PAGE FOUR lan-Hel Releases 3-Day Program IFer Confab November 8,9, and 10 Round fables, Speakers To IFeafure Conference Plans for the Regional Panhel lenic Conference here November 8,9, and 10 are rapidly nearing completion as acceptances from rewesentatives of 37 college Pan hellenic associations in New Eng land and Middle Atlantic States continue to pour in. "Fraternities in the World To day" has been chosen as the con ference theme, Chairman Mrs. A. K. Anderson has announced and all round tables, speeches, and discussions will be conducted around this central idea. The program will get underway al 9 p. m. Friday, November 8 at a general meeting in Room 304, Old Main following registration of. delegates in the first floor lounge. Three or four speakers, including a dean of women, a na tional sorority officer, and a dele gale from a city and a college Pan hellenic Association will conduct an hour's symposium on sororities from their particular viewpoints. Round tables will be held in Rooms 304 and 305 Old Main from 9 a. m. to noon and from 2:30 to 5 p, an. Saturday, November 9 on subjects the delegates_ have sug gested. Rushing, limitation of chapter membership and duties of officers have been named as pos ible topics by Mrs. Anderson. A luncheon for all delegates at the Nittany Lion Inn Saturday noon will break up the round ta bles. Adrian 0. Morse, assist and to the president in charge of resident instruction will address the group. His subject will be an nounced later. At 6:30 p. m. a dinner will be held at the Nittany Lion Inn at which Dr. J. Paul Selsam, assist ant professor of history, will speak on "Our Responsibility In The World Today." College delegates will have dates for. Mortar Board's Spinster Skip while the others are on a tour of White Hall and Atherton Hall. Officer's conferences after the tours have been scheduled until 10 p. m. when there will be a so cial hour in the southeast lounge or Atherton Hall for those not at tending the dance. The closing session from 9 to 10:30 a, in: Sunday will be a NEE, ENJOY YOUR PARTY THIS WEEKEND TREAT YOUR QUEEN TO COLD DRINKS IN THE MODERN WAY Use The Hospitality Pack A DELUXE PACKAGE OF PURE, CRYSTAL CLEAR ICE READY FOR USE DANCE CHAIRMAN ORDER YOUR ICE PUNCH BOWLS EARLY HILLSIDE ICE & STORAGE CO., DIAL 842 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WSGA Announces Hours For Houseparfy Weekend Freshman women attending houseparty and all upperclass women have been granted three o'clock permissions for Friday and Saturday nights, November 1 and 2, WSGA Senate announ ced last night. Freshman women not attend ing houseparty will be granted two one o'clock permissions for this weekend. All coeds will have ten o'clock permissions Sunday night. Freshman women must have written permission from home to attend Houseparty. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Counselor Confab Groups Revealed Committees for the Camp Coun selor Conference, slated for White Hall from 6:45 p.m. to 'lO p.m. Fri day. November 8, and from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, November 9, were named yesterday by Marion E. Sperling '42, general chairman. Coeds appointed include: arts and crafts, Audrey M. Dice '4l, Josephine H. Taggart '4l, Anne M. Borton '42, Janet L. Eyer '42, Mar tha I. Stringer '42, Jean C. Esh '43, Elizabeth J. Billet '43, Pauline Keller '43, Marjorie McFarland '43, Natalie A. Siebert '43; games, R. Helen Gordon '42, chairman, Gertrude H. Hecht '4l, Margaret E. Lyons '43, Mary L. Lenker '43, and Margaret Ramaley '44. Publicity, Betty J. Patton '42, chairman; refreshments, Eleanor P. Heckman '42, chairman, Cath erine E. Coleman '42, and Dorothy H: Grossman '42; singing, Martha G. Duffman '43, chairman, Jean M. Babcock, '42. Ellen Head '43, Marian L. Meehan '43, Jeanne E. Ruess '43, D. J. Jennings '44, and Anita M. Knecht '42. 'Swimming, Marjorie Culler '4l, chairman, E. Louise Breuninger '4l, Louise B. Clark '4l, Muriel T. Engelke '4l, Lenore M. Heinz '4l, Joyce Goodale '4l, Mary (M.-Green berg '42, Sally Hershberger '44, Priscilla McCoellan '44, Mary Wertz '44. and Elizabeth Willey '44. breakfast meeting at the Anen t crest at which the findings and 1 recommendations of various coin mittees will be reported. Arrangements are being made by the housing committee, Mrs. D. M. Lonberger, chairman: Mrs. Harry W. Seamans. and Marion M. Eberts '42. for all College dele gates will stay in town. Other committees are: Arrange ments, Mrs. H. W. Loman, chair man,..Mrs. George L. Leffler, Mrs. Douglas S. Meade, Miss Elsie M. Kresge, Miss Betty Latham, Mina A. Smith '4l, and Marjorie B. Strode '42; transportation; Mrs. F. L. Bentley, chairman, and Mrs. Robert G. Bernreuter; registration: Mrs. John Vandervort, chairman, and Harriet Singer '4l; finance: Mrs. Chester D. Dahle, chairman. Miss Margaret E. Riegel, and Nor ma P. Stillwell '4l; publicity; Mrs. H. Ridge Riley, chairman, and Arita L. Hefferan '4l. luomminmimiimillimmumuniiiiimmiummmi Mac Hall Women To Don Costumes For Dinner .Freshman women in Mac Hall will be required to attend the Hallowe'en dinner in costume tonight. Prizes will be given for the most attractive table with the dining room itself decorated in the usual corn stock and candle theme. