PAGE SIX 11111W111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Between The Lions WITH DICK PETERS 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Destiny's Tots A week ago this time, Earl "Sparky" Brown was just a third string fullback on the Penn State squad, and an injured one at that. In fact, when the Lions went out to meet Bucknell last Saturday, Browny was sitting in the press box above New Beaver Field, not even in uniform. Today, the picture is very much changed. Sparky Brown is in a tougher spot than a caterpillar in the middle of an elephant herd. For injuries to first and second string fullbacks Bill Smaltz and Pep Ventresco have literally thrown the starting threeback post into Spar!.iy's lap. Out for over a week with a shoulder injury, Brown has sud rienly found himself the focal point of all Nittany grid attention. Upon his bunchy little shoulders ride the hopes of Penn Staters for a win over the Mountaineers to morrow. All I've got to say is that if Bob Higgins thinks Sparky Brown can do the trick tomorrow, I do too. May his number' 13 means dike consequences for the West Vir ginia lads. With Smaltz, White, and Ven tresco out, the Lion kicking de partment is the hardest hit at the moment. To Chuck Peters, back in shape after three weeks layoff, will fall the punting chores. Though nut the distance @ooters that the two incapacitated full backs are the blonde flash has looked fairly good during the week's workouts, and with a lit tle' assistance from Cap Bailey, may be able to hold the Moun taineers at bay. Both Brown and Peters have shown promise at their new tasks during the drills since that "Blue Monday." Brown is running as hard and handling the ball as apt as a Penn State three-back should. Peters' punts have looked better with each practice. So if Brown and Peters come through tomorrow as they have during practice sessions this week, maybe the injuries that shook the Lion foundation will not hurt so badly aft/2r all. f. 7 :DON HEROLD WOULDN'T FOOL YOU . . . READ 10$ . ~,... QA . Aril/ ''J z , ( "0 1 4 , \ V Cirl :( ll4j Er -- s HUMOROUS .. [, ". IT'S HELPFUL . • - IT'S FREE C. Seabright, QB Coach Bill Kern is pinning his hopes of a victory over Penn State Saturday on these backfield men IM Football Rules Changed By Board The Intramural Board has an nounced the followin.g changes in intramural football rules: In regard .to the safety, when ever the defending team is re sponsible for grounding the 'ball behind its own goal line, it is a safety. The ball is then put in play by the defensive team on •their owl, 20 yard line, first down and 20 yards to go. The old rule required the offen-. sive team to ' , kick the ball from their own 20. The Board also has decided to permit a reasonable amount of blocking behind the offensive line of scrimmage to give the passer a little protection. This blocking, may only ,be done with folded arms, and leaving the feet is not permissable. The results of the games played to date are as.follows: Sigma Nu 12-Phi Sigma Delta 0; Alpha Chi Sigma 6-Lambda Chi Alpha 10; Sigma Chi 7-Beta Sigma Rho 0; Phi Kappa Psi 13-Beaver House 0; Beta Theta Pi 13-Sigma Pi 0; Pi Kappa Alpha 13-Alpha Sigfa Phi 0; Alpha Zeta 13-Theta Chi 0. Sigma Phi Epsilon 19-Tau Kappa Epsilon 0; Delta Chi t 19-Theta Kappa Phi 0; Aljha Tau Omega 14-Phi Sigma Kappa 0. In the quarter final swim meets held yesterday afternoon Kappa Sigma deleated Sigma Nu; Delta Chi outswam Theta Chi, and Phi Delta Theta downed Delta Tau Delta. The three winning teams, in additi6n to Sigma Chi, will swim .in the semi finals. The date of which has not been defiintely determined. sUde rules et aoy bete We wont wed P•raile /any MOre I'ASON4. I II:NG BOOK 'Row to Choose • a Slide R, a". Don Herold, the champion explainer of all times, has -taken the mystery out of Slide Rules forever. This new bnokiet One you how go choose the kind of Slideßuleghat will help you most. before yon.can bat an eye. It is proftmely illustratediu two dazzling colors and more fun to read .than anything. Don't even buy a laundry case until You get this new book! "How to Choose a Slide Rule" is free—if you ask for it nicely. See your campus K & E dealer at ODCP ItINT. 1867 KEU FEEL a ESSER CO. N'w YORK-HollollsKti. H. J. CHICAGO • PM. 1 - 0( MAN MANCUSO:I • Lei ANGELES • DETROIT • moterPcm.. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN West Virginia Stars Ike Martin, LH West Virginia's coach, Bill Kern, directs his questionable power house against the Lions tomorrow in a battle that may prove inter esting to even the casual spectator. W. Virginia Makes 5 Lineup Shifts Special To The Daily Collegian: MORGANTOWN, W. VA., Oct. 10.