Successor To Tbs frss Lanes, Established 1887 VOL. 38—No. 62 Navy To Train Senate Student Welfare Committee Sudenis Approves Cabinets *No Finals 4 Plan If Afff ' lems, will be conducted in 110 if* - ft'V vlllvwt3' Home Ec at 8 o’clock tonight. “How i ' » ■■■■<&£. • Does the. War Affect You?!’ will .■* ji |% ■ m United StatefNavy, in order-be the'.topic, . 1 •I#An IA |JQ|JQ|Q • is lookt\ --..T0 the' -College * colleges for ‘ap-. ; stkff 'virhp; af.B ;.weil' informed on 29,000 prospective of- questioh'sxoncerjioig vdcatiotis, re-; PlfllUlCCl iiiers forvtheVNavy'Beserves'and sponsi}jUities -ari<i .educiatioa in the . mended “favorable action” on the Avihtion,Corps. .. . presenfcTisis, , Any gtud ; nt in the Liberal Arts ; .fflSwtthMbSJbloKnS - ..NavjKreo'uitioff officers, who are .- The ,Dr; Robert G. schck) i & eligible'to-enter the local referred it to the College Senate,- inking a tour,•.of I , efi'nsylvania r Berm:eUter,. depart- eliminations to .determine which meets today for formal ac- L colleges,.. -be on the .campus ment.of psychology, chaittnan;-Ad- students who will represent Penh .. Ijantiary 14-ahd 15 : to give.physical drian ; O. assistant _to .the sta the National. Intercolleg- The hroDosal brought about by examinations, to. sophomores, jun- president, and Col. Edward S. Ar- iate Radio p r i ze Debate . contest the shortening ’of ttuf first semes lors,- - and. seniors who wish-to be- dery,: head, of the-department of. w bich j s to-be sponsored toy the t noints out the. disadvantages ptome . Aviation <3adets.- • ... . military science .and tactics, . American-Economic foundation of if examinations were given , The .applicants ;must be between ; . - v-< New York City: " during the regular class hours the ages pf:20;and.26,.; Ifaccapted? 7«r’- * Contestants must register with and suggests that, in the cases * they! wiU .toe -defeired. unidl j.the - J/H. Ftizzell, professor of public where exams are necessary, blue-; completion of the presen tcollege. ‘ N speaking, in 300 Sparks, by noon, books should be given, year, May 9, when ,they will enter . - 7 '‘ ‘ January 24..- The. representatives. All-College Cabinet adopted the a 3-month ,training.periodas sea-^'CvSlVi'C 7chosen in the local contest, will go plan .as a resolution brought up • meni second class; .They will^th«i-fcJ|iC||||ji7JftllHv|lllvvll ; on-to compete for the national by -Ross B. Lehman ’42 Tuesday toe-’oriiered, if .qualified, to flight- _ championship which carries with and then submitted it to the Sen straining -as Aviation Cadets in a Examinations in several civil it. a cash award of $l,OOO and a sec- DISCOVERS DEFENSE AID— ate Committee on Student Wei-, i coyrse requiring' about seven addi- service fields have been announced ond prize of ssoo'. New oil . prospecting method dis- fare. ; \tional months. . by the United States government Entrants■ must submit 500 word covered .toy Dr..Sylvain J. Pirson, After the resolution was read " A meeting, will .be held in 318 this week. .'Many of these exami- on either the, negative or af- associate professor of petroleum to the committee by Betty A. t Old Mairi-Monday- January 12 at 7 nations give preference-to college firma ti ve s i de 0 f the question, and natural gas, will save an esti- Bischoff ’42, it was decided that Ip. m. for those - who wish to be- graduates or college men. “Does youth have a fair opportun- mated 1,000,000 tons of steel for final action should be placed in ‘ come imembefs'of J;he Penn State ' Salaries as high as $5,600 are of- ity under our American system of the national defense effort. * the hands of the Senate itself. , Na\Y Air-Unit: The members of fered to. some qualifying for these compet itive enterprise?” These * * * Accordingly, Arthur H. Reede, the unit-Wiil.toe kept together,dur- positions.. Full information con- br i e 'fs are due January 31. • •' • assistant professor of economics,, ing their training period. cerning requirements .and appli- on February's the-participants-MAlIf fill Illf moved - that the - committee re- AViiftt.cidVS receive $75 a forme ««"'«?» SSw&ErfL. epeech MCWUtI JJISCOVefy “T.T.SZfSfea.cTo^S montli.'