)'AGOG FOUR. Confab Shows WSGA Problems A renat Grave "One of the most valuable iinngs about WSGA convention was that we realized our prob lems, in comparison, aren't as ;-:erious as those of other schools," declared Jean Babcock '42, WBGA president, speaking about the ,10th conference of the Inter collegiate Association of Worn ii Students. Miss Babcock and Margaret K. ~herman '43, WSGA vice-presi dent, spent April 2-4 at Texas Technological College discussing woblems of women students with representatives of colleges throughout the nation. Miss Babcock pointed out that our problems are typical—hours, freshman and transfer orienta tion, and allotment of activities. "WSGA will continue with the point system now being tabulat- At . convention, we discov ered that many colleges find it helpful and chief objections are poor administration and Careless point allotment. We'll guard against these two faults." WSGA will consider inviting JO representatives of various campus groups to attend Senate weetings, a suggestion offered by the University of California. "Our transfer and freshman orientation programs, Miss Bab cock continued, "are similar to those at other colleges. Also, few colleges permitted women students more lenient hours than Penn State." MA's Annual Banquet S,el For Monday, May 5 • WRA's annual banquet was set for the Nittany Lion Inn at 6 p.m. Monday, May 5, Patricia Mac Kinney '43, general chair /win, has announced. Committees named inc lu d e Yrances Angle '44, chairman, Dor othy M. Wagner '42, Ruth J. Moore '43 and Ruth M. Storer '44—decorations; Elizabeth •K. Heath '43, chairman, Dorothy B. sleeves '4l, Ann T. Drivas '43, liath L. Kiesling '43, and G. Alice )lurwell '44—program. Mary W. Houghton '42, chair man, Ann M. Borton '42 and Marge King '42—place cards; lfelen Woodcock '42, chairman, and Betty Widger '4l, invitations. 70 Coeds Model College Costumes In Style Show Seventy students modeled cos inmes for college wear in the :Innual Spring Style Show, a part of Hospitality Day, Saturday. Theme of the show, sponsored the Home Economics Club, was a coed helping two students plan college wardrobes. As the coed offered suggestions, models appeared wearing described gar ments either made by students or contributed by local stores. Hair arrangements were styled I,y local. beauticians. Margaret E. Middleton '42 and ))orothy L Rhoads '42, co-chair >, e.n, were aided by committee . -Leads Eleanor M. Steffey '42 and );etty F. Gibson '42, program; Helen W. Hancher '42, models; Anna M. Evans '42, wardrobe; )rene N. Toth '42, properties; E. ) , .Ilizabeth Mason '42, ushers; E. I hlac Perry '43; and Marjorie A. Geer '42, printing programs. RiDrc Wanted and °s'° Offered P.W. to Williamsport or Mans freld. L—Sat. morn. C-2034, Bob. P.W.—Phila. every weekend. C • —Andy, 4102. Lv. phone number. CLASSIFIED SECTION 9 YPEWRITERS—AII makes ex- pertly repaired. Portable and office machines for sale or rent. Dial 2342. Harry Mann, 127 W Beaver avenue. tvr-Cr.-ch Brings Convention ideas' • Jean Babcock '42, WSGA pres ident, who has returned from the lAWS conference at Texas Tech nological College. Freshman Forum Holds Open Discussion Tonight Dorothy J. Jennings '44 will. lead the discussion "Plans for Next Year's Freshmen," at CA freshman forum in the Hugh Beaver Room at 7 p.m. tonight. Marion J. Reynolds '44 and Helen R. Keefauver '44 are in charge of worship, and Harriet G. Vanßiper '44, forum president, will preside. Home Economics Seniors Reopen Maple Room New plans fOr special South ern, Swedish, and Chinese din ners were made with the reopen ing of the Maple Room in the Home Economics Building at 5:15 p.m. yesterday. The tea room, managed by home economics seniors in insti tutional administration, will be open every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m: Prices will range from 45 to 65 cents. Menu planning, market order ing, food preparation, menu cov ers, and decorations are done by students. Harry Discusses Marriage "Adjustment Before Marriage" was the topic of Dr. Harriett M. Harry when she spoke at the Philotes meeting in 302 Old Main at 7 o'clock last night. INFIRMARY CASE Lloyd A. Dixon '42, Donald L Williams '42, Jerome Robinson '42, Harry E. Patterson '4l, Ed ward C. Kaiser '44. German measles; James E. Beard '4l, ton silitis; N. Dean Starner '43, in fected hand; Josephine M. Weav er '4l. Robert J. Ball '43, pharyn gitis; Margaret L.. Acker '44, observation; Arthur S. Katz '43, grippe; Geraldine A. Custer '43, conjunctinitis. . Zeta Tau Alpha held their an nual all-night cabin party at the TRA Cabin Saturday night. AT THE MOVIES CATHAUM— "The Great Lie" STATES- "That Night in Rio" NITTANY— "The Strawberry Blonde" RADIO THIS WEEK Fred Waring, Mon.