—The West Virginia University eleven that takes the field against Penn State's Lions tomorrow is expected to show at least five changes from that of the Fordham game, which the Mountaineers ldst 20-7. The five almost certain lineup switches bring in Vincent Cimino, guard; Dick McElwee, halfback; Vic A'Hearn, sophoomre tackle; Bob Meilace, senior end; and Tom Gillolly, junior center. With the exception of Gillolly, all of these boys wece in the lineup at the start of the third quarter of the Fordham game, when the Moun taineers drove 48 yards for their touchdown. Cimino is expected to take John Rockis' place at left guard; A'Hearn, a converted tackle, will start in place of another sopho more, Frank Kimble, at right tac kle McElwee will - take over Ike Martin's left -halfback spot; Mel lace, for two years a regular, ousts Joe Siko ,at right end, and •Gill olly moves in ahead of - Sam IVlan dich at,center. Commenting .on the Fordharn , game, Coach Bill Kern declared,' "players own .zni#alrgs 9Apsed them to •be beaten as they were. Mistakes :to which the- blond Mountaineer .linemen were "mousetrapped" in the first balf, -and the momentary lapse in rules knowledge by his two ends, John Shonk and Joe Siko. It was a bolding penalty against Shonk, nullifying an eight-yard advance by John Carliss at the start of the game, and a penalty against S:ko - for interfering -with Fordham's punt receiver that gave the Rams the ball on the W. Va. 46 and paved the way for their first score. Eugene K Lederir REAL ESTATE 114 E. , Beave.r Ave.- , Dial 4066 * B. .g 649 .1 1606, , ho Meet State -Don McCann, RH Has High =Hopes aturday Jphn Carliss, FIB Spatian Hailers Offer Stiff Race When the Michigan State cross country team starts over the lit tany Lion harrier course ,tomor row afternoon, Chick Werner's , squad will have to lengthen Their strides -to keep -up_with three of the Spartans best runners. Captain Eddie Mills, Albert Mangan, arid Warren Andersen all gave State's champion cross-coun try speedster, Captain Bill ,Smith, a close chase in last year's dual meet which Michigan State copped '24-31. Placing 13th and 18th in the '39 IC-4A's, Mills and IVlangan were timed at 27:28 and 27:51, which is better than any present State - har-* rier's performance, except Smith's' 25:54 last year against Syracuse. According to reports from the Spartan camp, Warren Anderson has shown the most imprOyement and expects to offer competition to our top timemakers, Alex Bour genie, Pop Thiel, Max Peters, and Chet Snyder, who still have not broken the 28 minute mark in this fall's time-trials. Lion (agars Begin Practice Sessions Sixteen varsity basketball can didates, including five ,lettermen, are practicing Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights in prepara tion for a 20-game schedule which opens with a clinic game against W & J in - Hee Hall on December 7. Regular nightly practice will start about. November 1, Coach John Lawther said last night. The five lettermen are Captain Johnny Barr, Norm Racusin, Dick Grimes, Bob Crowell, and Elmer Gross. Scotty Moffatt, another let terwinner last year, is practice teaching and will join the squad after Thanksgiving. Only three men will be lost from last year's team, they are Cliff McWilliams, Kerm Christman, and Howard Smith. McWilliams grad uated, Christman has not return ed to College, agd. Smith has de cided ndt to try Or the team. It is not yet is i twn Whether Len Krouse will re 11Rger football season. Sophomeres : `,;:Earl Brown and Wilbur Van Lenten are other cage prospects now drilling with the grid squad. • Four members of :last year's _freshman team are now practicing. They are.,FranlsAarr, more, Bob Earnin,.and. Jack liihde. John Silan, another ex-yearling, has not,sepotted yet. . • - . . - . . W: 4l . ENJOY 'OH -.0.1 .- Cheery Effkient . . .., -r• AO F Mar . • , _ Service . . - e • torio4n . DIAL 3869 T.., • Washing .... ...•t ....„,..„ 7 • 41111hange - --- , - lay .. , q.. . '.,,..- . . . MAIM 'ORM Saitiff - SIMION .. ~,, x ,... .... FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, j 940 111111111111111111111111111111111111111i - dMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII 'Students &Aced Toileline Longolion Al Games Because of the con ge s ti on caused at the Burrowes Street entrance to the New Beaver Field last Saturday, coeds living in the dormitories and Locuit Lane students are requested to use the Allen Street entrance, on the eastern side of the field behind the New Library, for the • West Virginia game tomorrow. The use of both gates will facil itate speedier admission into the field and remove any possibility of body injuries. 1111111101111110111111111101111111111111111111p1111111111111MOUL JOCKEY'S NOW OPEN! You oat now use the new road lo Hickey's to call for your week. end beverage. For Delivery (all 811 W. R. Hickey, Aistribidor Mi['brook
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