.ahd $205 » month plus el- J. C. Sw*»V secretary. of the upon their te lefs. Aboard ' S2&P Tto . who Helps Save Steel sb3wSSeA5a««TS e SS ?«e4d“lo”arlstecturi,l or angt- k *”. a 'S“a™rfwm”bf«r- claiming It would save 1,000,000 M of 1 Nai/v 7 OOhsehiors and 7,- neerin S graduates.. Experience in to . represent the college in tons of steel a year, Dr. Sylvian J. fessor ° f f GOO juniors as: prosepctiVe, Naval.'SS B SKfetotaf e ito M the national contest which will toe Pirson, .associate professor of pe-. £ - resolutibh bef ote Reserve decked engineering ; pffi " Sstitution also a|- broadcast over a nation wide radio troleum and - natural gas engin- ™ ® Senate today, i, • cers., The .. applicants.y fpr t ??„ k 7.-. t. vi \ - tora^%te^|^twe«i4lteiag^..^j K :.- 2 -.v.< - - ‘WR?? 4 -.petition-was.*-to-s®ply-vf(»- -this. \\ of Marche. , • ' ■..... Ail And Uf afar Talaf of prospecting for oil. semester onlv as the sudden hto caUedfox: .-,assistant Oil ARC! Wat6f LOIOF . First tested last year in -the change in t he calendar has neces i a training, specialist, marketing i. „ . _, ~ , • northern Pennsylvania fields, the Stated it, -and was -not meant-to -1 cbifrse&^ : .Qualified cialist-and..^ jumot, . supervisor of Paj|||jnQS CXhiDilCO - ' “Geodynamic Process,” as it ;is. be ~t h e rule for the coming se- I -training as Mid-- grain ..inspection .are. available for . lor paintings are called> ~ was •P ronounced success - mesters. ■ at $65 a month.'.- agriculture graduates. ...Law; stu- Oil Bnd w a ter c P 8 e ful m;;80. per cent of its tests. Bas- * w a mock dean of men, B-S-1& completion, dents, can epply f ?r tte. ftosihqn-g t F tog -tests-.on-the. measurement nf sta ted lkst night that .'the proposal- will -be com- deputy United States, marshall, erica art exhib>t n _ ge tKe amoun t 0 f gas escapmg « seemed logical and would prob- ,U.Sm, at January, 26 has .been. set. as the. Art Gallery, 303 Main Engineering, tbe earth’s, surface, Dr. Sorably totee Sen ' allowances. closing date for these applications, it was announced yesterday. Pirson stated that the.steel saved , ... (Continued on Page Four) : -Students -fulfilling requirements Doming from the Museum of would be “ eno ugh to. build. 30 bat- (CoBl “ Uod °“ PB9 * ’ ; “ . as research -chemists, or associate. Modern Art m New York City, the tleships of the n s s washing- lllllllllllllllltlilllllllllHllliltlllllllllllflllllltlllllllllllllllll. •■V■ -and assistant analytical .Chemists exhibit will remain on.the campus ton class> „ . ' - h MamD : in any special branch of chemistry,. until January, 26. Among the young pi rson termed his system “of T to |\TPTJtTCJ ft •'Vjpll ilOHip pharmacologist, meteorologist, or painters in the group who are es- s J^Sii t Stery“sSiflcance” “W D Flashes... ... ' y ■ ... thp JlllllllllUllllllHllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt witAwit ctorvivvc snii VincVQ i 1 . . 111 . . .. demands would necessitate the . : . *' - ’ + tt"• 1 discovery-of new fields at an ac- WASHINGTON —President l w.ill toe. available at Student Union / ( ... , Tr/>arLrw ■ celerated rate. Roosevelt today, in his budget, "office Monday, and.will be on sale JODS IVIUSt I fly 10l ■ iCaCIUSiy/ “To successfully carry on the message to Congress called for an at all athletic events this winter it * ■ ■ ' _ . . war,”' Dr. Pirson went on to say, increase of nine billions in taxes, was announced yesterday by jT\ I rllininO Sflin^nl 1 “ we ma y have to supply- 900,- saying that these increases will was announcea y’ y ' V-lalfPS L. 0116 rllipinO JIUUCm 000,000 barrels of crude oil each probably change the American way. eoige - onovai, “Those Jans must pay with their cities. I just hope those accounts year to the United States and of life and are to be regarded as managei. bloS for their cowardly bomb- of lootings and abuse have been allied war machines, therefore re- the answer of “a people of a nation : Financed.through the Interclass Wood for th exaggerated,” he added with a no- qumng a production of a billion a fwar in a world at war. Finance Fund, the ten cent stamps ® p p ticeable shudder. and a