THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1940 Lion Basketboallers Crush Susquehanna Quintet, 55 -18 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111:11111111111 Beiween The Lions WITH DICK PETERS 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11 The intramural boxing bombings are over for another year, but those in charge of-next year's fisti cuff tourney might keep in mind one thing . . . It was evidenced in the still resounding decision of the Max Peters-Iry Jontow scrap Tuesday night . . . It might be 'pos sible, and a good idea too, if more capable judges could be used in deciding the outcome of the finals . . With all due respect to the ROTC department officers and all - track coaches this writer sees no reason why the judging couldn't be done by someone notably versed in ring-lote . . . To - the kids fight ing for the IM championships, it's a pretty- important matter, and they should be-given every possi ble chance to win . . . This doesn't mean that the - Peters-Jontow de cision was the only questionable one during the tournament, but only proved the point by its un popular approval. Two healthy: -- rumors drifted West these last few days from out ,New York way-.. - ... First that if Billy Soose takes the count of Tami Mauriella -in their January 3 bout, the former •Penn State ringman will get a real-honest-to-goodness shot at the middleweight crown now physically (or otherwise) held by Ken Overlin . . . Rumor No. 2 has to do with Gates Gajecki, re tiring Lion ,grid captain . . . At the football banquet last Thursday .Bob Higgins . stated that he had received some "very good news" per telegrain about the Nittany pivot star,, but couldn't publicly announce it . . . By mathematical deduction,, would it be too far fetched to hope that the State star might be the center choice on the All-American Board's team which is due to- hit newsstands within the next . .week or so? Remenibtr Nestor Kociubinsky, frosh boXing coach last year and ex-Lion ring satellite . . . "Koch" has recently taken over duties as boxing instructor at the Broad wood A. `C. in New York . Who ever clinches the 175-pound wrestling post on Charlie Speidel's team which meets the University of Maryland grapplers on January 11, is in for a big night . . . Filling that slog for the Terps will be a Pennsylvania-- boy, Paul• McNeil, who has. won 33 consecutive mat decisions,. without a loss! Penn Stale CM) Banquet To Feature Bill Jeffrey Bill Jeffrey, Coach of the Penn State undefeated soccer team, will be the guest speaker at the annual Penn State Club banquet, in the Sandwich Shop at 6 p.m. tonight. Andrew P. Szekely '43, pianist, and Leon Rabinowitz '43, comed ian, wily be the f:Wured enter tainers. Al A. Zimmer '43, will lead group singing of Christmas carols. Notre Dame now has a flying field near its stadium. PIKE; 51 1J N Boalsburg Auto Bus Line In order to be guaranteed transportation Dee. 20-21st,. 'reserVitions_mUst be made before 8:00 P. M., Dec. 19th at STATE COIIEGE HOTEL. Buses leave Friday, '2oth at 11:40 A. M., 3:15 P. M. and a Special This at 7:00 P. M. 21st, buses .leave 11:20 A. M., 12:30, 3:15 • - Direct Connections Made With East Bound :Train's. Special Reduced Rates by Bus and Rail. 11‘111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 Frosh Make Interclass Team In Wrestling Trials Freshman wrestling trials were held yesterday afternoon at Rec Hall in the 128, 155, and 175 pound classes with two grap plers, Joe Steele and Ed Roberts, winning in the finals. The win ners in each class will make up the frosh team for the inter-class meet. Semi-Finals 128-pound class: Sam Harry deci2ioned Norman Sudnick. . 155-pound class: Mike Grai nak decisioned Bill Emmons. 175-pound class: _Edward Ro berts pinned Bill Procter. Finals 128-pound class: Joe Steele decisioned Sam Harry. 175-pound class: Edward Ro berts decisioned Larry Rubright. 