PAGE' TWO - With the Editor — ! Ex-Edifor tagaii Returns 1© Praise . Ik Penn State Way Of Life Editorial Note:—All the editors who served Collegian since 1925 have been invited to write the editorial they would most like to address to Penn State students today. Not all of ■ them have responded.. The editorials of those who have will appear in this column from time to time. By JAMES H. COOGAN, JR. '3O (Mahanoy City Record-American) Nothing has happened in the last 10 years to al ter my conviction that Penn State represents the ultimate in democratic education—rand the system, I submit, is well worth keeping. I have met hundreds of Penn State men and women (older and younger than myself;. in the years since I left the campus and, in the main, I found them people who were holding down re sponsible positions—and filling them with dist tinction. Of course there were exceptions—there always are—but their number was small. To me this finding represented a victory for Penn State and the type of men and women it turns out. Even today it remains a source of sat isfaction to me, to learn of a new Penn State achievement, to make the acquaintance of a man or women who has something laudatory to say about Penn State, or to meet through the course of my own work a graduate who is doing big things in his pr her field. And as I stated in my introductory paragraph, nothing has happened in the intervening years to alter my faith in the job that Penn State is doing for the youth of Pennsylvania. The steady growth of.enrollment during the years of business de pression, is proof enough that the people of Penn sylvania have faith in the College. So was the fruition in recent years of the building program designed to make Penn State a greater institution of learning. Not even the lean years in football, could have altered my opinion of Penn State. As a matter of fact, those years strengthened my faith in the Col lege, for I was proud of our pioneering in the direction of “simon pure” football and intensely gratified by the job Bob Higgins did in the face of new obstacles. I was proud, too, when the Col lege acted as it did in the Soose incident, for I could not think of another college that would sac rifice a great boxer for the sake of a strict ama teur policy. There was other news, too, which made me proud. I have always been glad that our college never plumped for the silly “fads” that embarrass many colleges. I have a faint recollection of some student swallowing gold fish at Penn State, but I don’t think anybody took its seriously or that the. student body approved. I was gratified, too, by the absence of anti-war resolutions in a period during which many student bodies showed a com plete lack of understanding of the effect on the public of such short-sighted publicity. These, then, are the things of which Penn State is made and they are, also, the things which pro duce better men and better women. In the criti cal years ahead, I am confident that Penn State again will prove itself capable of big things and contribute its share to the defense of that other great democratic institution—the American Way of Life. HE DAILY COLLEGIA! "For A Better Penn State" Successor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and the Free Lance, established 1887 Friday Morning, September 20, 1940 Published daily except Sunday -and Monday during the regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College. Kntered as second-class matter July 6. 1934, at the po3t-office at State College, Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. Editor Business Manager Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp ’4l; -Managing Editor •—Robert H. Lane ’4l; Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters Ml; News Editor—William E. Fowler ’4l: Feature Editor. —Edward J. K. McLorie '4l: Assistant Managing Editor — Bayard Bloom Ml; Women’s -Managing Editor—Arita L. lfefferan Ml; Women’s Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel Ml. Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas Ml: Circulation Manager—Robert G. Robinson ’4l; Senior Secretary—Ruth Goldstein Ml; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis. Ml. . . 1 Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer M 2, R, Helen Gordon M 2, Ross B. Lehman M 2, William J. McKnight M 2, Alice M. Murray M 2. Pat Nftgeiberg M 2, Stanley J. PoKemp tier-M2. Jeanne'C. Stiles M 2. Junior Business Board —Thomas W" Allison M 2, Paul M. Goldberg M 2, James E. McCaughey M 2, Charles L. Van Inwagen M 2, T. Blair Wallace ’42, MargarVt L. Embury M 3. Virginia Ogden M 2. Fay E. Rees M 2. Graduate Counselor Editorial and Business Office 313 Old Main Bldg. Dial 711 Managing Editor This Issue _„'._Ross B. Lehman M 2 Ner-s Editor This Issue Ralph C Routsong Ml •lojiinrn ,re Ass i.t-i.M.; Gordon L. Cuy. Robert W. Cooper » ce —■ C. Russell Eck Downtown Office 119-121 South Brazier St. Dial 4372 iiiiiiiiiitimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiitiiiiimiimiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiii THE MANIAC iiiifimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimin FIFTH COLUMN! What a swell idea! And I thought it up all myself (practically my only really original idea in three years of constant study at this worthy institution). All summer long I went around congratulating myself and all for naught. There it would be, splashed down the full length of the fifth column cf the new Daily Collegian and just to make the implication more subtle, the sinister words FIFTH COLUUMN tacked on top of it all in the CDT’s biggest and boldest grocery ad type. Ah, yes, I was going to fill it with grand and glorious sub versive ideas to corrupt the mind of even Chaplain Frizzell. AND WHAT HAPPENS! The second and col umnist’s page of this blankety-blank rag has only FOUR columns! I’m telling you Frosh, give up before it’s too late! Surrender now. You abso lutely, definitely, indubitably, and for sure, CAN NOT WIN! Well, even if it can’t be the fifth column, I can still give you frosh a few tips I have learned since I have been to State. Now that you boys have all bought your dinks, alarm clocks and stationery, pledged (for better or worse) a fraternity, and fill ed your little bottle for Doc Ritenour and his boys to play with, you are all set. Tip No. 1: Stay out of the Rathskellar. Those bartenders can tell within one week how old you are, beard or no beard. Tip No. 2: Don't fall in love with Barbara Bowes at the Student Union Desk. She smiled that way at me when I was a Freshman. Tip No. 3: Plan now to date a new girl when you' go home for Christmas vacation. Absence does NOT make the heart grow fonder. Tip No. 4: If you see a tall (and Ido mean tall), slender man in a blue serge suit striding down Campus, say hello. It’s Prexy Hetzel.. Tip No. 5: Anything you want to know about anything or anybody under the sun just ask George Donovan (the Smile behind the Student Union desk.) He knows all, sees all, and. TELLS all. More tips will be forthcoming, so hold your, breath Frosh, and watch this space next week. ADD Rushing oddities: Each of. the Ten (don’t ask me how they got them) Lambda Chi Awful pledges play's a different, instrument, so hold your ears, Locust Lane. Add vacation personal histories: Collegian Venus, Jeanne Stiles, at Ocean City, N. J., where she counted no less than seventy Penn Staters over the summer. Maybe they should move Sum mer School to Ocean City. Warren Scott, Phi Delt husky, spent six weeks of his summer as farm manager for a girls reform school! He worked with as many as fifty girls under his sole supervision, spending the entire day with them out in the fields. Lucky boy. Walt Chase, publicity hound par-excellence, says he won’t subscribe until his fraternity affil iation is listed as phidelt and not fiji. Have You Been to : THE ALLENCREST TEA ROOM Next to the Dairy Store LUNCHEON 11 to 2 o'clock j DINNER 5 to 8:30 o'clock • MEAL TICKETS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Campus Calendar — Today 'DrUid meeting at 7:30 p.m. to night, 305 Old Main, including- Druids tapped for spring sports. Varsity and freshmen lacrosse meeting, Rec Hall, 4 p.m. today. Compulsory mass meeting for all women interested jn playing hoc key. Room 105, White Hall at 4 p.m. today. Apllication blanks for the pre liminary course in CAA training in Room 208 Main Eng. Meeting of the editorial and business staffs of the Collegian, 5 p.m. today. Freshmen payment of fees today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Ar mory. TOMORROW: Compulsory meeting for all transfers, 105 White Hall,, at 11 a. m. PSCA open house for ’44 girls, SUNDAY: Pop-in night, visits by upper class women on freshmen coeds. Rev. William Knoll to speak in College Chapel at 11 p.m. All College hike to Sliingletowo Gap. Leave at 2 p.m. in front of the Armory. Thespians Hold Tryouts For Fall Show Sunday Tryouts and rehearsals for the Thespians’ fall, show will get un der.way in Schwab Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, George L. Par rish, president of the Thespian Club, announced yesterday. Both freshmen and upperclass men who wish to try out for sing ing and dancing parts must report in the auditorium either Sunday or Monday nights. Although the date of the revue has been defin itely, set for November 1 and 2, fall houseparty weekend, the theme of the show has not been ser lected yet. Now Russian Courses Offered This Semester A three-credit course in Russian 1 and 2 will be offered to students this semesetr. Russian 1 will be given on Tuesday or Thursday I to 4 p.m. or 7 to 8:30 p.m. Russian 2. can be scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Both courses meet Tues day at 5 North Liberal Arts Build ing. Shigley Announces Confab Dr. James F. Shigley, professor of veterinary science yesterday announced the 58th annual meet ing of the Pennsylvania Veterin ary Medical Association, to .be held in Philadelphia today. Dr. Shigley is secretary of the group. Ho Collegian Tomorrow The next issue of The Daily Col legian will appear next Tuesday morning. Publication' this ' week was from Monday through Friday but in the future will be from Tuesday through Saturday.- i . ’ -- / THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATE COLLEGE • Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 194 ff New Marriage Course Offered For Firsf Time Psychology 416, a new three credit marriage .course, will be offered this semester for the first time during regular session, Clif ford R. Rose, instructor in psy chology, announced' yesterday. The course deals with the psy chology of marital. and home ad justments. It will be taught Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 a.m. Prerequisites are at least jun ior standing and six credits of psy chology or sociology. Engineering Talk Changed The first lecture in the ing lecture course will be given by Dean Harry, p. Hammond at 4:10 p.m. Friday, September 27, in Room 110 Electrical Engineer ing instead of in Room 121 Liberal' Arts as shown in the time table, Dean Hammon announced yester day. MORNINGSTAR BREAD Morningslar Bread is- fine for every purpose. It makes sandwiches that -are pleasing in taste and at the same time nourishing. And if you want crisp toast that fairly melts in your mouth this is the loaf for you. Morning Star, TnirWheat Purity Bread and Trophy Winner Cake.
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