:T 1O LinMl • Es Miilukil , 1687 VOL. •38—No. 38 .'f,,(alipts - Defense i''''D.,olsloi): Nanies 1 sol4.oonolleet, • . - i'Plans for adequate. emergency defense of the campus were furth ; ered last night by the selection of volunteer sub-committees to serve on.the College Division of the local licouncilTon -civilian defense. )' A...R. Warnock, chairman of the eiOctitive. diminnittee announced the'personnel of five sub-commit ' tees'.on'the first day of national Civilian De'feriso , Week. Groups to Work on: nutrition and clothing land publicity - will be • organiked 'I sometime this week. 'i The' cozen - daces follow with fa culty chairmen and student assis t tant chairmen, listed first. Titles 1 indicate `individuals in charge of i speCifie duties on their respective committees. - Comniittee an Protection George W. Ebert, Robert D. Baird aval Flight Unit p resident, to study the mixed drinking code includes Rods B.Because the time for procuring lege would receive. '42, Jean ,'."Babcock 42, H Leonard N Krouse '42 Lehman '42, Baird, Jerome C.A.Lamb, W.W Wiegand,• i Blakeslee '43, Gerald F Doherty H MURAL CHAMPION Proposal Poor 's services is limited, Krouse asked for permission to hold class Riissell E Clark, Col. E D Ardery, To meet Tom '42, Thomas J L Henson '42, Wil of a three class mural project by elections on December 11, 12, and Thomas E Sauers, in charge of Henry Varnum Poor was pre ham 0 Meyers '42 James W Rd sented by H.Leonard Krouse 42 13, which follows the freshman ire protection and properties; W !veva' fii lit unit Penn States g ter '42, and Charles Smith '42 president of the senior class, at elections on December 10. All V Dennis; in charge of police proßaird also appointed A. John All College Cabinet last night. College Cabinet approved these tection, R Y Sigworth in charge the "Nittany Lions," will meet in Currier '42 and Lehman to con- of protection of utilities;. Paul I 405. Old Main. at 7 o'clock tonight. tact A. R Warnock, dean of men, day, and Saturday, and designated Woodland '44,, Collegian repre- to make final arrangements for and Charlotte E. Ray, dean of wo-is the All College Elections Corn entative, and, other faculty• and physical examinations which are men to determine what jurisdic Cod y mittee to take charge of the bal student merriliers., to be named scheduled to begin next Wednea - motion Cabinet may have concern- I( Dadng Ue lotmg later day, according to Thomas W. Alli According to Krouse, the ad mg the mixed drinking problem i Committee on First Aid Instruc son '42, seaman second class, V 5 Currier and,Lehman will alsoministration would establish Poor `lion, Physical Pitness, and Recrea At the last meeting at which 67 meet with IFC and WSGA repre- ay Be Revised as an at tast m reaidence Poor hen: Carl P. Schott, Robert D students filed preliminary appli- sentatives to discuss the new code, also notified Mouse that he would Baird '42, Betty" L Ziegler '4' cations? A was derided that the 7•fl aaaana a to• t) r resent.: IF 'C A five-rear -dating code rewsion be willing to undertake the pro.. \ - r lt i '43 - '"unit'" -. 0 led beg tx n il - illau -1 " -- ' "- ") rerome El Bre.,res ae - 6 ay. t Dr A F Davis, Dr R B An training at the Philadelphia Navy "" and WSGA rulings re infix ed dunking committee was appointed by jeet arid, in addition, would con _ duct a class in conjunction with thony, Dr J P Ritenour, Mrs M ar as en June lb, 1942 south Thomas J L Henson Interfrater his daughter, Ann Poor. Beginning Monday the t Ivalclare Howland, L J Elder E Upon completior a A :month's entrance of the Sparks nay Council president last nigh It would take approximately C Biachoff, Glenn N Thiel, MaxMa training at the Navy Yards the Building will be used as only an exit, ac- when the ITC met at the Phi Sig- three years to complete the murals, Dercurn, Helen M Savai d, Hum- successful c inclidates will be corning to Meyers, prasident of ma Kappa fraternity according to an estimate from mel Fashbuzn, Robert E Gal- transferred to Corpu Christi th e Liberal Arts student council. The group will convene before Poor and he stated that students braith, Dr Hama M Krutter Dr. Pensacola or Jacksonville,where He pointed out that this will be the next IFC meeting to discuss would again be invited to observe Henry M Yeagley, C Walter York, they will finish the eight =or th an attempt to curb the conjestion any changes they believe desirable his work 42 Clair I. Hess '42 course that anilines them for while changing classes or which have been suggested by All three classes must accept John. NV Hillme, in charge of commissions as Naval ensigns, fraternity presidents .- • Chairman the plan individually, Krouse ad t marina i i firs triltit ra Charles Spei Allison emnhasized that it is nota 11 IM of •the committee is Robert F Wil- vised. He • also asked that stud- Continued on page Four too late for interested students to National Defense Wni be son '42 Aiding Wilson are Charles eats present comments to their file preliminary applications at to- T • C.Balch. '43, Charles F.Bowman claas presidents in order that the I night s meeting Applicants must iopic Of Conference , 42, Robert B Gammon '43, and presidents may get across-section Relief Urges Support be between the ages of 20 and 27 National defense will be the pre James J.Rattigan '43 of class opinion upon the matter a a le and must have completed at least , vailing theme when the seventh Herbert C.Jennings 43 presi •01 tivihan Defense 2 years of College work annual meeting of the Allegheny dent of the Interfraternity Council Groff To Lecture A. ) l °gramA ims section of the Society for the Pro- Caterers Association, outlined the motion of Engineering Education progress the group had attained G W (Daddy) Groff, professor Pr and director of receiving station Blue Key Meets In ammo Witt} campus recog gets underway this weekend since their organization last month for economic plants at Lingnan nition of Civilian Defense Week, Members of the Blue Key, jun- Inspections of some of the new Jennings stressed the need of such University, Canton, China, will President Ralph D Hetzel last for hat society, will hold their third buildings on campus and discus- an association among the fraterni- given an illustrated lecture be night urged the voluntary support monthly meeting of the year at sions on the various engineering ties in view of the rising food fore the faculty of the School of land underatending of the civilian Beta Theta Pi tomorrow night at fields will be two of the features prices, and stressed the importance Agriculture in 109 Agriculture at defense program by all student • o'clock and faculty members of Penn - of the two-day conference of large attendance at meetings.4:lo n m.Friday. His subject Lists of last year's donations and will be "Contribution of Science t 't a te distributions of Mrs. Hetzel ,'s Fund and Education to Present Rural Preaident lietzel as head of the for Emergencies were passed out. Conditions in China." ...allege and a member of the na- COlllege Will Exhibit 49 Animals • and Charles F.Mattern 42 presi 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 1111111111111 twilit 'advisory committee of the Sehool and Cc - liege. Civilian Mot . dent of Skull and Bones, asked the presidents to explain the import ''r i l ale Service in the U S Office of At internationai Livestock Show ante of the organization to their Late News n, made the followingfraternities Educatio A total a 49 animals,32 hogs a ten medium weights. Great ,tatement and 17 lambs, will be exhibited difficulty always arises in the It was decided that H Ridge 1111111811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11 1110101 1 11 "The President of. the United at the International Livestock selection of a nen of ten hogs of Riley would be paid a salary for'HELSINKI, Finland—The Unit- States and, the Governor of the Show in Chicago from November suitable weight and quality to ap- the editing of the freshman week ed States Government's plea to. Commonwealth :of Pennsylvania 29 to December 6by the Collage, pear in a competitive show such rushing"booklet and the mailing of Finland was considered by the have Proclaimed the week begin- the animal husbandry department as the International, lists of the incoming freshmen to Finnish parliament last night; final rung Novernbei ill as a time for announcedfraternity presidents yesterday.ln sheep as in hogs all entries action was not revealed officially, all of us to girt: solemn thought substantial winnings have been are in market classes, no breeding but rumors were that there would to our responsibilities in the de- made in recent years, an indica animals being shown, and the be no cessation of the war until fense of our nation and our ideals. l 43 Independents ton that some or the best swine sheep al lwill befatl wether ambsfurther gams are made. I urgently invite the participa-LONDON—The Norwegian gov and sheen in the country are to Again three breeds are represent-. . +ton of this college communitybe found in tile