111111111111111111111111111ii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Reserve Mahen Needed By Speidel With only one full week of in tensive practice left before the Nittany Lion grapplers tangle with Maryland, January 11, Coach Charlie Speidel. still has a team of unknown strength as it rapidly nears the time when the referee calls, "Wrestle." With Captain Frankie Gleason, Joe Scalzo, and Chuck Rohrer as his only varsity men returning, Speidel must rely upon his re serves and sophomores, who have shown excellent form during prac tice. Although 136-pound Gleason and Rohrer, 165-pound grappler, with Scalzo alternating at 145 or 155 pounds, have their posts well in hand, there will be an open fight for the other positions. Charlie Ridenour and Bill Stan ley, two sophomores, appear to dominate the 121 and 128-pound competition, while Tim Welch, Walt Polak, Bob Cressman, Irwin Curry, all sophomores, and Bill Vanderline, junior, offer a chal lenge to 'Captain Gleason. John Henry and Frank • Horpel lead the varsity competition for the 145-pound spot, with sopho mores Allen Crabtree, Len Git schier, Clarence McCall, and Jim Metzler fighting for recognition. In case Speidel decides to switch the dependable Scalzo to the 155- pound, position, the varsity grap pler will have tough going against Glenn Alexander, Tom Tate, and Curt Eves, who were reserves last year. Ben Snipas, Jim Bachman, Ralph _Sayre, and George Camp bell may dethrone Chuck Rohrer as the 165-pound varsity regular, but the 175-pound weight will be wide open between Joe Vallo, Skip Scott, Paul Richards, and Bob Sproat. Bill Bachman, brother of the former Captain Don Bachman '3B, may wrestle either in the unlimit ed class or a lower weight. John McHugh, Jack Kearns, and Jim Hale will compete in the unlimited group. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Second-String Lions Play Most Of Game In what can hardly be called a fair test of playing ability, the Nittany cagers played topflight ball to sweep to a ridiculously easy 55-18 victory over Susquehanna in .Rec Hall last night. , The Lion first team made a mis take in even coming to the game and saw action for only 10 min utes. The second five entered the exhibition midway in the first half when the score was 16-0 and play ed until the final gun. • The high spot of the State per formance was shooting as the courtmen sank 25 out of 60 shots for a percentage of .416, their best of the season in this department. The floor play—of the first-string, at least—was nearly faultless as Coach John Lawther's continuity plays worked almost to perfection. Veteran Scotty Moffatt, starting his first game of the year, opened the Lion target practice about two minutes after the start by tallying from close under the basket on an assist by Elmer Gross. With that as a start the Nittany passers scor ed almost at will until they turned the ball game over to the reserves. The subs continued where the first team left off and by halftime had upped the , count to 26-5. In the second half they outscored the Crusaders, 29-13, to make the final score of 55-18 the greatest margin of victory run up in any of the three Nittany wins to date. No less than five Lion courtmen Moffatt, Johnny Silan, Bob Crowell, John Linde and John Egli—shared scoring honors wish eight points apiece. Moffatt got his share on four field goals with in the first 10 minutes of play. The summary: Penn State (55) G. F. Pts. Moffatt, f 4 0 8 Silan Barr, f Crowell 4 0 8 Baltimore, c 2 0 4 Linde Edgar Grimes, g Ramin Gross, g Totals 25 5 55 Susquehanna (18) G. F. Pts Ford, f Templin, f Hea ton, c Miller, g Smith . Walsh, g McCord 0 0 0 Isaacs 0 0 0 Totals 8 2 18 Referee: Levine, Umpire: Neff RIDES Wanted and Offered RIDES WANTED New York. L—Sat. a.m. C Ken, 4304. r Chicago. L—Sat. C-3215. r Pittsburgh. L Fri. p.m. C Sunnergren, 2761. r Philadelphia. L—Sat. after 9 a. m. C—Williams, 4105. r Hershey or Harrisburg. L—Sat. after 10 a.m. C—Curry, 869. r New Castle or Butler. L—Sat. after 9 a.m. C—West, 2727. r PASSENGERS WANTED Cleveland or Toledo L Dec. 23 or 24. C—Bennett, 2067. p CLASSIFIED SECTION TYPEWRITERS—AII makes ex- pertly repaired. Portable and office machines for sale or rent. Dial'2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. Beaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch REWARD for return of wallet lost by Edward F. Joslyn, Cranes- Pa. College address, Alpha Chi Rho—Phone 841. NOTICE—The parties that took the blankets, bedspreads, and rugs out of the cottage at the Autoport on Friday night had bet ter return them for they were seen by a roomer in the next cottage and license number taken. 