half -to two billion barrels RANGOON —lt was reported will. be. distributed at atetetic. from tee-PhU-' Cinco, a 24. year old graduate ™consumption is test night that American planes -ents-by members of Parmi Nous Spine islands. . student in lining, was sent to n %g^ d production of this a “ Ikull and Bones, senior hat A note of a o n^ ety s fanTs’ Bureau'of Mines'gTsep- flood of oil,” Pirson declared “it Lrnfng'Jbeing joined latpr in the es ‘ - of the Jao teeachery in tember to take post-graduate will be necessary to- drill at. least battle by , British pl hnes. The Japs first, .actlvilj- at which JSUSSU’SSSfc hut. com-se, in mining. “'Tc.Surf F.S T “‘ d '“‘“i’TiiS tamps go on sale will toe the . t wag eU justified “ Y ou see,” . He had ben affiliated. with the (Continued wge planes wlth very small Allied *osh customs to -be ,^ e eX pi a i ne( j i “when I came to Bureau of Mines of the [Philippines ~ _ . losses. in Rec Hall next Tuesday g^ e c o ]| e ge I left my wife and since he received his Bachelor of U/infAf CnQl'lc 1 0QQ6 WASHINGTON The Army - _ baby, son in the Philippines, and Science degree in mining engineer- “ 9 Department announced, tonight .suggestion for a specific. our home is in the heart of'Man- ing in 1938. Maqua Institute of Mparr rnmnlpfifUl that the Japanese are inflicting i which students can aid in Ra n Technology, the school from which lw««* Wllipiuiiyn needless damage on Philippine isept'emergency was initiat- -j be on jy contact he has had he graduated, was reported to have The first floor of the Winter towns that contain no military ob- AJI-College Cabinet at its wRb b is home since the beginning been almost completely destroyed Sports lodge is nearing comple- jectives. Scores of natives were >eting. - Cabinet, also asked , 0 j j be war was a cablegram he re- during the Nipponese raids. . tion, according to Ray M. Conger, reported killed by deliberate ma .■ cooperation of all campus C eived from his father on Decern- The war has completely changed instructor in charge of recreation, chine-gun fire and bombs from, lotions in. stressing national bei . ,23 ( assul .j n g b im that his fam- Cinco’s plans for the future. He The framework of the building Jab planes in the streets of at least .by buying stamps and de- ily wa s- still safe in Manila. The has decided definitely, however, to i s finished except for some of the four towns. bonds. savage air attacks occurred within leave the end of this sem- studding, on the second floor and LONDON The British press is a week after the cablegram arriv- ester and join in our country’s na- the rafters for the roof. reporting tonight the erection of . . ed - bu t Cinco has had no further tional defense effort. “I want only Power lines leading to the lodge machine gun posts in Berlin and Hours Announced word from home; to go where I can be of most use,” were installed during vacation, other German cities to forestall a students may work thirty “I can’t even imagine the horror he said, “whether that -be in de- The furnace is on the site but not putsch planned by .Germmi Army in the-period January 7 to. that, my family and thousands like fense industry or in a squad of yet connected. Snow and cold as Jrtheßus^ ary 7, it was announced by them have gone through,” he said, yard-birds.” weather have delayed the con- Hitlei s conduct of the Russian YA office last night. Addi- “Alii know of the Japs at war is “Those Japs are going to pay struction work, but the lodge is campaign. This rumor was fu hours may be added if cir- what I’ve read about Japanese dearly,” he repeated, “and I want still expected-to be ready for use corrohoratedby a report m a new mces are favorable. treatment of conquered Chinese to help collect.” during the skiing season. letter from Was g latly |§| (MU S' THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, STATE COLLEGE, PA, OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ITATE COLLEGE wjtan WEATHER Fair and Cooler PRICE THREE CENTS Final Action Due In Senate Today The Senate Committee on Stud- ent Welfare. yesterday recom-
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