PAGE FOUR Chistmas Drive fa Aid Students "Charity begins at home." rlere on our. campus many stu dents must occasionally meet emergencies. It is to these stu dc»ts that Mrs. Hetzers Fund .Ic»dS this aid Since May 20, 1940, $l5B has been put at the disposal of stu dents facing immediate needs. This money has been used for doc tor bills, eye-glasses, food, com mei,cement expenses, necessary clothing, fare home, and. fare to a job. interview. By applying to the office of the Bursuar, any student may solicit aid. This fund depends on gifts en tirely for its maintenance. To this fund, WSGA will give one-third of the total contribution to the an nual Christmas drive. The re mining portion will be divided between American Women's Hos pitals and _Mifflin County Chil dren's Aid Society, Perhaps you'll be in a "tight ;;pot" some day and want to enlist tin' aid. of this organization. Con tribute now to help this worthy group continue its work. Cwons To Ha Far $5 Scholarships Selection of three deserving sophomore women as recipients of the $5O Cwen scholarships awarded each year by the honor ary, will be made at a meeting in White Hall Sunday, but names will be withheld until the Christ mas Dinner in McAllister Hall Thursday night. )i.'inancial need, an All-College average of "2" or better, and general attitude toward' College activities will be considered in the. decision, Louise. M. Fuoss '42, president, announced last night. Banner To Entertain Prof. Franklin C. Banner, head of the journalism department, will the host to Theta Sigma Phi, wo men's journalism honorary, at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, R & D IFdday Dinner Specials 25c •35c • ROAST TENDER STUFFED YOUNG TURKEY DEVILED CRAB -. Filling, Whipped Potatoes Au-Gratin Potatoes. Giblet Gravy, Vegetable Vegetable, Cole Slaw, Rolls, Butter Roll, Butter. Beverage French Steak On Roll, 15c • • . REA & DERICK'S • Allen St., Next To Bank Clock At State College's Newestivien's Shop 17 -- • 109 S. ALLEN ii Headquarters For L. G. I alfour Co , . M CHUM JENKINS, MGR.' l ii r ... [. Mr.ZFOZs:4*=fri.-Z.:^E4aS=7i,ZlS-.:4.A.M"T.4:4EZINZSZ=MMISZE;;;LI. ' UW To Place Refugee Children in State College. Faculty Homes With a committee completely organized since last July for plac ing British refugee children from university families, the American Association of University Women in State College is now awaiting word from the British Govern ment about the departure of a children's refugee ship from Eng land. Delay in sailing is due to the torpedoing of refugee ships, Mrs. Edward M. Frear, president of the association, stated. However, she added, as soon as the chil dren arrive, - the committee of nine women, under the chair manship of Mrs. Donald D. Stev enson, will assign them to facul ty homes. In the State College area alone there have been 26 applications for children. Dr. Pauline B. Mack, professor of textile chethistry, is the state chairman for the placing of these children. Financial relief of destitute un iversity women in England will be another aspect of the work done by the local AAUW in the piesent world crisis. The wo men aided will not necessarily be English, but rather refugees from Poland; Czechoslovakia, and France. e Three Nationally, the AAUW is as sisting in the recreational and welfare needs in the army camps of the newly-drafted . men. Committee members placing the refugee children in State Col lege are Mrs. Donald D. Steven son, chairman, Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, Mrs. C. 0. Crom er, Mrs. Robert Dengler, Mrs. V. R. Haber, Mrs. Merwin Humph rey, Mrs. R. H. Olmstead, Mrs. Paul Selsain, and Mrs. H. I. Tarp ley. Students Play Santa To Woodycrest Children Santa Claus, Triangle fraternity, and Alpha Omicron Pi sorority will help the Community Service of the PSCA entertain 50 Woody cr,est children at the Woodycrest church at „12:15 p.m. tomorrow. 1001 GIFTS FOR ellarte4s :=)bop THE DAILY COLLEGIAN 1111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ifit Christmas Drive Extended To Tues.; $111.23 To Date WSGA's annual Christmas Fund Drive has been extended from Monday until 5 p. m. Tuesday so all women students may have the privilege of con tributing to the drive, Betty M. Martin '42, .