. . Successor to ;, . 4 . ' F .\ the Free Lance, - - Established 1887 • . . .- C l liit 41 : 1 Wig ao - - 4. -..,18 5 1 VOL. 37—No. 23 Plans Completed For Registration Here Tomorrow Preparations for student draft registration were completed yes terday with the announcement by Edward K. Hibshman, chairman of the draft committee, that 90 . registrars will be sworn in at the Armory at 7 p. m. today. . He reminded students that to register they must have their matriculation cards and sample registration forms filled out in pencil. These forms may be ob tained at Student Union. Cadets of the advanced course, senior division of the ROTC need not register, Mr. Hibshman said. He explained that this includes all advanced ROTC students. Regis tration is required of all other stu dents, including aliens, between the ages of 21 and 36. Failure to register is punishable by a fine of $lO,OOO, five years 'in prison, or both. Students have been asked to register in the Armory at sched uled hours which have been post ed for the past week at prominent places in town and on campus. Sick students who are unable to register at the Armory on October 16 should telephonb the .registra tion committee which will be on duty in the Arinbry. A special registrar will register such stu dents at their homes. Those who are quarantined or who are too sick to be registered on October 16 must present them selves for registration before a local board; or notify the board as soon as they can be registered. A physician's certificate will be required to prove valid cause for (Continued on page four) Thespians Prepare New Fall Show A new knock-em-down, drag em-out musical review—" The Bal loon Goes Up"—starring the Three Stooges, Marce Stringer, and a mixed Glee Club of twenty-five voices will be presented as the Thespian Club's annual fall show on Houseparty weekend. Fcir the past three weeks, Thes pians have 'been working to sort the cream of the most unusual crop - of talent that has hit the Penn State campus in many years, particularly in the Class of '44. . At least six sets of expensive costumes have been presented to the Thespian Club by Fred War ing, who was made an honorary member of the Club , last May. The costumes alone will make _the new fall show, "The Balloon Goes Up," an extravaganza second to none in a decade of Thespian his tory. Waring has also contributed several of his special Glee Club arrangements for use in the show. Noble Elected To Lead Freshman Campus Party Kemp Noble '44, was elected chairman of the freshman Campus party last night at a meeting held in Room 405, Old Main. Wally Briesch was- chosen to fill the treasurer's office. The vote for secretary' was temporarily postponed as• neither of the two leading candidates, Suzanne Clouser and Doris Taylor, could attain the majority necessary for election.' With its organization complete, the freshman party will announce and conduct its own meetings for the remainder of the year. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, 1940, STATE COLLEGE, PA 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 Fred Waring Writes Song For Penn State THE HILLS OF OLD PENN STATE Here among the mighty hills that proudly guard her gate, Stands old Penn State, so strong so great. O'er the crest of Nitt'ny adding glory to her height, E'er waves the Blue and White. Sounds 'of music fill the air through the valleys ev'rywhere Loyal voices loud and clear tell ing all, the world "our hearts are 'here" Through the years the Blue and White will ever consecrate these wondrous hills - To old Penn State, The Hills of Penn State. 111111111111111111111111111111nrni111111111111111111111111111111111M Hetzel Officially Accepts Mural A brief ceremony for the official presentation of the Penn State Mural, gift of the class of 1932, was held in the first floor lobby of Old Main at the College, Satur day night. Prof: J. Burn Helme of the ar chitedurdl department introduced the speaker and also talked for a few minutes on the origination of the idea for the mural, for which he 'ci•edited Harold E. Dickson, as sociate professor of fine arts. H. Audrey Myers, senior class president of the class of 1932, made the actual presentation. He said that the mural to him depict ed the highest ideals of this in stitution_ _and that_ he . hoped ..it would continue to remain the representative of these ideals. Acceptance of the mural was made by President Ralph D. Het zel. President . Hetzel :spoke about. the artistry of Henry Varnum Poor, creator of the mural. He• also said that he hoped the in spiration derived from the mural would add the contribution of force to the other influences Penn State possesses. Professor Helme then closed the ceremony and told the audience that pamphlets explaining th e !J purpose of the mural could be obtained from either Professor Dixon or Professor Hyslop. Staff Hospitalization Members Get Dividends Dividends and a d j us tmen t s amounting to $5,039 were returned to members of the College staff participating in the Group Hos pitalization Insurance Plan this month and have been awarded to each member in proportion to the individual contribution. 