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TFM DAILY COLLEGIAN We, The Women— The Animals Steal The Lion's Show THE NITTANY LION has had his publicity at the expense of the forgotten animals who might well share his rule over Nittany Val ley. Feeling that these ignored creatures are suffering at the paws of the beloved lion, we shall boost their ego by exposing them, their habitats, and their claims for fame. We nominate to share thelion's throne: The fly, who has had an unus ually long career of pestering this year due to warm weather and holes in screens. The squirrel and chipmunk who jump around campus and store food for winter months in dormi tory and sorority house eaves. The constant chatter is at its peak at 6 a. m. The dog who barks at each sound of Old Main chimes. The rat which abounds in sor ority garrets and occasionally sits in the halls to listen to telephone conversations or pokes into waste paper baskets. It may be heard running through the walls at un conventional hours of the night. The silverfish whose many legs glide across the floors. It is at its best when feasting on the woolens in coed's wardrobes or escaping the many feet anxious to trod it out of existence. But, here's to the lion who knows where it belongs and stays there—a perfect gentleman. Swim Meet Tryouts Set For 1:30 Tonight Tryouts for the All Coll e g e swimming competition will be held in White Hall at 7:30 tonight. All women students are eligible for competition, the only requirement being two hours of practice. The events will be 25 yard dashes—freestyle* backstroke, and breaststroke; 40 and 100 yard free style dashes; obstacle races, and form diving. Each entrant will per form three compulsory and two optional dives. The pool is open for practice Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons from 4 to 5, and every evening except Sunday and Thurs day from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Frazier Dorm Skating Party The women in Frazier Street Dormitory will hold a roller skat ing party November 8. CLASSIFIED SECTION LOST—Worn brown leather wal let. Contains driver's license, A. A. book, other cards and cash. Reward. George Krupp. Dial 4151. 2tpd 1031 E LOST—One 3rd part and one Ist part trombone book. If found leave at Student Union desk. ltpdlo3l3sC TUXEDO FOR SALE Single breasted, excellent condition, rea sonable price. Size 40. Phone 2198. 1tpd103135 tf9 • k amen s Dairy Eight Campus Big Shots Will Vie For 'Catch-of-the-Campus' Title Balloting Begins Today For Spinster Skip Winner Eight BMOCs will flight it out for the "Catch-of-the-Campus" title in balloting which starts today at the Corner Room and Student Union desk. The winner will be crowned at Mortar Board's Spin ster Skip 'in White Hall from 9 p.m. to midnight, November '9. Voting on W. Lewis Corbin '4l, Tribunal chairman, Roger S. Find ley '4l, soccer manager, Robert B. Jeffrey '42, lacross assistant manager, William S. Kirkpatrick '4l, swimming team captain, H. Leonard Krouse, junior class pres ident, Charles M. Peters '4l, foot ball player, Robert Robinson '4l, Daily 'Collegian advertising staff and Tribunal, and L. Craig White '4l, football player, - will end Sat urday. The top three men will vie for the coveted title in voting next week. Their pictures will be on display in a Corner Room window. Chaperones for the dance, which will climax Sadie Hawkin's Day, include Charlbtte E. Ray, dean of women; Elizabeth C. Bell and Mary J. Stevenson, assistants to el • 4 ;A, STOi is! BUY YOUR - TICKETS FOR THESPIAN'S FALL SHOW NOW —ADMISSION— Friday Night-50c Saturday Night-75c Tickets on sale at Student Union and Corner Room. Tickets Sold In Blocks of 50 Upon Request. November 1 and 2 7 P.M. Pasteurized Milk and Cream Phone 859 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1940 the dean of women; +Marie Haidt, head of the women's physical edu cation department; Mrs. Grace L. Hall, Miss Jeannette Oswald, Mrs. Gail B. Pope, Mrs. Neva M. Morris, dormitory hostesses; and Matilda A. Bentley, Mortar Board advisor and assistant to the dean of wo men, according to Edith A. Bur rage, chairman of invitations and' balloting. Tickets to the dance, for which the Campus Owls will play, can be obtained from any Mortar Board member for one dollar per couple. Weekend Specials Wool and Silk Dresses Prices from $3.95 to $7.95 Moore's Dress Shop 124 EAST COLLEGE
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