,.including the 11 -aided -lady, fire-eater, and Sia tune twins. Proceedvwill go to the Red Cross zi /S,AU'W fellowship and student fund Food concessions spon sr.red by local organizations will be I,•ineniade cake and candy,- Worn hamburgers• and !`hot dons," Alpha Fire Company: and soft drinks, Junior 'Red Cross. • 'Visiting Naval officers, who are study Diesel engineering at the Colic-ge will be guests at the festi val, Dance Clubs Aid Fitness As a means of relaxation and 1041 , ys , ical-fitness .during • tlie. AKlng• - •-term •sessions, •two illw3w-dreilhtnart dance .clubs bevel 4 4:4....en-;aikieoPio-lhe. :modern -dance,l‘ according.'. Itessie. Cameron, assistant. 40,Ircifessok..,mf.. education. 'the Ont-,datice clubs will meet fior , ‘ an ,11,oxbr. , everY,Mon, day,. Wednesday,. and - Thursday: end - at 13:30 ,tA: , m‘. Wednesday. Pre- VAns dente: experience is advis able tor- eligibility, but. not neces-: -OrgAnimtion., of .a.-club, 'for; -dramatics-majors- • will , take place: ( this semester. Membership: - for..!-..the - :',Concert- Aaroup,:.which meets-two thours 6:30 , xequireS..at *=?ast-twooyears-ot-k.dance:instruc4.- 4ion• and. dance club. membership: "I`he - . Concert' Group,.. as well as 'dunce classes and - .clubs, .has 'been organized4or.soun. years. . 'roc the" pasttwo 'years it has -41o,esented, , twoAccroductions-.a....year., and has worked in .several. Play ers' shows.. Its production last .c..pring. was. entitled. 'Patterns . 6f.. - Our while last year's -Christmas • production , was "Thee 4 rativity,!4:y:-Inl.-December.: anted- "A. Christmas Service in • • The next • production will 'be given...before the. iend .of .the se iniester. -and- will have. la- South-Am-, erica». theme in a program of good will: :Women from modern dance classes also- participate in May , )ftoy , Aerereises-eachi-year.-- • • , GI:.ASSIFIEEI9:, .SECTION, t•;0•87-1-9/11.• Athens.- High School ,Sentimental value.. Re \wird, Finder call- 3237. • 3tpd 24, 26, 27 C. APARTMENT" AVAIL ABLE - Nicely furnished ; near campus. Available now; Present - tenant )raving town. Responsible men on couple, Dial S. C. 2665. 3tch.23, 26. 27 M. irOR: )ENT Seelet roans. Run ning watrif. Call 4850. 3tehg 26,27,28 HZ VOlt. ;33ENT—Doubl-...s room, single 1.'od!„ third floor, $2.50 a week. 313 A.therton Itch 27 G. 1:;\ 1 413 . i MAN a go - ..*), every girl a )ilorette at Penn State's famous Dry Dock Night Club this Satur day, January 31. Make reserva- Coeds To Resume Bowling Practice ' The bowling - ctub will resume. practices this week for the second intercollegiate postal bowling tournament later in February. Because of a recent request made by women bowlers of Penn State, the national section of Wo men's' Athletics will sponsor the tournaments next year. The cen tral offices for the postal - contests will probably be at White Hall. These tournaments will cor respond to the present rifle, swim ming, and archiery contests. Ap proximately 25 colleges from 20 states have been invited to com pete. ' BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS TEXT STAFIONIRY ....,HlkiinAt i ..:6sC,.sl4o.::: The3tamtied4se,lseiBc i.:ItOUNTABUfftiV:::::•: '. ,, _;.::-..:•'': . ,. - I'.;-,.'...--' , ...:.: She-afferAitkerWateriiiaff TYP RITERS Corona, Remington, Underwood (Rentals) OFFICIAL GYM EQUIPMENT Sweat Suits—Gym Shoes LAUNDRY CASES $1.50 / $2.50 / 53.00 DICTIONARIES Webster-sth Edition .: .- :,..thletic Store, Inc. DIAL 2158 THE DAILY 'COLLEGIAN DG's Initiate Eight Delta Gamma . initiated eight coeds at the house last evening. -New members are. Mary Louise Johnston '42, Martha N. Albert '43, • and sophomores Margot D. Blass, Joanne B. Fiero, Dorothy H. Lamb, Betty L. Phillips, Elea nor M. Stoner, and Jeanne L. Ward. Seamans To Preside Harry W. Seamans, general sec retary of the PSCA, will be chair man of the Staff Conference of the 'Student Christian Movement of the Middle Atlantic Region which will be held 'in Harrisburg today and tomorrow. Miss Agnes E. High smith and D. Ned Linegar, associ ate secretaries, will also attend. NEW and USE Opposite Main Gate BUY DEFENSE STA'MPS BOWS JUST ARRIVED! New Shipment Of McKettrick Classics Sizes 12-20 $6.95 Paterson Hosiery Shop 136 E. College Avenue PRAWINq.Mmf-ft;40: . .... : KeuHel'aml'#csw ie1t.41147530i 4RJ0T..1. - :.MATER1AL51;.,:.:'.. : :,.;...::::,:-,_:•.:;. ‘Valoi4:ll . lool)ora4loFs' i • (All.gradeti':OtArilit.4.ooo.o silig .- ROLES:'::::- . '...: -- -E: : :::. : . ..:.::::: i r'..,-, - i'.: . ..'.. - ':kl4 f,;toilog:polvonase: LOOSE - 1EAF:N0TE.;.00:41(5:.:!=;.....,- 49it. i - :'Ot,. $t.25, Si i - aild--$34 (Fillers Wilt all nixes).--: 39c, TYPING PAPERS Hammermill Bond 500 Sheets—sl.oo 250 Sheets-40c (20 lbs. sub) TUESDAY, OPEN EVENIN
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