. , .... - : Basketball . . 4, •ottl' --- N iL „ • ' State--55 r . %IN /7. . • Susquehanna-18 . ~ . (c.-- 1 , - , ~ ~., A ' r. 4. .°9 Batty' ~..„......„....,) I s ti ti rgtatir • VOL. 37—No. 63 _ - Carol Singing, Dancing Spread Christmas Cheer Student Carol Sing Scheduled Tonight The terrace in front of Old Main will be the scene at 8:30 tonight of..the annual Penn State Christ mas carol sing, sponsored by the Penn State Christian Association and the College music department. Professor Hummel Fishburn, of the music department, will direct the music for the sing. Carolers 'will be accompanied by trumpet ers Victor Dimeo '43 and John Lord '44, and trombonists Walter C. James '42 and Russell J. Myers '42. In addition to the group carol ing, a special arrangement of "The First Noel" will be rendered by the College choir. Harry Seamans, General Secretary of the PSCA, will read a Christmas selection. During the sing an offering will be' taken for Mrs. Hetzel's Fund for Needy Students and the World Student Service Fund. Following th,e singing, a short worship service will be held in Room 304 Old Main. The service will be under the direction of the Worship ComMittee of the,PSCA. Fraternities To Have Community Kids As Dinner Guests Tonight Baskets Of Foodstuffs Will Be Contributed Anxious to have Christmas Cheer spread throughout the whole community, .32.. fraternities, in cooperation with 'the local Ki wanis, will play host to approxi mately 200 children from needy families at dinners and parties tonight. Members of Kiwanis will furn ish transportation to and from the fraternities. The fraternity parties, annually an event for both guests and hosts, will feature special .Christmas din ners and gifts for the young guests. Further spreading the spirit of Yuletide, 45 fraternities are plan ning to contribute baskets of food for needy families in the vicinity. The baskets will contain necessary provisions for several meals. A special committee of five stu dents has been engaged for the past several weeks in forwarding this plan of dinners and contribu tions of baskets. The committee members are: Robert Robinson, chairman, Maynard L. Bloom, Ro bert L. Elmore, John H. Hibbard, and John R. McCracken, all sen iors. (ally Critic Decisive In Charcoal Deadlock A third recount of votes was being taken to decide which char coal drawing 'of the Art II class would take second place for com position and technique in the stu dents' opinion. A definite decision could not be reached between two particular drawings for, despite heated dis ctitsion and persuasion, the re counts-would not add up to a ma jority. • ' Finally the instructor ordered each student to choose the one picture he thought best and asked for another show of hands. As she was counting.hands for the second picture, a tie vote seemed inevi table, until a scrawny, stray cat strolled under the screen, glanced at the picture, and cast his decisive vote with a loud "Meow." THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1940, STATE COLLEGE, PA Poverty Ball To Aid Local Charity Funds One dollar plus a can of food is all you need to have an evening of fun and still do something worthwhile. That's all it costs to get into the hat societies' informal Poverty Ball in Rec Hall tonight. The dance will start at 9 p. m. and last until midnight. During that time, while dancing to the music of Rex Rockwell's orches tra, you can think of the good that your dollar and can of food will be doing to help needy students and needy families. Profits from the monetary ad 7 missions will be contributed to Mrs. Hetzel's Student Fund. The canned goods will be donated to the Local Welfare Committee and distributed among needy families of the vicinity to ,help spread Christmas cheer. This is the second year that a dance of this kind, has been spon sored by the hat societies. Last year's Charity Ball was a great success. Poverty Ball will be an even greater success, according to Thomas C. Backenstose '4l, chair man of the ball. UHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $5 Cut Fine Period Starts Noon Today The 48-hour cut fine period lor the Christmas—vacation—will go into effect today noon--and extend to and including Janu ary 8, A. R. Warnock, dean of men, has advised. Strict attendance checks of all absences will be kept by class instructors, Dean Warnock said. This is evidenced by the 385 students who were billed for cutting classes within the 48-hour period during the Thanksgiving vacation. Written applications for fine exemptions may be filed for one week after the Christmas holi days, which extend from Satur day noon until 8 a.m. Monday, January 6. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Below Grade Increase Probed By Welfare Group In an effort to determine the cause of the increase in below grades .this semester, the Senate Committee on Student Welfare, is requesting all instructors 'and ad visers to report any cases of han dicapped students to A. R. War nobk, Dean of Men; Miss Charlotte E. Ray, De'an of Women, or the College Health Service. Believing that bad health, mal nutrition and undernourishment, faulty eyesight, and a few nervous disorders may be hindering some students, the committee hopes to discover and correct any possible cases. Insufficient sleep, irregular eat ing habits, •and general personal neglect may be further contribut ing factors, suggested Dr. Charles D. Dietterich, College, physician. Dean Hammond Honored Dean Harry P. Hammond, of the Engineering School, was made 'an honorary member of the Tri angle fraternity at the regular fall initiation Sunday. • OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Defense Moves Affect College As the nation, state, and College worked over the ever-growing problem .of national defense yes terdai' there were developments of importance affecting the College on all three fronts. 1. On the national front an op inion was submitted to Dr. C. A. Dykstra, director• of the Selective Service System, urging permanent exemption for six main groups of men in science, including under graduates, graduate students, men in -- industry, and college faculty members. The groups: ' a. Medicine, dentistry, and phar macy. b. Biology, bacteriology, and any other branch of biological science which bears directly upon •problems of medicine or the public ' health, safety, or interest. c. Chemistry. d. Physics. e. Geology and geophysics, in cluding such specialized fields as meteorology, hydrology, and cartography. f. Engineering, including civil, electrical, chemical, mechanic al, agricultural, sanitary, and mining. 2. The state faced an increase in its January draft quota, the number to be jumped from 1,590 to 4,023 presumably because en ough. housing facilities have been completed in the South where the next contingent of Pennsylvania trainees presumably will be sent. 3. The College announced 60 students will arrive here January 6 to begin 16 weeks of intensive training in both production and Diesel engineering. Persons with rooms to rent to these incoming students were urged to write M. S. Gjesdahl, 'Engineering D; in care of the College. 4. The fourth Civil Aeronautics Authority training course sponsor ed here will begin February 1 and will be open to 30 students, Prof. H. A. Everett, head of the depart ment of mechanical engineering, announced. Freshmen To Hold Dance Tomorrow Hight, 9 to 11 An all-freshman dance featuring an all-freshman orchestra will highlight the beginning of the holiday season in the Sandwich Shop tomorrow night from 9 to 12 p.m. according to Lane Pollack, chairman of the dance committee of the PSCA Freshman Council. Thirty-five cents will admit any freshman to the "Christmas Holi day-Hop." Box Office , Hits 'Routine Stuff' To Penn State Grads If 'you've ever seen anything.pn the movie screen titled, "Four ..." then it's a pretty good bet the pic ture was written by the Epstein twins, graduates of Penn State. Fresh from Hollywood, Julius '4l, and Phillip '32, are now in New York City preparatory to visiting the Bennington College campus where they intend to gather, background material for a picture they intend to write. For instance it goels-like this: "What kind of a movie are you going to write about Bennington?" "Oh, you know, one of those college movies—except we won't have the girls wearing sweaters in this one," says one of the boys. "That's right, we don't want it to be a box-office smash," says the other. Among the various movies the Epstein boys have written are Four Daughters and Four Wives, starr ing the Lane sisters. Julius was employed by Warher Brothers immediately after his graduation Return OF 1 44 Customs Asked By WSGA Judicial 11111111111111111111111111111111111411111111111111111111111M111111111 Still Plugging For Armory, VanZandt Says Plans for a $1,800,000 armory to be built here are still being pushed in Congress, Congress man James E. VanZandt said yesterday. Original efforts to get money from WPA fund's have been abandoned and the money is now being sought as an outright de fense appropriation, VanZandt indicated. Some of the hope for the suc cess of the plan, he said, depends on suggestions that West Point and Annapolis be made "post graduate schools" with the bulk of•. military training thrust on college and university military and naval ROTC units. The probable site of the arm ory if erected is on Ag Hill west of Horticulture. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PRA Plans Three Inquiry Trips Three separate social inquiry trips have been planned to Har risburg. Philadelphia, and Pitts burgh for Monday, Dec. 30 by the Penn State Christian Association. Itinerary for the Harrisburg trip includes visits to a federal housing project, the negro section, the State Hospital for the Insane, the 'Bethlehem steel' plant, and the Harrisburg airport. The Philadelphia group will visit sections which give rise to problems of housing and poverty, South Street, Bedford Center, a housing project, and the Depart ment of - Public Assistance. Crime and juvenile court, and a federal housing project will be included in the. Pittsburgh tour. Two Attend Meeting Mrs. Marion S. McDowell, as sociate professor of home eco nomics, and Miss H. Irene - Patter son, instructor in home economics, attended an executive committee meeting of the Pennsylvania As sociation of Adult Education in Harrisburg Tuesday. _ and the brothers are still working for the same company. The br others were on the "Hollywood for_Roosevelt Corn mitee" during the recent electiOn. "We used to get together in the studio lunchroom, thinking up gags for the billboards like "Give Wendell back to the Indiana-ans," said Phil. "That one we didn't use," said Julie. - When Henry A. Wallace arrived in Hollywood, the Roosevelt com mittee telephoned various studio executives for a-fitting deputation to meet the vise - presidential can didate. One producer, in high en thusiasm, sent three studio cuties. "When Wallace stepped off the train," Phil related, "one of them grabbed his left arm, one of them grabbed his right, and the third threw herself around him with a big smack on the cheek, while the flashbulbs popped." The alert committee squelched that one, pronto, too. Weather— Generally Fair And Cold PRICE THREE CENTS 24 Violations Cause Unprecedented Action That freshman women's cus toms be reinstated following Christmas vacation unless there is a decided improvement in fresh man coed conduct was recom mended by WSGA Judicial Com mittee to Senate late yesterday. This is the first time such action has been taken. The action developed from the increase in violators and serious ness of their offenses since week day dating regulations, hair rib bons, and name cards were re moved. These customs will be re sumed if conduct toward customs does not improve. Since the removal of ribbons November 11 and name cards De cember 2, and the conclusion of the three-week_ no-dating period, the number of violators ap pearing before the board has in creased considerably. Most of the cases tried by the committee were for taking two one o'clock permissions a week end, dating off campus, and fail ure to keep campuses. Approximately eight freshman women have appeared before the board for taking two one o'clock permissions a weekend. Penalties for this offense have ranged from weekend lenient campuses, to weekend strict and week strict campuses, depending upon the case. For dating during the week ap proximately 12 violators have been questioned and penalized. Campuses for this offense include week - and weekend lenient cam puses and strict campuses, de pending upon the case. Failure to keep campuses have brought four freshmen before the board. For this offense an addi tion to the original penalty has been made. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 Late News Bulletins 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!1111111111111111111111 London The warnings that Lord Beaverbrook and Prime Min ister Churchill made to the English people yesterday were seen to be developing as Hitler's forces built rafts and made ready every con ceivable craft for invasion across the English channel. The RAF, with full knowledge of this action, bombed the channel ports of the Germans continually yesterday. Cairo—The lightning attacks of the British which have taken them on Libyan soil, advanced them to the towns of Tokra and Bardia yesterday. Though the British forces were slowed up somewhat by the cold weather in central Al bania, the mechanized forces in vaded the city and took complete control last night. The sea bomb ardment was terrific and the long range land bombing drove the Italians from the city. Belgrade The Grecian army bombarded the Tepelini last night and believed the_ city to be com pletely evacuated. They approach ed the city and were confronted by a large force of 'ltalians, resulting in hand to hand fighting which the Greeks won. Paris—Reports from France last night .told of Laval's opinion tow atik his dismissal from the French government. Laval, who is in agreement with the joining of France to the Nazi powers, said last night, "It we can't lick them we should join them."
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