*WSGA vice-Kesi= dent, has announced. Contributed to date are $111.23; last year's total was $196.25. This year's drive will officially end with WSGA House of Representatives meet ing Tuesday. immumummiumumilmiiiiiiminuitimitimmiim We, The Women Needy Students, Kids Get WSGA Drive Funds_ THE QUARTER you give to the WSGA Christmas Drive will help a fellow student purchase glasses, books, and will aid him in meet ing financial emergencies. One third of the money collect ed by Freshman Council, Junior Service Board, and House of Rep: resentative members • will go to Mrs. Hetzel's Student Emergency Loan Fund which as yet has no permanent source of revenue. The remaining two thirds will go to the Mifflin County Children's Aid Society and to the American Wo men's Hospitals. Your contribution will help to get a classmate out of an econom ical jam, buy a needed Christmas present for a child, and aid the work of the American Women's Hospitals, known the world over as a worthwhile organization. There is still time to add 25 cents to the drive receipts. IIIM:=1 A WORTHWHILE Christmas project planned by campus hatmen is . scheduled for. next Thursday night. Coeds have one o'clock per missions so nothing is standing in the way of the Poverty Ball. Re ceipts from the dance will be given to the Student Emergency Loan Fund. DGs Plan Initiation Delta Gammas will initiate Marjorie J. Kehler, Ruby M. Ov erholts, Beth V. Paine, M. Fran ces Parker, Virginia F. Reilly, Betty A. Walton and Marjorie I. Zint, sophomores, at the Delta Gamma house at 1:30 p.m. to morrow. George Washington University is starting a $950,000k auditor-ium. RIDES Wanted and . Offered RIDES WANTED Philadelphia. L—Dec. 21 at noon C—Hollis, 322 Ath. Hall r Florida. L—Around- Dec:2l. C Moe, Room 306 Center Watts Hall r. Pittsburgh. L—Sat. C—McShane, 2471. r New York or Seward, (2). L Dec. 20 at 4 pin. C—Room 211 Ath. Hall. r PASSENGERS WANTED Texas. L—Dec. 21. C—Phone 711 extension 57-J. P CLASSIFIED SECTION CHRISTMAS PARTY at the Dry- dock Night Club Saturday Dec. 14. 'Make table reservation now at Student Union. 3tch 1213 E TYPEWRITERS—AII makes ex- pertly repaired. Portable and office machines for sale or rent. Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. Beaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch FELLOWS:—Here's , a Christmas gift suggestio - n: Second hand fraterhity pins. Any fraternity. Call "Goff" 3322. 2tpdl2-13PMG Redhead Import Wins Admirers A gurgle and a grin were the only replies which Karen Darlene, new baby in the recently-complet ed home management house, would give to the query, "How do you like Penn State?" Judging from the twinkle in her blue eyes, the captivating redhead is quite pleased find" herself under the care --of seven -foster mothers in the renovated old Eng lish Composition Building. The five-months-old import ar rived last week from the Zoar Home 'at Allison Park neat Pitts burgh and plans to remain until the end of summer school. Al though she probably will return for house parties in another 16 years, this minute glamour girl now spends most of her time in a pale 'blue-green nursery. Two other babies, Ronnie and Betsy, arrived last September to live at Sparks House and Hillcrest. Sometimes these babies are offer ed for adoption; usually, however, after their scientific sojourn-- at Penn State, they are returned to the home and then to their mothers. - Chic Doll Offered Coeds By Junior Service Board She's modern, smart, and up-to the-minute, this doll WSGA Juniqr Service Board will award to some lucky Penn State coed. Completely dressed in clothes made by Mrs. Charles R. Austin, the doll wears hand-knitted un dies, an organdy slip, flower printed dimity dress, white brush wool sweater and mittens to match, and a blue-knitted coat and hat. Mrs. Edward Steidle presented her. She's waiting to be put in your room or given some youngster for Christmas. Tickets may be obtain ed from any Junior Service Board member. Intramural Boxing (Continued from Page Three) KDR, vs. Max Peters, Alpha Chi Sig; 165-pound: Bill Lipenski, AGR, vs. George Howard, Delta Chi; 175-pound: Jay Gross, Gam ma Sig, vs. Harry Kern, Phi Gam; Unlimited: Jack Kelly, KDR, vs. Walt Blackwood, Kappa Sig. Independent Division 127-pound: Bob Taylor. vs. Chuck Hess; 135-pound: Bill Lawrence vs. John Brittain; 145- pound: Ernest George vs.' Jack Krauss; 155-pognd: Arnold Feld man vs. Stan Marcus; 165-pound: John Hussey vs. Barney Ewell: Eugene O'Neill flunked English when he attended Princeton. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1940 At The Movies CATHAUM— • "Dr. Kildare!s Crisis" STATE- "That Gang .of Mine" NlTTA!NY— "Mexie'an Spitfire Out West":;:: , - Occidental College alumni haßg; issued an "Occidental. Who's Wh Christmas Magic by IlArrig-numi lathed in "PRECIOUS COSMETIC OILS ... and ever-so•fa nay scented A magically beautiful box - ...lovely Northmont Stock - ings... a combination for Christmas thrills aplenty! These are the famous stockings bathed in "pre- cious cosmetic oils" and ever- so - faintly scented z,. 4 --- )N ir feIt . C T S ~,,f ), 0 " ° 0 • .0 © r zis-- scio .. i . • 0 , _ I- Sheer— for Daytime SMCHIO.II o , Sheerer... For Teatime Loveliness Sheerest ...for Glamour Set to Mus;o 0 1934, NORTUMORT HOSIERY CORP. Merivale Shop 139 S. Allen Street Per Pr.
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