'Maximum return was $3.97 on a contribution totaling $16.65. This dividend was earned on the basis of $l.ll contributed monthly since the plan began in April, 1939, up to June 1940.. Other returns were made in proportion to the length of membership and amount of total contribution. Rushing (ode Is Topic Of Fraternity Couselors The year's first meeting of the Fraternity Counselors Association will beheld tonight at 8 p. m. at the Pi Kappa Phi house, Prof. Williath C: Bramble has, an nounced. A discussion of the new rushing code, together with Interfraternity Council's Judiciary Committee re port on rushing, to be given by the: chairman; Prof. Marsh W. White, will comprise the principal business of the Council's meeting. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Prizes Awarded for Decorations Alpha Sigma Phi and Gamma Phi Beta won the first prizes for fraternity and sorority decorations in the annual Alumni Day Decora tions contest, sponsored by Inter fraternity Council and the Alumni AsSociation. First prizes, two bronze cups, were awarded on the basis of gen eral effectiveness and originality. First honorable mention for fra ternity decorations was awarded to Kappa Sigma, second to Sigma Nu, and third to Alpha Chi Rho. Delta . Gamma won honorable mention among the sororities. Judges were Carl W. Ernst Jr. '4l, president of Scarab architeC tural society; George A. Hay Jr. '4l, president of Topian, landscape architect society; and Harold E. Dickson, assistant professor of fine arts. Despite the crowds present for Alumni Homecoming and the State-West Virginia football game on Saturday, State College exper ienced an accident-free weekend, the borough police office reported today. Phone calls to the borough po lice department were at a mini mum over the weekend, the regis ter revealed. Dogs held the spot lights as far as complaints were concerned. One canine was re ported killed, a second "pooch" was annoying a neighbor by con tinuous barking, while a third was running loose in the College Heights area. The Locust Lane fraternity sec tion saw much activity Saturday night —and early. Sunday morning when a number of small fires were started. Most of the material burn ed had previously been used for decorations in front of the houses. Music Lisfenitig Hours Scheduled Hummel Fishburn, associate professor of music education, an nounced yesterday the schedule for the listening room of the Car negie record library in 417 Old Main. The complete schedule, which will hold good until November 8, Monday-8 to 10 a. m., Ito 5 p Tuesday-9 to 11 a. m., 1 to 3 P. m. • Wednesday-8 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Thursday-1 to 4 p. m. Friday-8 to 11 a. m., 7 to . 10 p. m. Saturday-8 to 12 a. m., Ito 5 p. m. (except Nov. 2). Sunday-2 to 6 p. m., 7 to 10 p. m. The library, which consists of approximately 1500 classical and semi-classical records, will be available for student use starting today. NYA student workers will be in charge of the room at the spe cified hours and will play request ed records. Such courtesy as would prevail at any other musi cal event, namely quiet and atten tiveness, is all that is required of the listeners. Dr. Stocking To Speak Dr. E. J. Stocking, Principal Examiner of Engineering in the United States Civil Service Com mission, will be the speaker for the senior engineering lecture in 110 EE building, Friday at 4 p. m. His topic will be "Opportuni ties for -Engineering Graduates in the Federal Service.", • Heads Honorary Delta Sigma Pi is giving a smok er for upperclassmen in the Com merce and Finance Curriculum and Economics majors at the Phi Sigma Kappa House tomorrow at 8 p.m., it was announced yesterday by B. Boyd Harrington '4l, who is shown above. Professors A. H. Reede and C. E. Wyand will hold an informal debate on the subject: "A Third Term for Roose velt." Professor Reede will debate for the affirmative, Professor Wy and the negative. Dr. Carl W. Hasek, fraternity ,advisor and head of the economics and sociology