3tch 12-19 E Ski Team Chosen For 'Placid' Meet Captain Sam Crabtree, Max Pet ers, Howard Mendenhall, and Henry Thurston have been select ed to represent Penn State at Lake Placid for the twentieth annual invitation college ski meet, to be held Dec. 30 to Jan. 1, Coach Max Dercum announced. Dercum's decision was based mostly on the results of the time trials held 10 days ago. Practice has not been held since that time, due to the bad conditions on the ski trial. In the Lake Placid meet, 12 col leges are expected to compete for the President Harding Trophy, symbolic of the team honors. Mid dlebury won the trophy last year, with Harvard as runner-up. Colgate, Cornell, Middlebury, New Hampshire, Penn State, Prin ceton, St. Lawrence, Syracuse, Williams, Yale, and possibly Ham ilton College will seek honors at the coming meet. Harvard has indicated that it will be unable to participate, and Dartmouth 'has not been listed as yet. McGill, St. Patrick's, Queens University, and Toronto of Canada, which have lent an international aspect since the games were in augurated, are missing from the list of schools entered. However, there should be plenty of fireworks in the Lake Placid event, because of an even distri bution of strength among the schools. Dartmouth, leader in the ski meet for years, will face some stiff opposition this time. Frosh (avers Top 3 2 8 1 0 2 Jayvee Five, 2521 Returning after a 31-25 defeat at the hands of the Jayvee cagers last Saturday, the Lion yearlings overcame the same basketball out fit by a 25-21 score last night in the second pre-season game as a preliminary to the State-Susque hanna contest. 4 0 8 1 1 3 1 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 3 2 8 1 2 4 Whitey Van Neda's goal in the first three seconds of play sparked the freshmen five to a 14-4 lead as the half ended. Sid Cohen, fresh man forward, captured the scor ing honors with eight points. 3 0 6 1 0 2 2 0 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 The Jayvees returned in the second half to play a better brand of ball led by Herb Currie, Wilbur Van Lenten, and Bob Batchelor. By the end of the game the fresh man lead was decreased to four points. The , yearlings suffered the greatest loss when their second team saw action. tr To-nite's The Nite! I f • POVERTY; BALL w ii Featuring Rex Rockwell's Orchestra 11, 9-12 - sl.on Plus Canned Goods Vi V or Equivalent Vi , • To-Nile V W Pt Sponsored By The Hat Societies tf 0 3tpd 12-19 E " • ^ • 1 1 ...ria • r•zr• Twenty-eight Qualified For IM Weight-Lifting Finals Twenty-eight students have qualified for the in tr a mur a weight-lifting finals which will bi held next month. Those qualified are: 112-118 pound class: Joe Sawicl '44, Vince Sweigert, Bill Stanley '43. 118-132 pound class: Tom Mc- Chesney '44, Henry Wenger '44. Clair Hess '42. 132-148 pound class: Georg( Cross '44, Jim Brewer, Carl Nit sche '42, Joe Garbacz '43, Bill Van clerlin '42, John Griffith '4l, War, Hollobaug '42. 148-165 pound class: Kim Grimm '42, John Mclntyre '43, Carl Mor ris '44, Jim Mollenauer '43, Jim Ziegler '44, Milt Kuhn '43, Larry Tate '4l. 165-181 pound class: Larry Cur tis '42, Bert Taylor '42, Jay Ham mond '44, Linn Adams '44, Harry Bland '44, Joe Valla '4l, Jim Bach man '42. 181-heavyweight: Dick Marsh '44. Alfred M. Swill 'l7 Write! Story In This Week's Post Alfred M. Swift '27, takes hi: place among authors in this week': Saturday Evening Post, where he writes "I'm Going Home" about. Pennsylvania mountains and coal mines around Altoona. CATHAUM- STATE- NITTANY- ".4 4 ,5"..g.Z.5.:7*.77:.=-NStgin'SVA'Ag. 7 tA r ..;, Pi DID YOU KNOW r Iti :4 4 A .4•• tlt a t Ray Conger • ft rd, once defeated Paavo I? 'fi p Nurmi in a distance , i tc l rac e ? t tA : tk: ir, ? 11 Opposite Old Main - State Colleg «7~'4w' ° L~i~' ~ ~_Y - ~ly - v ~~-v1~'v"'~"1w ~S~i"wl]~Y More FUR And Merriment PAGE THREE At The Movies "Trail of the Vigilantes" "Go West" "Mark of Zorro" rothm At Re( Hall
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