; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18j 1941 President Hetzel Pledges Cooperation Of College In Defense Defense Trainees Show High Ability 'J The 20,0000 'men who took the ' J Engineering- . Defense Training courses given during;.the past year plunder College supervision have the ~'£same relative superior ability as ,} (college students. i The average age of BDT enroll :jeesi’isv2B, andimost ofrthem have tnever attended- college! ij These conclusions*■ were report ed by Dr. Bruce-V; Moore,- head.of: the - department of-, education, and 1 . .psychology, in speaking’ to EDT 1 .1, supervisors: at the College- These J faots and'other data were obtained by, tests and analyses: of- personal cards. J Four tests.were given'to each en* trollee, a general intelligence test-, ' a special-: aptitude, teat for such •j traits; as. clerical; or mechanical 1 ability, a; personality test,, and a : vocational interest test.. One- of j the'purposes was:to*help, to place students, where- they l were, best fitted: Each enrollee received' an i individual report on the -results? “In. general; these, enrollees-tend* : ed to register in the courses for which they had greatest aptitude,” ;; Dr. Moore reported. There have been few withdraw ; alSj he declared, and the chief: rear . son- for those few., was that- the /'course interfered-with the stu i dent’s.regular employment. About- J five. per. cent of. the; withdrawals ; were due 1 to:conscription, j -“There was, no. real difference ; between the intelligence,.personal* , ity. traits,.and interesttof, those who. \ dropped; the course and. of those ‘ who completed l it;” Dr. Moore add* ed: Penn Stale Club Asks Aboullosl Records Members. of the Penn State Gluib. are anxious to find the ; whereabouts of about six dollars ' worth of phonograph- records J which have been missing-since the ' 1 last session of the All-College dancing class on December 5. Anyone-knowing ofi the missing (•records, which according to , the, 1 club - members were all clearly i marked with the Club’s name, is ", requested to report this informa i tion to one of the club members. - We’ll take off our, hat to the earlier, riser. At least’ he has get up!' I MERRY CHRISTMAS. $ ! ' and a j; I HAPPY NEW YEAR | \\ From H YOUGEL’S and;the Rover Boys Jjp' Merry Christmas H a PPy New Year Patrons, and Friends J*’-.v<-i' ty PENN STATE DINER I. Mrs, Biichle, Mgr. PR A IS.E.S,* EXTENSION, Dr. Bruce V.: Moore, head of the de partment of education and psy chology, announced; the; results: of aptitude tests given to extension students ■ compared:, favorably with those givenrengineriiig graduates.. Sports Lodge Work Continues Completion of the foundation of the Winter Sports Lodge at. the foot of; the ski trail near- Boals burg; according to Ray M. Conger* indicates that the Lodge...will be available for use during, the Win* ter.season. . The framework, should-be near ly finshed: by the time vacation, is ov)er,-.said Conger. The-Bodge-will, probably -be-in use- when. the.sev eral ski meets, scheduled for Benn State-are-held;. It is expected'that: the Mountain- Lodge will l be utilized' in- the School of Physical Education’s ex panding program for physical fit ness as a recreational compli ment. With walking, bicycling; and overnight hikes- scheduled"on the new fitness program the lodge assumes a new importance, cam pus- defense leaders pointed out. 385 Articles Returned Statistics compiled by Student Union, show that the 385 items that- were returned to original owners in the, last two months are valued at $1,351.19. Among the articles were 136 books, 23 foun tain pens, 46 note books, 20 coats, 8 pairs of glasses, 10 slide, rules, 28 pocketbooks, 5 rings, 2 watches, 27 hats, 16 raincoats, 7 umbrellas, and 7 key cases. THE-DAILY COLIfEGIANi AiSnS jtlidGllf DOuV the “tug and temptation on high to war industry. More than 15,000 ' . , - r monetary awards, as well as op- men and women, he said, have al- JQ p®; d3||H r Orderly portunities for war service in in- ready been trained on the campus dustry and business, “may tempt and in extension. (Continued from Page One) students to withdraw from the He promised the student body make will be acomplished, by College. that the College will adjust its placing him where his abilities “i n viewing, these,” he stated, program to the type of education can be- used to best advantage, he *>j a g a j n urge that you consel fully best designed to prepare students sa id- ‘ and think deliberately. The war, for the- opportunities and obliga “lt provides, therefore,’ he con- as we a ji know, will not be over tions which lie ahead, tinued, “a procedure by which j n a mon th or a year. Need' for “There is now in progress,” he the qualifications, of individuals qualified men and women in every disclosed, “a thorough study of the may Wq appraised; not* only for f\ e icj w ffl be a continuing one and program of resident work design military-service, but for^service-in for those trained to take positionsfed to determine ways by which the vital field of industry. 0 f major- resposibility it will be a time may be saved, energies con “lt does more than thait it defi- need) of utmost gravity.” served, and programs expedited.” nitely recognizes that it is also of _ Speaking of the College’s duty As the first step in this read major importance that the welfare as a n. institution, President Hetzel justment, he officially announced of the nation shall be protected- declared;. “We must strip for ac- 'that 50 courses will soon start on and promoted as an essential fac- tion!’ We must make certain-that the campus under a Student tor in the prosecution of a success- the College as such shall be ready Training for Civilian Defense pro ful war.” and willing to serve directly, in gram. President Hetzel added that he an y or ; -j] 0 f its departments, the President Hetzel told students did,-not mean to say students W ar-time needs of the state and not to forget that this is a time should not enlist if it seems to be the nation.”. of “stern disciplines.” He said the- proper course for the indivi- He then tempered this with the that • selfishness, indulgence, sus dual.. Hfr said,, however, that; a statement, “But-in addition to-this picion, and prejudice must be student should,’ enlist only after institutional . obligation we must stopped, and that- we must prove the. “most- careful, counsel, which be equally alert and ready to ad- the democratic;.way of life is “the should, in my judgment, include j us t eV ery phase of our function- just,! the right, and the noble way 'the local selective service board mg to the needs of the young men of life.” with which he is registered.” and women.whose deliberate cdn- —- Be told the students, “You will v i c ti o ns bring them into our.juris find yourselves facing; temptations fiction.” AfllttttllK and possibly some pressures to The-President revealed that the nwsiww enter other- ;areas of service as Board' of- Trustees has authorized Air fAvnr njn|hmac .you go home this week. You will him to p i ed g e every resource of HII VU, r J find communities concerned with the college to the service of the Herbert C. Mengel Jr. ’39 has home defense. Some of you will coun try. He said this pledge .is received his wings and a corn find confusion and high excite- made mo re significant by proven mission as second lieutenant in. ment. accomplishment, and gave the fol- the United States Army Air “It may seem to you that it is there- you • should enlist. Again I would caution', most thoughtful; and deliberate consideration. Be fore you decide to enter this field; bfr; sure your -contribution at that point 1 , is more valuable than- that Which is involved with your, edu cational? preparation.” JThe President also foresaw that 'Dry' Night Club To Open Soon Who said Penn State doesn’t have a night club? Initiating another year of “nite life,”' the Sandwich Shop (soft drink) Dry. Dock, will formally open its doors in new nautical, sur roundings, on January 10, 1942,. George L. Donovan, manager of Student Union announced yester day. Donovan, who is also in charge of Dry Dock, stated that reserva tions for tables will begin at Stu dent Union, Monday, January 5. Stressing the fact that the Sand wich Shop can only accomodate 110 couples, he urged all those who plan to atend-to make their reser vations early. Originally planning to obtain an orchestra, the committee instead [■ decided; to have records furnish ;■ the- music for dancing; as in- the [‘ past. The program 'also includes j, refreshments and entertainment j; by. well-known, campus personal : ities. The committee in charge of ar- rangements include:, William H. Cissel ’43, Thomas R. Heidecker ’43, Leon Rabinowitz ’43, Kenneth F. Weimer ’44, C. Walter York ’42, M. William Mundwiler ’44; Donald L. Webb ’44 and Henry P. Yeager ’44. College Grange Chapler ElecfsNewOiJicers The Penn State Grange elected fourteen officers for. the year of 1942 at a meeting last week. They are: master,.. Elwood A. Way, ’43; overseer, Laura J. Weaver, ’43; ' steward, Edward S. Barben, two ; year agriculture; assistant- stew -1 ard, W. McKay Carson, ’44. Lady assistant steward, Rebecca J. Way, ’45; gate keeper, F. Press ley Shannon, ’45; lecturer, Edward . C. Procter, ’44; chaplin, Robert L. Cowan, ’44; secretary, Paul I. Gift, ’45; treasurer, G. Paul Replogle, ’44; pomona, Martha H. Shook, ’45; flora, Margaret E. Jack ’45; ceres, Mary J. Malnar, ’45; student re porter, Laura J. Weaver, ’43. —- lowing, as examples of what the Gorps at the air corps advanced College- has been doing to aid de- flying school' at Barksdale Field, fense: La. 1: He said that in the College’s Lieutenant. Mengel received his laboratories, researoh of vital im- primary, flight training.; at Darr portance- to the war program, is Aero Institute-of: Technology and now being-carried on. his. basic flight'training; at Geor 2. During., the- past year, Fresi- gia> Aero Institute of Technology dentrHet^el:stated,,the College has before going, to Barksdale*Field, led'all, the-colleges of the country He, has been-assigned'to active in educating technicians essential duty with the Army - Air Corps. .gp, k MERRY CHRISTMAS I k HAPPY" NEW YEAR MEN'S STORE !' Corner Allens and Beaver Boalsburg Auto Bus Line NIOIICE * i Make reservations now: in order to be insured i transportation. Direct connections made with i East Bound trains. Ask about round-trip rates. i < j Tickets on Sale at Hotel State College Desk i | Leaving Dec. 19-11:20A. M.-4:40 P. M. Dec. 20-11:20 A.M. Special 12:300. M.—4:40 P. M. Make reservations before 8;30 p. m. Dec. 18 PAGE THREE ’
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