Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 29, 1928, Image 3

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    Tuesday, May 29, 1928
Win Ten' of Thirteen Matches
ream Country Club Team
By Decisise Scores
Winning ten of the thirteen match
-09 played, Penn State's golf squad
found little trouble disposing of the
Centre lifts country club team on the
College links Saturday afternoon. The
Nittany linksinen emerged victorious
by a 11-S score in the final contest pf
the season.
Cant= Bunting, of Penn State,
had the low medal score of the after
noon, shooting the muse In 77
,holes Hugo Bezdok Ji . of the
Centre Bins team, and ll Vernon
Filtchman, of the College team, fol
lowed Bunting, each tut mng in a card
of 79.
The first tiro matches, mhtch ended
even-op on the eighteenth green, were
probably the most closely fought bat
tles of the afternoon In the first en
counter, Claude Arkens and Hugo
Bev<lek Jr , representing the country
club, held Captain Bunting and Earl
Iferritt during the first nine so that
they were Oren up at the turn The
tight playing continued throughout
the second nine, resulting in an even
match hutchman and Leonard, play
ing in the second match, gained an
advantage of trio up during the first
nine user Smith and Stuart, of Centre
Hills, but the country club parr staged
Many of the contests ended with
huge mai gins for the Penn State golf
s. In the thud match, Longenecker
and Jackson.. tinned in a mole of S
up ores Stodilai t and Keeler, of Cen,
be Hills The fourth match result
ed in a 7 up victmy for the Nittany
Icons when Day and Adelson won
flour Ray Smith and _William Glenn.
Immediately follow ing the match
the lettei men elected Hai Ty V. Fritch
man '29, captain foe the coming gem.
Trackmen Place Third
In Annual IC-4A Meet
(Continued from first page)
1-.l‘ line in the half-mile race seven
yeids behind Phil Edney's, negro
undo star from New York university.
Ednaids' time was 1 minute, 58 4-5
seconds, giving the New Yolk institu
tion its hilt title in the fifty-tsso years
or T C. 4-A install,
- Milan, Tlurd in Furlong
Red Frlkins, Penn State's only other
point-gatherer, secured a third place
in the finals of the 230. yard dash.
The furlong went was captured by
Ray Maibuti, Syracuse track and
mullion luminary and winner of the
quarter-mile race, In 22 1-2 seconds,
with Rockwell of Princeton second.
Penn State's tinek and field repre
sentatives were eleven points behind
then score of last year in the inter
colleguttes The Lion contingent took
second honors in the 1927 I. C
meet with to enty-seven tallies.
Stanford's Second Victor
Fast place in the inteicolleguite
games gate Leland Stanton] its sec
ond successive srctory in I C 4-A.
competition, and maths the seventh
tune in eight years that a California
team has won the title Stnnfoid's
sweep was the result of gloat
strength in field events and a few
scattered corder lutists. First places
wale scored in the running high jump,
shot put, discus throw and 120-yard
high }ndies Stanford's blond lump
cis placed second and third, het jave
lin thioueis thud and fourth, twu
shot putters second and fifth while
hei pole vaulter tied for second place.
Bad weather pi evented the estab
lishment of any new records on Sat
m day. The non intercollegiate marka
'Much ',sere set by Erie lirenz of
There Hill be a Clang° meeting 1.
100 Holt at 'even-fifteen tonight. A)
membeis ale urged to be present
Final distribution of Commenceme
n ogtams rail be made tonight, at C.
p from seven until nine o'clock
117 Frazier Street
This Space Reserved
Quality Shop
Stanford in the discus throw and the
shot put and by Al Bates in the run
ning broad jump Finlay remained un
altei ed.
Kienr and Ray Balbuti were the
only double wmneis of the contest
Kiens captured the discus and shot
put honors while Batbuti emerged
victorious in the quartet-mile and
220•yatd zaces. Barbutt in a remit:
able exhibition tallied two-thuds of
Ss] lICUSeN points.
All point scalers in the I C. 4-A.
meet ate eligible to try tot a berth
on the team which will represent the
United States at the Olympic games
this summer.
Noted Educator Will
Deliver Address Here
(Continued from first page)
among educators throughout tic
m Id.
Conducts Experimental College
After resigning front the piesidency
of Amherst, Di. Aleiklmohn went to
the 'travelog; of Wisconsin to as
sume the position of clean of the es
peinnental college, an educational ex
!liniment conceived by the officers of
: that institution Since taking change
of this division, he has attracted na
tion-wide attention through the wo.k
rained on under his supervision
Dr Illeiklejohn received his A. B
degree from Brown Univeisiy in 1893
and his M A degree from the same
institution in 1895. From 1897 until
1906, he served successively as in
structor, associate professor and pro
fessor at Blown unnersity. Ile is a
member of the Ammican Philosophic
al society, the American Psychology
association, besides being a membei
of Plo Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and
Theta Delta Clu.
College To Observe
Memorial Day Rites
(Continued from first pogo)
National Salute and Taps complete
the events on the piogiam
Cadets To Parade
In accordance with a custom of
many years standing and in compli
ance with the administrative author
ity of the College, the It 0 T C unit
will assemble on the dull field at nine
retook to par ticipate in the exercises.
The cadet corps sial file from the
point of assembly, headed by the mili
tary hand, and parade through the
streets of the town.
Seve h tal stoups of cadets visited
realby cemeteries to act as firing
squads yesterday and Sunday and a
number AIR go today and tomorrow.
LOST—Va.anty of Watts Hall, Wal
thnm wrist catch, blown strap,
white gold case. Mader please cal
Dibney, - 111iddld, atts - Hall" Canto-.
Ilklett lia ®r Ifi
with every pur,haso
this charmingDalnty
Powder Sifter, In a
lovely satiny-silver
finish. Convenient
for your hand bag.
• Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Rexall Drug Store Robert J. Miller Allen Street
Ito start the ninth frame Cy Lun
gren lined a clean iingle to tenter
an tithe Lions' hope for victory bright- WANTED—To buy second-band small
ened. The stocky first baseman stole I
tai Write box . lit. 8010 ltp
1 second base on the fi rst ball pitched_
(Continued from first page) to Delp. He scored the winning run W VNTED—By man and wife. A po
caused Disney to foul out to Captain al
r. second later when, with the count son in fiatmnity house \Vt de
connectee balls and two sti ikes, Gem ge Box 111, Heeds , . rile, Pa. 5--29-2tp
Harrington, who took Lesl,o's pint,'
d for his fourth single of the
as backstop. The latter was shiftedLOST—Tcey chain with Montgomery's
to right field because of a split finger dal, a sharp blow between first and
plate No 27 or 28, ten or twelve)
second base
'AMC". .1 in practice Less attached Finder call Dm I.
at 108 ltp
Baseball Team Wins
From Lebanon Valley
Coach Mylan's sluggers continued
their scoring act, ales and nicked
Vun Att.t for too mole tuns in the
fifth inning. Went: opened up with i
a sharp single to center and Bendlgo
tins hit by a pitched ball Pieta foie- I
ed Wentz at thud and Zappe filled'
the bases when Going° Delp mulled
his short fly Plmsol Sluiced Bendigo
at home but Mehl and Zappia count
ed when Snydet singled to tight field.
The Mttany'sluggets collected too
successiue hits in the fourth flame
but ame held scaleless In a snappy I
double play on the pint of Lebanon ,
Valley's infield Again in the seuenth
too safe blows oent to oust° Delp
and Jacobson gemmed singles but
e left shinnied when their mates
either popped out of fanned. A sting
mg home lan into tight field by Ben
digo in the smenth inning tied the
score at fine all
Delp Wins Game
Dobbelaat tolled out to second base
Some call it mellowness ...
SOME say that Camel is the mellowest eiga- that money can buy, and a blending that
retie ever made. Some that it's mild and spares neither time nor expense. Each
smooth. It's really all good things in one, Camel cigarette is as full of value as the
and that is .nliy it is supreme upon the world of tobacco can give.
pinnacle of modern favor. Camel's pope- You can be sure of 'smoking pleasure,
larity today is the largest that any cigarette serene and full, in these quality cigarettes.
e% cr had
And, it costs something to
,makc this kind =vet: tire the
of a smoke. It costs the choicest tobaccos '"lldve a Camel!"
Spring Clearance Sale
$3.95 $3.95 to $4.95 $16121.5848.50
A large from " l ee t T a Tower and Saner
v e r proof
to pick fro in the uniind , i
in y ellow Shower
popular shades and a All
designs the makers of Trent
Values to SG 10 Trent-Tossers l oner Clothes
SUITS voles In $31.00
TUXEDOES $22.50 to $27.50
and ,Flannel Trousers
All dress near great- 910 537 Just the thing to
ly reduced for Value Value near nail your Illa -
"TIIE Gil tD" I-Pieces er-51.91 to SIX/
Smoke all of them you-want; they simply
Tuesday, May 29
to June 9
207. Reduction
On everything
A Splendid
at Penn State