College flocks ed, Shropshire, Cheviot, and Hold Nominations ernment reported that 2800 Ger i At a recent meeting of educa- Southdown, man soldiers were lost when two i and heids tional leaders at Washington it The three Shro pa h irca wet e Nominations were held last Nazi transports were sunk yester vas determined that the first ob loi the past four consecutive sired by Iriquois Embracer• 4662 night in 318 Old Main for chan day off the Norwegian coast. ligation of education was to aid Yea'', the College won grand in outstanding rain owned by the man and secretary of the '43 hide EVANSVILLE. Indiana Am in the d ycleinia iit of nation 11 champion award lid lair pen of three Colic , ' c Of the thri e South p^ dint p i t't J.'Hinny K licY• ei ICA sau hero of the World War ior i h, p re i d en t IT tiet applies South down wctlier lambs at the downs entered, two were sired by in charge cif the nominations,in I Sergeant Alvin C Yank declared hut findings to thiscampus and show. Earnings from last year's the Bomber, a rant that was me anti icr ci that Gilbert D 7ter c iri i i last night that we should begin (Continued on Page Two) show for. the Collette were $245 for _ ____. ported by the College lasi year, and Frank R Flynn will vie for open war with Germany.l guess swine and '4' 9 23 for "sheep. and one by Penn State 521, an the chairmanship of the elicit :e. that makes me an interventionist," Checks To Be C:aarned Three breeds of swine will be exceptional sea of Cough Drop, Those nonunatc ci for secretaryhe stated, "but lam proud of the Still unclaimed at Student Uri shown. In Dui oc Jei eys three the sire of several• chamn ons pre are:Helen S Zable, Dorothy J. label." ion:are three checks to winners of light and one medium weight bar- N musly shown• by the• College Frank, Day Young, Joyce R LONDON British radio's"V" he Collegian football contest T rows are entered, and in Chester In addition seven Cheviots will Brown, and Mary R. Koczansky, campaign continued with increasa I 0 Connell, Donald T. Davis and Whites, three barrows will be be shown and four entries in the Voting will take place next ing intensity last night as Col 3everirm Stefannon rig y claim shown in each class, light medium fat lamb carcass contest complete Wednesday, November 19, at a 'Britton urged all conauered peo tham at any time according to and heavyweight Similarly in the list. These sheep and hogs place to be announced. All party ples to celebrate Armistice Day , Gearge L. Donovan, Student Un- Berkshires, three barrows are en- will be shipped to Chicago by rail members • are urged to give their with a national campaign to slow ion manager, tered in each class besides a pen about a week before the show full aupport up production - • ' 009)000 PYA*O6 NildeMQ telrior) iv 034 PURI, tmE46)MrIDC•IOII;74I Commiffee To Revise Present Regulations All students and campus organi zations- are urged to submit sug gestions - and opinions regarding the unchaperoned mixed drinking code, according to a recommenda tion passed by All-College Cabinet last night. When Cabinet passed restric tions • concerning the drinking problem at • last week's meeting, it realized. that certain revisions and clarifications would be necessary to facilitate efficient operation of PREPARES CAMPUS - DEFENSE the code. These changes will be —Dean A. R. Warnock last night made by a Cabinet committee, announ.ced the names of volunteers which will not begin functioning who will serve on defense sub-com- until after a campus .concensus is mittees. studied. The committee appointed by OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Krouse --Presents Class Mural • Plan ; • Cabinet Seeks -Opinion On Drinking Cabinet Okays Election For December 11, 12, 13 Completion of the Henry Var num Poor murals in the lobby of Old Main was proposed as a three class gift by H. Leonard Krouse '42, president of the senior class, in All-College Cabinet last night. Sponsored by the presidents of the Sophomore, junior, and senior classes, Jack R. -Grey '44, Jerome H. Blakeslee '43, and Krouse, the plan states that the murals would be finished by Poor in an estimat ed $13,600 project. "As long as Old Main stands, this 'three-way memorial would remain as a lasting tribute to the College and a pictorial presenta tion of its history," Krouse said. He also outlined the amount of Robert D. Baird '42, All-College rgiatt V 4 Snow Flurries and Cooler PRICE THREE CENTS favorable publicity which the Col-
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