departments, will speak on "The Place of the Professional Fratern ity." Cabinet May Set Football Holiday The football half-holiday, school council budgets, and borough street markers will come before All-College Cabinet at its third meeting of the year. in Room 305, Old Main, at 9 p. m. today. William S. Hoffman, member of the College calenctur committee, said last night he believed that Cabinet, as successor to the old Student Board, had the power to set the football half-holiday. Cabinet will probably decide whether the football half-holiday will come on October 26, the day of the Temple game, or November 23, the Pitt game date. School council budgets have been submitted to Interclass Fi nance Board and Cabinet will act on the Board's recommendations tonight, Arnold C. Laich '4l, All- College president, said yesterday. Laich said that he will appoint a committee to work with • a borough committee to place the blame for destruction of street markers during a recent pajama parade. Col. Emery Will Discuss Draft Registration Here Colonel A. R. Emery will speak tonight on the relations of the draft to college students at an open meeting of the American Society of -Military Engineers. The talk will precede Wednes day's draft registration in which an estimated number of 1,800 students will participate. Students, by authority of the Centre County Commissioners, will be registered on the campus by sworn members of the College staff. Students will be excused from class only during the hour in which they are registering. Managers Appointed Robert N. Baker '4l and Emer C. Flounders '4l will be co-man agers of Drydock this year, George L. Donovan, Student Union man ager, announced yesterday. The opening of the night flub is sched uled for November 9. Weather— Cloudy, Continued Warm. PRICE FIVE CENTS Hatch Act Held As Restricting faculty Politics All College faculty and staff members are barred from state and national political activity by the Hatch Act, it was disclosed yesterday by President Ralph D. Hetzel. _ The President said: "Legal counsel for the College advises that the Hatch Act limits the po litical activity of all those em ployed by the College. Counsel is of the opinion that the Act does not apply to elections for local offices. It is therefore sug gested that members of the faculty and staff who desire to take part in political activity con sult the provisions of this Act." In other quarters doubt was expressed concerning the opinion of the attorney, who was not named by President Hetzel, that the Act "does not apply to elec tions for local offices." It was suggested by John H. Ferguson, assistant professor of Political Science, if the Act does block local political activity that the only way faculty members could run for office would be "by doing it through a local party un affiliated with atiy state or na tional politibal iirgdnization." He said that C. Edkar Book, borough secretary, had written to the United States Civil Service Commission asking for an inter pretation of the Act. This opinion will probably be taken as final, Professor Ferguson said, unless an appeal is made to the courts and another ruling is made. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Late News Bulletins 11111111111111111111111111111111111111H11111111111111111111111111111111 Yugoslavia—Nazi high officials advised Rumania last night not to make any formal break with Eng land to avoid the bombing of Ru manian oil wells. Holland—German forces in Hol land received a terrific bombing from the RAF planes yesterday. The English bombers continued into Germany where they set as their objectives Nazi airdromes, naval bases, air plants, and muni tion factories. Africa—ltalian islands off the coast of Northern Africa and in terior strongholds were ripped apart in the first' big battle of the African continent. London—London and surround ing terrain received another "worst bombing of the war" as Hitler's planes blasted important war bases. One plane that was shot down contained a cargo of bombs large enough to blow up a small town. Washington—Officials at the capitol stated that ministers from Brazil and other South American countries would meet in the near future to discuss western hemi sphere defense. Two luxury liners will be sent to western Europe to aid in the evacuation of Japan and Russia. Music Club To Pledge The Louise Homer Club will pledge new members at a meeting in the northeast lounge of Ather ton Hall tonight at 7:30. A short musical program will follow the business meeting.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers