I' 01« I i \ OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE VOL. 37—No. 1 Z 658 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1940 Record Freshman Class Will Boost Enrollment Frosh Number 1,575; Total Nears 7,500 The largest freshman class ever enrolled at the College, 1575 strong, will move onto. the Penn State campus next week and help give the College a record under graduate enrollment of 7,500. Figures released hy Registrar William S. Hoffman show the to tal undergraduate enrollment is likely-to be 300 ahead of last year with half of this increase made up in the freshman class. The rest will be made up by' admission with advanced standing. The freshman class of 1,575 re ported by Mr. Hoffman does not include more than 300 students who are expected to enroll at the four undergraduate centers operat ed by the College. Unde r a new arrangement, Mont Alto this year will have engineer ing as well as forestry students. Previously it had been restricted Estimated Enrollment* ' - • • 1939-40 1940-41 Total under graduate . Total campus, *' undergraduate 6,500 6,700 Total freshman.. 1,425 1,575 Total freshmen on campus ... 1,320 1,470 Mont Alto (freshmen) ... 105 105 Freshman women 320 345 ♦Prepared by Registrar William S. Hoffman. Does not include undergraduate centers in fresh man figures. to the latter who spent one year there and then transferred to State College. This year its en rollment will consist of 84 forestry freshmen and 21 engineering freshmen. Four undergraduate centers with unrestricted enrollment will be operated at Pottsville, Hazle (Continued on page 13) 25 Freshman Boys Are Awarded 4-Year Sears-Roebnck Scholarships The names of 25 boys who were awarded the Sears-Roebuck schol arships of $lOO for four-year courses in agriculture at the Col lege this fall were announced to day. Five others are to be select ed later, making a total of 30. The scholarships, amounting to $5O each semester, were offered only to farm boys who could not otherwise go to college, who ranked in the upper fifth of their graduating class in high school, •and who intend to return to the farm at the completion of their courses. The scholarship student who is most outstanding in his freshman year may receive an ad ditional sophomore scholarship of $2OO. The winners were chosen on the basis of, their records and the recommendations of four people, including bankers and county agents. The names of the boys are: Donald C. Carlton, Canaden sis; Jack Dolly, Fairfield; Ralph .Edgar Dotterer, R. D., Mill Hall; ■feonut Delay! Subscribe Islow A^il. la The New Daily Collesian Dr. Ralph Dorn Hetzel, presi dent of the College, is in his 15th year here. Under his administra tion the College has almost dou bled its enrollment and its physi cal plant. For information which he has released on the draft see column one. . '" You Can Have a Car 7,200 7,500 —for 25 Cents Students will be allowed to own and operate automobiles on the campus again this year, according to Captain William V. Dennis of the Campus Patrol. A permit, as usual, will be re quired." Applications for permits may be made at the patrol office in Room 320, Old Main. All students —.undergraduates, special, and graduate-must have their applications signed by their parents or guardians unless the applicant is 21 years of age or over. The acceptance of the permit will entitle the student to a license plate and a card for which there is a charge of 25 cents. Irvin Ralph Fisher, Woodrow; Clarence William Friedline, Que Creek; Anthony George Gismondi, S. Shope street, Mount Pleasant; Michael Graznak, Greensboro; William R. Junick, R. D. 2, Mount Pleasant; Russell LaVeme Jones, Warren Center; James Kenneth Kinney, R. D. 2, Holbrook; Samuel Dewey Lewis, R. D. 1, Craneville; Ray William Reitz, R. D. 2, Fried ens; James A. Romberger, Pitman; Marvin L. Sanders, R. D. 2, Mif flin town j William Charles Shoe maker, Canton; Raymond J. Stockdale, R. D. 1, Holbrook; John Emil Withrow, R. D. 2, Canons burg; Elwood Henry, Borger, R. D. 2, Northampton; Robert Lee Cowan, R. D. 2, Beaver Falls; Walter Freeman Gard, R. D. 5, Towanda; Samuel Edgar Landis, Sugarloaf; Earl Joseph Long, Box 83, R. D. 1, Patton; Hhrold C. Nei bert, R. D. 3, Waynesboro; Clif ford McClane Painter, Indepen dence; Harry Louis Wytock, Glen Rock. Penn State's Pi rexy Directory to Special Introductory Issue FIRST SECTION legian answers that (Page 7.) A new curricula is in store for freshman The Daily Collegian introduces itself, an- 2ng ineers (Page 15) .. . Student government goes nounces a special combination rate, and tells of unc j er the microscope (Page 16.) its plans to choose a queen (Pages 1 and 10) . . . SECOND SECTION Registrar Hoffman predicts new enrollment The Qld Main mural w ;n ge t special lighting peaks (Pages 1 and 13) . . About the draft, fig- ( p age d . . . Confessed murderer faces trial ures and fancy (Page 1 and 3.) Be sure to lead (p age i) .. . Fraternity pledging index swings the new daily column, Current Comment U p warc j (Page 2) .. . Customs ready for shiver (Page 3.) jjjg tt-Qsh (Page 3.) Women’s activities are explained for freshmen Sports. Football prospects bright (Page 4) . . . coeds in a four-page section (Pages 4 to 7.) . . . Lion boxer beats two champions, goes uncrown- Dean Ray reports on bright prospects of campus ed (Page 6) . . . Complete fall sports schedule romance (Page 6) .. . What to wear? The Col- (Page 8). 1 Buildings Open, Lack Equipment Classes in the Water Tower and classes in the sheep barn —these became a thing of the past with the recent announcement that the 11 new buildings erected under a $5,000,000 General State Author ity program will be ready for oc cupancy at the start of the first semester on September 18. Equipping of the structures how ever, is only 45 per complete according to Samuel K. Hostetter, assistant to the president in charge of business and finance. Plans call for $612,000 worth of equipment to be installed alto gether. This, however, will not prevent use of the buildings, as nearly all the fixed equipment is in place. Materials yet to come are mostly movable ones—desks, chairs, ta bles, microscopes, typewriters, and similar fixtures. Hardest hit by the lag in equipping will be the Chemistry and Physics Building and Frear Laboratory. Large Lab Sections This will necessitate enlarging sections in some laboratory classes Ray V. Watkins, scheduling offi cer, said yesterday; However, he added, conditions will “definitely not be crowded .” Books, magazines and all other contents of the. Library have been moved to the new building. The old tables, and chairs are being used but will be replaced under the present program. The use to which the old library building will be put has not yet been decided but extensive re modeling will be started .within the next two months. One possi bility is that journalism and mu sic offices, now in Old Main, may be moved to the remodeled struc (Conlinued on page 13) Fraternities Set To Start Rushing See rushing data on page two, second section. An intensive eight-day rushing season which may see as many as 400 freshmen pledged by the 47 fraternities represented at the College will officially get .under way at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday. In the keynote of the rushing season, H. Edward Wagner ’4l, Interfratemity Council president, yesterday urged all freshmen to know before they arrive on cam pus whether they want to join fra ternities and not to sign rooming contracts if they are going to join fraternities. Wagner urged that the abbre viated season will make it neces sary .for the freshman to know at once whether he is going to join a fraternity and urged students to discuss this with their parents be fore coming to State College. • Freshmen who are likely to join fraternities should not sign long term rooming contracts, Wagner said, but should get rooms which the landladies want to rent only for rushing season. The number of fraternities is one short of last year, Beta Kap pa having disbanded during the summer. The Beta Kappa house at 413 E. Beaver avenue will be occupied instead by Beaver House, a local fraternity group, formerly on South Frazier street. Draft May Take As Few As 14 State Students 'Education a Patriotic Dufy/ Roosevelt Says . The following statement to American students was issued last month by President Roose velt: “Reportshave reached me that some young people who have planned to enter college this fall, as well as a number of those who attended college last year, are intending to interrupt their education at this time be cause they feel it is more patri otic to work in a shipyard or to enlist in the Army or Navy, than it is to attend college. Such a decision would be unfortunate. “We must have well-educated and intelligent citizens who have sound judgment in dealing with •the difficult problems of today. “We must also have scientists, engineers, economists and other people with specialized knowl edge to plan and to build for national defense as for social and economic progress. ‘•‘Young people should be ad vised that it is their' patriotic duty to continue the normal course of their education unless and until they are called so that they will be well prepared for greatest usefulness to their coun try. . “They will be promptly noti fied if they are needed for an other patriotic service. (Signed) Franklin. D. Roosevelt.” O'Brien Is Arbitrator Joseph F. O’Brien, associate professor of public speaking, has been elected to the panel of ar itrators of the American Arbitra tion Association. The arbitrators assist in adjusting industrial dis putes. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Local $2.50 ONE YEAR Mailed $3.25 Please enter my subscription for The Daily Collegian. NAME ADDRESS. CHECK FOR ($2.50)—(53.25) ENCLOSED Special Combination Offer $5.50. (See story above) Hope Is Offered By Council On Education See "Current Comment" on Page 3 Fears that a national military draft will deplete the enrollments of American colleges and univer sities and disrupt the education of thousands of students have been minimized in a report by the Am erican Council on Education in Washington, D. C. _ 1 In a report on higher education and national defense, the council gives figures which, when applied to Penn State, show that as few as 14 Penn State students are likely to be affected by the first call. If, as has been suggested, a first draft on October 1 should call 100,000 men, only one man out of every 120 within the draft age limit of 21 to 31 would have to report for duty, the report shows. Enrolled at Penn State last year were 1,747 men (out of 4,770) who fell within the draft age limits. On the basis of these figures and the 1-120 ratio, only 14 Penn State men would be affected by the first call. Other proposals may further limit the number of Penn State students affected. The report of the American Council on Educa tion says it is probable that ad vanced ROTC students will not be registered and will be consid ered on a par with the army re serve. If seniors are exempted, as has been suggested, last year’s figures indicate that the list of Penn State eligibles would be halved. Figures released by Dr. Ralph D. Hetzel, president of the College, (Continued on page 3) Daily Collegian Will Choose Queen Collegian’s annual drive for sub scribers takes on a new note and hew intensity this year as it begins daily publication for the first time. Highlighting the drive which is scheduled to begin next Thursday will be a competition to select three campus queens and from them a Collegian Queen who will reign at the Collegian dance on Friday, October 11, the first time freshmen will be allowed to date. Free dance tickets and a chance to select the queen will go with each subscription. Rates, as an nounced last spring, will be the same for The Daily Collegian as for the semi-weekly Penn State Collegian'which it succeeds. Delivered before breakfast in State College, the Collegian costs (Continued on page 10)
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