-Fri. 7:00 P. M.-NBC Glenn Miller, Tues.. Wed.. Thurs.-10:00 P.M.—C BS Professor Quiz. Tues. 9:30 P.M.—CBS THE DAILY COT T.-FGI.-Vig Home Ec Conference Affracts Speci jalisis In Vocational Guidance Three women, outstanding in different phases of home econom ics, will . advise students sched uling conferences tomorrow at the Vocational '"Guidance Confer ence sponsored by Omicron Nu for all home economics students. Holding conferences which students may schedule through members of the profesisonal hon orary, will be Mrs. Ruth Mc- Curdy, institutional administra tion; Miss Jeanne Lovejoy, com mercial demonstration; and Mrs. Millison, teaching. Climaxing the confab will be a student-faculty dinner in the Maple Room, Home Economics Building, at 7 p.m. "Living With Your Job and Liking It" will be discussed by Dr. Rebecca Gib bons, head of the home eco nomics department at the Uni versity of Nebraska. Tickets are 65 cents. Plans for the annual Junior- Senior Faculty Reception sched uled for second floor lounge of Old Main from 8 to 10 p.m. next Tuesday neared completion as committee chairmen named as sistants yesterday. Nearly' 300 faculty members and their wives have received invitations for this formal party at which junior and senior worn en are hostesses. Entertainment, music, and refreshments form a part of the evening's program after guests,have passed through the receiving line. Committee members are—dec orations: Pauline Crossman '43, Marybelle Crossman '4l, Henri etta L. Hayward '42 04 and Marg aret K. Sherman '43; 'invitations: Jean Hechler '42 and Jean L. Lininger '42; properties: Marjorie D. Cousley '42, Jane B. Hoskins '4l, Vivian M. Keast '42, and Betty E. Widger '42; publicity: A. Patricia Behney '42, Mary W. Houghton '42, and Arlene K. Smith '42. Entertainment and refreshment committees and ushers will be announced ,later by their chair- Bead 'The Collegian Classifieds men. Student committees are Regina M. Wingaris '4l, chairman, Julia A. Adams '42, and Margaret A. Cole '42, arrangements; Rhea J. Hower '4l, chairman, Jean E. Calrk '42. and Ruth Y. Francis '42; publicity. Juniors, Seniors Plan Reception de foaN,i,:ear- .. : 1 1 , , (._ , . Lestertieto' Everybody who smokes them likes their COOLER, MILDER, BETTER TASTE On the movie lot or wherever you go, the Right Combination of the best tobaccos. from our own Southland and from distant Turkey and Greece makes Chesterfield the one cigarette that truly Satisfies. Note how many more smokers are enjoying Chesterfield's definitely Milder, Cooler-Smoking, Better Taste. TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1941 'Wit And Wisdom' Wins $2,50 In Naming Contest Henceforth Alpha La m 131:1 a Delta's new quiz program- will be known as "Wit and Wisdom." That was the name tl4l66lTght Bernard M. Weinl4eiteT 2 4.3*-7:52;50 in the recent contesZ . l4aeyiaine "Information Pleas....gufiStftin and answer program: .• ' As a further, studying during spring, is of fered to any:one submitting, on "3" bluebooks, questions which stump experti.. At the program in Room 10 Sparks Building at 3 p.m. Sunday. A fifty cent bonus will be paid if the Winner is present. With Other _Women-- One coed problem :.has been eliminated at the Uniirersity of South Carolina The girls had been Winning places on the school's golf;._ ten nis and swimming teams ;. ; ,, So the athletics 'committee isled that coeds couldn't engage i a sports event in. which men :Ml dents predominate. A nutrition exhibit of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will be 'display ed in Room 209, Home Economics Building from 8 a.m. to 12 noon today.
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