PAGE FOOll. idtheiriten And IMac Have &Wee HOW And Tea Tea and doughnuts will be serv ed every day between 4 and 5 p. 0», during finals at McAllister Hall for residents only. Atherton Hall's four units will Alternate in serving coffee at 10 rn. every night during final week. . . A ttention 1 1 ats i , LISTEN FOR THE . DRUMBEAT AT THE SECOND ANNUM. _ r k. . `, - t . joe College Ra Race (#.;, With The CAMPUS OWLS v -• CONTESTS A-LA-CARTE 1 , ,-*. • EVEN THIS RAT LL I - . Jitterbug; . Smooth; 3. Eliminations t., _ ~........._.),-> SORRY. NO BEER AND BE AT THE RACE 3 HANDSOME LOVING CUPS FOR PRIZES PRETZELS . . . - - Evertyhing Else Thotigh " Rec Ball 942 • February /I 75c Couple _ Dorms Continue Cafeteria Style Cafeteria breakfasts will con tinue during finals instead of the early family style breakfasts form erly served during examinations, Mrs. Edith M. Johnson, supervisor of dining commons, has announced. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. from January 20 to 29, while dinner will be served at the usual hour of 5:45 p.m. During vacation all women will eat in McAllister Hall Thursday and Friday, January 30 and 31, and in the Atherton dining rooms Saturday and Sunday, February 1 and 2. For the two days that each din ing room will be closed, no ex change slips will be re - qUired. Meal hours will be the same as usual except for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday breakfasts, which will be served family style at 8:30 a.m. Regular dining room service Will be resumed Monday, February 3, with a family style breakfast at 7:15 a.m. We,. The Women Knee-Length Socks Help Defend U. S. The effects of the European war on the standards of living •in this country are unpleasantly evid enced when one tries to purchase a pair of nylon stockings. Defense industries are using nylon for parachutes, we are informed, which accounts for the scarcity and high price of nylon on the market. With most women unable to spend the price asked for nylons, they must revert -to silk hose. If silk still comes into this country from Japan, to be absolutely pa triotic we should change to lisle or popularize the knee-length wool socks. .We are no advocating a,boycott such as practised at Smith College several years ago, but merely ar riving at the answer we set out for via the methods used by stati sticians. Only five of the 82 garments being knit by coeds for the local British War Relief Society have been turned in to date. We hope it is warm on the British Isles for the soldiers' sakes. But not too hot. Perhaps spring 1940 wasn't long enough or maybe the moon wasn't bright enough, but the marriage rate in Centre County went down last year. In spite of the draft and leap year, too. EWIMII It is fitting to say something about final week in the last issue of this semester. Final week is a prelude to oblivion or success. Final week is a bore. Finals are the conglomeration of dirty tricks by spiteful people. Foo on them. DG Secretary Visits Mrs. Tiarold Jacobs, proyince secretary of Delta Gamma, has been visiting here several days. Miss Jacobs is also a patent exam iner in Washington, D. C. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY: Executive committee meeting for All-College Cabinet relief drive, Room 318 Old Main, 11 a.m. Drydock, Sandwich Shop, 9 p.m. to 12 midnight. Ice hockey. Penn State-Temple, tennis courts skating rink, 2 p:m. Delta Alpha Delta, WSGA room, White Hall, 1:30 p.m. TOMORROW: Rev. Herbert King, assistant sec retary of YMCA, New York City, speaks in chapel, Schwab Auditor ium, 11 a.m. League of Evangelical Students meet, Room 318 Old Main, 7:30 Town meeting at the Hillel Foundation, 133 W. Beaver ave, nue, 7:30 p.m. Subject: "Aid to Britain—What Kind, and How Much?" PSCA Campus Race Relations Grout) meets with Rev.' Herbert King, chapel speaker, Penn State Inn, 12:30 p.m. MONDAY: 4-H Club meeting, Room 405 Old 1111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111:11111111111 final Week And Between . Semester Hours Listed Special hours for examination week and between semesters an nounced by WSGA Senate will go into effect Monday. Freshman coeds will have reg ular nine o'clock permissions during final week; upperclass women will have 11 o'clocks, Regular weekend . permissions will be observed. From Wednesday, January 29, until Monday, February 3, ex cluding one o'clock permissions for all coeds Friday and Satur day nights, women students will have 11 o'clock permissions. Tuesday, February 4, coeds Will have special one o'clock permis sions for the Thespian dance. 311111111111111W11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 A COMMON EXPRESSION IN TOWN AND ON CAMPUS "You Can Get It At Metzgers" WE ARE NOW BUYING BOOKS-FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER CASH OR LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR ANY MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE OUTLINE REVIEW BOOKS-THEY WILL HELP MAKE THOSE FINALS EASIER WINTER SPORTS EOUIPMENT OF ALL KINDS SHOP AT METZGER'S Main, 7:30 p.m. Physical Science 7 . review sec tion. new physics building lecture room, 6:30 p.m. Another review section will be held Friday, -6:30 p.m. TUESDAY: "Pre-natal Care" discussed by Dr. Howard Power. of Pittsburgh, Room 121 Liberal Arts at 8 p.m. THURSDAY: International Relations Club, Room 100 Liberal Arts, 7 p.m. FRIDAY: Ski Club meets, Room 318 Old Main, 7 p.m. "Photosynthesis" will be the topic of Dr. James Franck, Isfpbel Prize winner from University of Chicago, 'at Sigma Xi lecture, Room 121 LA, 8 p.m. Student• Book Exchange opens January 2.4 to 31 and February=3 to CLASSIFIED SECTION TYPEWRITERS—AII m akes ex- pertly repaired: Portable' and office machines for sale or rent. Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. Beaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch FOR RENT: Rooms or room and board for second semester. One block from main gate. 228-234 South Allen. itch 1 18-40 L FOR SALE—Double • -lireaited tux edo half-price, like new. Size 37. Call Driever 3223. stcompD WANTED-Louse trainer to' train villain in coming Player's show. Adam Smyser need not apply. ltchl-18-41E FOR RENT—Double, room, single beds. Available second semester. New home, back of campus 211 Adams Ave., 2174. ltpdJß FOR RENT—Large second floor double room. Board optional, 128 Miles street. Phone 2801. ltpdßL ROOM FOR RENT—Large double corner room. Quiet part of town. Interspring mattresses. 2495 ask for Bob. ltpdl-18-41L SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1941 7, between 9 a.m. and 5:30 in reference room of •Carnegie. : ' Library. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25: • Boxing, Penn State - Western Maryland, Rec Hall, 8 p.m. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30: PSCA Cabin Party at Ralph. Watts Lodge.on ThurSday, Friday, - 1 ; 2 and Saturday, January 30, 31, and February 1. Sign up at PSCA fice now. . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1: Gymnastics, Penn State-Navy, . Rec Hall, 2 p.m. . . . Montgomery County Penn State" Club dance, Plymouth - Counti-y. Club. Price, $2 per couple. Dress optional. Ticket reservations Student Union. - ti , -, ;~; ~a~r
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